Flash from the Past(Editing)

By Be_you-ti-ful

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A young woman named Briana had her 22nd birthday at a bar. She woke up the next day after passing out in unfa... More

Chapter One: Introduction
Chapter Two: Flash from the Past
Chapter Three: Is this the Real life? Or just Fantasy?
Chapter Four: Waking up from a Nightmare
Chapter Five: Meeting John Deacon
Chapter Six: When I was Sixteen
Chapter Seven: Of course Things Could get Worse
Chapter Eight: Wish
Chapter Nine: Don't look Back
Chapter Ten: Roommates
Chapter Eleven: Living on the Edge
Chapter Twelve: Fancy seeing you Here
Chapter Thirteen: You like Him
Chapter Fifteen: Bringin On The Heartbreak
Chapter Sixteen: Don't Stand So Close To Me

Chapter Fourteen: Is this a Date?

33 6 0
By Be_you-ti-ful

I look like hell! I took my hair down from a ponytail and the headband to let my bangs fall forward. I ruffled up my hair a bit so it wouldn't look too unkempt.

"Nice look," Roger said with a chuckle.

"Oh be quiet!" I exclaimed with an eye roll and a smirk.

"Could I come in? It's cold."

"I don't know you look cute with your nose bright pink. Maybe I'll leave you outside."

"You wouldn't, I'll drag you out here."

I laughed. He grabbed my hands and pulled me out the door. I fell into his arms.

"You b****rd!" I giggled through his coat. I tilted my head up and slapped him lightly on the head. We laughed together as my bare feet were growing numb.

"Fine, you win, come on in." I sighed teasingly.

Roger and I came inside, I shut the door behind him. My heart started thumping loudly. We're the only ones here.

"How do you know where I live?" I asked skeptically.

"Savannah told me," Roger explained, shrugging his shoulders and then smiling cutely.

"What are you doing here?"

"I want to ask you a few things..."

I felt the mood change drastically.

I stayed silent.

"It's about...you leaving.".

I knew it bothered him. I winced, knowing this would come up soon. I knew this wasn't going to be a lovely conversation.

"Why? Why did you leave?" He pleaded. His smile was long gone.

I felt guilty, I stared at my toes.

"It's.... complicated."

I heard him sigh. I didn't want to anger him.

"Please tell me."

Struggling to find the correct way to reply I felt tears stinging the back of my eyeballs.

"Why do you care?"

Roger went silent, I think I pushed it too far. I glanced up at him, he seemed worried. The sparkle from his eyes went dull.

"I-" I managed to say before he cut me off.

"You scared me!" His voice rose in outrage, "I looked for you, I talked to Brian..."

My body stood still like a statue.

"I couldn't stay....with you." I managed to say through a stiff face.

He looked hurt so I quickly added,

"I needed to be independent, I couldn't stay forever."

"Without telling me!" Roger yelled.

"I'm sorry," I whispered, darting my eyes everywhere by him but not him. "I know you're upset with me and I know it will take time to forgive me. Then I glanced up, staring into his big blue eyes, " But I regret it."

I was afraid I was going to cry.

Roger went over to me and cupped my jaw in his hands.

"I care about you, do you know that?"

I closed my eyes, feeling a teardrop slide down my cheek.

"Uh-" Before I could tell him, Savannah walked in through the door.

Sav's Point of View

Finally, I reached my flat after a long day of work. I walked in and saw the back of Roger's beautiful blond waves. He and Briana stared at me with astonishment. I noticed his hands were on her cheek. Were they--?

"'Ello, Savannah." Roger greeted. My breath caught short.

"Hi, did I walk into something?"

"Not at all. We were talking."

So they weren't kissing. I was hoping they were because they were meant for each other. She needs a man's love.

I laughed,

"At first I thought you two were snogging!"

Briana blushed while Roger had an amused look in his eyes. I decided I needed to give these two some alone time.

"What a busy day at work," I started, "I'm going to the bedroom. See you later Briana!" I winked at her knowingly.

Her mouth dropped open before she waved and smiled meekly while Roger told me goodnight.


Sav went to her bedroom after seeing us. She thought Roger and I were kissing! My face flushed at that thought. I would love to, but how could I think such a thing at such bad timing?

"I need to go." Roger explained, "Freddie is going to raise hell for me being gone for so long." Then he chuckled.

His eyes glanced at my mouth and he bit his lower lip.

"Could I pick you up tomorrow?"

"Um...yes?" I answered confused.

"See you later, goodnight."

"You too. Goodnight."

I stood there in the living room in a daze even long after he left.

I was getting ready for Roger to pick me up. He left in a hurry last night and forgot to tell me when he would be there. He called me around 7:00 in the morning and told me he would be here about 10:00.

Sav was giving me a hard time for taking forever in the bathroom to put on makeup. She barged into the room.

"Trying to look good for a special someone." She beamed.

I saw her reflection in the mirror while I was putting on lipstick.


"You're blushing!" She squealed.

"Am not!" I repudiated.

"Don't deny it, I can see right through you."

I smirked and rolled my eyes.

"Can I try to look good without you thinking I'm trying to impress someone?"

"A particular person to be exact." She giggled, "Can I do your hair?!"

"If you want." I chuckled, "You're acting like this is a date."

"It might!" She sang while taking a handful of my hair.

"Savannah...." I shook my head gently and gazed at my reflection. I couldn't do too much head movement without her pulling my hair. Ouch!

"I'm going to put it up in a cute bun!"

Her long painted nails glided along my scalp. I never knew having someone else's hands in your hair felt so relaxing.

About twenty minutes went by when she was done.

"What do you think?" Sav squealed, handing me over a hand mirror so I could see the back.

"I love it!" I gasped, "Thank you." I got up from the chair and hugged her.

A car honked right on time.

"Good luck!" She shouted out as I went out the door.

I opened the front door to see Roger in his car, waiting for me. He rolled down the window and grinned. Large sunglasses were covering his eyes and his arm resting on the steering wheel while turning his body 3\4 of the way to see me.

"Hi Briana, are you ready?"

"Yes." I breathed.

He laughed,

"Then what are you doing?"

I noticed I hadn't left the porch. I was staring at him the whole time. I dashed over to the passenger door. I was shocked when he leaned over the passenger seat to open the door for me.

"That lazy to get out of the car to open it for me properly?" I teased, pulling myself up.

He just shrugged it off before starting the ignition.

"You look beautiful." He spoke after I shut the door.

"Thank....you." I blushed, "You too."

"What? I'm beautiful?" He laughed.


"I don't know if I should take that as a compliment or not. After all, I do get mistaken as a woman."

My thoughts of him dressed in drag in the 80s popped into my head.

"What?" He questioned, "You're smiling."

"Oh, nothing."

We pulled out from the driveway and were on the road.

"I grew a beard in the 60s because I was f***ing tired of people mistaking me as a woman."

I laughed,

"You grew facial hair?"

"Yup, is that a bad thing?" He turned to me, a bit off.

"Rog, I'm not making fun of you. You're perfect just the way you are."

My face grew hot. Did I just say that?

I caught him off guard, and he smiled.

"Thanks. You are too."

Everything fell silent. All I could hear was the car's motor. He turned to stare for a moment too long.

He swerved off the road.

"Roger! Watch the road!"

He put his attention back on what was in front of him and almost ran into a ditch. Lights flashed before my eyes, and my hand clenched to my heart. I heard his laughter fill in.

"What's so funny?" I gasped for breaths.

"Oh, your expression is priceless!"

"It's not funny! Oh my gosh, you know you could have damaged what means to you."

"What are talking about?"

"Your car silly." I giggled a little, "you're in love with it."

Got a feel for my automobile.

"I do." He chuckled, "You're not wrong."

Roger and I arrived at the studio to meet up with the rest of the band. I felt unsure about meeting them all together.

I saw Freddie lighting up a cigarette while Brian and Deaky were tuning their guitar strings. It felt like old times.

"Look who's here" Roger announced to the others.

All of them discontinued what they were doing to see me. Hellos and hi's were thrown at me and I greeted them back. All of them seemed off...

"Are they alright?" I leaned over to whisper into Roger's ear.

"Uh...yes just tired."

I nodded and sat on the couch with him. I felt foreign yet even untouchable, I knew I didn't belong there. I feel like this is all an illusion. I do love this time together with Roger but I feel like I'm getting the cold shoulders from the others.

Even though my joy has been squeezed out dry like a fruit, Roger makes me feel happy, I believe now that he cares about me. The group happened to like me too, but if they're mad at me for leaving abruptly, I don't blame them.

They started writing for their next album. Roger told me all about it on the way over here. They haven't thought about the album name yet, but I knew it was Sheer Heart Attack.

Why did he bring me over if they were just going to write?

I want to find a time when Brian was not too busy so I could ask him about time travel. But the chance is very slim. Would he be able to help me?

Would he be willing to?

Roger's Point of View

Briana is catching on that Freddie, Brian, and John are giving her the cold shoulders. It's p***ing me off that they just can't accept who I care for.

I could barely concentrate on my song lyrics with the disconnected atmosphere filling the room. I went over to drink. I happened to concentrate better on my writing when drunk.

As time went on I noticed she had fallen asleep over the arm of the sofa. I felt bad, I wasn't expecting to be here this long.

"Roger, what the h**l is wrong with you?"

I heard Freddie's voice in front of me.

I snapped up to look at him. He glared at me with his arms crossed.

"I should ask you the same thing." I heard myself say.

"What kind of s**t are you throwing at me?"

"Don't even start." I heard Brian.

"Why are you guys jumping on my case for!" I yelled.

I saw Briana wake up startled.

I got off the couch and marched over to them.

"Explain yourself!"

"Would it be better to say it away from Briana?" John spoke.

I sneered at him. What the f*** is their problem?

"Let's go into the bathroom," Freddie instructed.

"What is this? A make-out session?" I laughed forcefully.

Freddie didn't say anything as I had to squeeze myself into a tiny bathroom with them.

"What now Fred!" I screamed, "I demand a reason!"

"First of all why did you bring her over!?"

"Should I have a reason!? I care about her!"

"Care about her enough to get drunk while she falls asleep? Yeah, I see what you mean." Deaky rolled his eyes.

"I can't drink? I wasn't expecting to be here this long! I wanted to take her somewhere afterward! Sorry if I'm not the perfect person in a relationship like you!

"I'd never said that," John muttered bitterly, "I'm not going to be in here stuck in the same room as you, hearing nothing but nonsense out of your mouth."

"That's fine!" I shouted, "Let me f***ing explain myself before we leave. I didn't decide to be between this bulls*** either! Now I want to ask why all of you are ignoring her?"

They stayed quiet, I knew I had them.

"Do you hate her?"

"No, we don't Roger," Freddie explained calmly, "We just feel like she betrayed you and is distracting your mind from work. You are not yourself."

"I guess we could give her a chance," Brian admitted.

"I'm fine, I just want to be with her."

"Do you truly like her?" Freddie asked.

"I don't know....we haven't dated. She doesn't know I care about her in that way. I don't even know if she feels that same way."

"Alright." Brian said, "We will give her another chance."

Everyone calmed down eventually. And I want to keep it that way.


I woke up from dozing off to Roger and the bandmates arguing. He seemed just as confused as me.

The group's fighting was all distant and muffled through the closed bathroom door. I tried to not let it get to me. They fight all the time.

I pretended to be busy putting on my coat when I could eavesdrop on their conversation. Things seemed to calm down when I got the chance to hear something.

"Do you truly like her?" I heard Freddie's voice come out faint.

Who? Josephine? I thought he was attracted to someone else.

My chest ached. Part of me felt relieved but the other part made me feel...shattered. I can't catch feelings for Roger anymore than I already do. I need to find my way home very soon. Leaving Roger would be like giving away your pet; the longer you stall your time with them, the more difficult the separation would be.

"Briana?" Roger asked me as he left the bathroom, "Are you ready to leave? I apologize, I wasn't expecting to be here for this long."

I was still half-asleep when he described the plan. I yawned and nodded. He asked about the coat and I told him I was cold which was part of the truth.

Roger and I were in his car. I felt uncomfortable and so did he.

"So...um...do you want something to eat?"

"Sure, I can eat." I smiled, my sleepy, heavy eyelids gazing at him.


Roger's Point of View

I snuck a few short glances at Briana's tired face as we drove over to one of my favorite restaurants. She seems so peaceful like an angel.

I was hoping all my worth that she didn't hear anything that was going on between the conversation with me and the boys. I rest my arm lazily on the steering wheel.

When you two arrived, Roger had to shrug your shoulder to wake you. He listened to your breaths which he thought were so delicate and soft. Basorexia took over his mind, he tried to shake off the desire. He feared you would wake up and punch him.

Your eyes fluttered open after a few attempts he made to wake you up He savored the imagery of your eyes twinkling.

"Hi sleepy." He said, smoothly.


"Um, we're here. Are you ready?"



I climbed out of the car to walk inside the restaurant with Roger. It felt strange eating out with him, just the two of us. It felt like a...date.

He smiled at me as we sat at a table. I felt unease, sitting across from him at a small rectangular table. There would be no one to interrupt us, just me and him awkwardly starting a conversation.

I opened up my menu pamphlet to avoid small talk. I was relieved to see the waiter come to our table.

"What could I get you two for a drink?"

"I'll have a beer, how about you Bree?" Roger spoke, looking in my direction.

Did he just give me a nickname?

"Uh-uh," I flustered, "water is just fine."

The waiter nodded while writing down our order in his notepad.

"Are you ready to order or need some more time?"

"I'm ready," Roger said, "but she needs more time."

He took a glimpse at me and grinned.

"Very good," the waiter nodded after writing down Roger's order, "I'll be back with you."

I felt my heart clench as we were alone again.

Help me

"Have you ever been here?" He started, giving me strong eye contact.

Does he notice how much his eyes affect me?

"No I haven't." my voice trembled.

"It's a nice place. One of my favorites. What do you have in mind to eat?"

My mind tried to visualize what the bottom half of his body looked like underneath the table.

"Oh um..." I fumbled with my words when I noticed that my brain went elsewhere. I clumsily dropped the pamphlet on the floor.

"Are you doing alright?" He asked between laughs.

"I uhhhh."

I ducked down to get the pamphlet from under the table. I was on my hands and knees grabbing for it. I glanced up and accidentally gazed at Roger's lap. I don't know if it's the pants or what but he looks rather large. Larger than usual...

I quickly stood up and bunked my head forgetting that I was under the table.

"Oh s**t!"

I got off the ground, rubbing the top of my head.

"Oh s**t! What happened?" Roger asked alerted.

I stammered with my words and blushed.

"Just being a clutz is all." I chuckled like an idiot.

Roger tittered at me.

"Be careful next time."

He stood up and went over to me. I stood stiff. What the hell is he doing? I felt him kiss the sore spot on my head.

"There you go."

Then he patted my left cheek twice.

Oh gosh... Is a kiss on the head a sign of liking me more than a friend? Or am I overthinking this? I want to slip down underneath the table so badly right now.

Just as Roger sat back down, the waiter came to take my order. I haven't even decided yet!

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