
By Blackroses48

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*Dont have to read the first book to get this one* *Sequel to Do Opposites Have to Attract* Shontel had on... More



750 27 1
By Blackroses48

Shontel on the side ------>


"Five, six, seven, eight" counting out the steps to the routine I watched my students do the moves right except for one. "James you're still not getting the last part down" sighing he rubbed the back of his neck "That's it for today" sighing in relief they went to get their stuff to leave. "Um James can you stay for a minute?" stopping him before he left he turned around walking towards me.

"What's going on with you? you've never been this bad during practice" putting his hands in his pockets he looked everywhere but at me. "Come on teach I'm not that bad am I" shacking my head I crossed my arms over my chest.

"You move in the opposite direction that you're suppose to go in, do the wrong arm, and you're stiff as a rock" I stated

"You didn't have to be so blunt about it" he mumble while taking a deep breath "I guess I'm distracted because of the music festival"

"What about the music festival. Are you going?" I was confused. Why would he be distracted about the music festival? I mean I'm excited for it to, but that doesn't distract me from dancing "Yea I'm going..... but it's not about me"

"Then who's it about?" finally he looks me in the eye instead of looking at the floor "This girl from school and my brother Cole. You see he's-"

Hearing the door open then close I turn my attention to a tall guy about the same height as Carlos with sleeves tattoo "I'm sorry am I interrupting something?" his deep voice filled the room as he starts to walk towards us. "No" James says at the same time I said yes. Narrowing my eyes at James he groans stepping closer to the mystery guy.

"Um teach this is my brother Cole. Cole this is my dance teacher Ms.G" James introduced us. Taking in the resemblances i notice they both have black hair, but unlike james light brown eyes his brothers were dark brown. "Hey I'm Shontel" stretching out my hand he took it in his big one and shook it "Hey Shontel I'm Cole woods. So what did my little brother do this time?"

"Well he's distracted, missing steps he's never missed before causing others around him to mess up. I've asked him to stay behind to see what the problem was-"

"So what's the problem" he cuts me off. Crossing my arms I glared at him with raised brows. Suddenly James was behind his brother moving his hand back and forth in front of his neck with a pleading look.

"Like i said he's distracted apparently by a girl from school" smiling Cole turns around to James wrap his arm behind James neck pulling him to him. "So who's the girl distracting you from focusing on this beautiful dance teacher work?"

Struggling to get out of Cole's hold James finally gave up "None of your business now get. off." finally with one last tug he was free "It is if I'm paying for these classes and you're too distracted to pay attention" hanging his head low James backs away a little.

"Look just promise me you'll work hard like you usually do" lifting his head up he gave me a huge smile then gives me a hug. Quickly getting out of my shock state I wrap my arms around him "Yes I promise I won't get distracted and I won't let you down" chuckling I gave him a little squeeze.

"How many times do I have to tell you kid to not touch my girl" leaning on the wall with one foot up Carlos fake glare at James "I think I just stole her since she is hugging me not you" pulling away from me James smirked at Carlos.

"She might have hugged you, but she'll always come home to me" walking over to us he wrapped his arms around me pulling me into a hug and gave me a kiss. Every time Carlos stop by him and James go threw the same argument about me being who's girl. At first it was kind of weird since he is one of my students but I slowly got use to it since James is like a little brother to me.

"Hey! didn't I tell you she's mine now that I stole her away from you" James pouted i swear he acts more like a kid then a fifteen year old "Please no one could take mis mujeres from me" smiling i stood on my tip-pie toes giving him a peck on the cheek.

 "Eww cole quick sheild your eyes they're being all lovey-dovey' fake gaging james quickly covered his and cole's eyes with his hands. Chuckling cole moved james hand from his face and introduced himself to carlos.

"Come on James we got to go" Cole says looking up from his phone "It was nice meeting you" smiling he took his brother bag away from him and carried it walking out the door. "By teach and women stealer" James glared at Carlos playfully

"What can I say. I stole Trey songz title of Mr.Steal your girl" running his fingers threw his hair Carlos looked at James with a grin "But we both know I didn't have to steal what was already mine" chuckling James shook his head and left out the door.

"What am I gonna do with you" shaking my head I went over to my desk in log into my computer watching the routine that we just did that I had recorded. Lifting me from my seat he sat down in my chair sitting me on his lap. "Well there is one thing you can do with me" shaking my head i looked over my shoulder.

 "No i'm not having sex with you. I'm still mad at you about the other night" pouting he leans down and gave me a peck on the lips. "I wasn't talking about sex" i gave him a look "Okay maybe a little, but I was thinking we could go out tonight"

"Don't you have work to do?"

"Nope I've moved all my meetings to tomorrow"


The night was going well. We went to the movies first before heading to this restaurant called Margo's a fancy but not to fancy restaurant if that makes any since.

"Here" I said turning my fork in a circle to get the pasta and a shrimp I put it in front of his face. Opening his mouth he let me feed it to him. "Good?" nodding his head he swallowed the food "Great, but mines better" shaking my head I took another bite of my shrimp Alfredo. His steak can't be better than my food. To prove his was better than mine he cut a piece of his steak and fed it to me. Immediately the flavors flooded my mouth. "See mines better" muttering a whatever we continued eating until his phone starts to ring. "Uhhh" looking down at his phone he looked at me with a worried look. Sighing I waved him off "Go ahead it might be important." giving me a quick kiss on the cheek he left to take his phone call.


A hour. I've been waiting a hour and he's still not back from his call. "Um excuse me" I stopped a near by waiter I was not about to sit her all night and wait for him " can I get this to go" shaking his head he went and got my food to go.

"Sorry it took me so long" looking at my to go bag he looked back at me "you were taking forever" I shrugged looking at the ground then back at him. He looked nervous "What's wrong?" shifting from one foot to the other he ran his fingers threw his hair.

"Promise you won't be mad at me" crossing my arms I nodded for him to continue. "I've got to go. One of the companies can't reschedule the meeting and have to do it tonight in order for us to come to an agreement"

"Okay fine" looking confused he look at me strangely "Soo you're not mad?"

"No" I lied well half lied. I was mad at him but I can't be mad it's his job. He gotta do what he gotta do. "Seriously?" he question making it even harder not to be mad at him.

"Do you want me to be mad at you?" shaking his head he payed for the bill and we left. Pulling up to the house he dropped me off saying that he would try to make the meeting quick and pulled off. Walking up the drive way I notice Jose brought my car back after finishing up the last touches it needed. I got to call him and thank him.

Stripping out of my clothes I turn the water on filling up the tub. When the water starts getting cold I got out and put on my under clothes and some basketball shorts. Turning off the lights I knew it was no point in staying up waiting for him. Since this Isn't the first night I'm going to sleep alone.


Hope y'all enjoyed the chapter.



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