A Weasley Mess *ON HOLD - REW...

By Nithmen

160K 3.9K 863

Because everyone needs a happy/feel-good story. 1993, her final year of school - at Hogwarts. The Weasley twi... More

II.Fight them with love
III.October Wonderland
IV.The Joy of Family
V.I swear, they're trying to convert me
VI.That's some Weasley!
VII.Merry Christmas
VIII.It's magic
X.May I snog your brother?
XI.Planning your doom
XII.End of an Era
XIII.So... I'm snogging your brother.
XIV.Happy Birthday
A/N - semi important
XV.Back to Hogwarts
XVII.Fairylight and flames
XVIII.Finishing touches
XIX.Common room
XX.Future unspoken
XXI.The Burrow


5.2K 160 59
By Nithmen

Anyone else got any exams coming up? I've got English grammar, didactic and phonetics + pedagogic coming up next month - someone put me in a closet and hide me.
And if you're interested, these are some of the songs that I use to write and get the proper mood of the story.

Have you ever felt like a beauty regiment might kill you?

The hair rollers tugged on her scalp, the green mask might've been poisonous if she didn't know better, and the narrow gaze of her torturer scared the living hell out of her. He circled her once, then turned and went back to inspect the back of her hair.
"Are you sure that you didn't touch any of the rollers?"
".. I'm positive." She felt defeated, finally undermined and totally subdued. He huffed, one arm crossed over his chest and the other arm held up to his chin.
"I'll just have to make do, but don't move." There was nothing more terrifying, as he pointed his wand at her face and the mask suddenly disappeared. Her hair sort of bounced, as the rollers came out and she had the hideous feeling that she was slowly turning into a poodle.
"I'm putting down a line, nothing more than mascara!" His disappointment ran deep, as Percy looked down at his own personal Barbie doll - he found it amusing. The fluffy hair and the pointed finger, as if she could ever refuse his makeover.
"You're getting blush, and a light lipstick, deal with it." He ignored her angry look, she just had to deal with it.

She felt like a damn show-pony. Not only had her hair been curled and coiffed so effortlessly, but her makeup was light with a hint of golden smokiness in the eyes and her evening dress was so damned pretty. It was almost like Percy had taken evening classes at some beauty school, because this was way better than what she could ever try to do herself.

The blue and gold brought out the golden streaks of her hair, and blue of her eyes.
"This might be my best work yet." Percy looked her up and down, one hand to his chin and a grin that congratulated himself.
"To my knowledge, it's your only work." Claire crossed her arms and shook her head with obstinance. One glossy curl landed over her brow and eye, making her blow at it with the air of a two-year-old.
"Why are we even doing this, Perce?" She had been patient for long enough, the first two hours had been out of the kindness of her heart - the following four hours had been coerced out of her.
"Because - I'm your best friend." Percy walked closer and grabbed her head before kissing her forehead. "And I'm collecting favors from my siblings." With that he grabbed her shoulders and spun her around.

"That's quite some Dubois, I must say." His slender frame rested at the edge of her door frame, seemingly making everything else around him wither into grey. "Don't freak out on me, Claire - but I'm kidnapping you. I need arm candy for a work function."

Work function just did not cut it, the summer bloom and greenery covering the ancient columns. The dance floor, so to speak, had a thin layer of glass that floated just above the grass. Fairy-lights, lit torches, creatures and human intermingled. The whole scene smelled like cotton candy and late evenings on an isolated beach. The salt lingering in the air, mingling with the sweetness of burning torches and a cake table so lusciously topped.

"Bill, this is beautiful!" The smile radiated on her face, making him mirror her in her careless, and happy demeanor.
"Join me in a dance, then?" The chivalrous bow and offer of his hand made her laugh, the summer night seemed intoxicating with its promise. She took his hand and let him lead her to the glass dance floor, his dark robes contrasting with her light dress. He spun her around once before pulling her to his chest, a smile on that beautifully stubbled chin.

Spinning, twirling and laughing with Bill made her loose her breath. The sound of all the others blended into the scenery and made no sense what so ever. Her curls had loosened and her cheeks were flushed. Without any further question, Claire pulled her beau of the dance floor and in the direction of the refreshments and an old looking, stone railing she could lean on.

Bill reached out for a glass of champagne - probably champagne. He took two, and handed one to Claire.
"To Claire, who got through an entire year of Hogwarts, - with most of my siblings!" He raised his glass and grinned, clinking it to hers.
"To William Arthur Weasley, who - to now has survived being the eldest brother, a flock of seven! And on top of that, you have yet to be murdered by a Kneazle!" She kissed him, earning a chuckle. "You're a Curse Breaker, you're finally back to working in England, and you just might be my favorite Weasley." She smiled, leaning into his lips once more.
"Never let the others hear you say that, the only ones who will forgive you, is dad and Charlie." The lopsided smile, that sent perpetual shivers down her spine, lingered on him. 
"Molly might, she wants me to favor you - probably forever." She leaned into his side and took a sip of her champagne. 
"Mum has already adopted you in all but name, but I like this forever business." 
"If you want forever, show me how much you love me then." She grabbed onto his hand, a tentative smile on her mouth as Bill Weasley caught on and pulled her close before they disapparated. 

Somewhere in a flat above Madam Malkin's, Diagon Alley.

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