An Untold Story- The desperat...

By DragonPrincess22

25.1K 937 1.5K

America has never had a personification, however in a last-ditch effort, the countries of the world form a sc... More

Chapter 1- Welcome.
Chapter 2- First day of school.
Chapter 3- Russian with Russia
Chapter 4: Spanish and Math
Chapter 5: The many uses of Tomatoes
Chapter 6: Totally not looking at tentacle porn
Chapter 7: The pasta fight of the second day
Chapter 8: Revolutionary.
Chapter 9: My...mirror?
Chapitre 10: La classe de français
Chapter 11: Nightmares and Breakdowns
Chapter 12: Come back
Chapter 13: Fighting your demons
Chapter 15: The Explaination
Chapter 16: Midterms
Chapter 17: The Dance
Chapter 18: America is in
Chaper 19: Christmas
Chapter 20: Last day before the end

Chapter 14: Awakening

1.1K 39 38
By DragonPrincess22

The world zoomed into focus, and the first thing he felt was pain. Though numbed, that's all Alfred felt. The next thing was the beeping of the monitor next to him, his heart rate steady. The third was the smell of maple syrup and snow. He opened his eyes only to be blinded by the lights of his hospital room, this level of brightness is illegal. He listed to the sound of quiet sobbing to his left.

Alfred's eyes finally adjust to the light,  flowers and gifts surrounded him. "Get well soon!" cards littered the piles. And to his left was Mr. Williams looking like he either just crawled out of bed, or Hell. He looks terrible, and if Alfred had any once of emotion left from his time in his head then he might've empathized with that level of suffering.

"Mr. Williams?" Alfred croaked dryly, just recognizing how dry his throat is. The Candian jumps and looks at him for a good two seconds before freezing completely with wide purple eyes behind his glasses. Alfred, well he had to squint for one or two reasons, mainly because he's blind without his glasses and the room was so freaking bright. 

Mr. Williams legit pinches himself, he lets out a small ow at how hard he pinched. Alfred just sits there, awkwardly. Matthew freaks out a bit, he hits the nurse button because Alfred was awake. He then continued to freak out, Alfred eyed him emotionlessly.

"When you're done, I could use some water." He choked out, his voice gravelly but equally emotionless. 

Matthew sputtered slightly but does as told retrieving a cup of water. He gave it to Alfred, Alfred drinks it calmly. The water felt amazing to his dry throat, and he swore water would be his new favorite drink after this. The nurse came in, she looked at them wondering what was happening, she then recognized the coma patient was awake and went to get the doctor and such.

They started checking Alfred and doing all that, Alfred looked at his arms for a long time. They were twigs, absolute twigs. He could see the bone, barely covered with a layer of skin. For some reason, that didn't really concern him.

His brain went back to America, what he said as he was waking up, "The choice is yours.". Choice, that word held some meaning he couldn't identify in his own mind.  Should he let America in? Maybe he could smile widely like America did, be...happy. Why was that a strange concept to him, happiness? 

The doctor might've been lecturing him on nutrition, but the amount of attention he was paying was less than none. Either because he was too busy thinking about this new Nation stuff, or because he just didn't care because of Tero. Either is a viable option, you pick which you prefer. Anyway, Matthew was taking extensive notes on the subject over there, Alfred couldn't understand why he cared.

Then again, they do look alike and he vaguely remembers a time before the woman where he had a mother and a brother, it seemed like a pipe dream in his youth but maybe it was a reality, a memory of a better time. And if he is America, then this has to be Canada. Wait, if there are countries, then World Congress is made of literal country personifications. So, Mr. Braginsky is actually Russia, and Mr. Kirkland is the United Kingdom? Huh, that's almost like a funny joke, hiding in plain sight like that. 

Wait, what was the point of the school if they were looking for an American personification, well, him? Where they that desperate or something? He didn't even hide, then again he didn't stay in the same place for that long either. Kinda pathetic if you ask him, but it didn't fail either... Huh, how did he fall for this...?

He was torn away from his thoughts as he was hugged abruptly, Matthew grabbing onto him like he was a lifeline. Alfred didn't know how to feel anymore, so he just observed emotionlessly as he'd done for decades. He could let in America, and be happy but...He would change, and he wasn't sure if he was ready for that. 

"You have to take care of yourself jerk, do you know how worried we were?!" Matthew mumbled into his side, Alfred literally didn't know how he was supposed to respond to that. 

"Can't imagine it's that high, but whatever," Alfred said, did he always sound this monotone? 

Matthew didn't answer, the hospital door opens and a crowd of what he now knew were countries. Arthur, Francis, Antonio, Ivan, Yao, Kiku, Felicano, Lovino, and Ludwig were first to clumsily stumble into the room, Alfred was surprised that many were allowed in the room. 

"We came as soon as we heard," Arthur said, before looking at Alfred who slowly turns his head to look back. The two in an unmentioned starting contest, Arthur loses. Miserably. Alfred then looks down at Matthew, who passed out hugging Alfred. Matthew must have been exhausted. Well, at least he's sleeping now.

"So, how are you doing lad?" Arthur asks

Alfred looks outside the window at the sky for a moment, before turning back, and with a straight face he said "The sky is blue."  The others looked confused, then he added "and so am I." the others laugh nervously, was it a joke or just him being weird? 

"How do you think, I just woke from a coma!?" Alfred says darkly, surprising himself with the sharp emotion in it. 

"So, we should tell you something..." Francis says and Alfred guessed the next sentence, "You're actually a country."

Wow, what a shock, let him show how shocked he is by staring blankly, "What? How could someone be a country?" Hey, he wanted to have fun with this. Even if it was little sparks of joy. He suddenly understood why Tero let America try and explain with no input, and well he probably would feel more if he let America in. But, he's gonna watch them suffer.

A/N- Alfred is suddenly a bit of a sarcastic little sh- and you know what, I ain't changing it. I probably will regret this chapter later.......Like most of them actually. 

What is editing?

Au revoir!

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