Nothing Can Break Us(Javid+Sp...

By thekidtea

14.8K 369 1.2K

Your normal cliche modern Newsies au. Davey Jacobs is the new nerdy kid at The World High school. Jack Kelly... More

A/N (Please read it)
~2~ Weekend Adventures
~3~ Football Games and Crushes
~4~ Cleaning Up
~5~ Pumpkin Patch
~6~ Halloween
~7~ Birthday Boys
~8~ Studying and Roadtrips
~9~ Christmas
~10~ New Years
~11~ What Happened In Brooklyn
~12~ Apologies
Thats a Wrap
uh hello?

~1~ New Kid

1.5K 32 185
By thekidtea


Well here it is. The World High School. One of the first things I thought when I heard the the name was "wow that's a really dumb name for a high school." I probably could've thought of a better name. They could've called this place "School high school" and it still would've been a better name.

It surely isn't the only high school in the world, but it's a huge school. Mom told me it has about two thousand kids. That's way to many people for my liking but I didn't really have a choice.

Dad got injured in an accident at work so we had to move to Manhattan so he could be closer to his new job. I didn't mind much, it was a nice city. We used to live in Albany but I didn't like it much.

The World High School was composed of many large brick buildings. The windows were high and the doors were large. It looks like a nice enough place. Students filed in and out of the entrance. Some sit on the steps in front of the building, while others stand under trees and talk with friends.

I stand near the entrance with Sarah and Les. Sarah is a senior, I'm a junior, and Les is a freshman. Les is on his phone texting his girlfriend Sally from Albany. He wasn't thrilled about the move, unlike me and Sarah.

"What classes do you have Davey?" Sarah asks.

"Well I've got AP Calculus, AP Government, AP Literature, Lunch, AP Physics, Film and TV, and Journalism."

"Jesus do you need that many AP classes?"

I just shrug at her. She sighs. We stand there in silence until Les breaks it.

"God people suck."

"What happened now?" I ask.

"Some people are dead naming Sally." Les balls his fists.

I reach over and pat his shoulder. "That really sucks."

"Yeah I just don't get why people can't respect her." He has tears in his eyes now.

"Hey, why don't we invite her over this weekend? We can all go shopping?" Sarah asks.

This makes Les smile. "Yeah that sounds good, I'll ask her." He goes back to texting. Me and Sarah look up at each other, smile, and then fist bump.

The bell rings and the three of us do finger guns at each other. Thankfully I know where my classes are because we toured the school a couple days ago. AP Calculus is on the second floor of building B.

When I walk into the classroom it's already pretty full. I find an empty desk at the back of the room. I get out my materials and then play Among Us on my phone.

The bell rings and the teacher starts the class. It's the first day so it's mostly introductions and the class syllabus. About ten minutes into class a boy loudly stumbles into class.

"Mr.Higgins." The teacher Mr.Adams says rolling his eyes. "I hoped when I saw your name on my attendance sheet it was printed wrong. I guess I was mistaken."

"Ya can't get rid of me that easily mista'!" The boy says smiling. The rude comment seemed to fly right by him. The boy is about 5'10 with brown curly hair. His voice was laced with something between a New York and Italian accent. Based on his looks and voice alone I would say he's from Italy, but moved here when he was young.

"Go sit next to Mr. Jacobs please." The teacher says pointing at the desk next to mine. The kid stumbles over and plops his bag on the floor as he sits down. He takes a look around the classroom and then turns to me. He puts his hand out for me to shake.

"I'm Antonio! Well I usually go by Racetrack, Race for short."

"I'm David, or Davey I don't really mind either." I shake his hand.

"Well Nice to meet ya' Davey." He says grinning at me. "I haven't seen ya' before, are ya new?"

"Yeah I just moved here from Albany."

"Ooooh you's from Albany, that's nice."

"I'm guessing your from Italy?"

"Ah. Good eye. Yeah but I's moved here when I was four."

"Mr.Higgins. You are already disrupting my class. Would you like to share?." Mr. Adams says interrupting us.

"Sorry mister."

We payed attention for the rest of class. Mr. Adams said that these were going to be our seats for the rest of the year. At least my desk mate is nice.

For the last five minutes of class we got to do whatever we wanted. Me and Race continued talking.

"So because your new I'm guessing you don't know anybody here?" He asks me.

"Well my older sister and younger brother go here, but besides them, no I don't know anybody."

"Well if you wants ta sit with me and my friends at lunch, you're welcome too."

"Yeah that sounds nice."

"You's the only person in this class I know and you seem pretty smart, wanna exchange numbers so we's can study together sometime?"

"Yeah, I could use a study partner."

When we were done exchanging numbers the bell rings.

"See you at lunch, arrivederci!" He says with a wave.

~~~~~time skip~~~~~

Race texted me and told me he and his friends usually ate in the courtyard. When the bell rang for lunch I headed down there. The courtyard was a big grassy area with tons of trees. It had several benches and tables scattered around it along with a few murals.

I spot Race and what I assume to be his friends over at a table. It actually seemed to be three tables pushed together because there were so many of them. Race's table had about fifteen people at it. Mostly boys but there were two girls at the end.

Race sees me standing and observing his table and waves me over. "Heya Davey." He says smiling at me and patting the seat next to him.

"Hey Race, how we're your classes."

"Oh you know, the usual, boring stuff."

I nod.

"Ayo Racer, who's this?" Asks a boy at the table.

"Oh yeah, let me introduce everyone. Everyone this is Davey, he's new so be nice to him." Everyone says different variations of "hi". They all seem nice.

Race points at the boy across from me who asked the earlier question. "That's Jack, and next to him is his brother Charlie, but we call em Crutchie." They both wave at me. I notice that Charlie has a crutch and a bad leg, which is where the nickname comes from I guess.

Race continues introducing everyone. "That's Specs, Albert, Elmer, Romeo, Sniper, Kid Blink, Mush, Boots, Skittery, and the rude dude next ta me is Spot." Everyone waves as they get introduced.

Each of them had different features that made them easy to point out. Specs had huge, thick glasses, Romeo was quite shorter than everyone else, Sniper always looked like he was sporting a grim, Kid Blink had an eyepatch over one of his eyes, Skittery was the skinniest, and Albert and Elmer were twins with bright red hair and freckles.

"At the end of the table are our lovely ladies and non-binary pal. Katherine and Smalls are our token females, and Finch, they's our token non-binary." The three of them wave.

Everyone seemed really nice. I'm glad that they seem cool about being queer. It would suck if they were homophobic.

"So Davey." I turn to look at the boy across from me. Jack is his name "Where are you from?"

"I'm from Albany. Me and my siblings had move here because of my dad's job."

"So how's you like Manhattan?"

"It's pretty nice. I like a pleasant change once and a while."

"What classes are you taking this semester?"

I pull out my class list and show him.

"OH MY GOODNESS." Everyone at the table turns to him. We're all equally shocked by the outburst.

"What is it?" Crutchie asks.

"Davey over here, has got Journalism with us at the end of the day!"

Race turns to me. "Ya do? Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't know that it would be such big news." I say taking back my schedule from Jack.

"Our group here. We calls ourselves the Newsies, because we all work on the school pape. Which is basically what we do during journalism. You's gotsta become a Newsies now. What do you say?"

What have I got to lose. "Why not?" I say smiling. We fist bump.

Everyone at the table went back to doing what they were doing. Specs and Romeo were playing an intense round of speed. Mush stole Alberts shoe which prompted Albert to chase him around the courtyard. Elmer and Race were betting on something. Skittery, Boots, and Sniper were arguing about which Spider-Man was the best. Spot and Jack were throwing back and fourth a football. I assumed that they were on the team. Katherine, Smalls, and Finch were already going over notes for one of there classes.

"So what class do you got next Davey?" Crutchie asks me.

"Oh I have AP Physics."

"Hey! I've got that next too. Wanna walk there together?"

"Of course!"

I can already tell that I'm going to like it here.

(1.5k words)

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