Honeycomb Hearts

By KyleWagner

35.5K 1.3K 693

"Now come on, what could possibly be in there that you don't already know about anyways?" After Yang's life c... More

Relics of the Past
New Arrivals
Seeing is Bee-lieving
Meet and Greet
Secrets of the Heart
Fruits of Labor
Never Strikes Twice
The Apple of her Eye
A Few Wires Short of a Circuit
Dinner, a la Memory
The Ebb and Flow of the Mind
Out into the World
Sewn Together
Arts and Woodcrafts
All Worked Up
The Highest of Highs and the Sort-of Lows
Bridging the Gap
Dusty Wings
Penny For Your Thoughts
Crystal Rain
Dreams and Ambitions
Breakfast and a Snack
In The Dark
Closed Eyes, Open Hearts
Ramblin' and Gamblin'
A Look Back and A Step Forward
Little Rose
On the Clock
That Time of the Year
Budding Love
All of Her Beeswax
Point to Prove
History Books
Dissolving Doubts

Side Story: The One That Got Away

620 24 7
By KyleWagner

The shop was empty. Barren. The leather cushions and high stools sat unused, being offered only a passing glance by those on the other side of the café's windows. One of the only things that kept them from gathering dust was the breath of Weiss' sighs from behind the counter. Weiss glanced at the clock – two thirty – then looked back at the door. Zero. A few months ago, two thirty was her prime time, with never enough seats to go around. Eclairs and donuts went out, and money came in. But that was months ago, back before Yang's accident.

Weiss spoke to herself, mimicking Ruby's high-pitched voice. "I might need to stop working here part time, I need to take care of my sister." She slumped back against the counter, elbows scratched by the dispensaries of sugar packets and coffee stirrers.

It was a good cause, helping Yang after she lost her arm, but Weiss didn't realize how important Ruby was to the café until after she left. There were no more new recipes being spun up day after day, the regular customers who came in eager to try the new creations were bored by the same old pastries, no matter how well Weiss made them. She knew she still had skill, the few customers that came in here and there always left happy and with wide smiles – especially Blake. Was the café really a bad investment? Was Ruby the only thing keeping this place open after all?

The door opened with a jingle and Weiss' face lit up.

"Hi! Welcome to the Little Rose Café, how can I help you?" Weiss spoke her rehearsed line before she realized who she was speaking to.

"Hey Weiss." It was her least favorite person to see. She was surprised he even fit through the door anymore.

"Oh, hey Robert. How are you?"

"Doing fine, mostly. The kids are just barely passing their classes and Malleus is still gray, but that's nothing newsworthy." Robert took off his hat, exposing his shiny, balding head. Weiss had to squint in order to not be blinded. "Anyways, I'm sure you know why I'm here."

Weiss sighed. "Yeah, the rent."

"The rent."

"It's been a slow month... is there any way I could pay you in pastries instead?" Weiss asked. She tried not to stare at his portly belly.

"Pastries?" Harold asked, "Unless they've got coins instead of cream filling, I'm going to have to say no. Sorry."

Weiss sighed. She reached under the cash register and pulled out a bulging envelope. She opened it and pulled out about half of the money inside, and handed it to Robert. "Here."

"It isn't safe to keep so much money in such an obvious place, you know. Especially since money seems tight for you nowadays."

"Tight? I wish it were that easy, try choking." Weiss thought. "Yeah, I'm not sure if I have enough for next month. I'll try, though."

"You know what that little green guy said in that one movie my kids always try to get me to watch: 'do or don't, there ain't no try'." Robert shoved the cash in the pocket of his jacket and turned to leave. He opened the door and hung there for a bit. "This shop really is nice, I'd be sad to see it go for something so stupid as rent."

The door gently closed behind him; the stale air of the café sealed off from the smoky, polluted air outside. Weiss put the envelope back under the cash register and sat beneath it, head in her hands. She'd lied to Robert. She knew there wasn't enough money to pay rent for next month. From the math she'd done the night prior, she would be in debt before the end of the week, let alone the rest of the month. Math seemed to be one thing she knew she could do right.

The phone rang, and Weiss considered copying her pet cat and knocking the damn thing off the counter. That would be more money, though, so she picked the phone off the receiver instead.

"Little Rose Coffee Shop, how can I help you?"

"Hey Weiss, it's Yang! We're having a little picnic tomorrow to celebrate the half-ear anniversary of Ruby and I moving to Apis Mellifera. Wanna come?"

"A picnic?" Weiss had forgotten people still had picnics. "Who all will be there?"

"Me, Ruby, and Blake. We tried to invite Nora and Penny, but they were busy, so Ruby suggested we invite you!"

"Ruby suggested it?" So, Ruby hadn't forgotten about her after all.

"Yeah, you coming or what?" Yang's voice echoed in Weiss' mind. Ruby would be there. Ruby. Was she the key to getting her shop back?

"Make it an RSVP. I'll be there," Weiss replied, "I guarantee it."

"RSVP? Really Super Very... uh... Portant? Like important?"

"Sure." Weiss hung up the phone and kipped to her feet. Rounding the counter, she had only one thing in mind: she had to figure out how to get Ruby back to the shop. That girl had real magic, something Weiss could hardly recreate. The image slowly came into mind: the dynamic duo of Malleus back in action, Weiss whipping up tea and batter while Ruby whisked up flour and ideas. The sign on the front of the shop turned to closed, but Weiss' eyes were opened.

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