
By lostinwonderrr

8.8K 77 5

A collection of episodes I enjoyed + pictures More

Promo Pics
Seasons 1-5 Pictures
Memorable Episode: Seasons 1-6
6x13 - The Daredevil in the Mold
6x22 - The Hole in the Heart
Season 7
7x6 - The Crack in the Code
7x7 - The Prisoner in the Pipe
7x10 - The Warrior in the Wuss
7x13 - The Past in the Present
Season 6 + 7 Pictures
8x1 - The Future in the Past
Season 8
8x10 - The Diamond in the Rough
8x15 - The Shot in the Dark
8x24 - The Secret in the Siege
Season 8- Pictures
Season 9
9x1 - The Secrets in the Proposal
9x4 - The Sense in the Sacrifice
9x6 - The Woman in White (WEDDING EPISODE)
Wedding Vows🥺🤍
9x10 - The Mystery in the Meat
9x12 - The Ghost in the Killer
9x17 -The Repo Man in the Septic Tank
9x22 - The Nail in the Coffin
9x24 - The Recluse in the Recliner
Season 9 pictures
Season 10
10x1 - The Conspiracy in the Corpse
10x2 - The Lance to the Heart
10x10 - The 200th in the 10th
Sweets last message (10x11)
10x15 - The Eye in the Sky
10x19 - The Murder in the Middle East
10x20 - The Woman in the Whirlpool
10x21 - The Life in the Light
10x22 - The Next in the Last
Season 10 pictures
Season 11
11x1 - The Loyalty in the Lie
11x2 - The Brother in the Basement
11x10 - The Doom in the Boom
11x11 - The Death in the Defense
11x12 - The Murder of the Meninist
11x13 - The Monster in the Closet
11x14 - The Last Shot at a Second Chance
Season 11 pictures
Seeley Booth
Temperance Brennan - "Bones"
Booth and Brennan❤️
Booth and Brennan - 2❤️
Booth and Brennan kisses
Booth Family
BTS Cast Pictures
Booth talk with Brennan (3x3)

8x12 - The Corpse on the Canopy

48 1 0
By lostinwonderrr


*Angela and Hodgins wake up to Michael crying in another room*
•Hodgins wakes up first to the crying and looks around
•Hodgins feels then sees blood dripping on his face
*Hodgins immediately screams waking up Angela who also screams
•Corpse staring down at them from the canopy above the bed
*Hodgins and Angela run to Michael and see him in his crib*
•Michael is unharmed but surrounded by bloody flower petals

*Booth and Brennan rush over and learned they were drugged*
•Pelant drilled a hole and gassed them so he could break in
*Brennan & Booth have Max hiding somewhere with Christine*

*Brennan says the body is almost completely skinned and bloody*
*Hodgins angry + says it was Pelant but Booth says they need proof*
•Angela gives Booth and Brennan the bloody flower petals
*Brennan tells group the meaning of the flowers and where they are from*
•Flowers originated from Egypt which is where Pelant went
*Booth wants to call in FBI and Hodgins says no one can know*
            •Doesn't even want Brennan to bring body back to the lab

Hodgins-"The game has changed, Booth. Pelant is targeting us, directly. We have to hit him back now, before one of us is dead."

Ang-"Pelant touched our son. Isn't there a way to just get rid of him?"

Brennan-"Morally, I have no problem with killing a killer, but Booth is the only one of us who has the skills and the training to do it. The burden would fall on him. The decision needs to be his."

H-"how many kills do you have?"

Booth-"My kills were battlefield decisions, all right? They were green-lit from above. There is a chain of command."

Hodgins-"Did any of them deserve to die more than Pelant?"

Booth-"We stay in the system. In lockdown, but in the system. That's final. Are we good?"

*Hodgins just stares so Angela says ya they are good*
*Booth calls in FBI team while Brennan calls Cam to tell her*

*Booth & Caroline talking as extra security precautions are set up*
•Block all glass roofing so what happened to Nigel can't happen
•Send any lab worker not part of the immediate team home
*Team try to identify victim but Pelant made it extremely difficult*
          •Do know it's a man but can't do much else

*Pelant creating a full access pass to get him into somewhere*
•Scans his eye + creates an ID card to a place called "Serberus"
•Uses the name: Justin Trimple

*Pelant has completely erased anything to do with his old life*
         •Pelant also erased anything involving the Egyptian name
*Team have no idea what name he is going by or why he's back*
*Booth, Caroline, and Sweets go over Pelants past victims*
•Talk about who they were to him and why he killed them
*Booth stops talking when Agent Flynn enters & questions them*
          •Asks if the work their doing has anything to do with Pelant
           •Booth says Pelant doesn't exist and gets suspicious

*Booth runs the major crimes unit so he doesn't need to explain himself*
        •Caroline gets Agent Flynn to leave who is still acting suspicious

*Team now know the victim was male and had shrapnel inside him*
         •Also had a disease common to places like Iraq but not the US

*Agent Flynn gets himself involved again and Booth questions why*
•Says he heard victim was Special Forces and wants to help
*Flynn shows Booth classified files and says he can look if he can help*
*Booth questions Flynn how he got file since its from the Pentagon*
•Flynn says he called in a favor
*Booth agrees to let Flynn help*

*Cam tells a frustrated Hodgins they couldn't ID the gas that Pelant used*
•No trace of gas used to drug them in their blood or in/at house
*Cam tells Hodgins they have to focus on what's important now*

Hodgins-"He was in my bedroom. He threatened my wife, my child! Nothing is more important."

*Booth identifies the victim as a former Special Forces Soldier*
        •Name: Xavier Freeman
*Booth and Sweets search Freeman's place for any clues*
•Not much on him after he left Special Forces years before
•Booth finds receipts from all over the world — Dubai, Cairo, etc.

*Sweets finds a huge safe hidden in the closet and it's unlocked*
•Booth says a Seal would never leave a gun safe open
•Booth says that Pelant wants them to find something in the safe
*Booth calls Flynn and tells him Freeman may have been mercenary
*Pelant killed Freeman to steal his access card to get into somewhere*
           •Changed the info on card to his picture and a new name
*Serberus provides a lot of weapon and tons of mercenaries to use them

*Booth & Sweets agree that Pelant is escalating but don't know why*
          •He killed a highly trained professional soldier turned merc
*Booth destroys his phone*

*Cam finds a type of steroids in Freeman's system*
•Asks Brennan if their were any signs of torture
*Freeman may have been held captive for days before his death*
*Cam tells Brennan that Freeman literally died from pain*

*Booth and Agent Flynn go to Serberus to talk about Freeman*
•Both want access to any operation Freeman had access too
*Man in charge refuses to help*
•Flynn says the man they are after has killed 5 people already
*Man says if their guy killed Freeman the company will handle it*

*Sweets visits Hodgins at the lab and finds him surrounded by paperwork*
      •has them taped up everywhere looking for any helpful info
*Sweets tries to help and tells Hodgins he needs to calm down*
          •Hodgins kicks him out of the lab but he doesn't leave
*Sweets says to take a breath which makes Hodgins realize something*
•He quickly looks through a book on gases then rips a page out

*Caroline tells Booth and Flynn they can't force Serberus to reveal info*
         •Can't get a warrant bc she has no probable cause for one
*Booth gets frustrated and says she can leave if she won't help*
         •Caroline snaps at him them storms out as Agent Flynn watches

*Sweets advises Cam to send Hodgins home but she says no*
•There is no way Hodgins would just go home and sleep

*Angela catches Hodgins cutting lines of crushed up lidocaine pills*
          •Says he's going to snort the powder bc it suppresses gag reflex
*Hodgins was about to perform a biopsy on himself — Angela says no
*Biopsy would get a piece of his lung to test for gas left in the tissue*
*Hodgins reveals the biopsy would be painful and may not even work*
        •Angela says they can double the chances and do it to her too
*Hodgins stares as Angela's bends down and snorts the lidocaine*

      •Says he wants to register his disappointment with her

Pelant-"I left you a masterpiece of a body, and you still haven't read it properly."

Brennan-"then why don't you just tell me what it means?"

Pelant-"I already have— you just don't get it yet. Which surprises me, frankly. I mean, yeah, maybe it's true what they say about motherhood."

B-"What are you talking about?"

Pelant-"That it makes you dumber."

Brennan-"You didn't just call to insult me. Tell me what you want."

*Brennan finally finds someone in the lab — Cam was in her office*
•Silently tells her Pelant is on the phone so Cam starts a trace

Pelant-"I'm not telling you anything, Temperance. But... as a goodwill gesture, one neurological freak to another, I'll give you a hint."

Brennan-"what's the hint?"

Pelant-"You'll know soon enough."

*Pelant hangs up - Cam says there was no time for a trace*

*Man going through mail in the mailroom at Jeffersonian*
         •Opens an envelope to find a bloody finger sent by Pelant

*Brennan tells Booth about Pelants phonecall + shows him the finger*
*Booth tells Brennan he's staying near her but she says no*
•Brennan tells Booth that he doesn't need to protect her

*Angela and Hodgins get their biopsy test results back*
•Hodgins identifies the gas they were drugged with
•Gas: Sevoflurane
*There are only 2 suppliers who are licensed to see Sevoflurane gas*
•Hodgins tells Angela the 2 suppliers are divisions of his group
*Hodgins excitedly says he owns them and kisses Angela*
          •Says he'll take care of this by himself then leaves

*Cam and Brennan work together on the finger that Pelant sent*
•Can't determine if it's human
•Finger appears to be from some kind of monkey/ape
*Brennan identifies the type of ape the finger belongs too*
•Type: Barbary Ape
*Brennan goes over what Pelant told her and tries to find the meaning*

*Pelant recreated the death of a famous anatomist*
•Anatomist used to experiment on apes hence the finger

*Team learn about Pelants new identity as "Justin Trimple"*
•Hodgins actually figured it out through the gas suppliers

*Booth stops Agent Flynn from running the name through database
*Flynn tells Booth + Sweets he has an idea on how to find Pelant*
          •Says he won't see it coming
*Team plan to blast Pelant with spam to distract him*
           •Will use the distraction to search up Pelants new identity

•Dressed in a lab coat and talking with another man
*Pelant hears his phone ring then sees the spam mail — 76+ emails*
*Pelant excuses himself from man than goes into a Serberus computer*
•Logs in to system and opens up all the spam mail at once
*Angela, Cam and Hodgins watch as Pelant falls into their trap*
•Angela can trace his server

*Booth and Flynn tell Caroline they need to get to Serberus now*
         •Need the warrant + a Tac team so they can arrest Pelant
*Caroline warns them that their plan is extremely risky*

*Booth, Flynn and Tac team arrive at Serberus — Sweets shows up*
•Sweets says he wants to go in with team and can help
•Booth immediately says no
*Booth tells Sweets he needs him outside incase anything happens*

*Pelant still on the computers then gets into camera systems*
•Sees cop cars and Tac team

•Cam, Brennan and Angela study pictures of the anatomist + Freeman
           •Pictures are of their corpses
*Cam says Pelant made some mistakes during the recreation*
         •Some of the cuts don't match
         •Brennan points out that it could be a clue like he said on call

*Booth & Tac team storm Serberus and start locking down any exits*
       •Armed mercenaries start a standoff before they surrender

*Cam and team at lab find hidden code when overlapping the 2 pics
     •Find the letters: M, E, L, Y, C, U

*Pelant still inside the building and starts doing something quickly*
         •Plugs in a tablet + uses computer to do something
*Pelant remotely arms one of Serberus's systems*
*Booth finds the Man in charge and tells him to move*
        •Booth tells the man he's there saving his ass
*Pelant messing with systems again in a server room as team get close*
•Gets out seconds before the team reach the server rooms

*Hodgins rearranges letters to try and come up with a word*
•Only possibly is a Greek word meaning school

*Booth asks where a secret exit is because Pelant would use it*
*Man in charge won't talk until they reveal the damage Pelant can cause
•Man finally talks — Booth and Flynn rush there
*Pelant rushing to leave when Booth and Flynn see him*
•Both chase Pelant into a boiler room on ground floor
*Pelant escapes through a secret exit and traps Flynn & Booth in a room*
•Pelant armed room with machine guns hidden in the walls
*Booth ducks and hides from the continuous gunfire*
*Gunfire stops so Booth drags Agent Flynn out who's barely alive*

*Pelant in a underground garage and breaks into a car + hotwires it*
        •Pelant speeding out of the garage when Booth gets a shot in
*Booth lines his shot up and hits Pelant but not fatally*
         •Can't tell where he got hit
*Booth tells Flynn he hit Pelant but he is unconscious on a gurney*
          •Sweets & Booth watch Flynn get wheeled into an ambulance

*Man in charge calls Booth over and says Pelant armed the eighth floor*
•Only see a line of numbers and letters come up on computer
*Booth gets team involved in trying to crack this new code from Pelant*
*Booth recognizes some of the numbers from Afghanistan*
         •Says they are coordinates on the MGRS — a drone weapons system😱

*Coordinates in the code lead to Kandahar Province*
     •Team can only watch as the predator drone heads somewhere
*Hodgins says the drone he hacked can take out an entire city block*
*Code from pictures let's team see live drone footage as it flys to target
      •Team see young girls in headscarves

     •Hodgins tells Angela + team that Pelant is draining all his money
*Pelant must watch helplessly as he goes broke in seconds*
        •Can't stop him or they'll lose the drone footage

*Hodgins tells Angela to save the girls at the school Pelant targeted*
*Team watch as drone gets in range of school — kids + teachers notice*
         •Kids + teachers terrified and running for cover

*Team at lab + at Serberus watch as Angela makes drone self destruct*

*Angela tells Hodgins they'll be alright and don't need the money*
•Hodgins says he knows but is clearly still upset
*No specific amount but total was in the millions definitely*

*Booth comes home to see Brennan with a sleeping Christine*
*Booth tells Brennan that Agent Flynn is stable but still in bad shape*
*Booth upset that Pelant got away again even though he got shot*
•Is not okay with the fact that they have to wait for his next move

*Pelant at a vet stitching himself up as a man lies dead on the floor*
      •Will have a huge + nasty scar
      •His eye is messed up now too
*Pelant is clearly in a lot of pain👏🏼*

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