How to Survive a Werewolf Rom...

By NelleIvy

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Love cliches? Hate cliches? Either way, this story murders them, marinates them, and fries them up for your... More

Greetings & Introduction
Ch 1: Extraordinarily Ordinary
Ch 2: Expect the Unexpected
Ch 3: Uncomfortably Comfortable
Ch 4: Impatient Patience
We're Past the Point of No Editing
Ch 5: Lycan's Advocate
Ch 6: Temper the Tempers
Ch 7: Quantitative Proof
Ch 8: Silly Human Restraint
Ch 10: Trouble Believing
Chapter 11: Woes of the World
Chapter 12: Instinctive Satisfaction
Chapter 13: Intense Attention
Chapter 14: I Believed that He Believed
Chapter 15: It All Began With A Broken Bond
Chapter 16: Could Not Get Enough
Chapter 17: If the Shoe Fits
Chapter 18: Figured Out Already
Chapter 19: Shared Hallucinations
Chapter 20: Wouldn't Trade It
Chapter 21: The Kingdom's Good Fortune
Chapter 22: Mate Coloured Glasses
Chapter 23: A Night Not to Remember
Chapter 24: A Marvellous Mishap
Chapter 25: Sage Wisdom
Chapter 26: End in Catastrophe
Chapter 27: Special Treatment
Chapter 28: We Were Off
Chapter 29: Nothing Here is Simple
Chapter 30: Future Princess or Future Tyrant
Chapter 31: Misinterpreted the Situation
Chapter 32: Get Revenge
Chapter 33: High-Drama Crimes
Chapter 34: Plus One
Chapter 35: Raging Alpha
Chapter 36: Unorthodox Methods
Chapter 37: Delusions Grow
Chapter 38: Message for the Current Hour
Chapter 39: Why Now
Chapter 40: Overall Favourability

Ch 9: Puddle of Contentment

46 9 83
By NelleIvy

Author's Note:

Happy New Year!!!  I've got lots of fun planned for this story.  😁

Thanks for reading!!!

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My first sight of the capital filled me with awe. Even though I had grown up in one of the small towns of a rural pack, I had on a couple of occasions gone to cities for appointments, but the capital was something else entirely. What had begun in the distance as an indistinct blur on the horizon gradually grew and took shape as we flowed in and out of traffic, moving ever closer.

I watched out the window, feeling very much like a green country mouse, as we followed the highway with residential areas in sight on either side of the road. As we continued, the houses on my side gradually changed into what seemed to be a more downtown business type of area, full of tall buildings with many windows.

"It's up ahead," Arthur told me. I realized he was proud of his home. His warmth seeped into me and I returned his smile.

I peered forward, trying to decipher which of the growing locations he was talking about.

What began as the silhouette of a vague shape against the sky revealed itself to be a marvel of architecture from another time. Columns and mouldings decorated the exterior of the large, complex structure.

I could scarcely believe that I was going to be expected to live there. It was larger than my school, larger than any building in my pack territory, and it was many more times bigger than my house than I dared estimate.

I would probably be lucky to find my way around inside. I swallowed and pulled my phone out of my bag.

I sent texts to my mother and to Kayla letting them know I had arrived safely. They would tell anyone else who cared.

I turned my attention back to the imposing building before me and I glanced at my mate.

He was watching my reaction with quiet concern. "Are you alright?"

I smiled at him. "Don't worry, I'll be fine." I would manage, because I wanted to be with him.

Arthur carried my travel bag for me, which made me feel stupidly happy as I slung my messenger bag over my arm.

I walked with Arthur up the wide stone steps leading into the front of the palace. Lucas fell into step with us beside me. He nodded respectfully.

I had not loved how he had practically shouted Arthur's and my status to the world, but it was that meddlesome Darcy who had done the bulk of the damage.

I had no more time to worry about how the kingdom knew about us, because the doors were pushed open and I was struck dumb with surprise. The entryway to the palace was enormous. I gaped around myself at high sloping ceilings, doors that lead in four directions, and on both sides two graceful spiralling staircases that clearly led up to the next floor, although I could see little beyond the railing above.

Mostly I was overwhelmed by just how entirely out of place I was.

Arthur took my hand and the feeling lessened. I might not belong in the palace, but I did belong with him.

A man with black, slightly greying hair walked up to us. His back was perfectly straight, he was wearing a black suit and vest, and was the very picture of meticulousness.

"Good afternoon, Prince Arthur." He turned to me and with a respectful nod said, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss Roberts."

"Anne, this is our head butler, Percival Hargreeves," Arthur said. I could tell by Arthur's tone that even if the man was a servant, Arthur was fond of him.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, too," I responded with a smile. I tried to hide my nervousness.

"Is everything ready?" Arthur asked.

"Of course, Your Highness. Miss Roberts' room is ready."

"Thank you, Hargreeves," Arthur said.

Perhaps it was due to Arthur's regard for the man, but I found myself rather liking this head butler.

My attention was instantly diverted as Arthur led me away and up one of the flowing stairwells and down a hallway, and then we took two more turns and Arthur pushed open a door to reveal a room, or rather a series of connected rooms. "This is my suite," he told me. "Or rather, our suite."

He began to show me around the ridiculously opulent rooms, which were more like an independent house than anything else. "So, this is my room, and over here is your room. You're more than welcome in mine, but I wanted to give you some space for now."

I leaned forward and kissed him. "Thanks Arthur."

"Of course, Anne. I want you to be comfortable, so if there's anything you need at all, let me know."

I nodded as his phone pinged. He glanced at it. "My mother knows we've arrived."

"Oh really?" I asked.

"She wants to meet you."


"Yeah. If you're not up to it, I can put her off."

I considered. If I avoided her it would only make her think I was afraid of her and I did not want that. "No, I can handle it."

<Darn right we can,> my wolf said suddenly before coming into the forefront of my mind.

<You're back? Oh great.>

<Ungrateful human. I've come to offer my support and inspect our new den.>

<Then thank you, I suppose.>

<I also want to see this wolf who ranks above me.>

<Scoping out the competition?> I asked.

<I have no competition, silly human. In retrospect, it's not surprising that we got such an amazing mate. Pierce and I are obviously well matched and you and Arthur also seemed to be well matched in your reticence.>

I did not bother to argue with her assessment. <Your overconfidence will be our downfall.>

<My very reasonable and accurate confidence is probably our greatest strength.>

What was the point of arguing with the stubborn wolf?

I glanced at Arthur. "I probably just need to get changed. I guess I should wear a dress or something?" I asked him.

He considered. "That would be fine."

I scurried into my room and discovered that all my clothing was already hanging in the ridiculously large closet. I only had a couple of dresses, so I picked the most reserved one, black and to my knees and hoped that it would do. I lay in on the bed and took a quick shower, threw on the dress and tried to make myself look presentable.

<I'll give you credit for your speed at preparing yourself this time,> my wolf told me begrudgingly. <Now, let us go and meet this queen.>

<<< << < > >> >>>

I came out of my new room and found Arthur waiting for me. He had changed into a grey shirt and black dress pants and he looked so good I wished that I could take pictures with my eyes. Would it be weird to pull out my phone and snap a photo to drool over later?

Probably, so I contented myself with staring for a long moment, hoping to burn the sight of him onto the back of my retinas.

"You look beautiful," he told me.

I smiled my pleasure at his words.

"And there's no reason to be so nervous," he said. "My mother is not terrifying at all."

Easy for him to say. He was all glorious and perfect and I was just me, even if the mate bond made him think differently. I was attractive enough, but that could be said for nearly every werewolf on the planet. Beauty did not make one special and otherwise I was just terribly normal.

I was glad that Arthur appreciated my normal qualities, but that did not mean his parents would. I would probably stick out like a sore thumb here.

He held out his hand. I grasped it and he pulled me flush against him.

"Don't worry so much. I won't leave you alone with her just yet and there is nothing in the world that would ultimately make me let you go so long as there is breath in my lungs."

Then he kissed me and I responded enthusiastically.

I could feel my worries dissolving along with the ability for my body to function independently of him. I smiled through my stupid haze of utter delight. He was right. Everything would be fine, because we would manage.

Finally we broke our kiss and I was satisfied to hear him breathing heavily. My breath was no better, but I felt much less nervous about the coming ordeal.

We manoeuvred down the opulent halls, or rather he manoeuvred me through the halls, because I had no idea where we were going. We were still in the same wing as our rooms, when he pushed open a large door.

I belatedly realized that this must be the private areas of the king and queen. What I could see alone was at least several times bigger than my parent's house.

Then Arthur led me through another doorway and I found myself in what might have been called a sitting room. It looked a bit like a living room, but was way more fancy than any living room I had ever seen and the lack of any visible modern technology made me feel like I had fallen back in time.

One would think I would be more comfortable in a room without a television since I was probably one one thousandth Neanderthal, but my genetic coding did not help calm me in the slightest.

Then I spotted the queen and the mushy puddle of contentment Arthur had melted me into froze solid.

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