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The next day was a press day and those where always fast and time consuming. She was promoting book 3 and the release of the show first season as well the filming of the second season was close to completion. In the car on the way to her first radio interview in London and she was ready. Always prepared and professional that was her motto and how she always conducted herself. The first interview was short 10 min session in and out. After that it was a talk show and then an early taping of a late show. She was worn out by the end of the second show. She was elated though. She loved talking about her passion and her work it made her feel alive. After the end of the last show she met Tracy on her way out as she walked towards her the look on Tracy's face was clear.. nervous. She gave her a confused look and Tracy gave her a head tilt in warning. Amelia looked and her heart stopped. He looked the same. Gorgeous. Maybe even more gorgeous than before, was that even possible? He was waiting for her leaning against the wall. She wanted to run and hide she was still reeling from the rejection and the call from the other night. Why was he here? Was he still angry? What else had the Pap's uncovered? He pushed off the wall and headed for her. Fire in his eyes. She looked at Tracy desperate for help pleading to make her disappear she  wasn't ready to deal with him yet. "Amelia" He said her name and it sounded strange mix of anger and dominance. She wanted to stop and she knew if she looked at him she would cave. So she didn't, instead she panicked and ran, in heels. She reached Tracy who held her hand out to her as life line. "RUN" she yelled at her friend and so they ran and kept running until th ey were out of the building.

She swore she could hear him calling her name again but she didn't want to stop to check. She knew he would be angry but didn't care, she wasn't ready to face him, especially not now that Tom was on her mind. They exited the building and went straight into the opened door of the same SUV. The door closed "go!" she said to the driver. She was safe. They sat still holding hands, Amelia so still not wanting to move or breathe because she would break. They reached the hotel and in zombie like movements they made it to the suite. she closed the door behind them and finally looked at her best friend. Tracy was trying to brace herself for the reaction. Amelia let out a deep breath which ended with what sounded like laughter. "Did I just run away like a scared little bitch?" Tracy started to laugh. Hard. "Oh my god what the heck did I do?" they were hysterical. "You should have seen the look on his face when you ran" that did it they were on the floor laughing so hard tears streaming down their faces. "He looked so confused" "I bet he did" It took a whole half hour before either of them calmed down enough to talk. "What happened between you two?" Tracy asked. Amelia couldn't keep her embarrassment from her any longer. She knew there was an NDA but she also knew Tracy signed one for her so she would never tell, not because of the NDA but because she was her best friend "I told him that I wanted more than just a contract relationship. I said that I wanted him, all of him" Tracy was shocked. she sat there gaping at her not able to form words so she waved her hand in an and? motion "And he said that was not something he could give me." just like that?" "yes. just like that. So I hate fucked him and kicked him out. I have never done that to him. No after care no emotion. I left cali after that and didn't look back." The memory of it was painful so she tried hard not to recall it. "Do you think it was coincidence or do you think he was looking for you" Tracy said honestly "I don't know Trace but what I do know is that he confuses me. He called me after that night at Toms seething about TMZ reporting my cab ride with Chris and Tom." Tracy was confused as well "What did he say" "He said I was his.. only his." "what does that mean?" "I have no idea trace but what I do know is that I am done with that part of my life. I want more now I can't settle for just meaningless nothingness." Amelia got up the floor and helped her friend up as well. "I don't think Tom is looking for meaningless nothing" Tracy said eyebrow raised. Amelia smiled and threw a throw pillow from the couch at her. "Help me get ready for this date loser" Amelia said with a goofy smile on her face. Tracy knew that Amelia liked tom. He sparked something in her friend and she hoped that she would find a semblance of happiness with him. "Always." she said as they processed to get her ready for her Prince of Asgard.

Wildest Dreams ( prev British or English)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora