Town Witch

By Tasergirl

212K 6.5K 4.2K

Bonnie Bennett: Daughter, High school student, best friend, and last but definitely not least Town Witch. Aft... More

The Begining
The Invitation
The Ball
The Unexpected Meeting
Arguments and Broken Furniture
Lines In The Sand
Dreams and Destinations
New Orleans Part 1
New Orleans Part 2
New Orleans Part 3
Best friends
Always And Forever
Catch up
She's Stronger Than Us All
Homecoming Part 1
Homecoming Part 2
Wreak Havoc
She Dreamed Of Paradise
Making Plans
Making It Work
Hanging On
Find Me
Believe Me
Dinner With The King
Draw Your Swords
What To Do
War Zone
Soul Bonds
Never Be Free

Maybe More

2K 74 57
By Tasergirl

Castiel looked down at the 4 girls who were sleeping on the floor. All of them were on one another, in one way or another. Rebekah was cuddled behind Bonnie on the far right, her foot reached over Bonnie and against Caroline's back which faced the witch, yet she held Bonnie's hand against her chest. Elena was on the other side of Caroline, cuddling with the blonde but also gripping Bonnie's hand.

Dean walked into the room with a smile. It hadn't exactly been a good day yesterday but it ended on a high note in his opinion. Granted he hadn't planned on kissing Bonnie, in any way. But he did and instead of pushing him away she responded, even if she ran inside after, she kissed him back. Seeing Cas standing in the middle of the room he frowned.

"Cas" he called out, making the angel look at him. "What you doing bud?" Castiel motioned to the group of friends asleep on the floor.

"I'm watching over them" he told the hunter simply. Meg had gotten mad at him because he was being a 'helicopter boyfriend', whatever that meant, and sent him away to 'check in on his charges'. Deans eyebrows raised at the statement.

"Okay Cas, 1 these are 2 vampires and Original Vampire and a witch/reincarnated goddess, I think they'll be just fine" he said motioning to the sleeping girls. Castiel shrugged a shoulder conceding his point. "And 2 I told you to stop doing that to people"

"Doing what?" Caroline asked as she began waking up. Dean rolled his eyes when he realized all the girls were waking up.

"Watching over people while they sleep, it's creepy" Dean says making Bonnie chuckle, having already heard a version of this story.

"I think it's sweet" Rebekah said winking at the angel. Castiel's eyes widened for a moment before he began blushing at the compliment.

"Easy sister he's mine" they heard a husky voice say, turning to see Meg at the doorway. Dean rolled his eyes as he walked passed the demon and into the kitchen. He needed more coffee for this crap. Taking the Mikaelson vampire in, Meg looked at her up and down, smirking.

"But you can always join in on the fun" she added with a wink. She always did have a taste for sexy vampires. Castiel looked at the two in confusion as they smirked at each other.

"It's alright, I've got my human, he's sweet I take great pleasure in corrupting him" Rebekah said her smirk widening as she thought of Matt. Meg's smile only grew as she looked at Castiel.

"Well, you ever get tired of him offers open, we can corrupt an angel together" Meg said with another wink before walking into the kitchen after Dean. Bonnie frowned up at Rebekah from where she still lay on the floor.

"Did you just flirt with a demon in my living room?" She asked making Rebekah laugh softly. Bonnie could only roll her eyes as she turned around, bring the blanket up and over her head. "What even is my life?" She asked.

After forcing the small witch up, the girls went about picking up the blankets and wine bottles that littered the floor. Once done they walked into the kitchen where Dean was glaring at a smirking Meg. Bonnie rolled her eyes at the sight. Dean told them he'd play nice with the demon but he didn't simply trust her, Bonnie disagreed.

"Is that coffee" she asked seeing her favorite mug on the counter. Dean turned to her, his face softening immediately, and nodded. Bonnie rushed over when he held out the mug, taking it with a smile. She took a sip and leaned against the counter next to Dean, completely missing the look Caroline and Elena shit each other.

All the girls knew something happened last night. They heard them arguing outside, they heard what Dean told her. She was his weakness. It irritated Rebekah, who wanted Bonnie to be with one of her brothers, or both she wasn't picky. She'd have killed him then and there if she wasn't sure they needed him to defeat Ra.

Elena and Caroline on the other hand were just worried. 3 men now vied for Bonnie's attention and they knew she cared about them all in her own way. Bonnie always had a habit of ignoring the affections of men, either because she didn't notice or just didn't care. Unfortunately now she did, they all made it more than obvious. In their opinion there was no way out of this that someone didn't get hurt.

"Hey guys, check this out" Sam said walking into the kitchen. Looking at how full it was he stopped. "This looks like the beginning of a bad joke" he mutters putting the laptop he was carrying on the kitchen island.

"So I was wondering why so many supernatural creatures have been drawn to this place right" Sam starts causing everyone to gather around him. Pressing the screen he showed them all a picture of Steven's Quarry.

"This place is full of power, the water itself is like charged with it, apparently it's been that way since the beginning of time" Sam tells them. Bonnie knits her eyebrows as she looks at the photo. That was where she had the vision of Dean.

"But if that's the case then why aren't there more supernatural coming here?" Rebekah asks making the large hunter sigh.

"Because it's such old magic not many know about it, and those that do need very specific ingredients for the water to work for them, so for now it just kind of draws them in slowly like a supernatural beacon" Sam explained. Bonnie and Dean looked at each other for a moment, feeling a pit in their stomach when he mentioned a 'specific ingredient'.

"What specific ingredient do you need?" Elena asked in confusion as she sipped from her mug of blood. Sam took a moment to breathe before looking at Bonnie and Dean.

"The blood of a Bennett Witch, and the blood of a god" he said making Bonnie press her lips together. Dean silently cursed at his brothers words. They knew it.

"So basically, green eyes here is a gold mine" Meg asked pointing at the small witch. Dean glared at her, causing the demon to laugh. "I'm not gonna do anything to her Dean, it's just curious, that's a lot of power in a tiny package" she said shrugging a shoulder.

"She's right" Rebekah said looking at Bonnie. "Bonnie is a powerhouse, if this gets out more will come after her, not just Ra" she told them. Bonnie sighed as everyone looked at her. Shaking her head she wrapped her robe around herself tightly, picking her mug up once more.

"I'm gonna go read the book that the king of Hell gave me, there should be answers in there, unless the quarry has something that can help us against Ra, we can worry about it later" she said going up the stairs. Dean looked after the witch as she left, worry for her forming in his gut. Before he could take a step Caroline stepped in front of him.

"She's had a rough couple weeks, she needs time to process" Caroline said strongly. Instead of fighting her as his instincts told him he nodded, sitting at the table.
Klaus looked at Sofia as she walked around the kitchen, making plates for all the wolves that were coming to run together on the full moon. She was a beautiful woman, probably even more beautiful had she been in her prime. Yet it wasn't her beauty that had him stumped by her.

"Why are you staring?" She asked, her Spanish accent coating her words as she looked at him. Klaus shook his head at her words.

"I am just curious" he told her truthfully. The Colombian woman set down her spatula, looking at him fully. "You seem to have the same pull around here as Joe, but you're not the alpha, you're not even a wolf" he told her. Sofia nodded at his words as she turned, grabbing her water.

"The wolves around here respect power, inner power, the one that comes from the soul" Sofia explained to him. "There are some people who are born to lead, like my husband, Lorenzo and you, then there are those who were born to be generals, like me, Erin, Elijah, and Derek and it goes on like that, they saw the commander in me long before I married Joe" she told him.

Klaus nodded at the sense in her words. They were true. Finn, being the oldest should have lead the family after their father and mother turned them to monsters, yet he backed down. Even Elijah was the logical choice after him. Instead it was Klaus who rallied them all together, even though he was the middle brother, born of adultery.

"And what exactly made them see?" Klaus asked her making the Spanish woman sigh.

"We have been at war for centuries, with only a few years of peace between the packs, when I came here as a girl the war was still rampant" she told him as she remembered the time. "My sister Juliana was a casualty of it, she fell in love with Joseph's cousin, they were murdered together" she told him softly, her eyes far off as she thought of her sister.

"I'm sorry" Klaus told her truthfully. He didn't know how he'd react if he were to lose Rebekah. He only knew that it would mean hell for the ones who did it, and anyone who was in his way.

"I killed them" Sofia said surprising him greatly. "You see I am from a small Pueblo in Colombia, if there is one thing we understand it is revenge" she told him seriously.

"Joseph doesn't seem the man to seek revenge" Klaus says making her laugh. She shook her head softly.

"People change when the ones they love are murdered Niklaus, I'm sure you know that" she said making him nod. He knew that very well. "When we met I was covered in the blood of his enemies, with my Juliana's killers heart in my hand" she said bringing her hand up and into a fist as she thought back on it. "I nearly killed him thinking he was one of them" she said sharing a smile with the hybrid.

"Every good love story starts with death threats" Klaus told her thinking of Bonnie. That's how they met at least. Sofia nodded softly as she remembered it.

"He brought me here, washed me off and we spoke of our family, forming an immediate bond, I had already garnered the packs respect by killing 5 werewolves alone and avenging my sister" she told him. Klaus looked at the woman in surprise, wanting to know more, yet before he could ask Zoe walked in.

Klaus's jaw dropped when he saw the small girl. She was wearing a dress, for the first time since he met her, and had a large smile on her face as she looked at him. Through the happiness he could tell she was shy, and felt a bit out of place in the clothes.

"Um, Hayley said that every full moon there's a big get together and lent me an old dress" she said by way of explanation. Klaus smiled at the girl softly as he looked at her.

"Te ves preciousa mi nina" Sofia said as she went to give her a hug. "You look gorgeous, come eat" she told her. Klaus pulled out the chair beside him for Zoe to sit in, smiling at her.

"You look beautiful, you should call Bonnie and show her, I'm sure she'd be happy to see how you're doing" Klaus told her. Zoe smiled up at him brightly, her shyness melting away at his approval.

Sofia watched from the side as they spoke to each other, Klaus explaining to her how the full moon ceremony would be. She would be the first to admit she'd been worried about bringing the hybrid into their land, son of Ansel or no he was a killer.

Yet seeing him with the small girl beside him. How he'd cared for her all night, being sure she ate and felt safe. She knew sending him away would be a mistake. He would never care for the pack as much as he did for his siblings and this girl, but if he felt half as protective of this pack as he did them, they'd never have anything to fear. The hybrid was changing, and according to his sister it was all because of a witch.

Lorenzo walked in slowly, kissing Zoe on the forehead before walking over to Sofia. He loved Zoe from the moment he met her, and Sofia was his favorite. He had been so proud of his grandson for finding love in a strong Colombian woman. She brought his culture back into their world.

"He will be a good addition to this family" Lorenzo told her softly as they continued to watch the hybrid and witch together. Sofia nodded at his words.

"They all will"
Bonnie frowned as she looked at the large book on her bed. Everything was in there. Everything that she was, everything that happened to her was in there.

She swallowed down some more coffee as she sat down, running a hand over the cover. It was leather bound, she didn't need to open it to see that the paper inside was papyrus paper. After her shower she sighed, sitting down to take a look at it.

Bonnie took a breath as she opened the book. She was worried, no terrified, of what she'd find. A part of her wasn't sure she wanted to know everything, she barely wanted to know now. Hearing a knock at the door she sighed.

"Come in" she called out, watching as Dean opened the door. Looking at him she smiled shyly, unsure of what to say to him after last night. Seeing her apprehension he gave her a soft smile.

"Look, I'm not gonna talk to you about last night, not yet" he was sure to add. He did want to talk about it but now wasn't the time. "We have more important things to worry about and you have more than 1 person after you" Dean told her.

Bonnie smiled up at him gratefully as she watching him walk closer to her. She was happy he wasn't pressuring her about it, then again, he never seemed the type to do that to a woman. Hathor hummed contently in her mind, happy that they were getting along.

"That being said I will want to talk about it at some point and quickly add who better to end up with than your reincarnated husband?" He asked clapping as he gave her a smile. Bonnie chuckled at him, happy that he could still make her laugh.

"Thank you, Dean" she told him softly, grateful he could make her feel lighter. She was worried, everything that was happening was beginning to make her head spin.

"You gonna start that without me?" He asked pointing to the book. Bonnie looked down at it, biting her lip gently.

"I wanted to do it before I lost my nerve" she told him, causing the hunter to give her a look of confusion. Sighing Bonnie looked down. "I'm scared of what I'll find out" she admitted softly. Dean nodded at her in understanding.

He was terrified of finding out about his past. Their past. He wasn't sure he wanted to know what he did, how his choices affected Bonnie. Or Hathor. This was going to hurt his head. Looking at the book he sighed.

"I am too" he admitted softly, bringing his eyes up to look at her. "Let's do it together" he offered.

Bonnie smiled up at him at his words. She'd been so terrified to find out what happened, what they'd gone through. With Dean there though, it'd be fine. It had to be. Nodding she moved to sit on the bed, gesturing for him to follow.

Sitting on the bed she smiled at him. Watching as he took off his shoes to sit beside her. Once he got comfortable she sighed and opened the book, and together they read their past.
Caroline looked at Elena as she drank from the mug of blood. Rebekah had gone home to tell her family what Sam found but Elena and Caroline wanted to wait for Bonnie to come down. They still needed to talk about Dean after all.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Caroline asked her softly. Elena's doe eyes met her blue, taking in the blondes expression. Sighing Elena set her mug down. Trying to give her a reassuring smile but she was sure Caroline just got more worried by it.

"Caroline I'm fine" she said softly before shrugging. "Actually I'm more than fine, Caroline I finally feel like I can be useful" she admitted to the blonde quietly. Caroline shook her head at Elena's words but the brunette stopped her.

"No Caroline, you have been an absolute badass ever since you turned" Elena said as she moved to grab the other girls hands. "Bonnie's always been so strong, stronger than all of us and I've always had everyone protecting me, now I can protect you" She said her eyes soft as she looked at her. Caroline smiled at her softly, if a bit sadly. She knew how it felt to feel like you're useless.

"We protect each other" Caroline corrected her softly. "And we always will" Elena smiled at Caroline's words, feeling better at the thought.

Hearing footsteps they watched as Sam awkwardly walked inside. His hands were in his pockets as he walked through the doorway, smiling at them shyly. The two vampires on the couch shared a look before turning to him.

"Hi Sam" they said in unison.
Klaus watched with a raised eyebrow as Erica pulled Derek in for a dance. The music around them loud as she dragged her old alpha onto the makeshift dance floor, which in all actuality was just a patch of grass everyone decided was good enough to dance on.

Klaus watched in surprise as the usually surly hybrid indulged her in a quick dance. Nothing fancy, he simply swayed with her, occasionally twirling her. Yet somehow the usually spoiled blonde looked as if she was the happiest woman in the world.

The original hybrid knew that the two felt something for one another, it was more than obvious. He wondered why they didn't 'get together already' as Zoe so eloquently put it. He had not forbidden it, though he supposed he should have. If they were more loyal to the other instead of himself, it could cause a problem. He might have done it anyways had it not been for green eyes that immediately flashed in his minds eye.

"You seem deep in thought" Sofia said as she walked up to the hybrid. The Colombian woman felt drawn to him. Not in a romantic sense, she was far too in love with her husband, but in the familial sense. He was a kindred spirit.

"I always am, we are at war" Klaus told the woman who laughed at him softly.

"We are at a party, the rest of the world can wait a moment while you become one with your pack" she told him with a smile. Seeing his dubious expression she sighed, handing him a beer.

"Should I decide to wait too long the world could burn" he pointed out making her laugh once more, though lighter this time.

"This is not the first apocalypse mi hijo, and I'm sure it won't be the last, you mustn't forget to live" she told him softly before gesturing to the small witch he brought with him, her skirt flowing around her as Jaden twirled her.

"She looks happy" Klaus muttered softly as he watched Zoe dance happily among the others. Her presence was more than accepted, she was immediately loved by all.

"She is, you can be too" Sofia said softly as she looked at him. Pushing him lightly she smiled. "Go and dance with your daughter"

The hybrid laughed at the thought. His daughter. The idea was preposterous, he couldn't procreate. Yet as he looked at the small witch in his line of sight he couldn't find a better word for her. His daughter. She'd be the princess of darkness, with a hint of light in her heart.

Sofia watched as Klaus approached the young girl, causing her to blush profusely. She could practically hear the accusations of embarrassment she sent the hybrids way causing him to laugh. Feeling large arms wrap around her she smiled.

"Back to your old schemes querida?" Joe asked as he rested his chin on her shoulder. Sofia smiled at her husbands words, turning to face him.

"I just want to see a father and daughter dance" she commented making him smile down at her indulgently.

"And this has nothing to do with his witch seeing them closer than ever when they get home?" Her husband asks with a smirk. Sofia shrugged at Joe, turning to smile at the duo that began dancing.

"If it helps him get back in the witch's good graces then it helps, I just want him to be happy, he's had a hard life" Sofia mutters softly as she watches Klaus spin Zoe. The small girl giggled as he did so, smiling up at him.
Bonnie knit her eyebrows together as her and Dean read from the book. Well she read, he was taking notes, muttering on how she needed a whiteboard. Bonnie rolled her eyes at his comments.

"Okay so what do we seriously know?" Bonnie asked as she looked at him. The hunter sighed as he looked at the notes in his bed.

"Well so far we know that the war was the start of everything, if the war between the gods wouldn't have happened Ra would've never gotten involved though we don't know why that happened yet" Dean said as he looked through the papers. Bonnie nodded at him.

"We also know that we, or well Horus and Hathor were the major players after Osiris was killed by Set and Isis was nowhere to be found" Bonnie added as she looked over his shoulder. The hunter nodded as he looked over the notes.

They'd been reading the book for over an hour now, not getting anywhere closer to Bonnie's weapon or finding any of Ra's weaknesses. So far it'd just been the war. Bonnie sighed as she looked down at the book once more, realizing she remembered this part. Their wedding.

"Alright what's next?" Dean asked looking over her shoulder. Bonnie shut the book before he could read it, her face turning red.

"Um maybe we could use some more coffee? She said quickly as she moved to stand, nearly slipping from her fuzzy socks. Dean raises an eyebrow at flush on the small witch's face. She was shy, almost anxious.

Reaching for the book he watched as she went wide eyed. She didn't move though, so he kept searching. Finally getting to the part she left off he raised an eyebrow at it in surprise. Crowley put their wedding in this? Dean couldn't help but wonder why.

"Our wedding?" He asked looking up at her with a raised eyebrow. Bonnie blushed, feeling it across her face, as she shrugged.

"Yea, our wedding" she said softly, looking away. She turned to her desk, finding a very interesting...nickel. Dean tilted his head at her, wondering what was making her react so shyly, when it hit him.

"Wait, did you see this?" He asked her, making Bonnie's eyebrows raise. She pursed her lips, surprised by the questions, but nodded slowly anyways.

Dean looked at her softly then. She saw their wedding. She saw way more than he did. Mostly what he saw was glimpses of war, and her. Hathor was in all his dreams. He thought it was because Horus missed her so much. He wanted to find her.

"What was it like?" He asked making her raise an eyebrow at the hunter, a smirk on her face.

"It's all in there" she commented, pointing at the book in his hands. Dean shrugged as he tossed the book to the foot of the bed.

"Yea but I want to hear it from someone who was there" Dean told her honestly. Bonnie tried to stifle her smile but knew she was failing. She couldn't help it. He just seemed to bring it out of her.

"Well, it was secret, since we were at war no one could come. Horus apologized that Bastet and Shai couldn't make it, we should probably see about those people they could be important" she added quickly, pointing to the notes all over the bed. Dean nodded at her but continued paying attention.

"We were on a cliff somewhere, I want to say it was in Greece, or Rome, but we were walking along the water and he wanted to make sure she was happy" she said humming happily at the thought. "He did say something though, something that kind of threw me off" Bonnie added, her eyebrows knit together in confusion. Dean looked at her softly as he tried to process what she was telling him.

"What did he say?" He asked her, putting a hand over hers. Bonnie looked at him, confusion flittering across her face.

"He asked if God had 'blessed their union' the way she talking about it almost seemed like- like she had a special connection with God" Bonnie said softly, her eyes going back and forth. Dean nodded at her, though he was more confused than ever by the turn of events.

"There could be someone who knows about it" Dean said softly as he thought about it. Bonnie looked at him in confusion.

"Other than the book?" She asked making him frown.

"This is from Crowley, he may not have given us all the information, we still have to get our own" Dean told her. It was more than obvious to the witch that he didn't trust Crowley. Then again he was the King of Hell.

"Alright, where do we get information on God?" She asked making him smile.

"Cas!" He called out. Barely a moment later they heard a slight flapping sound. Bonnie's eyes widened as she looked at him, pressing her lips together for a moment.

"Is everything alright?" Castiel asked them, making the two look at him, matching looked of curiosity on their faces.

"Cas, does Hathor have a special relationship with God?" Dean asked the angel who raised an eyebrow at them.

"What do you mean?" He asked. Bonnie sighed as she looked at the angel. He reminded her of a puppy sometimes, the way he tilted his head, his wide blue eyes, it was so cute but right now she needed answers.

"One of my um, visions, we were talking about God and it almost seemed like he took an interest in me, like we knew each other personally" she explained to the angel. Castiel sighed as he looked at her, his face showing guilt.

"You did" he said finally, making the small witch raise her eyebrows in shock. "He loved you, or Hathor, very much, she was his favorite creation after the humans" Castiel explained softly.

Bonnie grabbed Deans hand, shocked at the news. She had a feeling they knew each other, but to know she was his favorite after creating the humans, that was unreal.

"You didn't demand sacrifices, or feed off of hearts, you were simply love personified" Castiel explained softly to them. Dean squeezed her hand gently, happy that their previous lives never did that at least.

"After you died, the sky's of Egypt opened up, spouting hellfire, cattle died and sickness ravaged the land, it was only when we learned that you would be reborn did it stop" Castiel told the pair. He noticed that Bonnie hadn't let go of Dean's hand yet, if anything she held on harder.

"Why didn't he help, apparently Ra did some....cruel things, why didn't he stop it?" Bonnie asked softly, wondering what could have made him disregard her in such a way. Castiel sighed as he looked at her.

"We don't know, I'm sorry" he told them truthfully. No one knew what happened between them, all they knew was one day God had forsaken his favorite daughter. The next day Ra came upon the earth, ravaging it and keeping her prisoner.

"Would it say here?" Dean asked, his voice gruff as he lifted the book in the air, with the hand not holding Bonnie's.

"It could" Castiel said softly, his eyes meeting Bonnie's. She looked up at him, her eyes not angry but hurt. He couldn't help but think that, that, was worse coming from her.

"Why didn't you say anything? Is there anything else you're not telling us?" She asked making him frown. He didn't want to hurt her, he'd never want to hurt any of them. Even if she just met her not too long ago, he considered her a part of their family.

"There is" he admitted watching as the pain in her eyes grew, Dean looked ready to punch a wall. "But you have to understand I don't keep it from you because I want to, I do it because it is forbidden" he explained watching as Bonnie looked at him in confusion.

"What do you mean?" She asked softly, watching his face soften as he looked at her.

"While my allegiance is to you and the Winchester's, there are some things that have been put into my brain by Naomi, and though I try I cannot break her hold" he told the small witch. He felt terrible, knowing things that he couldn't tell them. Unable to remember things they needed. It ate at him, yet he couldn't fight it.

"Hey Cas, it's alright" Dean said as he watched Castiel's face. The angel was torn apart by guilt because of this. "This isn't your fault" he told his friend.

Looking up, Bonnie realized what Dean had obviously seen. Castiel was fighting so hard against it. He obviously wanted to help, he was trying so hard, but whatever Naomi had done to him prevented it. Bonnie hated her more and more.

"It's okay Cas" she said softly. Castiel turned to her, a frown on his face as he looked at the small witch. Seeing that he needed to feel useful, she grabbed the book from Dean, holding it out towards the angel. "Can you find out where Hathor's weapon is? I would but my brain is gonna fry if I keep going right now and I have to go do something" she told the angel, Elijah's face appearing in her minds eye.

Castiel nodded at her, taking the book from her hand gently. As he disappeared from sight, a soft flapping sound left in his wake, Bonnie sighed. This was all getting to be too much. There were a million emotions running through her body, and half the time she wasn't even sure if they were hers, or Hathor's. Snippets of her past life were invading her mind. Everything was simply becoming too much.

Dean turned to her as she stood, grabbing clothes. She looked restless, like she was gonna bolt. Standing he went over to her, grabbing her arms. The witch looked up at him, her eyebrows knit together as she watched him in confusion.

"What?" She asked, he could hear the barely their panic in her voice.

"What are you thinking?" He asked her lowly, his voice unintentionally gruff. She sighed softly, looking down.

"I just- every time it feels like we're getting somewhere something else happens, we find the book and now we out something happened to make God mad at me. What if that's why my life's been so shitty? What if we lose because of it?" she ask, feeling panic begin to rise in her chest, and stopping herself from leaning her head on his chest.

"What do you need?" He asked her, watching as her eyes dropped to the floor. Shrugging slightly she sighed. She knew what she needed.

"I need to leave" she told him. Dean felt his heart clench at her words. Sighing she shrugged. "Just get away for a few hours, do you think you can hold down the fort till I get back?" She asked softly, watching as his shoulders relaxed. Dean nodded at the small witch.

"Yea I'll hold down the fort" he promised her softly. He wanted to go with the small witch but he knew that her trusting him to hold things down for her was a big step. So instead he kissed for forehead lightly, gave her a soft smile, and left.

Bonnie sighed as she looked around her room. She knew exactly where she wanted to go, it was where she always went when things were rough and she needed to get away. Grabbing her bag Bonnie walked out the door, careful to leave before anyone could see her.
Elijah watched as Bonnie skipped rocks along Stevens Quarry, her eyebrows knit together softly, a thoughtful expression written across her features. He hated that she looked so worried.

"Seems you have many thoughts running around in your mind" Elijah said, causing Bonnie to be shook from her revert, and snap her head in his direction.

Bonnie pressed her lips together as she looked at the tall vampire, before a smile quickly took her face. Bonnie nearly ran to Elijah when she saw him, and by his face, he would have welcomed it. Before she could stop herself, she did so. She needed to be close to him for as long as she could at least. She wasn't exactly sure how much longer he'd allow it, not after she told him what was on her mind.

Jumping into his arms, she wasn't surprised when he easily caught her, and buried his face in her hair. The small witch held onto him for dear life, her arms tightened around him, it would have shocked the original had he not known what she was going through.

After a moment, Elijah let the witch down, slowly putting her on the ground. Bonnie felt safe with Elijah, she felt so unbelievably protected, that sometimes it scared her. She wasn't used to depending on anyone.

"I'm so happy to see you" Bonnie said softly, before pressing her lips together. Elijah smiled down at the small witch softly, putting his hands to her cheek.

"Not as happy as I" he told her, pressing his lips to her forehead. Bonnie sighed as she took a step away from him, knowing she had to tell him about what happened with Dean before anything. "Is something wrong?" He asked her softly. Taking in a breath, Bonnie looked down.

"You know I care about you" she starts watching as his face scrunched up in confusion. "And I still do care, you're the only one I care about who Hathor doesn't have a connection with, so I know that it's actually me that cares about you" she tells him, causing the vampire to frown. He wasn't entirely sure he liked where this was going.

"I would hope so, after everything" he told her softly, making Bonnie give a humorless chuckle.

"I do, there are so many emotions running through me, and half the time I don't even know which ones are my own but you, I know my feelings for you are real and completely my own" she confessed watching as his face softened. He was glad to hear her say it. She took a deep breath as she continued. It wouldn't do well to keep stalling, she simply had to rip off the bandaid.

"But there's something you should know" she told him seriously, watching as his back straightened. "Last night, Dean kissed me" she told him, watching as his eyebrow raised. He couldn't exactly say he was surprised per say. "And I kissed him back" she told him, her voice low as she admitted it. That part did catch the original by surprise.

"You care for him as well?" He asked her, his voice low, and gruff. Bonnie frowned as he asked her the question.

"I do" she started, watching as hurt crossed Elijah's face. "The problem is I don't know if I care about him because I do or because Hathor does" she told him watching as his face showed understanding. He didn't like it but he was beginning to understand exactly what she was saying. He couldn't pretend to understand what it was like to have a goddess in his head.

"I know I care about him in a way that I don't want him to be hurt, and he can understand what I'm going through, even Klaus hasn't been able to access Khonsu but I've been dealing with Hathor for as long as he's been dealing with Horus" she told him. Elijah sighed as he sat on a rock. He tried to digest the information she was giving him, but found it all hard to comprehend completely. They were in entirely new territory. Bonnie pressed her lips together as she approached him hesitantly.

"I'm so sorry, I know this isn't what you wanted to hear today and I didn't want it to happen but either way you should know, and I knew I had to tell you immediately" she told him, her low voice telling him just how nervous she was. Elijah watched as the small witch played with her hands, pressing and pulling her fingers.

"Thank you, for your candor" he told her. He truly was grateful for it. She could have simply hidden it from him, went on and pretended as if it didn't happen. He couldn't pretend to be her lover, or boyfriend, as they called it now. As he'd seen it wasn't uncommon to date more than one person at a time in this day and age.

"Elijah I'd never lie to you" she said seriously, both of them knew it to be true. Elijah nodded with her seriously, knowing she was being honest.

"And what will you do about this?" He asked making her knit her eyebrows together. "Me, Niklaus and now the hunter, you will have to choose" he told her seriously. Bonnie nodded, pressing her lips together as she nodded.

"You're right, and I will choose" she told him seriously, knowing she would have to. Elijah watched as her face fell. "But for now I'm going to just let you all go" she said shocking him.

"What?" He asked, surprise coloring his features. Bonnie sighed as she sat next to him.

"I learned a few things today, things that made me realize this is bigger than any of us and I need to focus on it, I care about you all but the entire world hangs on the balance and I can't focus on that if I'm focused on all of you" she told him, her voice serious. Elijah looked at her, truly looked at her, before he sighed.

He knew she was right. She was doing what she always did, put the world before herself. It was one of the reasons he was drawn to her. Her inherently good nature. She was strong. She knew what needed to be done and executed it accordingly. He respected her for it. Yet he couldn't help but feel a bit irritated by it at the moment. He simply wanted to be with her, whatever way he could, she was too special to pass up.

"One of the reasons I cared for you was your ability to do what was right, I suppose this is what you're doing now" he told her, his voice soft as he looked at her. Bonnie nodded at him softly, her eyes downcast.

"If this is what you feel is right" he said softly, watching as she turned to him.

"I can't ask you to wait for me to make a decision, I won't, it's not fair to you especially when we have an apocalypse on our shoulders" she told him, watching as he nodded at her. Standing Bonnie got ready to walk away, a heaviness in her heart.

"You won't ask, but I will still do so" he said, his voice low as he spoke, but Bonnie heard him just fine. Turning, she looked at him in surprise. "I think you are worth it Bonnie Bennett, and you told me that you would like to spend the day with me, so at least until the sun sets I suggest you keep your word" he told her, his eyebrows raised as he held onto her wrist. Bonnie smiled at him softly, nodding as she sat down next to him once more.

"I don't deserve you" she muttered softly, as the older man held her hands in his. Elijah smirked as he looked at her softly.

"Perhaps" he said playfully, causing her to smile ruefully at him. "I won't tell you I like this, I won't tell you a part of me doesn't want to rip the hunters lips from his face, and I won't tell you that I agree with leaving all of us" he told her seriously. She was honest with him, and he with her, that would never change. "but I do understand" he told her softly as he brought her hands to his lips.

"I'm not giving up on you Bonnie Bennett"
Niklaus watched as the members of his pack began circling. The humans went to a safe spot, away from the woods, as the pack began to shift. No matter what they were forbidden from leaving, to prevent a tragedy from occurring.

"Tonight!" Joe called out towards his pack mates. "We welcome home a lost brother!" He says as the rest of the pack begins hollering, happy to have the hybrid there.

"Tonight! Our pack grows bigger, and it grows stronger" he calls out as he walks within the circle. Klaus watched as they cheered along to his words. "The son of Ansel has returned!" He calls before screaming. Niklaus watched as Joseph began to change, his bones breaking. Looking around he saw the rest of the pack begin to cry out, all of them, shifting at the same time.

Turning to Derek, Erica and Boyd, Klaus nodded. As soon as he gave them the word, his pack began to change, shifting painfully. He could hear Erica cry out as her bones broke and Derek grunt in pain. Boyd was always the most quiet when he shifted, Klaus never understood why.

Seeing his pack shift, Niklaus began to as well. He felt his bones break and rearrange themselves, forming into that of a wolf. Klaus let out a howl as his bones shifted completely. He was in his wolf form. All the pack members looked at him in surprise, both old and new. They all thought the same thing.

He is Fenrir reborn

Alright a lot happened this episode there was supposed to be a lot more happening but I felt like that would've been rushed
For the people who have been waiting for Klonnie it's coming next chapter I'm excited I feel like spongebob I'm ready lol
Yes Bonnie is 'letting them all go' but that doesn't mean that any of the romance is going to end as much as there is plot anyone who follows me or has ready any of my stories at all knows that romance is my shit this is just what she feels like she has to do at the moment because of all the bullshit happening
How do you think Klaus is going to react to that because I have some plans for that lol
Sooo I've been mapping it out in my head lately and I've already got like the ending of this story in my head I know how it's going to end and I'm thinking it'll take another 20-30 chapters to get there definitely no more than that maybe even a little less depending on how it all works out
On that note if you're interested I've already got a few sequel ideas in my head if anyone is interested please let me know and if there is a sequel the whole gods/goddess thing will definitely not be as prominent

‼️Alsooo I was thinking of making a Klaus/Bonnie/Dean love triangle story I already started it and I like how it's coming along there's also a side of Caroline/Sam so if you're interested let me know‼️ I've gotten a lot of good feedback people want to read it and honestly it's different from most of my other work I feel like it's more mature the first chapter alone hell the first paragraph will probably have a lot of you like wait wtf lmao not in a bad way just surprised lol but I'm really excited so let me know if you're interested I'll let you know when it comes out

Let me know if you guys liked this chapter I feel kind of off my game right now maybe it's because I keep switching the chapters around but next chapter is going to be good👏🏼 please be safe out here, protect yourself, and be kind to others❤️

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