🖇) 𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐬. (akaashi...


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- ͙۪۪̥˚┊❛ [secrets.] ❜┊˚ ͙۪۪̥◌ Katana Miya, a girl obsessed with volleyball, is forced to move wit... More

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                ╭┈─────── ྀ࿐ ˊˎ-
                ╰┈ nekoma gets a
                   .˚ ┊͙
                  * ❤︎

Was this one of the best decisions Katana had ever made in her entire life? No, definitely not. But was she doing it anyways? Yes, yes she was.

And what was the decision she'd made, you might be wondering? Well, it was to become Nekoma's volleyball clubs team manager. Kuroo had blabbed to the captain, who'd blabbed to the coach, about Katana's passion for the sport but how she didn't compete competitively anymore.

When Naoi had heard about it, he really wanted to let Katana be, but after weeks of pleading from the captain — and the rest of the team, namely Kuroo and Yamamoto — Naoi had given in, finally approaching the ravenette as she sat in on one of the practices, Nakaya Kaiya nowhere in sight. She had other things she needed to do, it'd been that way since the second week of school, not that it bothered Katana too much.

They weren't required to join a club at Nekoma, unlike some schools she'd learned about that required their students to join a club, but they did highly recommend students join a club, which was why Kaiya was now a part of the gymnastics team.

"You're... Miya-san, right?" Naoi questioned the lone ravenette, the activity on the court coming to a standstill, the team watching their coach try to recruit the ravenette as their team manager. At Katana's nod, Nekomata smile softly. "Would you consider...becoming Nekoma's VBC's manager?" The coach and advisor of the club questioned, hands behind his back as he watched Katana.

Upon the question, Katana's face went through a few emotions. First was confusion, next was anger, and third was silent acceptance, casting her glance over at Kuroo who looked away and started whistling innocently. Eyes narrowing upon the bed head, she rolled her eyes before turning back to Naoi.

"I guess?" Katana replied slowly, a small shrug playing up her unsureness of taking on the role. Naoi just chuckled, taking in her current state with a close eyed smile.

"You can think on it, we don't need an answer right away," Naoi replied, turning and walking away from Katana which caused the boys in the gymnasium to continue with what they'd been doing as if they hadn't stopped their playing to watch the encounter.

Katana was left alone, a thoughtful look on her face as she debated internally on whether or not she should actually become the manager. Kuroo was obviously to blame for the coach even thinking about asking her, there wasn't a doubt in her mind. The innocent whistle was the most obvious indicator.

She was always in the gymnasium, watching the boys practice so she could walk home with Kenma and Kuroo when they were done with practice.

Katana was so lost in thought that she barely realized her phone was ringing. Picking the device up, she glanced at the screen, eyebrow quirking at the call she was receiving. Suna wanted to facetime? This was new, something she'd never received from the apathetic middle blocker. Pressing answer, she almost jumped in her seat when she found Atsumu and Osamu wrestling on the other line, arguing about god knows what.

"Uh- what's this, Suna?" Katana questioned, watching her brothers fight through the screen.

"Your brothers won't listen to coach, we already tried your mom, you're like the only one that can split them up," Suna explained, moving around to give Katana a better view. "Also, it's been happening for a solid twenty minutes, coach is worried they'll end up killing each other."

"I'm surprised you'd even think of calling me instead of playing paparazzi," Katana replied, finding amusement in the fact that Suna facetimed her.

"Oh, believe me, I did, for a solid fifteen minutes before coach yelled at me," Suna replied.

"Alright, turn the volume all the way up or something, I'll yell at them," Katana instructed, standing up from her spot on the bleachers, grabbing her backpack and walking out of the gym.

This caught some of the players attention, though no one followed after Katana to see why she'd left. They would soon know their answer anyways, when Katana would be yelling into her phone at her idiotic brothers.

"Alright, done," Suna said once he'd done as instructed.

"OI, IDIOTS, STOP FIGHTING," Katana practically yelled, causing Suna to jump in surprise at the sudden yell and almost drop his phone.

On the other side of the facetime, Katana could see the twins freeze, glancing around wildly at where the voice could have come from. When they couldn't figure out where it had come from, they almost looked like they were about to start fighting again.

"I swear to god, if either of you lays a hand on the other, I will not go to Hyogo for part of summer break," Katana said, loud enough for the boys to hear her through the speaker, though not loud enough to scare Suna again.

"Kata, no! You need to come back for summer break," Atsumu insisted, still trying to pinpoint exactly where Katana's voice was coming from. Osamu shoved Atsumu off of himself, standing up and dusting off his sweatpants, walking towards Suna, knowing it had to be either Suna or Aran who had called Katana, as they were the only ones besides the twins who had her number.

"He started it," Osamu grumbled, arms crossed as he glared at the camera that was aimed directly at Osamu.

"I don't care who started it, you both need to grow up," Katana replied with an eye roll. "I can't believe I consider you two my brothers. How old are you?"

"Ouch," Atsumu hissed, walking up to stand beside Osamu. "Words hurt, Kata."

"Good, they were meant to," Katana replied with an eye roll. "You two never change, do you? I mean, I guess I understand, living under the same roof for sixteen years, that's always rough. But I really would've thought you guys had matured, at least a little bit."

"Are you kidding? Osamu and Atsumu are the definition of childish," Suna snickered on the other end of the line, handing his phone off to one of his teammates so he could laugh at the looks on Atsumu and Osamu's faces without disturbing the phone.

"Are they finished fighting?" A voice questioned on the other end of the line, the person holding the phone turning, moving the phone along with their movement to reveal the asker of the question.

"Yes, coach, Suna was smart enough to call Katana and she was able to stop their fighting," explained Aran, stepping forward to explain what had happened.

The coach turned to Suna to thank him for his quick thinking, who then pointed to where his phone was and the coach turned to her, thanking her as well. Katana knew they couldn't see her, but she nodded in response before she ended the call, turning her phone off with a sigh. Pinching the bridge of her nose, she turned to walk back inside the gym, the boys inside freezing when she slid the doors open.

Kuroo and Yamamoto immediately rushed up to her, looks of curiosity on their faces while Kenma just hung back, a look of boredom on his own. The rest of the boys just stood in their spots, unsure of what to do or say, as if the Katana that just walked in wasn't the same Katana that would just sit in on their practices and hardly ever speak. This Katana was someone they knew nothing about.

"Who were you yelling at to stop fighting?" Kuroo questioned with a smirk, looking like he was close to collapsing from laughter.

"Yeah, I never knew you could yell like that," Yamamoto added earning a slap to the back of the head from Kuroo.

"My brothers," Katana replied with an eye roll. "They're like a few months older than me, but they're as childish as ever, I swear."

"Months? How-" Kuroo questioned, having caught her response and trying to figure out how she could only be a few months younger than her brothers.

"I'll tell you later, coach Naoi looks kind of agitated right now," Katana replied, gesturing over to the advisor, whose face had a look of irritation.

"Get back to practice," Naoi demanded, causing the boys to pick up what they were doing, with Kuroo and Yamamoto heading back to practice the drills they had been working on.

"Coach Naoi!" Katana called, hoping to catch the old coach's attention. The coach turned towards Katana with a curious look on his visage. Smiling kindly at him, she walked closer to him, hands behind her back with a small smile. "I'll take you up on the offer to become manager."

"That's great! Come to the locker rooms after practice and I'll get you a jacket," Naoi smiled, laughing happily at the announcement from Katana.

"Will do, sir," Katana replied, turning on her heels to take a seat back on the bleachers. Since practice was almost over, she wasn't entirely sure what she was supposed to do as manager, so she decided to just sit back on her usual seat, pulling out her phone so she could reply to Tendō's spamming of random memes or things he found funny.

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When practice was over, Katana walked over to the locker rooms with the boys, but stayed outside the door so she didn't walk in on anything. She had asked Kuroo to tell Naoi that she was outside the door, to which she received an odd look but he complied with her request. Not too long after Kuroo disappeared, did Naoi appear holding a red track jacket.

He handed it off to her with a kind smile to which she returned before she questioned him on what he wanted her to do during practices.

She was to take care of stats, keeping track of how many blocks, receives, serves, anything really, each of the players got in to help coach Naoi figure out what would be best for practices the next day.

"Oh, and before I forget, next weekend is a training camp at Fukurōdani," Naoi informed before heading back inside the locker rooms leaving Katana, who had a look of utter confusion, behind at the doors.

The next person to walk through the door was none other than the mohawk man himself, Yamamoto Taketora, who'd immediately picked up on the fact that Katana now had a Nekoma track jacket hanging over her arm with a look of utter confusion on her face.

"Are you going to be our teams manager?!" Yamamoto questioned excitedly, walking up to Katana and getting into her personal space a bit too much. Katana could only lean backwards and hesitantly nod, thankful that Kenma came out of the locker rooms when he did. Carefully, she backed away from Yamamoto and headed towards her uninterested cousin whose nose was, to no ones surprise, stuck in a video game. Yamamoto looked like he wanted to ask Katana more questions, but as soon as Kuroo appeared, he, Katana, and Kenma headed off, leaving Yamamoto to watch them walk away.

"Thank god you came out when you did, Yamamoto was getting too close for comfort," Katana muttered to Kuroo, silently thanking him for coming out of the locker rooms when he did.

"Oh, it's no problem," Kuroo replied with a laugh. "Yamamoto is a bit girl crazy, but he's a good kid. He just needs to chill out and act normal around girls."

"Yeah...I don't think that'll happen any time soon," Katana replied, casting a glance back towards where Yamamoto still stood, a lost look on his face.

"Ahh, c'mon Katana-chan, don't do him like that," Kuroo laughed, shaking his head at the ravenette.

"I didn't mean it that way!" Katana defended, hands up in a surrender position. "I meant it more like- I don't know how to explain it. He's girl crazy, so I don't know when or if he'll ever act normal around girls."

Kuroo just laughed at the horrible explanation Katana came up with before glancing at Kenma, whose noes was, to no ones surprise, still stuck in his video game. Eyes narrowing at the pudding head, Kuroo opened his mouth to say something to the boy but got interrupted by none other than Kenma, who glanced up briefly when he felt like Kuroo was going to say something to him.

"Kuro, if I fail this level, it's all your fault," Kenma muttered before his eyes went back down to his game.

"Hey! That's not fair!" Kuroo exclaimed, looking ready to grab Kenma's console from his hands. Katana couldn't help but laugh at the boys, she wasn't sure what exactly it was, but they reminded her a bit of the twins in the way they bickered.

"It is if you're the only one currently caring about whether or not I'm on this right now," Kenma muttered in reply.

"That's not-" Kuroo paused. It seemed that Kenma had gotten him with logic, causing Katana to only laugh harder at the pair.

"You two are idiots," Katana snickered, rolling her eyes at the pair. This comment got a "hey!" out of Kuroo, only causing Katana to laugh more. "Like I said, idiots."

— a/n:

AAAA I FINALLY GET TO WRITE IN AKAASHI YES. 😭 Next chapter he'll be there, just you wait. I'm so excited, like y'all have no clue how much Ive wanted to write him in sooner- and I'm really sorry for how many chapters there are w/o him, but I wanted to give you guys a good idea on what Katana was like, as well as some backstory and why I'll write some parts like I do, like when she will meet with Semi and Tendō again. Anyways, Akaashi's gonna be in the next chapter !!! I'm so excited, anyways, see y'all in the next update.

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