
By Blackroses48

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*Dont have to read the first book to get this one* *Sequel to Do Opposites Have to Attract* Shontel had on... More



479 17 6
By Blackroses48


Ugh why can't I move?



And what is that annoying beeping sound. Trying to open my eyes was a struggle until finally my eyes flew open but instantly closed as a light shine in them.

"She's waking up" raven says a little bit to loud for my pounding head. Slowly I open my eyes adjusting to the light from the window. The room was crowded.

"Where am I?" Looking around I realized I was in the hospital. Groaning I looked down to see a need for the IV in my arm. Panicked I quickly try to take the needle out but Lewis stopped me. "I know you don't like needles but you have to leave it there"

"Why am I here?"

"You don't remember?" Looking at faith I can tell that she hasn't been getting any sleep. Shaking my head Taylor decided to speak up "Someone broke into your house and attacked you. You left Carlos a voicemail and he came straight home and found you on the floor and called the ambulance" as he spoke everything was coming back to me.

"How's rocky?" I asked wiping away a fallen tear. "He's okay, just waiting for you to come home" just then the doctor walks in.

"Hi I'm Dr. Fleming" he said shaking my hand and everyone left the room so we can talk in private.

"You've been out quite awhile and your injuries are almost fully healed" he smiled "Also congratulations"

Frowning I was confused. Why would he be congratulating me? "You're pregnant" preg...nant. I'm pregnant. "How long?" I can't believe it, my hands instantly rub my stomach. "Four months. I'm actually surprise it made it after what that man did to you. Also the police is here to ask you a few questions about the situation. I'll tell them to give you a moment" and with that he left me to my thoughts. I have a baby inside of me. My baby. Mine and.... Carlos.


After talking to the police and getting check once more the doctor said I can go home "Thanks for the ride" Lewis got out of the car and open the door for me "You sure you don't want me to stay with you?" Shaking my head I gave him a hug and a peck on the cheek.

"I'm sure" giving me one last look he drove off. Quietly I close the door about to walk upstairs when I heard his voice. "Do you think she'll ever forgive me?" Walking to the living room Carlos was sitting on the couch running his fingers through rocky's fur as rocky answer his question with a bark and a soft wine. "I miss her too boy. I wish I'd listened to her and tell her I'm sorry"

"Wow you're making it seem like I'm dead" I spoke up. Hearing my voice rocky jumped off the couch running to my waiting arms "I've missed you to boy" smiling I kissed his nose and stood up looking at Carlos.

"Im sorry to"

"Why are you sorry?"

"For hanging in with Cole knowing that you don't like him anndd throwing the lamp at you" slowly he walks up to me wrapping his arms around me "I'm so sorry" I felt something wet hit my shoulder. Was he crying? "Lo siento mi amor. Me comprometo a proteger, cuidar de ti, y no lo hice. puedes perdonarme?"

"I don't know what you just said but I forgive you" chuckling he pulled back just enough for me to see his tear filled face. Whipping his tears away he grab my hand and kiss the back of it "I said I'm so sorry my love. I promise to protect you, to take care of you, and I didn't. Can you ever forgive me?"

"Yes I forgive you" smiling he smash his lips against mines. Wrapping my arms around him I pulled him closer deepening the kiss putting all of my emotions into it. Pulling back to catch our breath his forehead rested against mine.

"I'm pregnant" the words slipped out before I had a chance to think about it. Shocked Carlos steps back "Yo-you're pregnant?" Nodding my hand goes to my small bumb. "You're pregnant!" Kissing me he lifts me up and spins me around once then put me down and gets on one knee kissing my stomach "Hey there sweetheart mommy and daddy can't wait for you to get here"

"How do you know it's not a boy?"

"Because it's a girl"





"Bo-" shutting me up with a kiss he lifts me up and starts walking upstairs to our bedroom and gently put me down on the bed then take off his shirt.

"We are not having sex" I said crossing my arms. Smiling he push me down into the soft pillows "Why not? Im just helping with the pregnancy" he smirked slipping a finger in me making me gasp "Plus make up sex is the best sex" pumping in and out of me he adds another finger then stops "Why did you stop?" I swear if he gets me all excited then leave I'll castrate him.

"I love you" he whisper softly against my lips

"I love you too"



And that's the end.... Well after the epilogue it'll be. Im gonna miss these two.  Hope you enjoyed this book.


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