The Lines of Society (A vigil...


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What if, after he and his mother found his state of being born quirkless, were caught between a battle and Iz... More

The Beginning
Orphaned (For real this time)
Time Flies
Gifts from the Past
Recap- Shortened version
First Patrol
Extra! Extra!
Woah?! Eraserhead?!
Away with Trash bags
Looking for Robin?
Easy Peasy
Damned Exams
New member?
He's what?!
Meeting the "Rat God"
A new Thing!
Joint Training
Joint Training: Take 2
First Jump, First World
Another Attack?
Bastards don't take breaks apparently
That Night

Time off

120 10 2

Okay, so... I'm back... I just want to ask... Why do you people vote on me?! I personally find this fic a bit trashy (if you ask me) compared to my other works in my other, more permanent, account. (It's user54414776 ) I also don't know why on Gaea's green/blue earth you starlights have voted on me. Besides the 88 votes on my fic, and the 1.5 k readers on this thing, I have found my account with 9 followers... How did I even manage that?! For the possible future readers, in roughly 2 or 3 years from now, I will be moving this story into my user54414776 account and you starlights can see more of me. As for my 9 followers, I hope you starlights can follow my other self because I'd really hate for you starlights to miss out on any future updates that might not appear here due to some circumstances... 

Anyway, enough about me and ranting, Just to make it clear, I only have 4 years on this account due to it being connected to my school Google account which they will most likely deactivate after I graduate from highschool. I haven't been active in my other account so far because I don't trust anyone who's monitoring my school account to see my Facebook stuff so yeah, I've kept it closed so far. With all that shit out of the way, let's begin this chapter my beloved starlights!!


Izuku's P.O.V.

The next morning, when I woke up, the first thing I saw was the very bright ceiling. Yelping, I tried to roll over to cover my eyes with my pillow. My movement not only woke up Aizawa-kun who was also asleep in the room but I also fell off the medical cot I was resting in. As I hit the floor, I yelped in pain and cursed in Latin due to habits that I had developed when I was with Bruce Wayne a.k.a. Batman. "What the fuck was that?" His voice reached my ears, heavy tones of sleep still wrapped around it. I groaned in pain.

"Oh for the love of the Olympian councils, shut up and don't talk to me. I think I just gave myself a bruise and a headache." As if summoned by the words of injuries, a woman entered the room and began fussing over me. I pushed her away with a hand and rubbed my head. "I'm fine, just give me a moment." I took a deep breath and scanned the room. "Alright, first of all, where are we? Second, what time is it? Both year and hour. Third, Aizawa-kun, get off of the floor." I snapped.

"You're uh, you're at S.T.A.R. labs, Central city. It's October 7, 2014 and it's currently 8:65 in the morning." The woman answered. I turned to her and raised an eyebrow. "Hi, I'm Doctor Caitlin Snow but you can call me Ms. Snow. Who are you? And where did you come from?"

"Oh," I chuckled, " it's not just where we came from miss. It's when and where. Aizawa!" I kicked his atrocious sleeping bag, dragging a sound of pain from his lips. "Get up! It's morning and just because you don't have work due to being transported through time, it doesn't mean you get to sleep through the day!" I yelled at him as I continued to (not) softly "nudge" his damned bedroll.

"Alright, alright, I'll get up. Just stop kicking me!" Aizawa replied. I stepped away from him after one last kick which earned another pained groan. Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw Dr. Snow quirk a brow at our display. When Aizawa finally got up from the floor, I dragged him over to the which I'd recently vacated and pushed him on it. "What d'you want me to do? Lay on it?" He asked. 

I glared. "Better a cot than the floor you old bag of bones." He scoffed at me. "Don't scoff at me! Being on a bed, any kind, is better than a hard floor or a damn forsaken, flat rooftop! You have no idea what's been up there and what's been on there." I shivered, remembering the last time I had stepped on a rooftop in Batman's time. (All you have to know about it was that there was a pigeon mess. Most of it was pigeon poop alright? A nightmare.) A snort of amusement alerted me to the fourth presence in the room and I eyed the newcomer cautiously. "And who're you supposed to be?"

"Oh, I'm Barry. Barry Allen, nice to meet ya kid." He stuck out his hand for me to shake. Keeping my face blank, I took the offered hand and as he moved to shake it, I proceeded to throw him offer my shoulder. "Ow..." Barry groaned. "What'd you do that for? I was being nice to you kid!"

"Hmph." I huffed. "You should know, just because you're fast doesn't mean you're invincible... Flash." I smirked as both Dr. Snow and Barry sputtered out excuses and lame covers. "And for the record, if you're going to lie to someone who's been living with at least ten lies to cover every day for the past five years of their life, do better. You're both bad liars. Might seem decent to others but I can practically smell you two lying to my face." I frowned. "And don't even say you aren't. It won't matter anyway. To make things short, I'll introduce myself and the black cat on the cot." Barry snickered but stiffened as soon as I put down a glare on him.

"I can introduce myself brat!" Aizawa protested from his spot in the room. I turned my glare to him and upped the heat. "Whatever, fine. You explain... this." He gestured all around us. "I'm still confused and would like to know what exactly happened."

"Shut up. If anyone else needs to hear the full explanation from me, then you'd better get them right now 'cause I won't be repeating myself." I announced and as soon as I shut my mouth, Barry ran out and in several flashes of red and gold light, the room had 8 people. "Save the questions for the end. If you need to use your phone to note it down or a pad of paper, then go ahead and get those out as well. I won't be stopping for anyone." Another flash of red and gold and a table appeared in the middle of the room with a cup of pens and pencils on top of it.

"We're ready." The second woman nodded. I scanned the room and received nods from everyone else as well. "You can start now."

"Alright." I took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. "I'll start with where my story starts. Or rather, when. You see, Aizawa and I lived in a world were superpowers are the norm. People like your friend Barry here would be considered great hero material while the rest of you, especially the man in the wheelchair, would be considered worthless. All due to your normalcy and I'm talking about your term of 'normal'. We call super powers as 'Quirks' and there's a lot of them. The majority of the population would get their powers at the age of 4 but there's always the chance that their powers activate before that age." I paused, letting the others in the room process the information I'd just dumped on them. I watched them scribbled or type out notes and questions in their devices or pads of paper.

"When I turned 4, my mother and I went to see a quirk specialist. We found out I was normal. I was quirkless. I had no powers and in mine and Aizawa's world, quirks apparently made you who you are." I rolled my eyes. "Of course, that meant that discrimination against me would be harsh. Word got out and I got bullied for two years. When I was six, I got hit by a quirk while my mother and I were walking home from the store. Even as a child, I threw myself in front of others to save them from any potential harm. The shot was supposed to have hit a pro hero who was only a few feet away. I ran and pulled him out of the way. He didn't like that and he turned to yell at me but paled when he saw just as the beam of purple light hit me. The next thing I knew was screaming all around me and then, silence. In the year 3134, Izuku Midoriya disappeared from the face of the Earth and sometime in between 2018s, Richard John Grayson was "born" into the world." I crossed my arms and leaned back against a wall.

"In truth, I was found and since there wasn't a name tag with me or even a birth date, my adoptive parents named me and claimed my birthday to be the day that they'd found me. My body reverted into a 6 month old baby and I spent the next 22 years of my life there. Suddenly, one day, I got pulled back to my "correct" place in the timeline and I faded into the 3130s and my once-was-a-young-man's-body became the body of a 6 year old kid again. I live in the 3130s for 3 years when my biological mother died and I was orphaned for the second time in my life. Now if we add the 22 years that i spent living in a time when powers were considered unnatural with the 9 years I lived in the world I was born into, I'd been 31 already but no one else but my mother knew that." I chuckled sadly at the memory of her face when she'd found out. "She died because of a criminal and a 'pro hero' who despite having the wrong power to detain him, he chased after the criminal. Both had powers of flames. I think we can all imagine what happened. The building went up in flames and my mother hadn't been in my room or anywhere near it."

Aizawa flinched at the memory and I sent him a meaningful look. One that I desperately hoped would convey my unspoken words of comfort to him. It wasn't your fault. I sighed when he only turned away from me. Again, I paused to let the others take notes and write down their questions (I just wanted a break from yapping really.) before I continued once more. "Aizawa himself was there, as a pro hero. In our world, pro heroes are men and women who are paid to save people though many are only in it for the money and the fame. When my mother passed and I was actually a true orphan, the police tried looking for me." I looked down. "But they couldn't, not when they didn't have any idea as to where I was. I ran from the police and the pro heroes as well as vigilantes for a total of 30 days and 31 nights. It only took one month but by then, the authorities had already quit looking for me. Afterall, none of them cared about a quirkless kid. I wasn't anything special. To many of them, I was nothing but dirt. In a fight, they'd probably use me as cannon fodder and probably use my body as a shield, dead or alive. That was the reality of the quirkless." 

Horrified gasps filled the room and Aizawa once again winced. "And that wasn't just it. To society, the flashier and stronger your quirk was, the higher the chances of you being a pro hero. If it was a misleading or weak quirk that you had, you might as well be bullied for being a 'villain in the making' or just a common individual. I've seen many quirks and have felt more of them as well. As a child, I was always fascinated by quirks and I wanted to know everything about them and so, I wrote notebooks filled with information. I had detailed notes and speculations about the quirks everywhere around me from pro heroes to labelled villains, from known and filmed vigilantes to everyday civilians, so long as they've used their power around or on me, I would have information." Several of the adults looked at me with what seemed to be pride in their eyes and the tension in the room lightened. 

"What the law didn't account for was updating their laws from old ones and the quirkless became virtually invisible to the law. I could've stolen an old pipe and knocked out two 'villains' , once they'd attempted to hit me at least, and I wouldn't have been arrested even if I was the one who'd hunted them down in the first place!" I laughed. "Our world which was filled with individuals both good and bad with varied powers, was a goldmine for those who didn't have a super power! Doctor Snow could choose to hunt down villains who caused many to suffer so she could harvest their organs- so long as the villains tried to kill her first and no one caught her in the act- no one would question where she'd gotten the new, 'donated' organs from! Mister Policeman here could've shot any villain with a fatal shot and no one would've batted an eye! Of course, every time they did so, they would have to be very careful not to get caught killing and that they would never strike first, but other than threading through many loopholes in laws, the quirkless are practically free to do whatever they'd wanted!" I finished, cackling with glee.

"I can attest to that." Aizawa piped in. His exhaustion seeped into his voice as his mood and expression dropped at his memory of having to hunt me. "That brat himself became a legal vigilante by twisting the laws to his favor simply because he is quirkless. He created a site for the depressed and lonely who were either quirkless or mistreated by anyone in any way, saved and practically adopted three children into his family as his siblings, and he managed to evade an individual with an IQ of 245." The adults in the room gaped at me. I scoffed.

"You must have the wrong person Aizawa-kun~." I purred, half sarcastic. "A child like me would never have been able to do all that!" With a smug smirk on my face, I nonchalantly checked my nails out. "Anyway, I know all I need to know- wait, are there any dumps filled with electronics? Don't ask, somebody just please answer the question."

"Uh, as far as we know of, no. The dumps aren't... divided..?" I sighed at the reply.

"Well that's disappointing." I huffed. "But that's fine. I know how to get my hands on certain things through several ways. By the way, your code name's cheesy Barry. Couldn't you have though of a better one? Oh, and don't bother answering that or look for me for the couple months. I'm gonna be busy because of some... reasons that are probably left unsaid." And with that last note, I exited the room with my left hand being the last part of me that they see. "I'll be fine! No need to worry about me!" I yelled. "If you need me, just tell Aizawa to go and hunt me down! I have no idea how but he finds me like a bloodhound!"

-Timeskip... 2 months later-

I skipped into the seemingly abandoned building that was S.T.A.R. labs. "I'm back~!" I cheerfully announced, reaching the "control room" that was the "secret" base of the hero labelled as Flash. "So, how's everyone been doing since I left?" I asked, taking out a juice box and sipping in its contents.

"They were worried out of their minds for you brat." A grumpy reply came from a familiar yellow bedroll. "They almost sent me out after you."

"Aw." I cooed. "How cute. You were almost desperate enough to send another kid after me!" I giggled.

"And where exactly have you been young man?!" Dr. Snow demanded. I simply gave her a mischievous smirk and pulled the straw out of my mouth.

"Oh nowhere and everywhere." I answered. "I do quite remember seeing a man with a bow hunting down criminals and dirty adults who did nothing but cheat and lie. He very nearly caught me, that one. I believe you call him the Arrow if I'm not mistaken. While I don't support his killings, I do have to commend him for trying to keep it as clean as possible and for succeeding in leaving little to no evidence of himself there- his civilian self mind you. His skill in stealth is also admirable." I commented. "Now if only the pro heroes in mine and Aizawa's time would use their brain and not their egos to think about how to more efficiently save people to save lives and not just boost their popularity for their selfish whims." I sighed wistfully. "No offense to you at all Aizawa but the majority of the pro heroes are idiots." I added.

"None taken as I'm quite obliged to agree." He nodded. "The students that aren't under my training in UA, as soon as they graduate, most of them either end up dead or stuck as sidekicks."

"Obviously." I scoffed, rolling my eyes. "You train the elite Aizawa. Your class is lucky and it's also cursed because I've heard all about them from the reports of them being in villain attacks." I deadpanned before withering under his heated glare.

"I know that." He replied. I chuckled weakly. "And hopefully, once Nezu and I win our deal, you'll be officially part of class 1-A." I winced as Aizawa began to darkly laugh in his cocoon. "You should be able to be responsible enough to keep them in line whenever I'm missing. Afterall, you've been active for more than three years as a vigilante. There's no way you still don't know the risks of being a hero!"

"And that's why I plan on staying out of your class as long as possible." I murmured to myself. "The thing about being hit by a quirk and sent to the past is that you never really know when you're returning and how long you've been missing." I sighed. "We should be back soon. Otherwise, I'll just use a machine to- Oh my gods..." I trailed off.


"Why did I not thing of that? Wayne?" I called, addressing my watch. Wayne's holographic image popped up and I nearly squealed for joy. "Record voice message for one Hizashi Yamada from both Izuku Midoriya and Shouta Aizawa."

"Recording now."

"Hey PM! In case you've been worried about Eraser and I, I just want you to know that it wasn't my fault that he joined me in travelling through time. He's here with me and his body uh... got reversed to that of an elementary grade kid. We both got hit with a quirk and it's been two months here already. I don't know how long we've been gone but hopefully, this wears off soon." I walked over to Aizawa and handed him my watch. "Your turn Ai-kun."

"Right. Just so you know, it was totally his fault." Aizawa ignored my protest and instead wrapped me up in his capture weapon. Despite being gagged and tied, I glared at him. "Tell Nezu that I've caught him and to look in the Pre-Quirk era records. Problem child got sent back in time when he was hit by a quirk when he was six. According to him, if he counts the years he's lived and added the together even with the time travel, he would've been 31 years old when his mom died. Look for the duo Batman and Robin. He and his brother in all but blood had dropped hints about bats and his first vigilante name is exactly the same."

I managed to move the scarf off of my face. "For your information, using Robin as my code name back with Bruce was great! Do you even have any idea how many jokes, puns, and pranks I've pulled under that alias? Countless! Besides the birdy name, once taken into the bat family, always stay in the bat family!" I yelled.

"Shut up brat!" He snapped.

"Well exCUSE mE!" I replied sassily. "I just need to add something." Relenting, Aizawa moved my watch closer. "I forgot to say two things. One, do you mind telling Kacchan that I'm fine and back in time? Don't ask who Kacchan is. All you need to know is that he's in 1-A. Two, when are you and him getting married? I know you're both boyfriends!" I screeched the last part just to make sure I was heard when Aizawa yanked my watch away from me and threw me out into the hallway. Groaning, I slowly got up. "Rude." I muttered under my breath.

"Are your okay?" Dr. Snow began to fuss over me , ignoring my attempts at telling her off. "Does it hurt anywhere? Aizawa, that was rude and mean of you young man!"

I slipped away as soon as her attention was diverted and snuck up on Aizawa. As Aizawa protested against her, I snatched the watch out of his hands and ended the message with a yelp as Aizawa tackled me. "Get off of me! The recording was sent and Wayne already knows to only forward the voice message at the same time that he is alerted to forward a recorded message to my family. Adopted family." But despite that, he didn't move. Instead, I heard a snore come from behind me. "Styx, he fell to Morpheus." I cursed, squirming to free myself from his bear hug.

Three hours later, Barry and his team were working. Barry running around the city as Flash, Cisco on the communications, talking to him to guide him, Dr. Snow also talking to Barry as his logic side- Cisco was only talking about how cool something was or would be whilst ignoring risks, someone had to point it out and it definitely wasn't going to be me. (I've done quite a few stunts that Cisco had suggested. It wasn't and will never be fun to get hurt doing that shit.) I was sitting in another chair between Dr. Snow and Cisco with a screen and a keyboard in front of me. The man in the wheelchair had his seat in front of the desk with his back towards us. (I'd forgotten his name alright? I don't remember his name.) They were all barking advice, locations, and suggestions that I got tired just listening to them talk over each other. I didn't bother doing anything though. Well, aside from hacking into many... places... (They didn't need to know that though.)

I scooted over to Aizawa and slid into his large sleeping bag and proceeded to take a nap with him. Surprisingly, the sleeping bag was comfortable and did muffle sounds from the outside world. Unsurprisingly, Aizawa was half asleep. I gave him an unimpressed, deadpan stare for a entire minute before snuggling into him and falling to Morpheus.

When I woke up again, I was the only one left in the sleeping bag. Muffled voices came from outside and I recognized more than three of them. Shuffling around, I opened the zipper and peeked out curiously. I was met with Nezu's furry face and Aizawa's triumphant but still scary, smirk. "Oh. We're back in time." I said intelligently.

"Yes, and according to the rules of our deal, you were caught and brought to UA. As promised, I have already added your name to the roll call of class 1-A." Nezu said, sipping his tea calmly. I raised an eyebrow before deadpanning and zipping the sleeping bag closed again. "Come out now Midoriya-kun, it's time for you to get to class."

"Just drag me there. It's not like Aizawa's gonna leave his sleeping bag and we're going to the same room anyway. Also, I don't care what anyone says, I'm not wearing the uniform." I announced. I felt the sleeping bag shift and relaxed to make it easier on the pro hero who was dragging me.

After five minutes, Aizawa and I entered a room. I could hear screaming and quirks being used and in general, chaos. Giggling, I reopened the zipper and slipped out, flopping on the floor with a childish yelp as I did so. "Get up from the floor problem child." He ordered. "Your seat's the one behind Bakugou. Go and sit down." I ignored him and merely climbed the man. Aizawa sighed and resignedly began class while I sat on his shoulders and observed the class.

"Neh, Aizawa-sensei, what's wrong with Engine?" I asked, pointing a finger to a boy with glasses. "He looks a bit constipated or something."

"That's Iida. Knowing you, you won't stop calling him 'Engine' or 'kid' until he actually grows up from his stiff attitude aren't you?"

"Obviously." I playfully tapped his nose. The man sighed again before proceeding to ignore me for the rest of the time. 

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