Chapter five: feels good

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

"So you're telling me Todd's parents grow and sell this stuff?" I asked curiously, staring at the blunt Larry rolled.

"Yeah man, his dad gave me a whole ass discount! Says since I'm such good friends with his son, I deserve it" Larry responded, finishing the process and taking a lighter out from his pocket. He inhaled the smoke and started coughing wildly, trying his best not to be too loud.

"Have you ever smoked before?" Sal questioned, looking over to me.

I shook my head and took it from Larry, repeating the same steps he had taken. I was coughing hard trying to breathe but only feeling pain in my lungs. "Are you going to?" I wondered.

"Nah, addiction runs in my family or whatever. I've mainly swore off alcohol and I know this kind of thing isn't directly addictive but i don't want to risk it" he leaned back into his hands.

"I respect that" I said as I handed the small rolled piece of paper back to Larry.

We passed it a few times and for awhile I wasn't really feeling anything. I couldn't tell if it was working so I sat there and tried to notice any changes.

I looked at Larry and his eyes were glossy and red as hell. I started laughing at him, cause of how dumb he looked, but I couldn't stop. He soon joined in with the laughter.

It felt strange. Almost as if I was looking in from a distance but I was really just right there.

"How do you feel?" Sal asked giggling at the way we were acting.

"Everything feels so quiet and far away" I stated "it's so weird"

"You're high as hell" Sal concluded and poked my side.

"Hey! No, you!" I poked him back with a really big smile on my face.

Larry looked at both of us "You guys are children" he laughed, sinking into the beanbag chair comfortably.

I laid on the ground and shut my eyes "it feels really good right now. I want to. Just exist"

I opened my eyes to see Sal staring down at me, to which he laid beside me. "I want to just exist with you"

My smile couldn't leave my face after I heard that. My hand instinctively found his and we loosely held hands.

His hands were bigger than mine and it felt as if they almost fit perfectly. My heart was beating faster and it was almost as if I could hear it.

I haven't held hands with someone in a very long time, but I don't remember it feeling this intense. Maybe it was because I was high, I couldn't tell.

I know he has a crush on his friend Ash but I can't help liking this. It was all so subtle with him, never upfront and forward. He was always so gentle and kind. I needed this in my life.

"I wonder what sex would be like stoned" Larry remarked, breaking the good moment into pieces. My hand left Sals and I sat up, staring at him. "It probably is so good"

"Honestly, probably!" I admitted.

Sal took a moment to sit up before he sighed and shook his head. "To think Larry was horny enough while he was sober, now he's just. Worse"

"Hey, you don't have to point it out!" Larry sniffled, pretending to be hurt.

"Aw I'm sorry Larry" Sal cooed apologetically. He stood up and went to Larry hugging him.

I watched as Larry received the hug and I could tell how much they meant to each other. Larry really did rely on Sal to give him the strength he needed, and Sal looked up to him more than anything. Weirdly that came to my mind when they joked about how horny Larry is.

fall for you (Sally Face x Reader) BOOK ONE, COMPLETE (book two continues here)Where stories live. Discover now