cowgirl take me away

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Seven hours is a long time for a tall man, especially when you are in cramped in a small space, but what made it worse was the self-control Tom needed to keep his mouth shut. He wanted to talk to her and know more about her but he said nothing. Tom had been through a lot lately so much turmoil. He made some poor choices in love and in his career which had caused him some very public downfall. After falling for a very famous pop star who very quickly went through him to get with a someone his public life was in shambles. He was usually very careful with his choice of love interest but he fell hard for the starlet, but she was not as sure. There was no fault on either side just a failed connection and a series of embarrassing dates. Tom was not like other men, he was passionate and loving he loved to talk, he was incredibly intelligent in any subject, he was clean cut, fancy, which could make a normal person intimidated. He was a flirt and sometimes it could get him into trouble. He was charming but not in a menacing way. There is a fine line between talking a lot and talking too much and he pushed it daily. He was very public person which was not such a good thing for a celebrity . He was too much, his emotions spilled out of him unlike any other Englishman, but now he was bottling himself up. Speaking less and closing himself off to everyone that cared about him. His family thought it was best because there was less of a chance for him to get hurt. His publicist knew it was best because he was now tasked with re-growing his career after that very public fallout. His friends didn't like it at all, the happy, fun and caring man they once knew was gone and his replacement was a dark brooding man. But, something about the woman sitting next to him captivated him. He had a type though, a preference, like all men which is why he was so conflicted. Amelia of course did not fit that mold. He liked tall, refined, Duchess of Cambridge type of women, Amelia was far from that. She was five foot nothing, with a curvy plump body type, dark skin, chocolate brown eyes, and a walking disaster. She loved being barefaced and comfortable. Like any author she was a mess of emotions and turmoil and her personality disorder made it hard for her to keep her emotions to herself. She cleaned up well with the help of makeup and a very good stylist but she was not what Tom would say his type. But he was captivated, maybe it was the fact that she was so free. He watched her from the moment she opened her laptop until the captain announced they had arrived. As he walked off the plane and once again hid his face he took a deep breath of London air. He prepared himself to duck and cover in the busy London airport. "Well how did it go? Did you at least get her number?" Tom rolled his eyes at his American friend and answered with silence "Of course not, what a waste." Tom said nothing to him. "If you were not remotely interested then why didn't you let me sit there because I was interested?" Tom scoffed "Interested in what talking or adding making another mark on your mile high club?" He scoffed "What does it matter if you aren't interested?" silence again. He wanted to speak to her but he just couldn't bring himself to. They walked through the airport in silence still when a small person ran past them on the phone and pulling a rolling suitcase. She was fast for someone with short legs and the fact that she was face timing as she ran was even funnier. "Hello my Love how are you?? I miss you terribly" She said to the face on her phone screen. "Hi Momma, I miss you too. Anna doesn't take the crust off my sandwich and she won't make me the nummies like you do." She smiled and her face lit up that it almost made him stop mid stride. The little face in her screen had a pouty look and was definitely trying his best to milk his mom's guilt as much as possible. "Well baby boy you just need to ask Anna and she will cut the crust off your PB and J. And I will tell you a secret if you ask her she can make you nummies because momma taught her before I left. I miss you buddy but I have to go ok! I love you and I will see you soon ok!" They said goodbye and she shoved her phone in her pocket and kept on jogging. As they approached the port of entry she managed to be right in front of him and there Chris took his opportunity "How was your flight?" He said as he flashed her his most sparkling smile. She turned around and caught his plan immediately. She was incredibly smart and captive to what was going on around her and what people were doing around her. She looked up at Tom and smiled. "My flight was very productive thanks to your friend here. He was a model seat companion Tom smiled and held back a chuckle. As they worked their way through port of entry there was small banter between Chris and Amelia but she would not let him break through to her which peaked Tom's curiosity further as they walked to the entrance of the airport still a trio she stopped mid step and turned to both of the men. "There is a lot of pap's at this entrance if you follow behind me I can get you out through the service entrance.. There are a few taxi's out there too if you need one. She turned and walked away, the men followed in stunned silence. She approached an older Hispanic man and embraced him. She spoke to him in spanish, which Tom was fluent. "Hola Pepe como esta la familia? Señora Amelia que gusto me da verla, todos bien gracias a dios" He responded back to her. Tom was floored as she just flowed in confidence. Pepe realized that she was not alone and she explained to him that she needed an exit. He happily agreed to help. As they walked to the exit they chatted in Spanish, she asked about his family and even knew personal details of the family. She was a kind person she was a people person and that was rare. Pepe opened the service entrance and held the door for the trio to walk through. Amelia said her goodbyes and put her sunglasses on. Sure enough there was no paparazzi and there was one taxi. "Well boys, you mind sharing a taxi with this Texas girl?" Tom stared at her in awe but Chris was already bustling around her to open the door for her. The taxi ride was loud, Chris continued to try and break through to her wall but she would not budge. Henry came to her mind and that was all it took for her to ignore his advances. It did not bother her at all she was used to it now, but she only used men like that for one purpose and that seat was currently filled by Henry even if their relationship was in shambles she knew that their agreement still stood and as always she would submit to him willingly. She wanted was to sit and talk to Tom who was cautiously avoiding her without being the least be rude. She was intrigued by him, he didn't know that she had been a fan of his from early in his career. She knew that he had recently fallen from grace but to her he was human and we humans make mistakes. Plus who was she to judge she was the queen of bad choices but she owned up to them and didn't hide them. As they reached her hotel she looked at Tom and quietly smiled at him. "Good luck with that one seem like he's a handful." "He is thanks, but I'm curious why you didn't you fall for his act?" "Ah I have much experience with jock's I seem to attract them in large quantities, but to be honest, I like the quiet nerd type." He felt the heat rise to his cheeks. She was flirting with him and if he was honest he liked it. The taxi pulled up to the curb of the busy London hotel as she opened the door the cabbie went and got her bags from the truck she handed him more than enough to cover the drive plus 2 more runs he tried to argue but she wouldn't listen. Defeated he went back into the driver's seat. She knocked on the back window where Tom was sitting and the driver rolled the window down. "You know you should really work on your 'fake sleep' act. It's not very good." She smirked and walked away. Chris stared at him with a smirk before turning to face the front again. "Seems like she knows you pretty well." Tom said nothing but inside he felt more confused than he ever had in his life

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