Chapter four: careful

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Larry's P.O.V

I waited a few minutes to see if (Y/N) would stir in her sleep. She's always been a heavy sleeper.

"She's so cool" I said out loud and looked at her, watching her breathe gently.

"What you like her or something?" Sal teased and I rolled my eyes.

"Nah, not anymore" I responded casually. He quickly sat up on his elbows and looked at me.

"You used to...?" He had a little sadness in his voice as he asked this and I raised my eyebrows at him.

"We dated for a bit, long before she moved" I admitted "nothing was really different. We just kissed a few times and made out every once and awhile. Her and I agreed it's kinda pointless, and that we were just chill with being friends. Totally platonic now"

Sal nodded his heads, seemingly relieved and was quiet for a small moment. It looked like he was contemplating something.

"Is she a good kisser?" He asked in a whisper.

I smirked and thought. "Yeah she's pretty good, definitely the best so far...Why, you thinkin' bout making out with her or something?" I teased

"W-what no! Shut it!" Sal scolded me quietly "it was just a question dude"

I laughed and started cleaning up my paint a bit "I know I know, chill"

He totally is crushing hard.

My paintbrushes looked like they were drying so I told him I'd be back, and went to the bathroom

As I cleaned the brushes I started to think.

I never really thought about it but (Y/N) was actually a great girlfriend. She like, has this thing about her that I don't see in most girls.

She's just kind in all the right ways but will stand up for the ones around her and the ones she loves. She definitely doesn't put up with the bullshit she gets from shitty people, but she's also soft.

She's a gentle girl, with so much potential. She's not confident 100% of the time, but she's so strong.

Sal could really use someone like her. And truthfully they'd be great together.

Ash is a great person, don't get me wrong. I just... Know they could really make each other happy.

"Hey Sal I-" I said entering the room. I stopped myself as I looked up and saw Sal laying next to (Y/N), eyes shut under the mask. He seemed comfortable and all around at peace as he breathed gently with her.

They both slept happily, so I took it upon myself and I grabbed a blanket to put over them. Looking at the time I laughed seeing it was only 6pm. How in the world could they take naps at this time?

Sal rolled a bit and he moved just a little closer to her. I could tell that he was very much enjoying his nap by the way he cuddled against her without intention.

A small smile grew on my face. "Gross"

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I yawned as my eyes fluttered open. What was I doing sleeping? And why is it dark out?

My eyes adjusted as I saw bright blue hair lay in front of me.


He just fell asleep next to me, and he's still passed the hell out.

I pursed my lips to the side and reached up slowly, not to wake him. I let my hands touch his soft hair and I ran my hands through them. It was therapeutic to me.

I don't know what it was about him but being with him was just. Comfortable.

"(Y/N)?" Sal said sleepily. His voice was rougher and lower than when he was wide awake. I pulled my hand back a bit, apologizing profusely under my breath. This caused him to reach up and take my wrist, placing it gently back onto his head. "Dont apologize, I liked it"

I could feel my cheeks heat up the smallest bit as I continued to play with his hair. I could tell he was being put back to sleep by my actions and it made me smile.

This felt right, and I wasn't sure why.

I continued this until I heard a small knock on the door. Sal was now awake more and groggily sitting up. Lisa then walked in and greeted us all

Including Larry, who I didn't realize was sitting right over in his chair and could see and hear everything that just happened.

"Oh look at you three having so much fun together!" She clapped her hands together wiping an imaginary tear from her face "so precious to have all of you in one room! I just wanted to say that I've made dinner and you two can stay and eat if you would like!"

She left the room and Larry got up, "I'm not sure about you guys but I'm going to have a good ass meal, you guys coming?"

Sal released himself from the blanket we were under and sighed "I should probably get back and all. Gizmo needs me, and my dad probably wants to have dinner with me"

I sat up and wiped my eyes tiredly and yawned.

"I'll see you guys around" he said and left quickly, with a small wave.

"See ya dude"

It was silent for a moment before Larry sat down beside me and put his arm around my shoulders. "Hey from one guy to a girl, be careful okay? Sals great I just want to make sure you're good. Especially with Ashley being in his interests too. Just. Be careful"

He squeezed me tight and went out to the kitchen to get his food.

I felt almost dizzy from the whole idea of Sal.

He's right though, I don't want to get my hopes up high. Sal is really just a friend as of right now and that's what he will be unless he ever wants to change that.

And I'm okay with that.

As long as Sal is happy, then I'm happy as well.

Suddenly, the smell of fresh lasagna hit my nose and I jumped up excitedly. Lisa always knew how to make the best lasagna.

"Lisa this smells so good, just like I remember!" I laughed grabbing a plate and a fork.

She gave me a wide smile "you're too kind (Y/N), eat up! Definitely my favorite to make so there will be a ton of leftovers!"

I sat next to Larry and he elbowed me playfully, making me lose the lasagna on my fork.

"You dick!" I squealed and shoved him back, making him laugh hard as he almost fell out of his seat.

Lisa just watched with the same big smile, letting us tease each other and bicker like the two old friends we were.

fall for you (Sally Face x Reader) BOOK ONE, COMPLETE (book two continues here)Where stories live. Discover now