Wildest Dreams ( prev British...

Par LissethAlexisPea

3.1K 70 1

Amelia is a writer who's life is about to change. A young widow and mother who was content with her life but... Plus

Authors Note
the meeting
hook, line and sinker
falling for you
look what you made me do
she's not ok
a happy beginning
cowgirl take me away
getting lost in you
nothing holding me back
dating loki
I want something real
Fall out
Save me no i save myself
Why cant we all just get along
Are we out of the woods yet?
here we are again
Bonus Chapter

unavoidable truths

93 2 0
Par LissethAlexisPea

Tom broke the silence and offered Henry a drink which he accepted against his better judgement. "So here we are at a cross roads. again. We can either work it out or she will get upset again and I really don't want that. This pregnancy has been hard enough for her and I fear she will throw us both out for the fuss we are making." Henry said accepting the drink of whiskey "she will do it too I have never seen someone so small be so fierce." Tom chuckled "Yeah she is a force, but I have a feeling that is what drew us both to her." Henry said as Tom nodded in agreement's sat in the living room sipping silently on their drinks.  "You contract with her terminated correct?" Tom asked in a spirit of honesty. "I don't like that you know about that, you know. But yes that contract was terminated. Now I just want to try and be there as whatever she will let me be." Henry said with a flat tone. Tom nodded as sipped his drink. "Well I think it's best that we do this on a cycle. so that neither is around at the same time except when time gets closer to the birth, what do you think, mate?" He looked at his foe "I agree, I was thinking about staying until next Sunday and you are leaving-?" He questioned "I was going to but Amelia reminded me it was a holiday this week so I cancelled to be with the family" the family Tom had already claimed this as his family.  He put his drink down as the heard the water draining from the tub. "Looks like she's done .If you will excuse me" Tom walked up the stairs and it took so much for Henry to not follow to chaperone them, but I wasn't his place anymore, she was not his anymore.  Amelia came downstairs minutes later followed by Tom laughing and smiling. She was fresh in some colorful leggings and a black shirt that covered her bump. Tom excused himself to make some work phone calls and kissed her as he walked away. Henry had to hold back the rage as she smiled lovingly at Tom. She walked back to Henry and sat in the sofa across from him. "I'm glad you worked it out. "She said with a smile on her face. Henry nodded he was still angry and she knew it. "Can I ask you something?" He asked his curiosity getting the best of him. "Of course" She said as she casually looked through her phone "Have you had sex with him since he's been here?" She stopped scrolling and looked at him to check his reaction with a raised eyebrow.  "First off he's my boyfriend and secondly its none of your business" answering his question. "So you have." He sat his glass down and walked over to her couch and sat next to her. She went back to her phone in hopes of ignoring him as he moved closer to her. "I thought you said you were mine" She knew what he was doing and she was not going to allow it. She stopped him placing her hand on his face. "No Henry" she said steady as if she had been practicing for it. "I Love you" he whispered. They both froze. she stared into his eyes the shock evident in both their eyes. She quickly moved away to another couch regretting even letting him be near her. "I can forget I heard that " she said. She always did that for him, she covered for him when he was open always cautious of his feeling as the expense of hers. But this was the first time he ever said it in a moment of passion and not as emotional blackmail. "No" he said. "No I do love you and I want you to know that I am not going into this blindly. I know what is at stake I know that there is Tom, the baby and your kids but I am tired of hiding this feeling. I want to take this chance." She was crying again, stupid hormones. "No" He tensed "I loved you  Henry, you gave me passion and excitement, but Tom, he's safe he makes me feel happy and loved" he had competition. "Well I guess I have to step up my game" he smiled at her. "No" she repeated she knew this could crash and burn and she was tired of the games and drama that came with Henry. Henry was tensed up and breathing hard. "Why not?" Amelia stood "Because, I am happy where I am Henry. I explained that to you already." She was raising her voice and he stood too in defense. Tom who had ended his call when he heard her walked in the room to see what was going on. "I am not just me Henry. You can't just say you miss me and you love me and expect me to jump. This is not a game. I have three kids beside this one, my entire life revolves around them. Can you honestly say that you want to be involved in that? At any point have you stopped to ask me about my life or my kids? Tom has. He knows the name of each of my kids, he knows that Monica will only eat cereal dry with a cup of milk. He knows that Silas will only eat eggs in the morning with toast because he doesn't like pancakes. He knows that Ryan gets migraines and he has to stay hydrated to ensure he doesn't get a migraine. He knows that the baby kicks more at night but when he puts on music he calms down." She was out of breath and her vision started to get fuzzy. Tom moved to stand next to her. Henry stood there shocked. She wasn't just in a relationship with Hiddleston. She was in love with him and in a committed relationship something that he had never even thought to offer her. Now it was too late. "you never gave me a chance to learn those things about you, that's not what we agreed on." He said trying to wrap his mind around what was happening. "I gave you every chance! I told you I loved you and you broke my heart. Crushed it beyond belief and made me hate fuck you. Then you left me cold and alone." She was screaming at him. All the pain and hate she felt was spilling out of her and she couldn't even breathe anymore. Tom was holding her up begging her to calm down and sit down. "Love, you need to breathe" She looked at the man holding her and all she wanted was for him to take her away from here. "You broke me Henry, you took my vulnerabilities and used them against me." He raised an eyebrow at her. "Then why did you have me come here? Why am I here Amelia?" She was losing her grip on everything drowning. He would never understand how badly he had damaged her. The last thing she saw was Tom trying to talk to her before she plunged into darkness.

She woke to soft beeping and the hum of machines. She tried to raise her head but her neck could not support the weight without pain. She decided that seeing was the only thing she could do without pain. She turned her head slowly to see a nurse walking in. "Hello Ms Covington, how are you feeling? Hows your pain?" She took a shallow breath "It's a lot" The nurse smiled "Ok let me get you something for that" She walked out and that's when she noticed the two men sitting in hospital chairs. Tom was sleeping but Henry was awake staring at her. "How are you feeling" He said, his arms crossed on his chest his voice cold. "Fine" She said in an equally cold tone. "He stood and walked to her side. "I have a hotel room I will be staying in while I am here. I will look into renting a flat for when I am here to see you and the baby" He was quiet and she was thinking. "Ok, thank you" He nodded and went to gather his things and woke Tom. "She's awake" He said to him. Tom walked up to her and immediately held her hand. "Oh darling, you gave me a scare." She smiled at him like the sun. Henry couldn't take it so he snuck out quietly. He made his way to the lobby calling a car to take him back to his hotel room. He had lost Amelia without even thinking. He wanted to try but she was done trying. He thought about Tom and how he had made his way into their relationship. None of this would have happened if he was not involved. The cab drove him through the city and to his hotel. As he entered his room he went directly to bed. He was scared when Amelia passed out and that was a turning point for him. He never thought he would lose her completely and the thought of that killed him. He needed a plan something to conquer her again. If he could.  Tom and Amelia were back at her house two days later with a long list of things to avoid so her blood pressure wouldn't drop again. Henry had come in to see her every day and Tom never left her alone with him. Henry was getting anxious wanting to get Amelia alone to talk to her but also was worried about her health so he kept the peace. The kids were driving down to spend thanksgiving with her in their Salt Lake home. Amelia didn't have much family left her parents had passed and she had been away from her cousins, aunts and uncles for so long she didn't even know their contact information. But she had friends and Derek's family. His brothers and sisters had still taken her in as one of their own and because her house was the biggest they were coming down for thanksgiving as was Ryan and Monica's father and step mom along with some of their family. It would be a full house but Tom was looking forward to it. It would be his second thanksgiving with her and her family and he was thrilled. Henry was of course invited which Amelia was surprised when he accepted with a smile. She explained to him that this was a public even because she could not stop Monica from posting on Instagram. He smiled and said ok with a chuckle. Henry wanted to be there when her kids arrived to be introduced as the oldest had been informed of the situation with the baby. They were sitting in the living room watching TV early afternoon when she heard the vehicle pull up. She jumped up against Henry and Tom's protest telling her not to run. Amelia of course didn't listen. She hadn't seen her babies in a week and she was thrilled to see them again. The men stood and waited out of the way as the kids entered. For some reason Henry thought that her kids were younger and was surprised to see a young man in his early twenties followed by a small six year old and a teenage girl that resembled Amelia in every way. "Momma! You're here!" Her youngest said wanting to be carried which she struggled to do. Ryan picked him up instead "Sorry Bro, you know mom can't pick you up" He made a sad pouty face "Is it because of the pizza?" She smiled a huge bright smile that he had never seen before. She was gleaming with excitement. "Yes baby it's the pizza" She said reassuringly Once the boy saw Tom he ran to him. "Mr. Loki your still here yay!" Tom walked over to him and picked him up "Of course I am still here buddy, how was your drive?" The boy went into a detailed account of his drive up as Tom walked him to the kitchen for a snack. "Hi mom" The oldest said engulfing her in a hug as he moved to let his sister in. He let her go to let her see her daughter. "Mother " she said in a low tone. Henry wondered why there was tension, but was quickly aware as she turned and glared at him. "Why is he here?" Amelia sighed and held her daughter. "Because he was invited Monica, please don't be difficult, you have made your position very clear and I can tell you without a doubt that I agree with you. But still be nice" She rolled her eyes which made Henry smile under his breath. "Just like her mother" He said. "What was that Kal EL?" She dropped her bag and proceeded to walk towards him. "You got something to say to me?" Henry put his hands up as a sign of peace but it was already too late. Monica was in his face and slapped him. Hard. Definitely Amelia's daughter. He took the slap and stayed silent. "You may be a guest but you are also unwelcomed in my presence. Moments later Rhys walked back in with two dogs. One an all-black German shepherd and another a white wolf. The Black dog came to Monica and stood at her side growling at him. "Midnight, heel" the dog sat but still growled at him." Maybe you need to tell Monica to heel too" Rhys said. "shut up loser. You may be all ok with what is going on but I am not stupid." Rhys went up to his sister and put his hand on her shoulder. "Dad wouldn't want us to fight, you know that, He trusted mom and her choices" She rolled her eyes still keeping henry in her sight. She unclenched and held her hand out. "Nice to meet you Henry" She said with a bit less bitterness. "Nice to meet you too Monica" He wanted to apologize but he knew it wasn't the time. Tom who had been getting Silas a snack walked back into the room minus Silas who was gone somewhere in the house. "Hey Tom nice to see you again" Monica hugged the tall man tightly smiling warmly at him. Rhys closed the front door and went up to Henry. A towering young man standing tall Henry thought he was almost as tall as him but realized he actually was a few inches taller. "Nice to meet you Henry" he shook his hand a firm shake. He smiled and returned the gesture to him. Rhys and Monica both towered over their five foot nothing mother giving her a hug. "I missed you guys! How is everything going?" They walked into the family room where Silas was already sitting watching a show on one TV with his snack. Amelia and Tom sat on one seat and Ryan went to the video games. Henry was intrigued as he loved gaming although he was more PC than console. "Hey what are you playing?"  he asked. "Oh Halo, it's my stress relief game." He sat silently watching Rhys play. A few min later henry asked if he wanted to co-op he was glad to have something to get his mind off the tension. They set up and proceeded to play for hours. Amelia watched them with a smile which did not go unnoticed by her daughter who rolled her eyes at her mother. The day was spent preparing for thanksgiving which was a four days away. Most years Amelia liked to cook but now being pregnant it wasn't really an option. So the day before the caterers had showed up to prep everything and give everyone instructions on what to cook and how. It was very easy and Tom and Monica were all over it. They were a team Monica said and they were treating this like a mission which was fun to watch. Throughout the week Henry had tried hard to warm up to everyone in the family. Even him and Tom managed to chat and play games, which infuriated Monica to no end. Thursday morning they rose early to start the cooking process. Silas and Amelia sat watching as Silas played with his blocks in the living room with Henry and Rhys Amelia did have any immediate family since her parent had passed and she was an only child. But she had lots of adopted family.

She opened her home to them every Thanksgiving. She had it at noon thanksgiving to give others time to go to other family's home. But some stayed all evening so there was lots of cheer and happiness which she loved. Soon enough the food was ready table was set and people started to arrive. She loved her adopted family which consisted of people from her past. Derek's brother and sister loved to come up as well and Ryan and Monica's dad and step mom. As well as his mom and step dad and other friends. It was time and everyone was arriving. Amelia was in hostess mode greeting everyone and laughing. She introduced Henry to everyone but most of the guest already knew Tom. When they sat at the table Amelia sat at the head of the table with Tom next to her. Every place had a place card so Henry found his on the left side of Amelia. Monica sat next to Tom and glared at Henry from across the table. As people settled into their places Amelia stood to give a toast. She held up her nonalcoholic glass "I am so happy to have everyone here for another year. I am so thankful for all of you, you have each made this journey so worthwhile." Henry being English had never celebrated the holiday but loved it. He was touched that Amelia wanted him by her side. Tom stood and carved the turkey and the eating commenced. Amelia was so happy to have her family together she looked at her kids and saw Silas squirming between Ryan and Monica. Ryan was trying to get his brother to calm down but Monica was glaring at Henry. She turned to Henry who was casually spectating what was going on around him. "you ok?" She asked. "yeah, just never had any idea this was your life." He said with a smile. That smile that she loved so much. She held a hand out for him to hold and he took it smiling at her as well. Monica burst out of her chair. "Alright, that's enough!" She yelled at Henry. Amelia let go of his hand almost ashamed that she did it in the first place. "Monica" she said softly trying to calm her daughter but she then realized that Tom was sitting looking at her with rage.  "No mom that's enough, he can't just come into our home and try and manipulate you. Why are you even here for? All you do is hurt my mom. You don't want this life all you want is Mom. Well news flash Clark Kent she is already with Tom. She doesn't need you." "Monica!" Amelia raised her voice a bit more but Tom put his hand on hers to stop her. She looked at him and he looked down. "I've had it with you and your games Henry. You don't belong here." Henry had it he had to respond "I am here for your mother. I love her and she knows that" Tom stood in defense of Monica. "She doesn't need you here. You can't just overpower her like this. You keep doing this to her. Using her weaknesses against her. You're a coward!" There was silence as everyone around the table looked at her then down to their plates. "Mom, you are better than this, don't be weak! Why would you even let him back into your life? He hurt you!" How could you do this to yourself?" "She let me back in her life after I hurt her." The voice came from down the table. Monica's father looked at his daughter tears streaming down her face. "She let me back in her life and as a friend. Your mother and I hurt each other so much we hated each other. But then your mom met Derek." At the mention of him Monica sat down.

Amelia stood and walked around to hold her. Losing Derek was hard on Amelia but it was harder on Monica. She loved him from the moment she met him he was her father too. "Monica, Derek changed your mom he made her happy but not just happy he made her strong. She was finally able to let go of hatred and live a life of joy." "I know but you guys are friends not lovers. He doesn't want that, he just wants to destroy what she is building with Tom." Henry was still silent. But it was evident on his face that the teenage girl could see right through him. "that might be the case but honey you need to trust that your mom knows what she is doing. I do, she has never failed you yet." She smiled at her ex-husband they were family and the love they once felt morph into that of a family member. He was there for her and her kids at any moment as was his wife. "Monica, you need to give your mom the benefit of the doubt. Love is the one feeling that can change you. At the end of the day these choices are Amelia's not yours." Her step mother said. Monica stood and left the room refusing to listen. She wanted her mom to just stay with Tom and not let Henry manipulate her. She had never been in love before but she knew that she loved her mom and didn't want to see her fall again. Amelia watched her go and it broke her heart to see her so upset. Everyone went back to eating silently starting conversations among themselves. "Are you mad at me?" She said softly to Tom. Henry watching them like a hawk. "No" he said. She reached for his hand and he quickly moved it out of her reach. "I have to leave for London tomorrow, I have some things to check on at home" He said nothing else to her the rest of the night. He was upset, he saw the moment of tenderness between her and Henry and it threw everything of course. They survived the dinner and like her relationship the party ended quickly and the guest left with intense awkwardness. As the last of the guest left Tom left and immediately walked up stairs. Henry and Ryan had started to clean up while Amelia put food away. She was in the kitchen thinking about the coldness in Tom and she broke. She had hurt him with her selfishness and he didn't deserve that. That is what had triggered her daughter. She loved Tom and didn't want to see him hurt by Henry and her. She walked out of the kitchen where Henry stopped her. "Can we talk for a moment?" "No Henry, you know what my daughter is right. What the hell am I doing bringing you here?" It all came out spilling everywhere. "Is that why you came? To see if you could rekindle our arrangement?" "No?! I want a chance to be-" "To be what? My captor? My dominant? Because you have never been interested in doing anything other than that? Why should I even give you a chance again?" She was yelling and everyone could hear it but no one moved they just listened. She was on the stairs and he stood at the bottom of the stairs looking up at her in disbelief. "I asked you here to be involved with this baby but you know what that was a mistake. I'm going to call on Monday and schedule the amino so we can get this paternity issue resolved now. If you are the father I will let you be involved with the baby only. But as of this moment I want nothing to do with you at all." She glared at him. He was the cause of all her misery and she kept giving him chance after chance to hurt her. "I want to be there for you not just the baby!" He yelled back. "No what you mean it that you want to be with me not the baby. Does this child even mean anything to you? Or is it just a tool for you to use to get closer to me? To get under my skin again?" He stopped and looked down. There it was shame. Tom had walked out of the room and stood at the top of the stairs watching the scene unfold. "Get out of my house. I will have the test result sent to you." She walked up the stairs "Amelia wait" He walked up the stairs trying to follow. "No Hank, I waited for a long time. There is nothing else to wait for, there is nothing to wait for. There is nothing else for you here." She walked up the stairs as Henry stood watching her go. She reached the bedroom to a waiting Tom he took one look at her and noticed a change. "Amelia?" she looked up at him "My water broke... " Tom looked at her wide eyed "Are you in pain?" Amelia closed her eyes and he walked to her helping her to the bed "My back hurts... it hurt all day but I thought it was just regular back pain." He gave her a soft look "Make him leave, I don't want him here, I don't want to go through this with him here." Tom nodded and walked out. He looked for Henry but he was long gone. He sighed with relief and ran back up the stairs yelling for the rest of the kids letting them know it was time to go to the hospital. Within fifiteen minuets they were all in the car on the way to the hospital. Tom and Monica sitting in the back with Amelia talking her through her pain. Ryan driving and Silas asleep in the third row. Their arrival to the hospital was dramatic with Amelia in full blown labor. Two hours later Amelia and Tom sat in a room alone with their newborn baby.

"He's so tiny" Tom whispered holding him in his arms. "Yeah, you always forget how small they are at first." Amelia said with a smile. "And you... what a warrior darling" he pushed hair behind he ear kissing her forehead softly. "Thank you for everything Tom... I love you" He smiled but brought up the question that had been lingering in the air since the birth of the child he held. "Are you going to tell him?" Amelia took the baby in her arms. She didn't need a DNA test to know who the father was.... she knew. "No, there is no need. He's yours if you're willing" They watched the new born babe yawn a big yawn. "I have a son" Tom said kissing his son softly on the head. "We have a son" Amelia said smiling.

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