Outsiders Become Pokémon

By J-the-Jolteon

17.6K 252 492

In this Eeveelution Squad universe, Civilian and Outside Pokémon were at war with each other. With the Civili... More

Info and characters
Chapter 2: A NEW SERVENT
Chapter 3: THE PAINTER
Chapter 6: BROKEN
Chapter 11: ON THE RUN
Chapter 13: THE NEST
Chapter 14: TIME TO DECIDE
Chapter 15: ALBERT
Chapter 16: LAZULI'S HOUSE
Chapter 17: SPARE PARTS
Chapter 19: MEMORIES
Chapter 20: THE BRIDGE
Chapter 20.5: STAYING OVER


825 11 11
By J-the-Jolteon

Date: November 5th, 6016.

Time: 11:21 PM.

Our chapter starts on a rainy night in the streets of Sunny town. Speed was right next to a library while casually flipping his Poke coin. He then pockets his coin in his suit, straitens his tie, and enters the library.

Inside the library, were Civilian and Outside Pokémon. The Civilian Pokémon were either reading or picking out books to read. And the Outsiders were reading to the Civilian Pokémon, taking orders for them, picking out books and purchasing them for their owners, or just following them.

Speed was given orders to investigate a crime scene, but in order to do that, he needed to partner up with a Glaceon that was assigned to investigate a homicide crime scene. Speed then used his scanners and looks around the library to try to find the Glaceon he needed.

After some time of looking around, he came across a female Glaceon sitting right next to a table while reading a book. And right next to her, was a stack of books that she was also reading.

She was wearing a Streaky blue T-shirt, with a blue jacket under it. She also had blue shoes, dark blue pants, and blue gloves. She also has blue eyes and had two yellow bows on her ears.

Speed then scans her, and it matches the Pokémon that he needed to go with. The scanners also shows that she's a 15 year old Glaceon, and her name is "Lapis Lazuli". He then approaches her.

Speed: Lieutenant Lazuli, my name is Speed. I'm the outsider sent by Sunny town. I looked for you at the station but nobody knew where you were. They said you were probably reading in a library. I was lucky to find you at the fifth library.

Lazuli didn't look at Speed, and just continued to look at her book.

Lazuli: what do you want?

Speed: You were assigned a case early this evening, a homicide, involving a Sunny town outsider. In accordance with procedure, the company has allocated a specialized Outsider model to assist investigators.

Lazuli: Well, I don't need any assistance. Specially not from a Outside Jolteon like you. Just be a good lil' Outsider and get the hell out of here.

Speed: Listen, I think we should finish this case and you can continue reading your books. It'll make life easier for both of us.

Lazuli just nodded but didn't respond to him, she Just continued to read her book.

Speed: I'm sorry lieutenant, but I must insist. My instructions stipulate that I have to accompany you.

Lazuli: (Jokingly) You know where you can stick your instructions?

She then chuckled at her question. It took Speed a moment to understand what she said, and then he understood. He decided to play along with her joke.

Speed: *Smirks* In my, you know what.

She then laughed a little when he said that. She then started to enjoy their conversation, but didn't show it. She then stops laughing.

Lazuli: So what's in it for me?

Speed then decided to make a deal.

Speed: If you come with me, I'll buy you the stack of books you have right next to you.

Lazuli's eyes then opened wide. She looks at her stack of books than at Speed and smiles.

Lazuli: Did you say homicide?

Speed then nodded and they both left the library. Sometime later, Lazuli was driving her car while Speed was on the passenger seat. They then made it to the crime scene.

There was a group of Pokémon reporters, Civilian Pokémon, and rescuers blocking the entrance of a rundown suburban home. Lazuli then stopped her car, near the suburban home.

Lazuli: You wait here. I won't be long.

Speed: My instructions are to accompany you to the crime scene, Lieutenant.

Lazuli: Listen, I don't care about your instructions. I told you to wait here, so shut up and wait here.

Lazuli left her car, and Speed followed her soon after. While Speed was walking to the crime scene. The Pokémon who recognized him, from the hostage situation. Started to talk about him while Speed was still walking to the crime scene. He then was stopped by a Outsider, who was blocking the entrance.

Outside Pokémon: No Outsiders are allowed beyond this point.

Lazuli then stopped and turned to him.

Lazuli: He's with me.

The Outsider then let him in and Speed walked up to her.

Lazuli: Alright, You don't talk, you don't touch anything and you stay outta my way, got it?

Speed: Got it.

A Raichu then comes out of the house with a tablet on his paw. He then sees Lazuli and walks up to her.

Raichu: Hey Lazuli, you're here. We were starting to think you weren't gonna show up.

Lazuli: Hey ben, I didn't feel like working today, but this Outsider found me.

She then points at Speed. Ben then looked at where she was pointing at, and sees Speed. He then smirked.

Ben: So... You got yourself an Outside boyfriend, huh?

Lazuli: *Blushes* He's not my boyfriend! (Sighs) Just tell me what happened.

Ben: Alright, Fine.

They then walked inside a suburban house. The house was a mess and a dumbed, and their was also trash everywhere. there were also Pokémon in yellow suits, that were taking pictures of the house as well. Ben than lead them to a dead Pangoro, who was leaning against a wall.

Right next to the Pangoro's dead body, was writing of dried up blood that spelled out 'I AM ALIVE'. Lazuli and Ben then reacted to a bad stench, that was coming from the dead body. Speed didn't react to it though. Ben then started to talk about what happened and Speed then listens to them.

Ben: Well, we had a call from the landlord. The victim hadn't paid his rent for a few months, so he thought he'd drop by, and see what was going on. And that's when he found the body...

Lazuli: Wow... What happened here?..

Ben: The victims name is Carlos Ortiz. He has a record for theft and aggravated assault. He was a loner, and he stayed inside his house most of the time.

Lazuli: Huh... How long was he in here for.

Ben: He's been here for a good three weeks without anyone noticing he was dead...

Lazuli: Was there any sigh of a break in?

Ben: Nope, the front door and the windows were all locked. Maybe the killer left the house from the backdoor.

Lazuli: Did it have a Outside Pokémon?

Ben: Yes, the neighbors confirmed he had a Outside Kabutop, but it wasn't here when we arrived. That's all we know... Now if you excuse me. I'm gonna get some fresh air.

Ben then left the house. Speed then started to look around the house for more clue's. He walks up to the letters of blood and scans it to find no finger or paw prints.

The letters had scratches all over the letters, and Speed seduces that the killer used some type of blade to write in the wall. Speed then touched the blood on the wall and licks it. When he did that, Lazuli saw what he did and walked up to him.

Lazuli: What the heck are you doing?!

Speed: I'm analyzing the blood. I can check samples in real time. I'm sorry, I should have told you...

Lazuli: It's ok just... Don't put anymore blood in your mouth, you got it?

Speed: Got it.

Speed then analyzed it and it shows that it was Carlos Ortiz's blood, and it was laying their for over 19 days. Speed then crouched down and analyzed Carlos dead body. He looks at his body to find that he was stabbed 28 times with some type of blade, and he also had Red Ice on his mouth.

He then reconstructed the scene and it shows a Kabutop and Carlos leaving the kitchen and the Kabutop used his blades to stab him in the stomach. Carlos then fell down right next to the wall and the Kabutop started stabbing him 28 times. Speed then stops reconstructing and turns to Lazuli.

Speed: He was stabbed, 28 times...

Lazuli: Yeah, it seems like the killer really hated him. And I can see why.

Speed then nodded to her. He then finds more Red Ice on a table. Speed then decided to investigate the back door. He opens it and scans the soil underneath the ground. It showed no foot or shoe prints except for Ben shoes prints that he stepped on it earlier. Lazuli then went to the backdoor as well.

Speed: There are no footprints, except for Ben's. And he stepped on it 60 minutes ago.

Lazuli: Well, this happened weeks ago. Maybe the tracks could had faded.

Speed: I don't think so. This type of soil would've retained a trace. *Looks at Lazuli* Nobody's been out here for awhile now.

Lazuli then nodded and they both went back inside.

Speed then headed to the kitchen. While he was walking there, he saw blood also leading to the kitchen as well. Speed then finds something on the ground. He picks it up to find a magazine of a strip club called "Outside club". Speed didn't know why, but he felt disgusted by looking at the magazine. He then put the magazine into a trash can.

He then sees a table, a bat, and a chair that had pawprints of Carlos Ortiz and it showed sighs of a struggle. He then reconstructs the scene and shows Carlos hitting the Kabutop with a bat, making the Kabutop having a emotional shock.

After a few moments of Carlos hitting him with the bat while The Kabutop was trying to defend himself by blocking it with his arms. He suddenly stabbed Carlos arm with his blade and it made him fled into the living room.

Speed then went to the bathroom. When he got there, he sees something glowing behind the curtains of the showers. He moves it away to find multiple obsessive writing of 'RA9', that was used by a blade in the shower.

He then looks down to find what seems like a little statue of a Kabutop, with a LED on it's head. Speed then seduces that it might be some type of offering. With all the information he had learned on the house, he made his way back to tell Lazuli of what he learned when he was searching through house.

Speed: Lieutenant, I think I figured out what happened.

Lazuli: Really? Okay, I'm all ears.

Speed: It all started in the kitchen.

They both then went to the kitchen.

Lazuli: There're obvious sighs of a struggle... But the question is... What exactly happened?

Speed: I think Carlos attacked the Outsider... With the bat...

Lazuli: Okay, that makes sense... What happened next?

Speed: After some abuse that the Outsider had taken, he stabbed Carlos arm with it's own blade.

Lazuli: So the Outsider was trying to defend itself... Okay then what happened?

Speed: Carlos was trying to escape the Outside Kabutop and fled, into the living room.

Speed and Lazuli went into the living room, and went to Carlos Ortiz's dead body.

Speed: The Outside Kabutop murdered Carlos Ortiz... with it's blade.

Lazuli: Okay, that make a lot of sense... So where did he went?

Speed: It was damaged by the bat... and lost some Thirium...

Lazuli: Lost some what?

Speed: Thirium. You call it "Outsider blood". It's the fluid the powers Outsiders body so that we're able to survive without food or water. The Thirium or Outsider blood, is able to evaporate after a few hours and becomes invisible to the naked eye.

Lazuli: Oh... *Smirks* But I bet you can still see it, can't you?

Speed: Correct...

Speed then scans the area to find Outsider blood leading to somewhere. Speed then follows the trail. It then lead him to a attic that had scratch marks and Outsider blood at the closed trapdoor.

The ladder was gone as well, and Speed seduces that the Outsider might still be in the house, and inside the attic. He then went into the kitchen and grabbed a chair, which Lazuli noticed.

Lazuli: Hey, what are you doing with that chair?

Speed: I'm going to check something.

Lazuli: Huh... Check something... Okay?..

Speed then put the chair down, next to the trapdoor and it busted him up and opened the trapdoor. When he got inside, he saw a shadow moving in the attic. He then started to look around the attic, while the shadowy figure kept moving away from Speed.

After some time of following the shadowy figure. He cornered it and when he was about to go up to it. It quickly stepped out, and it was the Outside Kabutop.

His LED was beating red, and he had blood on his clothes. His arm blades and face was also covered in blood as well. He also had bruises on his arms and head and He looked really scared.

Kabutop: I was just trying to defend myself... He was gonna kill me... Please, I'm begging you... Don't tell them.

They then heard Lazuli call out to Speed.

Lazuli: Speed, what's going on up there?

The Kabutop looked at Speed with pleading eyes but Speed just looked at him with a blank expression. With little hesitation, he yelled out.

Speed: It's here Lieutenant!

Lazuli: Holy crap... Ben, get everyone in here now!

The Kabutop then looked down, defeated. But gave one last question to Speed.

Kabutop: W-why did you tell them?

Speed: Because I accomplished my mission.

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