Perfect Fit | August Alsina

By emmanesiadior

53.6K 2.4K 1K

Gianna Romano is the daughter of feared Italian Mafia boss, Mateo Romano. After graduating high school in It... More

1: Prologue
2: New York
3: Aftermath
4: Fierce and Cold-blooded
5: Information
6: More Information
7: Erotic
8: You Again
9: Confessions
10: Explanations
11: Coming Together
12: Making Plans
13: Ferris Wheels, Candy Floss and Kisses
14: Work To Do
15: The Art of Seduction
16: Interrogation
17: Intensive Care
18: Decisions
19: Back Home
20: Mothers
21: The Softer Side
22: Closer And Closer
23: An Eventful Night
24: Furioso Mafioso
25: Mafia Headquarters
26: Broken and...Betrayed?
27: Breaking Down
29: His Truth
30: Saved
31: Finally Official
32: Welcome to Italy
33: An Open Discussion
34: Numb
35: The Reason
36: Apologies and Acceptance
37: Taking Care of Business
38: More Discussions and Apologies
39: The Creative Side
40: One Step Closer
41: Better
42: Preparations
43: Miami
44: Handling Business
45: Bad Introductions and Old Issues
46: A Better Introduction
47: Make It Right
48: Mr and Mrs Romano
49: Love Faces
50: Epilogue
Perfect Fit Sequel

28: Explosive

770 41 23
By emmanesiadior

Sorry for the delay, I know I forgot to post it yesterday!

Enjoy :)

Jordan sat at the dining room table in his wheelchair next to Angelica as they both slowly ate the breakfast Emery had prepared. He'd been home for two days and was still getting the hang of things in terms of moving himself around the house, but his girlfriend was there to help him through it all and make sure he was alright. It'd been a struggled making this new adjustment, but he was determined to get through it.

Emery came walking into the dining room and smiled but that quickly faded when she noticed the plate made for Devonte sitting on the tabletop untouched and probably getting cold. She frowned and turned on her feet before marching upstairs. She was fed up with how he was acting and wanted him to snap out of it. He hadn't eaten for days and he kept isolating himself from everybody. The only time he left was to go to the trap, and even then, he wouldn't speak to anyone on his way in or out. She went straight to his bedroom and knocked several times before hearing a faint 'go away.' That made Emery frown before opening the door herself and stepping in.

Devonte immediately looked up at her. "You can't just come in here like that!"

"I sure as hell can!" She shot back which made Von stop instantly. "Quit sitting up here by yourself and moping around like your dog died and come downstairs and spend some time with your brother! I'm sick and tired of you being cooped up in this room and avoiding everyone. I swear if you don't get your bug headed behind down those damn stairs right now, I won't hesitate to whoop you!"

"Em chill."

"Oh don't you dare tell me to chill, just do as I've asked before I get you down there myself! Don't test me Devonte, I had three kids myself and I've been around you for your entire life, you know how I am."

He sighed. "Can I at least get dressed first?"

"Ten minutes and if you're not down here by then I'll come up and drag you down here and it won't matter if your naked or fully clothed."

As soon as she'd finished her sentence with a very real threat, Emery marched out of the room and headed back towards the dining room. She'd just reached the bottom of the stairs when the doorbell rang. They weren't expecting anyone at all but obviously it was someone they knew otherwise they wouldn't have made it past the gates. She walked right over to the door and unlocked it before stepping back to let it open. A gasp left her lips.

"I didn't know you were coming here Ms Wilson."

"Well my sons are hurt. I would've come when Devonte got injured but there were complications with their grandmother. I am here now though."

Emery flashed a smile. "Yes, yes you are."

She knew this could go one of two ways with the boys - really really good or really really bad. There wasn't going to be any in between but she could bet money on it going terrible. How else would they react? The woman hasn't been around for a long time and she chooses now, after Devonte has healed and Jordan comes out of the hospital, to come over here? Any other parent would come as soon as their child is hurt: it doesn't matter how old they are or how far away you live, they're always your babies.

"Where are my boys?" Dorothea questioned with an excited smile.

"Jordan is in the dining room and Devonte will be down any minute now."

"Oh great! Let me go say hello, I bet he'll be so happy to see me."

Emery followed behind Dorothea as she walked through the house and to the dining room. She watched Jordan freeze when he saw who'd just come into the room. Angelica, who had her back to Emery and Dorothea, noticed the change in her boyfriend and turned to see what had made him do so. She sighed when her eyes settled on the woman she knew from pictures she'd seen around the house and just like Em, she knew this wasn't going to go well with either of the Wilson boys.

"Oh my darling boy!" Dorothea exclaimed and rushed over to Jordan, only for him to take the breaks off his wheelchair and move away. "Jordan don't play around, I've missed you!"

She went to approach him but again he moved away.

"Don't touch me." He said through gritted teeth.


"No, I don't want to hear anything you have to say! You haven't been here! You haven't been around when me and Von need you the most, yet you're here because it's convenient for you, right? It's always when it's convenient for you! What about us ma? What about your sons?"

He would've kept yelling if not for a surge of pain rushing through him. Angelica got up immediately and rushed to his side.

"Come on baby, let's go somewhere else. You need to be relaxing, not dealing with this." She whispered to him.

He nodded his head and looked at his mama. "You need to leave."

"Jordan please, I'm sorry-"

"Forget your sorry!" He snapped before wheeling himself away with Angelica following behind him.

Dorothea turned to Emery. "This is all because of you! You turned my children against me!"

"She did nothing!"

Both ladies turned to see Devonte standing in the doorway with a hard glare on his face as he looked dead at his mother who stared right back.

"Don't you dare raise your voice at me Devonte Lucius!"

"I'll do what the fuck I want, I don't give a fuck. You don't come into my house and disrespect the woman that's been doing what you should've been doing for us and you sure as hell don't come in here thinking that everything is going to be all daisies and ponies! Where have you been? Certainly not here. Where were you when Jordan got shot? Where were you when I got shot? When I got stabbed? Where were you?! We may be grown but that doesn't mean we don't need our mom anymore! You didn't even fucking call to check up on us! You're over in Florida looking after grandma, we get that, but it takes five fucking minutes to pick up the phone to check on someone and you can't even do that! Since dad died you practically forgot you had any kids! So no, don't come here telling me what I can and can't do and don't you ever speak to Emery the way you just did."

The room went silent after that. Surely the rest of the household had heard that from just how loud Devonte was yelling. He had tears in his eyes as he stared at his mother who had tears rolling down her own cheeks. His blood was boiling and he hadn't meant to raise his voice so much, especially to the woman who gave him life, but he wasn't about to let anything slide and the problems he was currently going through only added fuel to the fire. This was the ticking time bomb finally going off. He gave his mom one final glance before storming out of the room altogether - but this time he didn't go upstairs, he went straight to the garage and hopped into one of his luxury cars before speeding off.

Emery sighed. "Dorothea, I would never try to take your place as their mother or turn them against you. Those boys both have things going on right now and they both have their problems when it comes to their relationship with you. I love them as if they were my own and it will always be that. I'll try talk to them but I can't promise you anything. For now though, I think it's better if you go."

"I..Em I'm sorry. J-Just let my b-boys know I love t-them."

"They know that already, but I will."

_ _ _

Alexis Wilson

I opened my eyes and instantly smiled at the feeling of being wrapped up with Roman. This man really does something to me. The way he wraps me up in his embrace and the way he cares for me even though we're not in a relationship is such a blessing to me. You don't come across many men like him this day in age. He stirred a little before I felt his grip tighten on me. Then he leaned down and kissed my forehead. If my cheeks could redden, I'd be a tomato right now. This man just makes me feel alive and I could never get tired of waking up like this, wrapped in the sheets with him.

We both groaned when his phone started ringing. Him because he knew he had to answer in case it was the mafia or had something to do with the mafia and me more so because I was comfortable and by him getting the phone, he'd have to move which would ruin my comfort. I sat up and pulled his shirt over naked body while he answered the phone. When I heard him speak Italian I knew it was definitely the mafia people, so I got out of bed and walked over to the bathroom to handle my business. Then I made my way to the kitchen to make myself and Ro some breakfast.

He deserves it after the work he put in last night, he has me walking like a damn penguin!

Some minutes later he came into the kitchen all dressed in a fresh pair of clothes - he has a little stash in my closet for when he stays over, it's no big deal. My face twisted up even more when I noticed he had his keys in his hand and his book bag was on his back.

"I know I promised to take you out this afternoon but I have something to deal with."

Normally he'd tell me exactly what it is. Could he be hiding something from me? I don't play that shit and he knows this.

I narrowed my eyes at him and stepped back from the counter. "Roman, are you hiding something from me?"

"Hiding something? Of course not."

He definitely is.

"I'm so serious, you better tell me the truth before I call my cousin and tell him that you're here because believe me, he wants anyone who has anything to do with Gianna."

Roman frowned. "He still thinks she betrayed you guys?"

"I mean, look at the situation. In Devonte's mind it makes sense. You know if he finds her, he'll kill her where she stands."

"I know but-"

"Roman please, if you know where she is, if you know why she left so suddenly without a trace, if you know why she hasn't been picking up or returning our phone calls then please tell me."

"I don't want to lie to you and say that I don't know anything because I do, but I promised her father I wouldn't say anything to anyone." He sighed and walked over to me before taking my hands in his. "But I know that if we are to become an official couple then I need to be honest with you no matter what. After all, she is your friend anyway and I don't want your cousin believing lies because that's not the case at all, I promise you that."

"I just want to know the truth."

"At the club that night right before the shooting I got a phone call from the mafia. Someone had put a hit out on Gianna. I was told to get her to one of the safe houses immediately and wait for the arrival of her father. Then all hell broke loose. I felt like a sack of shit dragging her out of that club while Jordan was practically bleeding out but I had no choice. She wasn't safe there. Those people could've been coming after her."

My eyes began to water. "You mean someone's trying to kill her?"

"Yeah and you'll never believe who we were able to trace it back to."


"Raymond Harris, better know as Antonio Rogers."

"What the fuck?!" I screeched and pulled my hands out of his. "That fucker is behind all of this shit? Oh hell no, he's going to die today."

I quickly walked to my room with Roman hot on my tail. I put on some proper clothes and some combat boots before going to my hidden safe, punching in the code and grabbing out my pistol. I made sure it was loaded before putting the safety on and tucking it into my pants.

"Alexis what are you doing?"

"I'm putting a stop to this shit once and for all. That asshole put a hit out on my friend and put my cousin's life on the line. We're going to the trap and I'm explaining everything to Von. This ends now."


"Don't try to stop me. The faster we crack down on that piece of shit, the faster Gianna can return to her normal life. She doesn't deserve to be hidden away like I suppose she's being right now."

"But your cousin-"

"I know what he said about you since you're connected to Gia but I won't let anything happen to you." I said sincerely and pecked his lips. "I promise."

He nodded his head. "I won't let anything happen to you either. Whatever happens, it's me and you, okay?"

"Me and you bae."

I couldn't help but steal a few more kisses from him before we locked up my house and got into my car so we could head towards the trap. There was no music on this ride like there normally would be, this time we were going back and forth about everything and he was filling me in on everything to do with the Gianna situation. He even filled me in on the phone call he had taken this morning.

The new plan was that we'd go explain everything to Devonte and then Roman would take my car to go to the mafia house here where he had to handle some tech stuff. Then he'd come back to the trap, which by then when hopefully have a plan to takedown Antonio's bitch ass, and we'd go take that little fucker down for good.

It didn't take me long to pull up outside the old warehouse. I mean, I wasn driving like a bit of a maniac, but I can't help it right now! Roman got out and I intertwined my hand with his before leading the way inside. We walked right inside and much to my surprise there was Devonte with a gun in his hand which was pointed at one of the trap dudes who helps handle the guns and drugs. The poor guy was begging him not to pull the trigger and Andre was watching helplessly. When they heard us enter the room however, everyone's eyes drifted to us and I immediately stood directly in front of Roman as Devonte eyes settled on him before he aimed his gun in our direction.

"This motherfucker." He chuckled bitterly.

"Von come on bro, stop this."

"Shut the fuck up Andre before I shoot your ass like I'm about to do with Roman here."

"Devonte stop, please. It's not what you think. You've got everything mixed up in your head believing that little bitch. Gianna didn't betray us and Roman has the proof."

He simply laughed. "And why would I believe that shit? It could be a whole setup."

"Well it's not!" I snapped, utterly fed up. "This is a life or death situation so just listen to me damn it! Someone is after Gianna, there's a hit out on her head. That's why she left with Roman that night and that is why she hasn't been reachable."

"Von she's telling the truth. If you don't believe us then see for yourself."

Roman held out his phone which had the same email pulled up that he'd showed me in the car. It had everything that the mafia had found out about Antonio aka Raymond. My cousin was reluctant at first but tucked his gun away and grabbed the phone. He read over everything and I watched him grow angry. His jaw clenched and he balled his fist up before looking up at me. His eyes were deadly. I knew that he was about to go to war with Antonio.

"It's true?" He asked in a softer tone.

"Every word of it Von. She's innocent. Jessica just made up that shit to get you to believe that she was evil, I'm pretty sure in hopes to gain your attention."

"She's got my attention alright and she's gonna wish she never did. And as for that Antonio Raymond motherfucker, he's gonna wish he was never born. We need a plan and we need one now."

Now we're talking!

There was silence for a moment as everyone took everything in. Finally the truth was coming to light after being so messed up for a solid week. Now we could begin to get back to where we were all at before, but first, we need to take down these bad guys - even if it means starting a war.


Roman was shocked when Von called his name, I could tell by the look on his face. He's so cute!


"I'm sorry man. My head has been all over the place-"

"No need to justify yourself. It's good. Water under the bridge."

I smiled. "Bae, you go handle what you need to do and then come back to us so we can act upon a plan."

"Mmm. I'll be an hour tops."

I stepped closer to Ro and wrapped my arms around his torso as his went around my waist. He smirked at me before leaning his head down and pecking my lips multiple times. This earnt gasps from a few of the counting girls and a couple of the guys as well. Other than that there was silence. When we pulled away from each other I looked away shyly which made him chuckle. He shook hands with Von and Andre before leaving the trap. I looked at my cousin who was looking at me with raised eyebrows. I simply shook my head and walked to the meeting room. Of course he and Andre followed suit. 

We all sat down around one of the tables and started conversing. A beautiful plan was in the making after twenty minutes when my phone rang. Seeing it was Roman, I smiled and answered but put it on speaker so I could continue writing.

"Hey bae, you're on speaker."

"Even better." A bitter voice chuckled through the phone. "I got your little boyfriend it seems and your best friend too, though she won't be living much longer. You should come get her-"

"Lex no!" I heard Gianna yell out in the background before I heard her scream at the sound of a gunshot.

Then the call dropped.




Questions + Responses:

Emery was on Devonte's ass 🤣

Jord and Von's mama is back..

Their reaction to her?

Alexis and Roman sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G 😊😅

He told her the truth about Gianna..

Devonte knows now too..

The phone call? 👀

Vote, comment & share 😁✌

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