It Can't Be Love

By natsukashii_17

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How often does one gets a taste of emotion so strong that it ignites a different kind of fire in heart? How o... More



91 8 2
By natsukashii_17

Taehyung's POV

I slump into the bed as soon as I return home. It is still 3 hours to the next nearest event, that is, the afternoon party. And then there is farewell in the evening, a big claim on my energy.

I need to rest but there is something more important than anything else at this moment.

I pull myself up to rest by the headboard of the bed and pick up the letter I placed on the table nearby as soon as I returned.

Jiwoo's letter.

Let us see what the dread of parting has brought out.


My love, Taehyung

This is not a love letter. I just felt that I should say these things to you. So I am here. Penning down my feelings.

I am being utterly honest hoping that I can be.

The first time I saw you, in class 2 years ago, I was startled by your personality. I was disgusted at the way other girls treated you. I was confused as, why I was not the same.

I soon found out. The reason I wasn't like them was that I needed time. Just like every piece of art requires time to be admired for its true beauty. I required time to admire you.

I don't remember how or when my feeling for you surpassed the safety line and I started falling for you. 

I swear Taehyung, words can't fathom the depth to describe the amount of love I feel for you. Somewhere someone is really pleased with me. So I was rewarded with the honor to be the recipient of your love.

Thank you so much for taking me for a stroll on the path of happiness. The last six months were the best time I had in as long as I remember. 

You believed in me Taehyung. And I believed in stars. But the same stars betrayed me. My destiny was never taking me to you.

How funny this is. Like all those conventional love stories that I hated, we were in the same situation. I being the hopeless girl and you being the handsome boy. The only difference between them and us is that their story ended in happy-happy while we ended in happy-hurt.

You were wrong Taehyung. There is no such thing called happy hurt. Hurt is always painful.

But this is not a blame. I still thank you for the hopes you brought to me, the joy you gave me, and the memories you formed with me. Your every touch, your every kiss has left a permanent imprint on my mind that not even the time can erase.

I always said that I don't want to hurt you. I still say that. But maybe the next statement will hurt you.

Please don't wait for me Taehyung. Move on and find yourself someone worthy of having you. You are a great man and you deserve all the love and happiness in the world.

I will never dismiss this time I spent with you as infatuation. No. I loved you all this time and I will love you as long as I can.

Thank you very much Taehyung. For everything. 

You are the best thing that ever happened to me.

Yours sincerely,



I should feel stabbed. I should feel pained at her words. My hands should shake. My body should shiver.  But none of these happens.

I am sitting on my bed, holding the letter in my hand. A teardrop traces its path on my face and drips to the paper smudging the ink in the circle where it falls.

And I am smiling.

I always wondered how Jiwoo will take this situation. My questions are answered. She loved me enough to let go of me. And doing this, she has confirmed my belief that I fell for the right girl.

My attention turns to the bracelet I am wearing. The one she gave me at our first private meeting. One by one, more tears find their way out of my eyes. And I hug the letter to my chest letting down all the suffocation I had been feeling since this morning.

I love you, Jiwoo.

I sober myself up after a few minutes and walk to my table.

I need to reply to this.


Jiwoo's POV

All 8 of us are standing uncertainly in front of the restaurant we have been invited to. Uncertainly, because we were not sure if we were ready to say goodbye to the family we had only for a few months.

Just as we are about to take a step towards the door, a voice startles us. "Staring at the door will neither satisfy your hunger nor complete the party." Yoongi is the only one who is always this sarcastic.

We turn around to see Yoongi and Jimin walking towards us. 

"I think we should go in if you are done admiring the intricate design on the door." Jimin supplies.

We smile at them sheepishly and walk through the door to the table where five of them are already seated.

The table is by the balcony providing a mesmerizing view of the lake beside.

Food is ordered and till it comes, we get engaged in stupid things.

"Attention everyone," Hoseok says, striking his glass of water with a spoon making a clinking sound. "Let us drink to our beautiful children's  graduation."

This man is not only always cheerful but also considers us as his children. Is there no limit to the sweetness of these people?

We chuckle and raise our glasses of water "To us." And drink it.

I catch Taehyung's eye who after sitting 3 people next to me and remember the letter had given him. He is smiling at me.

Didn't it hurt him? Or is this just calm before the storm?

I am not even able to finish my thought when he shifts to come to my side.

"Ooh...Tae can't stay away from his love..." Jungkook, who is also sitting by his love, Angela, coos. 

"You should not be saying that." Jin raises an eye at him and others chuckle lightly.

Taehyung does not speak anything. He takes my hand under the table and places what seems like a folded paper in it and smiles at me.

Oh! This is the reply.

Nothing is awkward. He is not ignoring me. He is not distancing himself from me. We are being as normal and casual as we had been on any other occasion. 

Taehyung just reinforces all the reasons I love him for. I hope he stays happy.

The conversation at the table turns a bit serious whenJungkook opens his mouth to speak "I must say, Angela, is a pure blessing in my life. In these two years, she brought me so much joy, I can't express enough love and gratitude towards her." He says looking at her, fondly.

"You aren't breaking up, right?" Jihoon says abruptly, surprised.

"Of course not," Angela says, giggling at him.

"I am just taking the opportunity to express my feelings."

"Now that we are talking about this," Jimin says turning to me. "I want to thank you Jiwoo. For everything you did for Taehyung."

"I swear, I haven't seen him this happy in the past six years than he was in the last couple of months," Hoseok says.

"Her cheerfulness is contagious," Sanghee says.

"Yes. That and also the fact. Love makes magic happen." Namjoon says.

I am speechless, feeling at a loss of words. Taehyung smiles at me. He has the ability to make me feel precious. 

The lunch ends and we return back to the dorms. We have a party in the evening.

And I will look stunningly beautiful and irresistible.


A/n: Hey guys! I don't have much to say. Hope you like it. Please let me know if you do. Vote and share, please. Thanks for reading.

Love you all!

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