Why cant we all just get along

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The next morning they woke up and worked out. She liked working out with Henry he motivated her and although she could never compete with him she like to be there with him. As always he took his end of workout pic for Instagram and posted it. They showered and decided to lounge around the house instead of going out. Henry had been gone for a while and really just wanted to stay home and Amelia was a homebody anyway. Around noon Grocery's were delivered and Amelia began to prepare a light lunch for them.

     As she went around the kitchen putting groceries away and setting out the ingredients for lunch Henry watched her. He had been playing video game but was amazed at the woman in his kitchen. She had her headphones in and was dancing around the kitchen. He had seen many sides of her but watching her in such a domestic role was endearing. He loved her that much he was sure of but seeing her now made something in his heart soar. He was so busy watching her he didn't hear the notification on his phone. He was to busy watching her dance in the kitchen. The second notification pulled him out of his trance. He looked at his phone showing that someone was at the front gate. He opened the app that showed the camera and growled. Amelia who was clueless dancing noticed nothing. She was facing the other way so she didn't notice when he left the room to go to the front gate.

    He walked out the door to the gate. He reached the gate and sneered at the person standing at the gate. "What do you want?" He was seething with anger. "Is she here?" Tom asked in a condescending tone. He knew she was the question was just a formality. Henry didn't respond just repeated his initial question to him. "Hey if you want to have it out on the pavement then we shall" he didn't want to let him in but a public brawl with Tom was the last thing he or Amelia needed. He reluctantly opened the gate and let him in. He followed him up the pathway and into the house. As he entered the living room he saw her. Tom has never seen Amelia like this, he had expected her to be still wallowing in the loss of their relationship but here she was dancing around in shorts and one of Henry's tee shirts making food in the kitchen. Henry walked over to her putting his hand on her shoulders to get her attention. She removed a headphone to respond "sorry babe, what's up?" He looked at her and opened his mouth but Tom cleared throat to get her attention. She turned to the person in the living room and gave a small gasp. "What is he doing here?" She whispered reaching out to Henry for comfort. " I'm not sure darling he just showed up" Tom was watching the exchange from afar. He was jealous of their closeness, he had only been with Amelia a short time but he felt like she brought something out of him. Something that he thought he had lost and now he was alone again and humiliated.

   They walked to the living room Amelia clearly nervous around Tom. "Why are you here Hiddleston?" Henry asked again as he had still to get a response. "I am here to talk to Amelia not you, could we have some privacy?" He requested "no, I want Henry to stay." Amelia responded quickly. Toms face changed into a sneer. "Afraid to be alone with me darling? I would never hurt you love, not unless you asked me to. Which I can only assume is why you are back here. Back to this" Tom motioned to Henry in a very condescending way. Amelia squeezes his hand. "Why are you here Thomas?" She was quickly losing her Patience with this exchange. "I miss you darling, just days ago you were sleeping in my bed while I held you in my arms and now you are here. I know that my friends were harsh to you but they are protective of me. They want the best for me I'm sure your friends would too." Her lips made a straight line and she tensed. "I don't want to be with you, I should have never been with you in the first place. You dazzled me with your sad eyes and broken heart, but I am too much for you to handle. You proved that my not standing up for me at all. You let them humiliate me over and over. Sat there and said nothing. You let your mother and sister sneer at me and you said nothing. This is a pattern. I would never let anyone disrespect my loved one like that. But you are so refined and snobbish that you did nothing." She was crying she always cried when she was angry.

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