Just the Little Things (Allis...

Von TankAndtheGang

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Inspired by a one-shot by BloodyBritt26 Ever since you faced off Allister during your Gym Challenge days, he'... Mehr

Milo's Garden
Nessa's Flow
Kabu's Enlightenment
One-Shot 2


997 23 53
Von TankAndtheGang

You and Allister are already in a relationship. No story progress was made during this chapter. There are some spoilers, but nothing that should give too much away.

Title: Hot Damn

You were exhausted, no thanks to your stubbornness despite many warnings from Oleana. You don't know what made you think all this was an okay idea, but you wish you could go back in time to low sweep yourself when you did.

You had been invited to a convention. Normally this wouldn't deter you, as you went to conventions all the time even before you were champion. But it didn't occur to you that you were attending as a featured guest. You went in completely blind and unprepared.

Your fans were swarming you left and right. You couldn't go see the stands without being noticed. When you finally got to your stall, Oleana was already giving you an earful. You almost started to feel bad for Mr. Rose. Once that fiasco was over with, you had to deal with the longest line of fans that you've ever seen. You had to write so many autographs, your hand was cramping so bad. It's a good thing Dr. Harris Bonkers Ph.D. has been learning to forge your signature. You're not sure how, why, or when he learned to do that, so you should probably watch him extra closely.

Then came to break time. Oleana graciously ordered you a salad from a nearby restaurant. With that salad devoured, you set off on a quest so dangerous, you weren't sure you'd make it out alive. Finding a birthday gift for Allister. But since you didn't want to get swarmed again, you needed a disguise. That's when Hop and Victor suddenly appeared. You don't know what luck you had but you hoped it'd keep on coming. Hop was happy to lend you his lab coat and nerd glasses, while victor graciously lent you his beanie. Then you began your journey for the second time in your life.

Normally, you'd also have Tank walk by your side. Just to have extra company and a second opinion, but you can't have him out or else you'd get recognized. Finding something for Allister wasn't easy. You wanted to give him something that conveyed "Hey, I like you so much I can't control myself! Let's be with each other forever!" But you feel like that's a bit too high of a standard. I mean, for goodness sake, you're looking through stalls at a convention. You wished you had Tank with you at that moment.

You went from stall to stall, trying desperately to find something for Allister. Although you bought a lot of things for yourself, nothing really spoke to you. Until you came across three certain stalls. The first stall was selling old games that weren't in the making anymore. You remember Allister feeling nostalgic about a game and found it there. Deciding a video game night would be a wonderful way to spend a birthday, you bought the game Allister was nostalgic for (plus the console and a couple of other games for yourself).

The second stand had cute little spherical displays (that resembled a Pokeball) that had small pokemon figures inside little habitats. There were random pokemon types inside, even one that contained the original legendary bird trio. The one that caught your eyes contained a Chesnaught and a Mimikyu lying underneath a surprisingly detailed cherry blossom tree in a graveyard. Being reminded of your sixth outing with Allister, you bought it immediately. You even gave the vendor one of your autographed rare league cards.

The third stall, well...

With Allister's birthday presents finally finished, you went back to your stall with a clean conscience. When it was time for your stall to close, you grabbed everything you bought and took it back to your champion suite in Hammerlock. Allister was celebrating with his family right now, so you have plenty of time to set things up before his arrival. Plus, you have Bea on standby in case he tries to leave early or he does manage to leave before he's supposed to. Which he does quite often and has surprised you on multiple occasions.

When you got to the suite, you weren't surprised how clean it was. The cleaning service in these places made sure everything was spotless. Not wanting to make a mess of things, you put all the trinkets you bought for you and Allister into your closet. Except for the console. With some help from your Rotom phone, you were able to successfully (although messily) able to connect everything. It also worked like a charm when you turned it on to test it out.

With snacks and refreshments on the way, you had nothing left to do other than to take a shower and change your clothes. While you were in the shower, you were receiving texts from Bea that Allister is on his way. With no way of knowing that, you continued doing your shower thing. You also didn't hear Allister coming in the suite.

When Allister arrived, he didn't really notice any of the things you set up for him. He did, however, hear you in the shower. In a bit of a mischievous mood, he decided he'd scare you when you came out. After you finished showering, you realized that you forgot to bring clothes with you into the shower. Still not knowing that Allister is in your room waiting to scare you, you went to get your clothes.

Allister can barely contain himself as he heard you open the bathroom door. In one swift motion, he slips on his mask and jumps out from where he was hiding, and screams at you. Not being one that gets easily frightened, this one did manage to catch you off guard. What made it even more so was one crucial detail.

You were naked. No towel or bathrobe covered your person. It was just your naked body and the rest of the world. That world being Allister, who had visible steam coming out of the holes and sides of his mask. Both of you stood there for what almost felt like an eternity before you finally spoke.

"U-um... Talk about a b-birthday s-surprise, am I right?" Well, that was lame.

Allister didn't say anything as he dragged himself out of the room, mumbled an apology, and closed the door. Not five seconds later, you heard him scream. Oh boy, well there goes the game night you planned for the day. Allister laid in the fetal position on your couch. There is no way in hell this is gonna end well. You came out three minutes later (although it felt less than that), Allister didn't turn around though.

He felt the couch shift as you sat on the other side of him. It was silent for a moment before you spoke again. "You doing okay?"

He stayed silent again before speaking once more. "I-I've been better..."

You nodded your head. "Okay, that's a start."

You both sat silent for another minute or two. "...S-sorry."

"Hm? O-oh, dude, don't worry about it."

"You say that, b-but how can I not worry about it? If I didn't ruin your privacy like that, w-we wouldn't really be where we are."

"Dude, you're acting like this is the end of our relationship or something." Allister didn't say anything as he sunk into the sofa. You sighed. "Baby." You scooted closer to Allister and caressed his head to the best of your ability. "Stuff... just happens. Whether we want to or not, it's not up to us. We can wish with all our might for these things to have never happened, but we can't. Other than that, it is still technically your fault." Allister curls up more. "Like, I love you and everything, but what made you think I wouldn't do that?"

"All the other times I came over you always had something covering you."

"That's because I knew you were there all those other times!" You laughed. Allister moved to where his head rested on your thighs. You slid his mask off his face to make things less uncomfortable for you and him. "You are so anxious all the time." You leaned down to kiss him on his cheek. "Good thing that I find it adorable." You both stayed in that position for a while before you got up from the couch and went to your room to get something, which made Allister feel like he did something bad. It also made him realize that you had a white silk robe on and some white fishnet stockings.

You came back and you were holding something behind your back. Allister sat up and looked at you. "I, uh, found this while I was at the convention today." You handed Allister the Pokeball display. He looked it over and was instantly flooded with memories of your sixth outing. He smiled warmly at the present. You sat next to him and hugged him lightly to your chest. "Happy Birthday, Alli. I love you so much."

Allister snuggled into you more, holding the present on his lap. "I love you too. I'm glad I'm able to spend today with you." You both stayed like that for a long while. Both of your breathing was synchronized with the other, and both of your hearts raced.



"Why are you wearing fishnets?"

You stiffened and your face heated up. You slowly remove yourself from Allister, stood up, and moved in front of him. "It's one of the other gifts I got you..." He looked confused by your sudden bashful expression. You took a deep breath and slowly removed your silk robe, revealing what was under it. Allister's eyes nearly popped out of his head and his face was redder than a Nickit's fur. You were wearing a skimpy Cursola costume, minus the branches. "I wanted to wait until the end of the night, but since you already caught a glimpse of me in my room..." You sit back on the couch, your charisma returning to you. You dragged Allister, who was still out of it, onto your lap. "What do you say, Master?~"

Best. Birthday. Ever.


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