it's all here

By kporter14

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snippets/scenes/blurbs from various story lines More

half asleep
violin boy
just thinking
hold the elevator
it's the heels
my entire fault
are you mine
honest mistake
stone cold demeanor
surprisingly yes
i can probably swing it
you obviously cant read
get your own
one condition
no chocolate sauce
no more cheese dip
ladybug boots
even better
where's my surprise
a whole pot
shit cheerio
bacon sandwich
a slight disagreement
fed up
can't be late
dont mind if i do
four in the morning
so you find yourself at the subway
check the cupboards
tone it down
well kept mystery
works for me
bed head
street rat
even prettier
what's the saying?
cotton candy
a long time ago
pretty damn clueless
top speed
missed you more
lover's quarrel
care package
the mac
early memories
first kiss
good helper
a good excuse
rather strange
strawberry patch
5 more minutes
got you

got you a plant

20 0 0
By kporter14

Niall and Audrey storyline:

Of course, it's cold. It's always cold, but it doesn't bother her anymore. Her cup of coffee is steaming on the steps next to her phone, her shoes covered in dirt, soil scattered across the front steps as she works on her collection of plants. They're mostly succulents, but there are a few others. She'd just gotten a new pot and was trying to decide what to put in it. She would have preferred a new plant all together, but she hadn't had time to get one, cutting her shopping trip short after suddenly losing all her energy.

Niall was stepping off the plane when his mom called him. He bit his tongue so the first thing out of his mouth wouldn't be about Audrey but because it was his mother the first thing out of hers was:

"She's outside working on her plants, milo's keeping an eye on her. She came home the other day with a sweater for him." The woman was watching Audrey from the front window, a smile teasing her lips. "She's been really tired lately, a few headaches here and there, but other than that all the doctor's visits have been going well. they said so far, the treatment is working. Sweetie, I don't think she knows you're coming home today."

"that's the point Mum, it's a surprise." Both were grinning now.

"in that case, stop somewhere and get her a plant. She just got a new pot but was too tired to pick a plant for it. I can see her frowning at it right now. Something cute, a succulent. Or maybe two." Niall chuckled to himself, picturing Audrey frowning at her plants.

"Thanks, mum. I'll see you when I get home." After a pause he added, "Thank you for being with her."

"I love her as much as you do."


Audrey was ignoring a migraine. An unfortunate regular occurrence, but scooping soil and planting baby succulents quieted her mind for a short while, long enough for her to put the pain in a box. Her puppy Milo was lying on the lawn next to some Christmas decorations, glancing back at her every so often. The sweater she'd gotten him barely fit. He was growing too fast.

He was only 3 months and already 25lbs. he seemed to understand her more than she understood herself, acting as the perfect therapy dog. His job was to keep Audrey sane, to always be at arm's length, especially when niall was away.

And that had been a lot lately. With the new album being out and him touring around the world and with the state of her heart she didn't even put up a fight when he told her he didn't want to have her on tour. She couldn't handle much travel, or much of anything at all.

They FaceTime every other day or so. And of course his mom is sort of keeping an eye on her in Ireland. Not really babysitting. But also  totally babysitting. She goes to the doctors with Audrey and helps make her meals for the week and such things.

Thanks to the treatment the girl doesn't get out much and when she does it's for limited amounts of time since her energy is so easily zapped. Milo is her companion 110% of the time. His calm demeanor keeps her from being too anxious about everything. He's friendly when he needs to be, taking everything else very seriously.

Niall suspected it had something to do with the fact that Audrey was there for the first weeks of the puppy's life, creating a seemingly unbreakable bond- and then she had disappeared. And when she came back the pup seemed to understand that it was a priority to always be with her. He almost never left her side. And if he did he never wandered too far away.

He still liked Niall. Niall was his second favorite person, but Audrey would always be his first. Nobody compared to Audrey.


Despite wanting to just get in and get out of the store Niall took his time surveying the plant selection before him. He wanted it to be perfect and he wanted Audrey to be happy. He wondered what kind of pot she had gotten, trying to picture her buying it.

There! The perfect plant. Small ish. Cute. A succulent. Aesthetically pleasing. Knowing Audrey, she would probably name it George. He smiled at that, picking it up and getting in line.

He found himself being so serious that he did the equivalent of buckling the plant in. It was too small to actually buckle but he made sure to secure it in the front seat. He was so close to the house now his heart was beating in his ears, palms sweaty.

Dear god, what if he gave her a heart attack?
what the fuck niall! great fucking plan, surprise your girlfriend who has a serious heart condition.

He blinked rapidly for a moment trying to calm down. It would be fine, everything would be fine...right? Maybe he should surprise her a little bit less....

He parked the car, already aware that Milo was watching. He grabbed his bags and the plant before dialing her name. He watched as she scrambled to answer her phone.

"Hiiiiiii," she answered breathlessly

"Hi petal." He let out a breath.

"you ok?" Her brows furrowed, arms tucking into themselves as the wind picked up a bit. She was dressed in pink silk pajama shorts and one of his old blue jumpers, her hair in a loose bun a top her head.

"I am now. I see you got Milo a new sweater?" She broke into a grin

"We got it yesterday, he hates it- wait, you see it?" She looked up then, the same moment that Milo stood up, his tail wagging so hard it knocked the lawn decor over. Niall stood in the walkway with his bags over his shoulder, the plant snug against his chest, a giant smile on his face.

"Surprise?" He said rather sheepishly, shrugging off the shopping and setting the plant down. As soon as he straightened she was rushing towards him, jumping into his arms. He scooped her up easily, her arms winding round his neck as her legs locked around his waist, face against his chest.

"You cheeky shit!" She blurted out once she'd pulled back to look at him, eyes shining with tears. Her hands moved to hold his face, his arms tightening around her

"I got you a plant, love." He murmured, already in a daze from her sweet smell. She smiled again, her nose nudging his as their lips found each other.


Since her migraine persisted Niall drew her a hot bath, making sure she got her medication before she picked a bath bomb to plop in. After her bath she'd gone to lie down, the pain in her head being too much to bear. She was curled into a ball, brows perhaps permanently creased from discomfort, her breathing very nearly regular. Every now and then her chest would tighten and she would curl even further into herself.

Milo was at her feet, his ears twitching every time Audrey made a movement.
Niall was finishing up some last minute emails before heading to bed. After those emails he would be done with work for the rest of the break.

Fingers crossed, anyway.

A change of clothes, a swipe of deodorant, a new pair of socks; he was anxious to check on Audrey so he skipped the face wash and only brushed his teeth. Milo greeted him with a tail wag when he walked in.

"You keeping an eye on her?" The boy murmured, scratching behind the puppy's  ears. Milo yawned and gave a short nod. Niall pulled the covers back and climbed in next to Audrey, settling flush against her. she shifted into him and he wrapped his arms around her, placing a kiss on her temple and running his fingers through her hair. Soft noises escaped her as her hands gripped his shirt. he smiled, bringing his face closer to hers

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