Scarecrow's Secret

Od echoangel124

13.6K 190 44

There's a secret about Dr Jonathan Crane, otherwise known as Scarecrow. He has a family. A son and a daughter... Více

Caralyn's Nightmare
Familiar Faces, Unbeknown Names
Want A Taste Of My Medicne?
Fresh Blood
Jonathan's Plan
Curse Security Cameras
This Is Revealing
Dirty Secret
Happy Birthday Caralyn...
Welcome to Arkham
Caralyn's Second Session
Who Knew Escaping Was So Hard?
Dying In a Tedious Manner
Oh, Look, Duality King
Don't Lie... Unless You Absolutely Have To
Death Bed
Agility Lessons
Capture To The Courthouse
Courthouse Nightmare
Seperated - Part 1
Seperated - Part 2
The "Secret" Lair
"We Are Just Epic,"

"Please, call me Jon,"

3.2K 31 13
Od echoangel124

Third Person P.O.V

Evalyn Gordon sat in the psychiatrists office. Her father was completely ashamed as he stood with her little sister, Barbara. She saw them through the window and her father's eyes filled with tears. Evalyn felt no emotion towards her father. But, then Barbara started to cry. She loved Barbara. Her father led Barbara out of the asylum and into the cold, dark night. She looked out of the window and saw a man with black hair and glasses talking to a woman with blonde hair and glasses. The man with black hair looked over at Evalyn. He immediately thought that she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in his life. The way her long blonde hair fell over her shoulders, her shimmering green eyes, her blood red lips and other things. He stared for a moment while Evalyn looked over at the corner of the room. He saw her blink and her eyes move to the window. He turned back to the blonde woman.

"Dr Crane, this is your patient. Her name is Evalyn Keeley Gordon. State of action is a tendency to drive people to the point of fear and then lock them in her lab. She worked as a forensic scientist for two years and she currently works as a psychiatrist at Gotham Central Hospital on floor 9 in section 16," said the woman with blonde hair.

"Thank you, Dr Quinzel," he replied. He whispered something in her ear that Evalyn couldn't make out. Dr Quinzel smiled an evil smile. She walked off down the catwalk of the cells.

"Hello, Miss Gordon. My name is Dr Jonathan Crane and I'll be your psychiatrist," he announced. Evalyn sighed.

"Come to examine me, Dr Crane?" she asked, carelessly. Dr Crane closed the door behind him.

"That, as it may come about as odd, is a no," he answered. Evalyn furrowed her eyebrows.

"You see, Evalyn, you don't mind if I call you, Evalyn, do you?" he asked. Evalyn shook her head.

"You can call me Eva, if you like," she replied. Dr Crane smiled.

"Well, Eva, you see, you and I are the same. This is my day job, but I'm going to impart some information to you that only Dr Quinzel knows," he said. He went into a control room and shut down the cameras. Through his radio, Evalyn heard a man speaking.

"Cameras are down in Dr Crane's office. I repeat, cameras are down! Dr Crane, are you okay?" asked the man.

"I'm just fine, Harry. No need to worry. I'll be shutting this off now," he replied darkly in to the radio.

"But, Jonathan. Evalyn Gordon's a maniac. I don't care if she's the daughter of the Police Commisoner. Barbara has a better chance than that psy-" Harry stopped at psy, because by that time, Dr Crane had launched his radio halfway across the room. He was scaring Evalyn. Evalyn tried to break free but she was held down by her cuffs.

"Don't be afraid, Eva. Anyway, where was I? Ah, yes. You and I are the same. You see, Eva, I make fear toxin. You may have heard of me, I masquerade as the Scarecrow," he confided. Evalyn's eyes widened.

"You're the Scarecrow?" she asked.

"Yes. Why?" he asked, suspiciously.

"Well, I've always wanted to meet you, see how you do it!" she nearly yelled.

"Keep your voice down," he growled. "They think I'm back to being the normal psychiatrist. Well, I'm not,"  

"Well, Dr, Jonathan, if you don't mind...," she stammered.

"No, not at all. Please, call me Jon," he answered with a smile. Evalyn looked at him for a moment. He raised his eyebrows, still smiling.

"Well, okay, Jon. I have a question,"


"Could you untie me?"


Jonathan reached over and untied Evalyn from her ropes. Evalyn sat up and rubbed her wrists as Jonathan sat back, examining her standing up and not tied to a board. Evalyn started walking about his office.

"Anyway, Jon. I have always been amazed at your work. How you perfected the toxin, used it on others and in my eyes, you did nothing particularly wrong, except test it on patients. But, to be honest, what chance did they have considering this asylum is going down the potholes?" rambled Evalyn. Jonathan just sat and watched her, whilst listening intently, walk about and examine things in his office. She picked up a pink flower which sparkly and a yellow sparkly pot.

"Have a feminine side?" she asked. Jonathan chuckled. Being the Scarecrow, why would he have a feminine side?"

"Uh, no. Sister. She said my office needed a "womans touch"," he enlightened, she placed the flower down.

"Sister?" she asked, intrigued. She knew about Scarecrows life, but seeing the man behind the mask was more than relieving. It was fascinating.

"Yeah, Allysen Crane. A bitch, really," he explained. Evalyn chuckled. He smiled at her.

"Well, I have a sister, too. She's nice to me. Before I was declared psychotic, she did everything with me. She's only thirteen, though. Also, a brother, he's fifteen,"

"Really? Barbara and Kyle Gordon? Also, how old might you be?" he asked, amazed.

"Yes. Barbara and Kyle Gordon, and I'm twenty-three" she clarified. Evalyn and Jonathan spent hours talking about their lives. Evalyn learned Jonathan was twenty-four At almost, nine o'clock. Dr Quinzel came running down the catwalk and dived into Jonathan's room.

"Dr Quinzel, what's going on?" asked Jonathan.

"We're alone, we can resort to name basis. Jon, we have to go. Something's happened to Edward," panted Dr Quinzel.

"Harley, what do you mean?" he asked, confused.

"Just come with me, Jon," she almost yelled.

"Jon! Don't leave me here. You've got to get me out of here. Please don't leave me," almost shouted Evalyn.

"Eva," he whispered. Harley looked at him and saw his eyes droop sadly.

"Jon, bring her," whispered Harley. Jon's eyes lightened up and he picked her up.

"Eva, we're going to have to chain you up and call you Miss Gordon. Makes it less suspicious," announced Jonathan. Evalyn nodded. Harley and Jonathan led her down the catwalk. A patient slammed up against a window on Jonathan's side. Jonathan looked over at the patient.

"Pretty lady, wanna share my cell?" he asked sadistically. His body was covered in tally marks.

"Down, Zzasz!" yelled Jonathan.

"As you wish... Dr Crane," he sighed, adding disgust to "Dr Crane,". They reached the entrance to the asylum.

"Where are you taking her?" asked one of the guards.

"GCPD, quick interrogation they want with her and then straight back here," answered Jonathan before Harley could say something idotic and senseless. The guards stepped aside.

"Name and status in Arkham," asked the overhead scanner.

"Dr Jonathan Crane, psychiatrist,"

"Dr Harleen Quinzel, psychiatrist,"

The scanner kept scanning Evalyn, she wasn't paying attention. Harley coughed a little. Still nothing. She coughed again. Nothing.

"Miss Gordon, name and status in Arkham," said Harley.

"Oh, um, Dr Eva Gordonski, psychiatrist,"

"You may proceed," said the overhead in its robotic voice. Once they were outside, Harley and Jonathan let go of Evalyn and uncuffed her.

"Where did the psychiatrist thing come from?" asked Jonathan.

"Well, it's not a lie, I am a psychiatrist and at the hospital they do call me Eva. But I couldn't exactly say Gordon because they could trace that to my exact name. And, I figured, as a patient, I wouldn't be let through. So I said psychiatrist," explained Evalyn.

"Nice thinking," praised Jonathan. They found an alleyway to hide in while getting dressed as Scarecrow and Harley Quinn. Harley wore a mask again, her hair was always down this time and a different outfit to hide her true identity. No one suspected anything. Except, maybe, a few people at work and possibly The Batman.

"Ready to go, Scarecrow?" asked Harley. He nodded.

-2 years later-

*Eva's P.O.V*

"I now pronounce you, husband and wife, you may kiss the bride," pronounced the minister. Jon smiled at me and I smiled back. We kissed, a special wedding kiss, everyone cheered. I was now his sidekick, Eva-O-Lantern, like Jack-O-Lantern. I had met everyone. My best friend was obviously, Harley Quinn, after two years of meeting Jon and Harley, in a most unusual place to find your husband, no one expected a thing still. Jon and Harley still worked at the asylum and I found work as a psychiatrist there aswell, after they cleared me completely sane and healthy. I looked over in to the clapping crowd, and saw my sister and father. Barbara was clapping loudly along with my father. Jon's sister, Allysen, clapped whilst giving me an evil glare, she didn't like me. Jon and I walked over to cut the cake, I shoved a bit in his mouth and lightly whacked me away. We laughed. He had cream on his nose. Harley came over and gave us congratulations, alongside Joker, but Joker was makeupless. He had some light makeup to cover up his scarred face. My dad and sister came up.

"Eva!" yelled Barbara. She ran up to me and hugged me. My dad came rushing through and hugged me.

"Congratulations, sweetie. I'm glad you're keeping you're name, well half," he said. I just rolled my eyes and hugged him back.

"Dad, don't be so uptight," I replied, smiling. He stood back.

"Dr Crane, Dr Quinzel, Mr Napier," he adressed standing back.

"Commisoner Gordon," replied Joker and Harley, looking down.

"Commisoner, we can go on first name basis now, can't we?" asked Jon. Jon smiled at my father.

"I guess we can, Jonathan," replied dad, moodily.

"Please, call me Jon, Jim," he pleaded. My dad smiled a forced smile at him and walked off with Barbara.

-another 2 years later-

*Jon's P.O.V*

I waited outside with Jim, Barbara and Allysen at the hospital. Eva needed to be outwith people, other than the doctors'. She was having our child. Unknown what sex. I paced back and forth, I was biting my nails.

"She'll be okay, Jon," reassured Barbara. I closed my eyes, my hand was still raised to my mouth.

"I know. But we've been out here for hours," I said, shakily. Barbara stood up and rested a hand on my shoulder.

"She'll be okay," she whispered.

"I hope she dies," said Allysen loudly. I sharply turned my head to hair and Barbara had to refrain me from killing her. What she didn't realise that two of Eva's family were here.

"Allysen, please leave. I don't think Jon wants you here. Frankly, neither do me or Barbara," said Jim, coldly, standing up. Allysen picked up her stuff and left, giving a cold glare at Jim as she left slowly. She turned to face me.

"I hope her whole family dies," she whispered. I didn't know why. Maybe it was because Eva loved her family, that I plunged myself at Allysen, she almost fell over but, again, Barbara held me back. She ran out of the hospital.

"Dr Crane, PC Gordon and Miss Gordon?" asked a doctor coming out of the room. Barbara let go of me and I straightened up. Jim stood up.

"Yes, doctor?" I asked.

"You're baby. It's a boy," she announced, smiling. I smiled and walked in to be by Eva's side.

"Eva?" I asked. No answer. I walked in slowly and saw her holding a little baby boy.

"What will we call him, Jon?" asked Eva. I had always been particulary fond of Richard or Jamie. But this boy didn't look like a Richard or a Jamie.

"What do you want to call him, Eva?" I asked her. She looked at me and hesistated.

"I've never been great with boys' names," she replied. I looked down in thought.

"How about George?" I asked.

"He doesn't look like a George," she replied. I thought...a lot. More than I did and that goes a long way for a full time psychiatrist and part time criminal. I finally settled on a name.

"Daniel! Daniel Crane," I suggested enthustiacally. Eva looked up in surprise.

"Th-That's perfect," she replied. "Little Daniel Crane," she cooed.

-a year later-

*Eva's P.O.V*

Here we were again, the hospital. Another baby on the way. I pushed and pushed for hours and hours on end. Dad, Jon, Barbara and Daniel - who was now a year old - stood outside. I was sweating. Even though I'd done this before with Daniel, the pain was still there. I could hear Barbara being an auntie to Daniel. I saw Jon and dad watching her. I screamed in agony. Then, before I knew it, an hour was up and I had a baby girl.

"Oh, my God," I squeaked. A doctor went to get Jon and he rushed in to see our baby girl.

"A boy and a girl. Just like we wanted," he whispered and sat down. I passed her over to him.

"She looks like you, but my eyes," he shared. I smiled at him, my hair was matted to my face. I pulled it off.

"What shall we call her?" asked Jon. I really didn't know.

"Well, I've always been fond of Cara, or Lyn. With a 'y' and one 'n'," I answered. He studied that for a minute.

"Maybe, you can put them both together. And get, Caralyn," he suggested.

"That's...great," I agreed.

"Caralyn Crane. Our daughter and Daniel Crane, our son. Our family," he said. We smiled at each other.

-8 years later-

*Jon's P.O.V*

It had been eight years since Caralyn was born, and nine since Daniel. No one even suspected anything still about Scarecrow or Eva-O-Lantern. Nor Harley. In their time, Harley and Joker also had their own kid A baby girl. Alexandria Napier-Quinn. Eva, Caralyn, Daniel and I, were walking through a dark alleyway, it was a quicker route back to our house, it was almost midnight.

"Daddy, lift me up?" asked Caralyn. I chuckled and picked her up. She hated the alleyway. She was scared. Something I had mastered, fear. I would conquer her fear eventually, aswell as Daniel's. We got midway through the alleyway before Eva stopped.

"Eva, what's wrong?" I asked. She put a finger to her lips as in "be quiet," then a finger to her as in "and listen." I listened intently. I heard a woman scream, a voice, gunshot and a womans voice. At first, I thought it was Harley, but the woman didn't have Harley's Brooklyn accent. She had someone elses voice entirely. I set Caralyn down.

"Okay. I have a spray of fear toxin for each of you, okay?" I announced quietly. I stuck a mask on Caralyn and Daniel. Eva stuck her own on. Not wanting to scare, or give myself away, I didn't put my Scarecrow mask on, instead, just a normal gas mask. I told Caralyn and Daniel how to use it. We were ready. We walked quietly along the alleyway, hopefully our shadows wouldn't give us away. I had obviously thought too soon. She sharply turned around and saw me.

"Jonathan! How nice to see you again," cried the woman. Dr Tristan, from the asylum.

"Dr Tristan?" I questioned, pulling my mask off.

"Yeah, and Dr Gordon-Crane. Wow," she said.

"Why the 'wow'?" asked Eva. Dr Tristan looked taken aback and clasped her hands.

"It's just, most relationships these days don't last long. Also, considering how you two met," she stopped there. I looked at Eva. She shrugged.

"Look, Dr Tristan-" she held up a hand to stop me.

"Please, call me Kelly," she pleaded.

"Um, okay. Look, Kelly, how we met has nothing to do with you. What are you even doing here?" I asked, in wonder. She smirked, evilly.

"Working for someone," she replied. I reapplied my face mask. Caralyn tugged at my trousers.

"Caralyn," I whispered. I was more determined in my life to figure out Kelly's ambition for this.

"Working for who, Kelly?" I asked her. She just faded in to the darkness. Laughing, grinning. Caralyn hid behind my trousers. These two men appeared, holding guns.

"I suggest you run. 1...2...," the first one never got to to count to three as I sprayed him with fear toxin. I grabbed Caralyn and ran. Eva grabbed Daniel and they ran.

"Keep running, Eva!" I yelled.

"Why would I stop?!" she yelled back. We ran and ran and ran. We made it home.

"Eva! We're here!" I yelled, grinning. There was no answer.

"Eva?!" I called out. There was no appearance of Eva. Oh, God, Daniel.

"Daniel?!" I yelled. A saw a small boy run up to me, crying. I picked him up and hugged him. He weeped into my jacket.

"Daniel, what's wrong?" I asked him.

"They...they got mommy, she's not moving," he replied.

"What?" I asked in shock. I ran up the alleyway, Caralym and Daniel behind me. I saw a body. A woman with long blonde hair. Lying outside the door of number sixty-five.

"Eva?" I shook her. No answer. I repeated her name. Tears started to fall. I felt something I had fought others with. Fear. I was afraid I had lost Eva. I had. I felt her pulse. Nothing. I held on to her. Crying. I climbed on top of her. Caralyn and Daniel watching.  

"Why, Eva? Why?" I asked myself, weeping. "What did she ever do to you?" I asked myself, again. I cried into her chest. I dragged my lips up her body and on to her lips. For one last time, I kissed her. Tears rolling down my cheeks. I called the police and an ambulance. The police got here, I was sitting next her pale, limp, lifeless body. I remembered Jim. Jim was distraught, but it was his job to ask what happened.

"Jon, what happened?" he asked, crying slightly.

"We were walking down this alleyway, and Kelly Tristan from the asylum, she jumped out and attacked us, well, her thugs did. We used pepper spray on them and I grabbed Caralyn and ran. Daniel ran with Eva but then, I don't know when Eva got shot because I didn't notice at first but then Daniel came running up, crying. Then I found her here and phoned you and the ambulance," I explained. I cried into my knees for a moment. "I'm sorry, Jim,"

Jim looked at me with a look of confusion. I took my glasses off and cleaned them on my jacket.

"Sorry? What are you sorry for?" he asked.

"I'm sorry because it's all my fault. If I hadn't suggested we come through this way, then-" I was cut off by Jim putting a hand over my mouth.

"Ok, first of all, Jon. You can't blame yourself for what happened to Eva. Secondly, we will avenge her death, by catching Kelly and whoever killed Eva and bringing them to justice, okay?" he proposed. Even though I was a mass criminal and I would have rather made sure he saw oblivion at the end of his fear, I really didn't care right now. Eva was dead, and Kelly would pay.

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