Save me no i save myself

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    Twenty min later they had arrived at his flat in London.  There was silence between them the whole ride except for Amelia's sniffles as she tried but failed to stop the tears rolling down her face. He held her hand in the car one hand on hers and one hand on the steering wheel. He got her bags out of his car for her and led her into his home. As she entered his home it was not at all what he expected, very welcoming but with a flash of utilitarian. He led her silently to the kitchen where he proceeded to make her some tea. She sat at the counter while he gathered ingredients for tea, her favorite. He turned and watched her as she fidgeted uncomfortably with her phone. He smiled that smile that melted her to her core. She thought of where she was now and where that fell in their contract. He was being friendly and connected like the time of the premier, the old Henry and it made her heart soar.  She asked for the bathroom and he pointed her to it. 

    She walked in to see the damage of the last few hours. . She stood in the bathroom mirror looking at the ghost of a woman in the reflection. She took her sunglasses off and quickly put them back on. Her eyes were red and tired and that made her heart break all over again. She quickly brushed her teeth and her hair and put it up in a more put together pony tail. She left the bathroom and made her way back to the kitchen where tea had been served. She was still wearing her glasses and her coat afraid to take them off and reveal the sadness in her eyes or lose the shield that was her coat. She felt dirty, more so than she ever felt playing with men. Somehow the events of the last two days had made her feel unworthy and gross, like she didn't belong anywhere. 

   Their eyes locked and he smiled it pained her to her core and it made her feel even more vulnerable than she already did. She sat next to him at the counter trying to control her mood failing every time she though of what led her to this moment. He handed her a cup of something hot and she thanked him. She took a sip of Earl Grey and it filled the cracks in her broken heart she exhaled a breath. "Better?" He said. She nodded "Everything can be fixed with a cup of something hot" she smiled down at her cup hearing him use her phrase. "are you going to tell me what happened with Hiddleston?" She looked down and her heart started to beat faster. He had missed her so much saying goodbye had been the hardest thing he'd ever done seeing her now like this set fire in his veins. He wanted to find Tom and kick his ass. He turned towards her and put his finger on her chin to make her face him and removed her sunglasses. he sighed in relief glad that what he was fearing to see on her eyes was not there but still she looked broken. Her eyes were red and tired. "I'll tell you" 

   She went on to recall the dinner with Tom's  friends and the lunch before with his family up to the moment he had seen her in the airport. By the end of it he was shaking with anger. He cared about her that much was obvious and when she told him that she was dating Tom he hid the jealousy well. But he hated him for taking her away from him and now for hurting her in the process. He had given way for Tom because he thought he could make her whole but he was very wrong. He was silent as they drank their tea but, she knew he was angry so she said nothing. She felt so bad for imposing on him like that, bearing it all to him after he had let her go and most likely moved on. Suddenly it dawned on her that he may not be alone. "I'm so sorry Henry I should not have imposed on you like this, I should really just find a hotel for the night." She got her phone out to find the nearest hotel but quickly realized she had a lot of missed messages and text all from Tom. She didn't read any of them. She opened a new text and text Tracy to let her know where she was and did a quick search of hotels finding one less than five miles away. 

    She proceeded to find a cab to come get here but realized she would need an address or at least corner street names for them to come get her. "Henry, could you tell me what the nearest cross streets are so I can call a cab" said asked quietly after they had sat in silence for almost twenty min. He turned to look at her "You can stay here Amelia, after everything you've gone through with Tom and with myself it's the least I can offer." that was the last thing she ever expected from him. "Why did you bring me here" She asked "how much time do you have left on your vacation?" "One week, I need to go back home next Saturday" "Would you like to spend the week with me? No contract just two people getting to know each other as friends?" "I don't know Henry that might not be a good idea for you or for me. Perception is everything in this world you live in and I really do not want you to be involved in the fall out from Tom" "I know you don't but I really don't think you should go home to your kids like this. I've seen the repercussions of you being hurt and alone and they are not good." he argued, a fair point but still Amelia was unsure. "It's been a really long and exhausting day, can I think about it?" she asked Henry nodded in response.  "come on I'll show you to the guest room" 

Wildest Dreams ( prev British or English)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن