
By Blackroses48

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*Dont have to read the first book to get this one* *Sequel to Do Opposites Have to Attract* Shontel had on... More



647 23 2
By Blackroses48

Carlos on the side ------->


"Try this one" Faith said throwing another dress over the changing room "This is why i love you" i told her. The wedding was in a week and i needed a dress since the other dress store messed up my order. Putting the dress on i asked raven if she could tie up the corset. Walking out of the changing room i stood in front of the mirror. "This is the one" running my hand over the fabric i turned around so they could see the front of the dress. It was a hi lo dress with diamond sequence around the corset.

"You look so beautiful" mom smiled brightly at me. "Thanks Faith" i said smiling and giving her a hug "You're just lucky I'm the best wedding dress designer in the world"

"I know i know I'm sorry i didn't come to you first. I just didn't want to add on more stress that you already have from other brides wedding dresses" with one last squeeze i turned back around to face the mirror. I still can't believe i'm about to get married in a week. Going back to the changing room i changed back to my regular clothes and handed faith the dress.

"Now all that's left is the seating arrangement then you can rest a little more easily until the big day" raven said handing me a champagne glass. Sighing i ran my fingers through my hair, saving the worst part for last wasn't the best idea i came up with. "Relax it can't be that bad" If only she knew.


"Okay how about this"

"Can't have uncle Aaron at the same table with my mom" two hours two hours and we still haven't finished arranging tables. "Alright so far the only tables we have done are 8 and 9" ugh i hate wedding planning. Sign this, sign that, what color, how big do you want it, where to put it, whose going to do this, whose going to do that to many decisions i have to make, but it's all worth it since i'm marrying someone i love.

"Ooo what about table 3?" looking at the people we had assigned at the table i couldn't really answer raven question "I don't know... well cousin Matt and his wife with cousin Jacob isn't bad, but i don't know about Carlos dad side of the family i only met his mom side" reaching for my phone off the coffee table i dialed Carlos number. "Please lord let this table work" faith pleaded having me and raven pleading with her.

"Hello" Carlos whispered "Hey babe is this a bad time?"

"Yea I'm in a meeting i'll call you back"

"Wait" i quickly stopped him "It will only take a second" a second for him to answer the question hours maybe days for me to complete the arrangements "You got 5" he rushed out "Can your grandparents on both sides sit at a table" silently praying that this was another table done he quickly crushed my hope "No they hate each other" beep "Dammit!" i shouted then realize something. Quickly calling he answered in a whisper sounding irritated "What". "Bitch did you just hang up on-" beep

"I'm guessing table 3 isn't on the complete list" groaning i slid down from the coach until i touched the floor "Hey don't worry we have an entire week to figure this out" knowing that eased my nerves a little. "Okay enough wedding planning for tonight" faith said straightening up the scattered papers on the table then grabbed her glass of wine "Where's rocky i havn't seen him running around here" Rocky was our dog an Akita breed "He's over Carlos parents house we're going to pick him up when i get done with my classes"

"Speaking of dancing are you going to try out for the open partner spot for the music festival?" Th- th- there's an open spot to dance with the lead performer. Voicing my mini shock in my head i watch both friends nod their heads "Where have you been it's been posted at every store, wall, Facebook, instagram, twitter, snapcha-" before she could continue any further of the location of my dream opportunity "Okay i get it. When is the auditions?"

"Three days from today" three days! you got to be kidding me i only have to come up with a good dance routine by Saturday "Oh no i know that look come on faith lets go before she makes us loose sleep with her" giving me a quick hug they said their goodbye's before adding a quick don't stay up too long then walk out the door.

How could i not stay up all night i mean i love my sleep like really really love my sleep, but i have to quickly come up with a good routine to perform for the audition.


"What are you doing still up?" closing the front door Carlos hung his coat up in the closet then walk over to me watching me practice the beginning of the routine that i had come up with in a matter of minutes "Practicing my routine for the auditions"

"What audition?" leaning against the wall he put his hands in his pockets "The lead performer need a partner and is having auditions Saturday" i said stretching my legs "Well i can think of one way to help you and it requires us in the bed"

Chuckling i shook my head "And how is having sex helping me?" Smiling he pushed off the wall in walks over to me "It's not sex just simply the horizontal tango" Leaning down he starts kissing me. Before i got to attached to the kiss i pushed him back "Not now i got to continue practicing" walking away i felt his arm wrap around me as he turn me around to face him lifting me up wrapping my legs around him.

"It's four o'clock in the morning and we are going to bed" opening my mouth about to protest he smashed his lips against mines and just as fast as they were there they were gone "Don't argue just listen to daddy and go to sleep" 'Daddy' said carrying me up the steps.

The next day went by quickly. James finally getting the steps right since last class and I had a few minutes to practice my routine before it was time for me to head over to Carlos parents house. Walking up the steps I knocked on the door in waited to be greeted by Carlos mom "Shontel" giving her a quick hug she let me in. "Hey mama g how you doing"

"Good I'm almost done with dinner. I thought you were coming here together with that son of mine" walking toward the kitchen I sat at the island in the middle of the kitchen. "Nope he said he had to do something after work" nodding her head she went back to cooking. "Ready to be part of the family?"

Gasping I put my hand over my heart "And here I thought all these years I was already part of the family" smiling she shook her head "You know what I meant"

"I know I guess I'm ready just a little nervous that's all"

"You're not having doubts are you?"

"No just nervous as the wedding day gets closer" nodding her head she went to the fridge in got out ice tea. Grabbing a cup she poured me some "Thanks"

"You know I felt the same way when me and Joseph were getting married. So nervous I was about to call it off"


"Yep, but he said everything will be fine and it's nothing to get overly nervous about. Since he's a man he wouldn't know how nervous we actually get"

"Speaking of Joseph where is he?"

"If you would turn around you will know the answer to your question" standing at the doorway was Joseph and rocky. "Rocky!" taking him off the leash rocky ran to me. Getting down from the chair I fell to my knees giving him a hug as soon as he jumped in my arms "I've missed you so much" licking my face he barked.

"It's only been a week" Joseph said stealing a piece of chicken before his wife could hit his hand "It might have been a week to you but to me it's seems like years" getting up from the floor I walked over to him about to give him a hug but he stops me. "No"

"But I love you" smiling I walk closer to him "No you know I don't like hugging plus you got dog breath on you" before he could back away any further I grabbed his hand and pulled him in a hug "Aww love you too" pulling away from me he glared at me but still had a small smile on his face.

"So where is angel?"

"She'll be home soon her friend had to drop his little brother home"

"His" me and Joseph said at the same time "Yes her friend is a boy" looking at each other we knew we were thinking the same thing. Interrogation time. "Oh no I want you two on your best behavior including Carlos when he get here" smiling we said okay only meaning the opposite.


"I'm home" angel yelled after closing the door "So am I" I yelled back then continued eating my chips and watching empire. Running she hugged me from behind "About time you come over here"

"Yea I know and it's about time you came home" getting up I walk around the couch to her "What took you so long I thought I was going to die from boredom" before she could answer a boy with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes came into the room "Sorry we took so long. Had to do something on the way here" he wore brown pants and a red Polo shirt hair styled to perfection.

"Shontel this is Kyle, Kyle this is my brothers' fiance" she introduced us stretching out my hand he shook it then pulled out hand sanitizer putting some on his hands.

"Okay.... well I'm going to go help set up the table" after setting up the table and putting the food down we sat and pass the food around filling up our plates. "Hey sorry I'm late" we heard him before we saw him. Walking into the room Carlos hugged his Mom and man hug his dad. About to hug angel he stopped to look at Kyle "Who the fuck is this?" smiling I knew what was about to happened apparently everyone except for Kyle knew to.

"This is Kyle" mama g said looking at me, Carlos, and Joseph sternly silently telling us to behave. Just like before with me Carlos shook his hand with a little more force then needed. Pulling back Kyle got out the hand sanitizer.

"So Kyle are you from here?" and so it begins


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