Her Bad Choices

By jessmb94

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COMPLETED! BOOK ONE RESTRICTED! MATURE ONLY! I rolled my eyes at how easy I had him wrapped around... More

My "Informing You" Book
Auothers Note
October, 2018
Chapter One- Where I Snatch Men
Chapter Two- Where I Pitch Lies
Chapter Three- When The Stranger Ruins My Fun
Chapter Four- Dreaming Sex Wish
Chapter Five- Drinking And Dining With My Stalker
Chapter Six- Claiming My Victory
Chapter Eight- Taking What I Deserve
Chapter Nine- Strange Stalker Habits
Chapter Ten- Between The Lines
Chapter Eleven- Misjudging The Drink
Sneak peek ;)
Chapter Twelve- Creep Beside My Bed
Chapter Thirteen- Saving Her
Chapter Fourteen- Another To Add
Chapter Fifteen- All The Protection I Need
Chapter Sixteen- Where I Turn Into The Victim
Chapter Seventeen Part One- S.W.A.T Joins With Cuffs
Chapter Seventeen Part Two-Where I Meet Alesha
Chapter Eighteen- The Exception
Chapter Nineteen- Learning The Truth
Shout out!!!
Chapter Twenty- The Moment I Say I Love You
Book Series
Sneek Peak book2

Chapter Seven- Waking Up With No Memory

4.3K 159 13
By jessmb94

Pic of Ryan's car :) I just love it! Don't you?!

********Restricted 18+ ********

(You also have to follow me for a dedication) or else wattpad won't allow me to to the @ whoever, who is not following me or me following them so follow me! Lol. I'll follow back!

Chapter Seven

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"That's no concern of yours." He hissed.

But it's his concern on what I'm doing.

"What the fûčk ever." I sneered at him then went to walk around him.

"How much have you had to drank?" He wrinkled his nose.

Well, from the looks of it I can see two of you, sooo...too much.

I shrugged instead of answering him with my snide comment.

"Why are you here with him?" Ryan hissed.

"Who?" I snapped.

"The son of a bîtćh you were grinding all over." Ryan had an annoyed expression on his face.

"I wasn't grinding on anyone." I hissed defensively.

"Then who's the scumbag waiting for you."

"The scumbags name is Chad." I snapped.

Why are you explaining yourself to him?! Get away from him before our victim sees and leaves! My subconscious remarked.

My subconscious needs to shut the hell up.

I went to step around him again but he stopped me again.

"Your not going with him." Ryan said through clenched teeth.

"Your not my damn boss!" I hissed.

Ryan looked behind me then nodded. I frowned not understanding what he was doing. Before I could look and see, out of no where I felt something small and sharp, jab between my shoulder and neck. I felt liquid being injected into my veins.

The burning substance traveled through my body. Black spots scattered my vision making it worse then it had been from just alcohol. My hearing of sounds around me became a loud ringing noise. My body becoming a frozen shell. I felt my head spinning, then with all my senses weakened, the world was a black cloud.

Ryan reaching out to me was the last image I seen before I was pulled into the black storm the substance held. I seen nothing, felt nothing, heard nothing, and smelled nothing. In a sense, I am nothing...

My only thoughts were I was being kidnapped and he's going to murder me.


Waking up with sore muscles, aching body, and a foggy memory was the worst.

How much did I fûćkîñg drink last night?!

"So your finally awake."

I snapped my head around to see who spoke.


"I thought we had an agreement! I was never to see you again!"

Ryan narrowed his eyes, "Yes we did."

"Did?" I snapped, "We do."

"That was before." He straightened his non-wrinkled shirt.

That's irritating.


"Before you were practically dry humping a low life." He growled.

The events of the club came flooding back to me. Chad. Was he referring to him? I recall dancing with Chad but dry humping? I'm not a trashy dancer, yes I'm a master of seduction and a very damn good dancer however, I don't dry hump.

I also remember drinking. Well... heavily drinking like a college dits. Maybe I was as Ryan called it dry humping Chad.

Don't even think like that! My subconscious snapped.

All I remember last was walking out of the clubs bathroom then everything's blank.

Noticing the sheets were too soft to be my sheets I looked around me. The room was to bright to be mine. The walls were pale white like snow.

"Where am I?" My panic of not knowing where I was shot through me.

My anxiety of the surroundings I did not know made my heart race.

"My condo." Ryan shrugged.

"Why am I here?" I asked as I looked down.

I'm still dressed. I mentally sighed relieved.

"You were drunk and wasted. I brung you to my place. Don't worry, I took care of your well being while you slept." Ryan smirked.

I blushed for a unknown reason. "What time is?"

I needed to change the subject. I should be running for the hills right now. I'm in a strangers guest room, in his condo. But if he wanted to hurt me he would have done it along time ago.

He has you in his territory now, maybe this was what he's been waiting for.

If he wanted to hurt me he would have while I was passed out.

Unless he wanted you awake and to fight him...knowing he could handle you.

"It's eleven in the morning." Ryan replied.

I nodded content, "I'll take my leave now. I have things to do today."

I tossed the blanket off me an stood. Wait a minute did I sleep in his bed?

"Is this your room?" I asked wishing I hadn't.

"No. It's my spare room." He chuckled.

Another mentally sigh of relieve. Or should I be insulted? Am I not hot enough to share his bed?

Shut up Cat! I argued with myself.

"Where's my things?" I asked Ryan.

"On the dresser." He waved.

I gathered my things, "Where's the main exit?"

"Would you like a change of clothes and a shower firsts? Maybe some breakfast?" Ryan stood, taking two steps towards me.

"No." I took two steps back.

"No?" He frowned. "You'd rather take your walk of shame in all it's perks?"

Walk of shame?

"I'll freshen up then shower when I'm home." I remarked.

"What about breakfast?" Ryan smirked.

"I'll pick something up on my way." I insisted, "Where's a bathroom?"

He nodded his head to a door. I walked to it opening it, looking back at him with a frown.

"Why does the door have padding on the inside part?" Warning bells started to chime loudly in my head.

"For security purposes, like in the movie Panic Room." He smiled.

"With Kristen Stewart." I acknowledged, walking into the bathroom and damn well making sure to lock the door.

I look rough. I thought as I took a look in the mirror.

My make up was smeared all around my eyes. Some of it had ran down my cheeks. A black mess covered my face. Surprisingly I didn't have bags under my eyes. I turned the sink on, wetting my hands then scrubbing most of my smeared make up off.

After getting it half way looking decent, I sprayed on vanilla scented body spray I had in my clutch. I found Ryan not in the room when I walked out of the weirdly padded bathroom. There was a double doors cracked open the bed faced.

I entered a huge living room area with my arms crossed. Fighting my nerves of alarm. A dark brown living suite drawn in the area. Giving it a sense of warmth, he had a stone fire place entertainment center. I was a sucker for beautiful fire places an this one, being in its presents was a gift.

"It's a beauty isn't it." Ryan stood next to me.

"Yes." I examined the rocky stone.

"It was made in france." Ryan added.

I nodded, "I better get going."

"Okay I'll see you out."

He led me to a steel door.

"Let me guess, another security thing." I frowned.

"Yeah." He smirked.

"You must have a lot of enemys." I noted.

"Must have." He grinned.

"Well...umm...bye." I went to open the door.

Before I took a step outside Ryan spun me around. Our eyes locked an he pulled me close. His lips were on mine in a nanosecond. They were warm, his lips on mine. Warming down to my core.

The kiss wasn't one with sexual tension, it was one with passion. The kiss was so strong it forced me to close my eyes and allow him to put his tongue into my mouth. One I never shared with someone before. In an instant he pulled back.

"See you later Cat." His voice husky.


I walked away from him. Putting my fingers to my still tingly lips.

Hey guys I'm leaving Michigan today to go back home. Updates will possibly become slower since I use the neighbors wifi at home and it's hard to keep connection. So hope this dues you for a little while.

Don't forget to vote!!!!!



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