Getting Rid of my Assistant (...

By JeonTaegguk5

105K 3.8K 281


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
The Finale

Chapter 16

2.5K 90 8
By JeonTaegguk5

"I don't need to explain anything to you!!"

"Why do you need to test my fucking patience,Taehyung!!"

"We have an agreement,Jungkook-ssi!!You can't throw a fit when you wanted!!"

"Then act like what you're suppose to!!!"

"You're unimaginable!"

"And you're a big damn flirt!!"

It's a seen of a couple who's arguing about something but unfortunately,it's just Jungkook who's trying to prove his territory and Taehyung who's completely lost on how his boss act out.

Yes,as you all expected,things explode after that meeting and they're not in a good stand if you're asking me.

Taehyung tried to lower his voice while Jungkook is not having it ,he shouted and even forcefully punched his seat as they continue arguing.

"Jungkook-ssi!!Wake up!!We're not committed that you can be jealous of whoever walks near me!"

"How dare you?"

"I just want a plain business relationship,is it hard to do?"

"What the actual fuck,Taehyung?Are you somehow naive?How can i give you a business relationship if i'm into you!"

"Well,it's not my problem anymore!!Leave me alone and let me do my job!!"

They even continue bickering until they reached Jungkook's house.Sealing and commencing a war between them.

"Fine!!You want a plain business relationship then you got it!!"

Taehyung couldn't believe it,he have to pause for a while to get through the situation and end it with a sarcastic way of gratitude.

"Woah!Thank you so much,what can i do to repay you?"

"Suck my fucking dick!"

"Jungkook-ssi!!!Get back here!!"

That's their kind of relationship.

Seems unusual,right?

But deep within the volume of their voice,beneath those awful words,and even they pull the strings of each other.

There some kind of feelings that Jungkook and Taehyung have common for each other.

You know that weird thing when you hate that person but he became part of your system?

Your routine?

Your everyday life.

That surprisingly,the hate became part of your day.

That you feel like an unsolved puzzle when you're not hating him?

What i'm saying,people is.

Jungkook might be upset as he regularly do but Taehyung will always that small feeling that completes his day.

And as we never expected,Taehyung feels the same.

He might bicker with his obnoxious boss but he feels different when he's not around.

Day by day,both of them are depending to each other without even knowing.

And that readers,is the beginning of this push and pull game.

Hold on to your seats,these idiots are gonna fall deep for each other without a clue.

It's the day to fly in another country for a month and as usual,Taehyung is early to cook for his master before going to the airport but someone's excited that he woke up from his grave earlier than he knew.

"Oh!Jungkook-ssi?Why are you so early?Are you hungry?"

"No..not better get your ass in the kitchen."

"Ugh..can you be nice?Just today,Jungkook-ssi!It's 5:30 in the morning."

"I can't be nice with you,Taehyung."

"Yeah,why am i even trying."

Taehyung went to the kitchen while shaking his head in annoyance but before he could even completely get in the room,Jungkook suddenly muttered something that made the other blush.

"I can't be nice with you, might fall for me and forget about your Soobin-ssi.."


"I'm just saying,baby..i can't just take you forcefully,that's a red flag so fall when you're ready and i'll surely catch you."

Taehyung couldn't contain his embarrassment for reacting differently,he can't lie that Jungkook's smile and mischievous acts has an effect on him.


"See it's starting now."

"I'm not falling..for you..that's impossible to happen,Jungkook-ssi!"

"Alright..Alright..get that bubble ass in the kitchen,you're too talkative when you're lying,sweet cake."

Taehyung turn around and walked out of the living room while biting his lips to find his composure and questioning himself for letting off his guard.


Later after he finish cooking,all bags are packed and Jungkook is starting to eat,Taehyung went to the living room,sitting on the couch while waiting for his boss.

But there was a sudden ring on the doorbell that made him flinch a little and went to the door to see who it is.

He is almost twisting the door knob when a deep and husky voice crept on his back and spoke,making chills down his spine.

"Back off,let me answer who it is."

"Ahm..of course..master."

He stepped aside as Jungkook opened the door,seeing a not so welcomed visitors but what irritates him is the person standing behind his manager while staring back sharply at him.

"Good morning,Jungkook!Ready for the flight?"

Yeonjun made sure that his voice is on a good mood to prevent on upsetting his talent but Jungkook's eyes are pinned on the guy behind.

Gripping the door knob tightly while clunching his jaw,giving both of them a cold approach.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"Well..i'm just making sure that you and Taehyung are ready to Soobin and i came."

"With out my permission,Yeonjun?"


"Can we come in?It's a bit cold outside."

"Yeah..come right in,my assistant will be pleased to see you."

Jungkook's eyes never left Soobin until they reached inside and glanced back to Taehyung,seeing his assistant flustered because of the said guest.He let them lead the way and secretly grabbed Taehyung's arm,leaning aside while muttering something as they walked into the living room.

"Not infront of me,Taehyung..not in my fucking house."

"Master,what are you talking about?"


Jungkook left the two guys sitting on the couch and dragged his assistant in his bedroom,slammed the door shut and finally let go of the other's wrist.

"Master!!What is this all about?"

"I'm giving my final warning,Taehyung!"

"I don't understand why you're acting weird this morning and threatening me for something that i don't know!"

"Because i'm..just don't ..try to sneak and flirt with Soobin."

"I'm not even doing a thing!"

"I know you're gonna sneak!!"

"What the hell?"

"Just stay away from him!!!"

"Why in the world are you so upset when Soobin is around?"

"Because my mother fucking head is ringing whenever you're smiling back at him!!That you're always fluttering when you see that freaking man!!!

"Jungkook-ssi,you know i like him,what's wrong with that?"

"What's wrong with that?What the fuck is wrong ?Are you fucking kidding me,Kim Taehyung?"

"Jungkook-ssi,for goodness sake,End this drama!!I'm sick and tried of it!"

"And so do i!"

"Then fire me!!"

Jungkook suddenly got kicked out of his overboarding anger and looked straight into Taehyung's eyes.Hands are shaking as it turns to fist and his breathings begins to be shallow.

"Your fearlessness..really on..Taehyung."

Taehyung's roaring braveness went in an instant when Jungkook begins to speak deeply.

Made a step back as he saw his boss,hanging his head down low and starts to walk forward upon his direction,still tightening the grip of his fist and biting his lower lip.

His glowering eyes may not be visible because of his hair but the other could really feel the tension and furiousness of Jungkook.

" holding back..last..time."

"Jungkook-ssi..what are you planning to do?"

"I should if i only knew that you'll be a fucking pain in the ass."

"Jung..kook..ssi..i won't hesitate to hurt..UGHHH!!"

Jungkook dashed to Taehyung and pushed him aggressively on the concrete wall.Forcefully pinning both of the other's arms while his forehead is resting against the other's head.

"You could just let me taste you so i can fucking move on!"

It's on the tip of his tongue but his huge ego is dragging him out on completely submitting to Taehyung.

"I'm fucking...jealous..Kim Taehyung.."


"There..i fucking said it!!I'm leveling myself with cheesy creatures like you!"

"You..jealous..with Soobin?"

"Isn't that freaking obvious,huh?"

"I didn't know that you're taking it..seriously,master.."

" didn't know anything."

Jungkook finally leveled his head with Taehyung and took a deep sigh before letting go of his arms.Shut his eyes off and put his hands on his pocket,completely worn out and disappointed.

"If..if you wanted to resign,just say it right away so you don't need to be tied up with me for the next four weeks."

"I..i'm sorry..Jungkook-ssi."
"No..i'm sorry..for forcing my feelings.You can leave today..Goodluck."

Jungkook turned around and completely left the room,wearing a poker face and an audible sound of defeat while Taehyung is just standing and completely lost of words for what happened.

"Yeonjun..i need a new assistant,STAT!"


"No buts..i need a replacement for.."

"You don't need to,master.."

Yeonjun and Soobin turned their heads to the owner of the voice,parted lips and astonished with the Korean Drama that they're currently witnessing.

"I'm coming to Australia,Jungkook-ssi."

"No need..Yeonjun is giving me your replacement."

"But Jungkook,we can't find you a quick replace..."

"I don't fucking care!!Just grab someone else!"

"I'm not resigning,Jungkook."

"See..he's not resigning and besides,it's very difficult to find..."

"Is my rules hard to obey,YEONJUN!!"

"Jungkook-ssi!!I told you,i'm not leaving you alone!!"

"What did you said?"

While the three of them are roaring to each other,Soobin is just sitting comfortably on the couch and turning directions as they speak.

"Woah..what's the title of this drama?"

"Jungkook,please..relax,i'll give you a replacement after the tour..can you just make out..i mean make up for this project...Please?"

A complete silence surrounds the huge penthouse after that argument and even in ride to the airport.

He did it.

Jungkook never spit a word to Taehyung even until they arrived in Australia and his assistant could perfectly feel the guilt even he's entertained by Soobin and Yeonjun.

" you need an extra pillow?"


"Are you hungry?"


"Master,do you need anything?"


That's their complete scenario for four hours going to Australia and never did Jungkook spoke any word or even looked at Taehyung,just ignoring him as far as he could even until they arrived in the hotel.

"Taehyung,don't ever leave Jungkook roaming around the city alone,this guy has a couple of girls that run around him.I don't want any trouble,understood?"


"Alright.Go to your room."


Taehyung took his luggage to Soobin's room but Yeonjun suddenly grabbed his arm and spoke sharply.

"Hey!Go to YOUR room and makeup."


"I can see that you're having some argument,it's not healthy for a new couple,you know."

"What?We're not a couple,Yeonjun."

"Oh!come on,Taehyung.Jungkook never had a fit for his assistant before so you're probably special."

"I don't know what you're talking about but Bang PD said.."

"Shhh..don't worry..even the slightest moan in your room wont be reported to the big boss."


"Aisst..just go on now,BYE!ENJOY!!"


Before he could even oppose,the door shut and left him all alone in the hallway.

"Ughh..this is going to be the longest month of my life!"

He pulled his luggage and went in front of Jungkook's room,trying to find strength on how he will knock and tell his boss that he'll be rooming with him.

"Ahmm..master..can you open the door?"

There was no response until he remembered that everyone of them has their own key card so he swiped it and twist the door knob as he slowly opened it.

"Yeonjun,i'm just leaving this afternoon,i'll be back before midnight."

Jungkook is currently in his boxers,dressing up when Taehyung went in and gulp in nervousness as he saw his boss's sexy back.


"What the ..hell?"

"I..i can explain..Yeonjun..he..switch rooms."

Jungkook doesn't seems to be interested with the other and just continue to dress up as Taehyung drools internally on what scene he is seeing now.

Holding tightly to his luggage while lips are parted and eyes are wandering until Jungkook passed by him and about to leave.

"Master!You can't go out by yourself!"

Taehyung panicked as he remembered what Yeonjun told him before and if something happened to Jungkook,he's sure that he'll be dead.

"Says who?"

"Yeonjun said that you can't go out alone."

"What the fuck?What am i,a kid?"

"Master,please,can't you just stay and take a rest?We're going to be busy tomorrow."

Taehyung was desperate,he knows that they are not in a good terms but still able to hold Jungkook's arm tightly and trying to convince him to stay.

"I have plans on my own so back off,Taehyung."

"But..master..please..Yeonjun will."


"Okay!!I'll come with you!"


Jungkook begins to smirk at the peculiar guy,leering on his assistant.he stepped closer and trapped him between his bulky arms as they move back and almost hit the door.

"You sure about that?"


"I'm going to a bar and drink,i'm sure you'll be very displeased."

"I..can handle that,master."

"Great..i'm meeting some girls, sure you're comfortable with it?"

"Yeah..of-of course.."

Jungkook leaned even closer and whispered on Taehyung's ear,almost touching his skin as their body pressed against each other.

"I'm planning to bang some pussy tonight,i hope you're certain?"

"Master,i believe that i don't need to see that but it's my job to take care of you and i promised Yeonjun that i won't leave you."

"Hmm..i'm totally amused,my dear assistant.Alright then..throw you luggage aside and come with me."

The ride going to the bar was really silent,Jungkook is driving the car that is assigned for their team and Taehyung is at the back seat.

They knew to themselves that they wanted to avoid each other,letting Taehyung sit at the back and continuously making the other feel as guilty as he can be.

And as of now,Taehyung was really drowning in his thoughts.

He shouldn't be.

But he's bothered.

Some things that he doesn't need to do so but still lingers on the back of his mind.

Words that he's avoiding through out this months while he's been working for the guy.

"Do i have feelings for him?"

"What am i scared about?"

But what pushed him to come and accompany the man are these words that was locked on the deepest part of his mind.

"Is he going to flirt again?"

"But he said that he like me?"

"I wanna know the truth."

"I want to clear what he really means."

"Am i just a play date?"

"Because i want to know my next step as well."

"Perhaps,i want to know my place."

"Could you even love a person like me?"

"But what i want to know is."

"Are you truly falling,Jungkook-ssi?"

They finally arrived at the bar and the loud noise begins to fill Taehyung's ear.Making him uncomfortable and uneasy,especially that there's a lot of people dancing wildly but his questions in his mind begins to spoil when Jungkook grabbed his arm and whispered something to his ear.

"Listen,stay far..far from me that i won't even see your shadow."

"But Jungkook-ssi.."

Jungkook just look sharply and pushed him away before blending with the crowd.

Taehyung was scared.


He was petrified that night.

He doesn't know anyone in that place and all this loud music and wild vibe is pushing him away from his comfort zone plus his boss is missing in his sight.


He called him.

Multiple times.

He shouted his name like a child looking for his mom in a busy crowd.

But he lost him and he just found himself tearing up while looking left to right just to spot the other.

Taehyung was very scared that moment and the person he's hoping to save him is currently absent.

"Are you lost,boy?"

A tall man is towering him in the middle of the dance floor,he doesn't know the man,not even in a single glance and he feel unsafe but there's nothing he could do.

He's the only person who's there to extend his help.

"Can you show me the way out of the bar?"

"Sure,come with me."

He feels a grief danger as they walked through the crowd and the fact that this certain guy is holding his wrist tightly,he couldn't get off of his grip.

"Mister..i think the exit is that way."

"We're taking the quick exit."


On the other side of the bar,Jungkook is currently doing what he planned to,sitting in the middle of girls while drinking his lungs out.

He was having fun.

Until he realized something that slapped him hard to reality.

Some indecent bars are infamous for gang rape and it's an on going problem in Australia especially for foreigners.

So without hesitations,he stood up and place the bottle on the table,he was called by his companion but he never looked back.

His heart begins to bangs against his chest as he stared at the ocean of people.

"Where are you,Taehyung?"

He called his phone but all he could hear is an endless ring and voice message.

He search here and there,but he couldn't spot his assistant that made him more bothered.

"Taehyung,where the hell are you?"

He went outside of the building and look for every by standers but none of them is the person he's searching until he heard an obnoxious laughs on the dark alley.

It looks like they're having fun with something but as he walk closely,a group of guys are circling around a person.

He couldn't see it clearly but he could recognize the voice of the person and instantly,his eyes widen on what they are doing.

It was him.

Two of the man is holding his wrist,pinning it against the cold concrete and the other's hand is choking the man as he leaned closer to the victim.

His legs started to tremble as his eyes met his with tears dripping down his cheeks and begging him to be saved.

"Get your hands off on that man,douche bags."

The men turned their heads but didn't let go of Taehyung,just throwing shades on the guy and continue to do their thing.

Touching Taehyung and violating his body that made him finally shout in fear.

"Please..stop..i'm begging you."

Jungkook took a metal pipe on the trash and dashed to the group of guys.Smashing full swings that made them run in fear and left the other,crouching in fear and hugging his legs.

"Hey..are you okay?"

He didn't got a response but his whole body is shaking and whimpers are very audible.

"I'm sorry,Tae..i shouldn't leave you alone."

All he could to is to sit in front of him and hug the terrified Taehyung until the other found composure and forcefully push him away.

"Get off of me!!!You and your stubborn ass did this!!"


"If only you could listen to a word i'm saying,this won't happened!"

"I'm so sorry,Tae..i'm sorry."

Taehyung stood up and looked down to the other through his teary eyes and clutching his fist due to severe anger.

"No,Jungkook..i'm sorry because i thought you could be someone else that i can trust but you're just what you are,a heartless and insensitive person!"

Taehyung was about to go and walk away from the other,he didn't know where to go or what to do.Just took a cab and left the place,leaving Jungkook,slumping on a cold ground and feeling a handful of guiltiness.

He shouldn't be crying over that pathetic pussy sucking man!

He's not really worth of your attention.

Everything was a just for lust.

But he thought the better side of Jungkook.

"Atleast i didn't fell hard."

"He's really not a worth of a single fuck."

Taehyung was pre-occupied while sitting on the back seat of the cab that he didn't knew he's getting far from the place where he's suppose to be and the fact that he didn't brought enough money.

The driver begins to suspect and pull over then interrogate his passenger.

"Mister,we're driving for an hour now,where do you really wish to go?"

"Sir,i'm so sorry,i'm going back to the Five star hotel."

"Are you kidding me?That place is far from here!!"

"Sorry sir,can you please bring me to that place?"

"WHAT?Are you nuts?I drove to this place then you wanted me to go back?Just pay me,will you?"

"Oh!of..course..ahmm..sir..i think i forgot my wallet."

"Fuck that!"

Long story short,the driver left the meek little Taehyung out of no where.

Now he was even scared,standing in a dark road where he can't find any houses around.

Only the bright moon and street lights are the only thing he could see and never in his life that he saw this place.

He was alone.

He's scared.

Far from the place that he's used to.

"Is this the price to pay on working for you,Jungkook-ssi?"

Hours passed and there's no any transportation passing on the road so he decided to ask for help and completely swallow his pride.

"There's no way i'm calling him."

He ringed another number but it only went through his voice mail several times that he almost lose hope.

"Soobin-ssi..please answer your phone."

Meanwhile Soobin is currently in the hotel room where Yeonjun and him are sharing.

Doing something that many might not know.

Far from the Soobin that everyone is adoring about.

"Uhgg!!Daddy!!Fuck me harder!!"

Yeonjun is leaning against the wall as he throw his head back,feeling the intense pleasure that Soobin is doing behind him.

"You should be quiet,baby..Jungkook and Taehyung might hear us."

Yeonjun bit his lips to stop himself but the way Soobin pound him is merciless,too much to make him silent.

"Ugh..i can't's too good!!"

A smirk on Soobin's lips sprung,pulling out his member and flip the other to face him then pushed down to kneel.

"Alright,then let's put something in your mouth to stop you from moaning,baby doll."

He grabbed his hair and forcefully shove his length in Yeonjun's mouth and begins to pound until he could feel the back of his throat.

" my dick real..good."

After hitting their climax and cleaning up,they went back to the bedroom and about to continue what they left but Soobin saw a numerous of call on his phone.

"Uh?Taehyung called.."


"I don't know..maybe i should call back."

He dialed Taehyung's number and wait for him to answer but he's out of reach so he tried it again and his eyes widen with the voice that he heard.

"Soobin...ssi..please pick me up..i'm scared.."

"Yeonjun,Taehyung's in trouble!"

"Huh?did you found his location?"

"Yes,i knew working for Jungkook is a bad idea.I'll find him."

On the other hand,Taehyung was sitting on the side of the road,crouching and crying silently as he waits for someone to come until his eyes caught a light,striking his eyes and later on,he realized that the light is from a vehicle.

He found hope and stood up as fast as he could to get some help.Luckily,the car stopped and someone hopped out of the car.

He felt saved.

His eyes begins to water and whimper as he looked at the person in front of him.

"You came."

The man ran and immediately wrapped his arms around the other,too tight that he feels like he's getting away anytime and Taehyung surprisingly hugged him back while crying.

"Don't leave like that you stupid mother fucker!!I almost died locating your phone."

"I'm so sorry."

"Are you sure that he's is doing his job?"

"Certainly!We just need some distraction and his career will crash like a rotten building."

"Make sure that the his loyalty is still yours and no one will know it."

"I'm sure he'll do his task,especially that i've been paying him big."

"Great job,Mr.Wang."

"This is the end of Jeon Jungkook."

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