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Amelia went home the next day with a smile and a completely different attitude after her night with Tom. She sat on the plane seat with a huge smiling as she read the message from him before takeoff. 'I will be in the states next week and want to see you let's make plans, darling. Text me when you land so I know you are safe love.' her face hurt from grinning but she didn't care. "Well that is a big smile, I take it last night was a success?"  "Don't be crude" she said to her friend. "But, yes it was nice" Tracy raised her eyebrow at her and Amelia rolled her eyes.  "Can you give me details?" "I can but I won't, but I will tell you this it was very different." Oh come on you cannot keep me hanging like this."  "Oh I can and I will."  Amelia settled in for the long flight home. She was excited to see her kids after being away on her book tour all she wanted was to hold them and listen to their stories. It was January and the kids would be heading back to school so the time would be dedicated to them. Amelia loved being one with nature and so did the kids so she was already planning their weekends spending time in the snow, snow mobiling in the mountains.  But, in the back of her mind she knew that things with Henry would not settle anytime soon and she would have to deal with this sooner than she wanted. She was still riding the high from her last moments with Tom when they landed back in the states.  As they walked to long term parking Tracy gave her a few last min details before they got into separate cars. "Remember you have to post on social media daily and keep people interested in the book release and the show." She nodded and gave her friend a hug. They were taking a much needed break for two months to give them some time with their families. They always scheduled things like this to be home with their kids during the summer and never worked on holidays. As she got in to her car and began the two hour drive home her phone rang and she answered it though the Bluetooth. "Hello darling" said a cheerful Tom on the other end "Hey! I just got into the car, I always forget how long that flight actually is" He chuckled at her "How was your flight?" "It was good I actually slept which was good since I have a two hour drive home" "Well how about I keep you company for your long drive home?" She smiled he was so sweet always thinking of her and her feelings which reminded her of Derek. The drive home was much more fun with Tom on the phone. They talked even though they spent time together in London there always seemed to be more for them to talk about. He was so chatty and she was his equal. He talked about the latest book he was into, music, art, history and everything else that Amelia loved. Which made falling for him so much easier. As she neared home she said her goodbyes to Tom who made plans to see her soon. Amelia arrived home and she was assaulted by smell of burgers and fries. The kids were all home to greet her. "Mom!" They rushed to their mother and joined in group hug with Ryan being the tallest holding everyone together. Right in the middle was exactly where she wanted to be. As she held all her kids she wondered what it would be like if she brought Tom home. Would they like him? Would he like them? She pushed the thoughts aside as she bonded with her kids once again. Not noticing the text from Henry now that her phone was silenced. 

The months flew by and soon it was summer break. She had seen Tom twice since their encounter in London. Their romance was blossoming and she was just a smitten with him as he was with her. They spoke daily and they had planned to introduce him to her kids soon. The kids had been on break for a week when they made their way to the lake house. She sat watching the kids kayak in the lake. She sat on her deck watching them play with their friends. Their house was always the place all their friends hung out. Even Silas who was in Kindergarten had friends over. As she sat she thought of Henry. He had been silent since the night she kicked him out of her room. She didn't want to see him he had made his point of view very clear and she didn't want to be anyone's property. She was afraid to really end things legally between them because of his reaction to her dating Tom, but she needed to end it.

Dinner time was nearing and she promised to make homemade pizza for all the kids so she reluctantly left the comfort of her deck chair and headed in to start on dinner. As she pulled out ingredients her phone rang again. She looked at the caller ID and smiled. She answered the face time call to a smiling Tom. "Hello darling, how are you?" she smiled and rested her phone on the iPad stand so she could continue with dinner. "I am good Hun just getting pizza ready for the the kids and their three thousand friends." He laughed as he sat on the couch to relax and talk to his girl. "Wow that's a lot of pizza's then." she laughed  "Ha ha its just ten kids I'm sure five pizzas should cover it, it's a good thing I have a double oven here in the lake house." She moved around the kitchen gathering pans and rolling out dough. He loved seeing her in her element of mothering. She was a great mother and he liked that about her. "So I have a break coming up and I wanted to ask if I could come see you?" she tried not to  let the panic seep into her  voice or her face when she turned  back to her phone. she poured pizza sauce on the first of five pizzas. "I don't know Tom there is so much going on here and I actually have family coming up for the week, it might not be the best time." Shitty excuse she thought but it was all she could come up with. "That alright darling, next time" she nodded and the conversation continued. Soon he had to go but even after the end of the call Amelia felt awful. She should be ready and braver but she was not. 

Later that night she called Tracy to tell her of their plans and to ask her opinion on Henry. "you need to move past this if you want more you already know that Tom will give you that so don't fall backwards." She nodded silently knowing that this she was right. "take this visit as a opportunity to take your relationship with Tom to the next level." "Like go public with him?" could she really do that? she thought of Henry and what that would do if she went public with him. She already knew that he followed her Instagram account if she were to go public with Tom it would be everywhere. "Look all I am saying is that if tom wants to be public that you take the time consider it, ok?" she closed her eyes and sighed. "I don't know" she finally spoke. "You need to know Amy, you should know because dragging a man like that into this mess you created without commitment is cruel." She sighed, she knew that Tracy was right but she was not  ready, not yet. "I know, I just need time." "That all well and fine but you need to tell him that, not me." she hated confrontation. "Ok" was all she managed. Tracy sighed "Do it Amy, as soon as possible before things get worse." was the last thing she said before ending the call. Amelia knew that she would need to put herself in the line of fire in order to really know what she wanted. She would have to be vulnerable and that was not something she had ever mastered before. 

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