Town Witch

By Tasergirl

212K 6.5K 4.2K

Bonnie Bennett: Daughter, High school student, best friend, and last but definitely not least Town Witch. Aft... More

The Begining
The Invitation
The Ball
The Unexpected Meeting
Arguments and Broken Furniture
Lines In The Sand
Dreams and Destinations
New Orleans Part 1
New Orleans Part 2
New Orleans Part 3
Best friends
Always And Forever
Catch up
She's Stronger Than Us All
Homecoming Part 1
Homecoming Part 2
Wreak Havoc
She Dreamed Of Paradise
Making Plans
Making It Work
Hanging On
Find Me
Believe Me
Dinner With The King
Maybe More
What To Do
War Zone
Soul Bonds
Never Be Free

Draw Your Swords

1.8K 67 68
By Tasergirl

"Hey pass the the chips" Bonnie asked Sam as she sat in the back of the Impala, her hand stretched out towards him. Sam smiled as he passed her the chips, just happy that she was feeling better enough to eat.

After her dream, or rather their dream, she wasn't able to eat. This morning she simply grabbed coffee and rushed everyone to get on the road and get the book.

"Were you able to get a hold of Elena?" Dean asked her as she popped some Doritos in her mouth. Bonnie nodded, guzzling down some Pepsi before she answered.

"Yea, she said she'd pick them up after school" Bonnie told them making Dean frown at the thought.

"Wait shouldn't you be in school?" He asked. Bonnie shrugged as she continued eating, not at all worried about it.

"I had enough credits to graduate early but decided to wait so I could graduate with Caroline and Elena, going to classes is really just a formality and all my teachers were compelled to mark me present the only class o really needed was history but since I'm a part of it I think I can skip it" she told them. Dean raises an eyebrow at her but shrugged it off. They were saving the world and no one was really getting hurt.

"You deal with all this and still have the opportunity to graduate early?" Sam asked suddenly making Bonnie shrug once more.

"It's important" she told him simply, not wanting to get into how her Grams made sure she took school seriously from a young age. Dean looked at her through the rear view mirror, watching as she got a far off look in her eye. Before he could say anything he looked around once more, noticing a Waffle House at the next exit.

"Alright I'm starving and I see a Waffle House" he said happily, swiftly turning to catch the exit. Bonnie smiled at him through the mirror, happy that he was no longer worrying.

He'd been hovering since last night. After she told him what she saw she wanted to throw herself at him, just hug him until he felt real. She managed to stop herself but he must've seen it in her eyes because they all spent the rest of the night drinking tea and watching Game of Thrones.

They all fell asleep in the sitting room. Sam on the long couch, due to his size, while Bonnie and Dean took up the love seat. She woke up with her head on his shoulder, it was becoming a regular occurrence.

Getting out of the Impala, or Baby as Dean called her, Bonnie looked around. The town was small, smaller than Mystic Falls at least. It was very quaint. She would have liked it had she not felt eyes on her the moment she stepped out of the car.

"You feel that?" Dean asked them, his voice gruff as he looked around. Sam looked at him seriously before nodding.

"It's a small town in the south, could be some racist hick that doesn't want me here" Bonnie offered with a shrug of her shoulder. She was a black woman in America after all. Dean glared at an older white man as he eyed Bonnie from afar, putting his arm around her protectively.

"It's never as simple as that for us, even the last racist we dealt with was a ghost" Dean said remembering the last time he'd seen Cassie. Bonnie look at him with a raised eyebrow wanting to comment. Before she could respond he was guiding her inside, his hand moving to the small of her back.

"I can't wait to have my chocolate chip waffles" she muttered as she looked around the diner, sliding into the booth. Sam looked at her in disgust, wondering how he was stuck with 2 people who never took care of themselves. Seeing his face Bonnie smirked. "Just slathered in syrup and a mountain of bacon next to me" she said exaggeratedly.

Dean watched as she animatedly told his brother all the incredibly unhealthy things she wanted, grossing the large man out. He slid in the booth beside her, watching in enjoyment as she began to mess with Sammy.

"Leave your puppy eyes of shame at the door Sammy, we're at Waffle House" Bonnie told him leaning back in the booth. Dean smiled at the small witch, leaning towards her slightly

"How do you think Cas is doing? And what's the deal with him and Meg?" Bonnie asked making Sam shake his head. He spent a long time trying to figure out what the hell that was.

"I'm not sure exactly but we're pretty sure he has a really big crush on her" Sam said with a confused smile on his face. Bonnie smiled at the thought. An angel and a demon. As Caroline would say, how scandalous.

"Yea well I still don't like her" Dean muttered under his breath. Bonnie laughed at him as he took a sip of his coffee, frowning heavily. The small witch shrugged as the waitress came up to them, taking their order.
Elena skipped up the steps of the Bennett residence. After talking to Bonnie and having their girls night she felt better, she hated being left behind while everyone was sent on their missions but knew it was for the best. If she went she'd only get in everyone's way.

While she was here she helped Alaric and Esther look through the mythology and determine where in Costa Rica they should start looking. It was a good thing she stayed behind too, had she left she wouldn't have been able to come to Bonnie's home and grab the book. She still couldn't believe a demon sent Bonnie a book about her past life.

Opening the door she felt something off. The whole house felt cold. Elena stopped in the doorway for a moment, listening for anything in the house. After a moment of hearing nothing she sighed, rolling her eyes at her own paranoia. It was winter, damn near Christmas of course it was cold.

Taking the stairs two at a time she went to Bonnie's room. Smiling as she saw the pictures littered around. A few of them were new. Like the one framed of her and Rebekah, the whole Mikaelson family, she even saw one of Dean and Sam on the wall. Their small group was growing, hopefully it was for the best.

Walking towards the closet she opened it, kneeling down towards the box Bonnie described to her. Grabbing it she felt magic coming from it. Bonnie told her she spelled the box so nobody could open it but those who she trusted and had no ill intent. Elena sighed as she lifted the lid. Immediately she saw a picture of Bonnie and Klaus.

Elena remembered that day. They were in school, at lunch. The small witch was practically being harassed by Jesse, who'd had a crush on her for years and was getting more and more desperate for a date. Being who she was Bonnie never did much to scare him off.

Jesse kept trying to get with Bonnie, she kept rejecting him, Rebekah got annoyed. She had texted Klaus to tell him what happened. The hybrid pulled up not 10 minutes later. He gave her the flowers and scared off Jesse, making sure everyone knew Bonnie was off limits.

The witch had been pissed at first, not liking that he was treating her like some kind of damsel in distress as she called it, but she was also happy. The minute she stopped yelling, her smile was wide, and she'd given him a kiss on the cheek.

Elena made sure the book was inside before closing the lid once more with a soft sigh. The doppelgänger wasn't sure how exactly they came to be or why, but Klaus made her happy, and she made him less murdery.

"Well well well, the doppelgänger" she heard a lightly accented voice say behind her. Turning wide eyed, she saw a woman with black her. Her dark almond eyes were narrowed on Elena.

"Who are you?" Elena asked standing with the box in her hands. The woman smirked at her shrugging a shoulder.

"It doesn't matter you'll be too dead to care" the woman said holding a hand out. The doppelgänger screamed as she few into the wall, hitting Bonnie's mirror.

Elena groaned as she rolled over, the glass shards digging into her back. Hissing she tried to stand, instead a scream left her lips. Looking down she saw her ankle was twisted in an unnatural angle.

"Ohh and I'm sure you would've put up such a fight"Agatha said sarcastically, a smirk on her lips. Elena glared when she realized the witch was enjoying this.

"Bitch" Elena sneered at her, grabbing the small gun from her waistband and shooting at her, happier than ever Alaric convinced her to carry it around. Agatha laughed as she stopped the bullet inches from her face.

"Well you've got more spunk than I gave you credit for" The witch admitted with a small chuckle. "Now I want to take you and get information but my master told me to kill you on sight" she said with a forlorn sigh.

"So you're just a lap dog?" They both heard at the door, Elena couldn't see who it was but it sounded like a woman. "Makes sense you seem like a bitch" Suddenly Agatha was thrown against the wall, yelling as she hit it. Elena was surprised at what she saw.

The girls eyes shined bright blue, in a way Elena couldn't believe. She only gave Elena a look before charging after Agatha once more, fangs at the ready.

"Get her out of here!" The blonde yelled out. Elena felt a hand on her arm, trying to help her up.

"Come on we have to go!" Someone yelled in her ear. Elena screamed in pain when she moved her ankle. "Oh you humans are so damn delicate" the voice said aggravated before a bleeding wrist was thrust against her mouth.

Elena drank the blood, immediately feeling her ankle heal. Standing Elena looked at the girl who fed her, her blood. Elena had never seen her before either, she hoped she made the right choice drinking her blood. Not that she had much choice.

"Who the hell are you?" Elena asked as she grabbed the box rushing out the room, hearing the commotion behind them.

"I'm Jade, Malia just recruited me to join Klaus's cause, seemed like a life or death kind of deal" Jade explained as they rushed down the stairs. Elena nodded as they rushed down to see a man fighting another. This one looked like a werewolf. So the witches teamed up with the werewolf? What exactly was their plan?

"Where's Malia?" The man yelled as he threw the vampire into another room.

"Upstairs, fighting the wicked bitch of the west!" Jade yelled as they made it to the bottom. She'd get along great with Damon, was all Elena could think.

"Get her out of here!" The man said looking at them. Elena's eyes widened as she realized his eyes went from bright blue to the golden hue of a hybrid.

Jade nodded, grabbing Elena's arm as she dragged her towards the door. As soon as the cross the barrier a vampire stood in their path. Immediately Jade bared her fangs, swinging at the other vampire.

"Get out of here!" Jade said before tackling the other vampire, giving Elena just enough time to get to her car.

Putting it in drive she raced away. As Elena drove off she called Alaric. The girls heartbeat was racing as she waited for her hunter guardian to pick up the phone.

"Hello" she heard him say.

"Alaric listen to me, they're hear, the people that are after Bonnie are here they were at her house! They attacked me I'm on my way back to the mansion" Elena said spitting the words out as fast as she could.

"Wait what? Are you alright?!" He asked, worry coursing through him as he remembered the vision the spirits gave Bonnie.

"I'm fine, I have the book" she said noticing a black SUV behind her. Her heart dropped as she saw it speeding up. "Alaric they found me" she said causing his eyes to widen.

Immediately he grabbed his keys running towards the door. Esther looked at him in alarm as he ran passed her and out the door.

"Where are you?" He asked getting in the car. Elena felt her breathing hitch when they hit her bumper.

"Fuck!" She yelled, fear gripping her heart. She tried to force her car to go faster, pushing it as far as she could go. It wasn't long before they hit her again causing her to yell out.

"I can't let them get the book" she said to herself. She was always useless she had to do this. She had to do it for Bonnie. As soon as she thought of her small witch friend Elena remembered what she told her.

"Castiel!" She yelled out just as the SUV hit her one more time. The car swerved off the road, crashing into the woods. Elena screamed as her car hit trees. She felt her whole body crash against the car, glass shattering around her. Hitting her head again she finally felt the car crash into a large tree.

"Castiel..." she whispered desperately before the darkness overtook her.
Bonnie laughed as Sam held the door open for her. He was telling her a story of how he and Dean were sent back in time to the Wild West and the people there thought that they were gay.

"It was so sad, he was so excited about going but they saw we came in together and we were clean and not covered in dirt he looked so hurt" Sam explained laughing as he remembered his brothers face.

"Awww man I would kill to see you guys dressed like you were in the Wild West" Bonnie said, sighing as she thought about it. It was a good thought.

Before either of them could respond Bonnie's phone began to ring. Seeing that it was Alaric she frowned. Her heart dropped, Alaric never called, something must be wrong.

"Hello" she said picking up.

"Bonnie something happened to Elena, I'm on my way to her now but she called out to Castiel" Alaric said immediately. Bonnie's eyes widened as she turned to Dean. His eyebrows knit together on worry.

"Call Castiel, Elena called out to him somethings wrong" Bonnie said. Dean nodded, grabbing his phone and doing as she asked. "What happened?" She asked Alaric.

"They're here Bon, they were at your house, they must have found out about the book" Alaric said as he continued to drive. Bonnie felt her heart constrict.

"We're getting a hold of him, he could have her already" Bonnie said trying to find something good in the situation. Bonnie closed her eyes for a moment, praying that Elena was alright.

"She crashed, I'm pulling up to the wreck now, I'll call you back Bon" he said before hanging up quickly. Bonnie nodded, feeling tears threatening to fall. Throwing her phone she let out a frustrated scream.

Sam sighed as he watched the small witch's show of frustration. She looked so down, so defeated. Her shoulders hiked to her ears as she heaved.

Grabbing his phone he dialed a number he didn't think he ever would. Sighing he put the phone to his ear, waiting for the Brit to pick up the phone.

"Samuel" he heard Elijah say into the phone. Dean looked at his brother, but didn't say anything, still trying to get a hold of Cas.

"Look, something happened to Elena, Bonnie needs you" Sam said getting to the point immediately.

"Where are you" he asked immediately.

"Route 64 exit 17 at a Waffle House, we're on our way back to Mystic Falls, just talk to her I think she need you" Sam said softly. He'd be an idiot not to realize that Bonnie had a bond with Elijah. She said it herself last night. He made her feel calm, serene. She needed that now.

"Put her on" Elijah commanded. Pressing his lips together he got closer. Handing the phone to Bonnie. The witch watched as he offered her the phone, taking a deep breath before she grabbed it.

"Hello" she said, not wanting to talk to anyone on the other end.

"Bonnie" she heard Elijah say, nearly melting in relief when she heard his voice. Elijah. "Samuel told me about what happened, do not worry about Elena, just get home, I will be there before you and see to it that Elena is alright" he offered.

Bonnie pressed her lips together for a moment. Her eyes watered when she realized just how much she missed him. She wished he was there now. Sighing she nodded.

"Alright we're only a few hours away" Bonnie said softly, her voice low. "We should be home soon" she said softly.

"I will be there to await your arrival" Elijah promised softly. "Just focus on getting here safely" he asked of her.

"I'm just worried about her, what am I gonna do if something happens to Elena" Bonnie asked, her voice breaking slightly at the thought.

"Oh don't look so upset princess" she heard behind her. The small witch didn't get to turn to see who it was before her world went dark. The last thing she remembered was hearing Dean scream her name.
Caroline frowned as she looked at the brunette who sat in the back of her car with Markos. She couldn't reconcile the girl that was now so sweet with the one she encountered before.

When they first met Andrea was feral, like a hellhound locked in a cage too long. She was ready to snap her teeth at anyone that looked at her, Benny, or Markos the wrong way, and any way was the wrong way.

Suddenly the girl was all smiles, it freaked Caroline out a little. It was so strange how gentle she was with Benny and Markos. She took care of them in ways that resembled a mother, even force fed Benny. He wanted to save it for her but she hit him over the head and forced him to drink it.

"So what's Mystic Falls like?" Andrea asked, her voice soft as she looked at Caroline. The blonde shrugged softly.

"Small, dangerous, kinda shitty but it's home" Tyler butted in with a smirk. Andrea chuckled lightly at the description.

The brunette girl looked at the blonde in the front, seeing that she was uncomfortable. She was tense, ready to pounce if needed. Sharing a look with Markos she sighed.

"I'm sorry" Andrea said softly, making Caroline look at her in confusion. "I didn't know you if you were friendly or not, and considering what we are I assumed the worst, I would have never hurt that guy if I knew you didn't mean to hurt us" Caroline looked at her and sighed at her explanation.

"It's not that" she reassured her making the brunette tilt her head in confusion. "I get it, we all do things to protect the people we love" Caroline said with a soft smile.

"Then what is it?" Markos asked shocking the two in the front. As far as Caroline and Tyler had seen he only talked to Andrea and Benny, speaking to the others only once. Caroline swallows slightly before answering.

"It's a little disconcerting, how fast you switched" she explained only confusing the two more. "Stefan said you attacked him ferociously, then 5 minutes later you're the sweetest girl offering us tea, besides I'm worried about my friends" she explained softly.

Andrea nodded. She knew she could be a shock to people. It wasn't that she liked hurting people, she just knew how to do it. Her and Markos had known each other since they were small, they were turned at the same time. The way they grew up they had to adapt. They knew when to kill and when to befriend.

"Well I hope I can show you there's more to me than that, Benny says Dean is family, so that kind of makes you our family as well" Andrea said softly. Caroline smiled at the two in the back gently. Before she felt something strange.

It was almost like an alarm had gone off in her mind. A terrible pit formed in her stomach. Somehow she knew Bonnie was in trouble.
Bonnie wasn't sure where she was. The world around her was too bright. The sun shining too hard. The one thing she did know was that this, was another vision.

It was almost strange how good she was getting at differentiating her past and present. It certainly made everything easier. Well not everything but at least she wasn't as confused anymore.

She looked around with a frown. She was outside, back in the dessert. She could feel the sun beating down on her. She faintly heard huffs and grunts in the distance. Walking forward and up a small dune, she saw an army.

It was made of many men, while gods flitted here and there. The men were perfectly synchronized, wielding their spears perfectly. Her breath nearly caught when she saw Mason Lockwood front and center. Was this how they met?

"As you can see we have not descended into chaos the moment you left" she heard behind her. Turning she saw Klaus, or Khonsu, walking up to her with a barely there smirk on his face.

"As expected" Hathor replied simply as she went back to watching her troops. The war was drawing to a close, she could feel it. Something was coming. Bonnie wished she could scream at her just what she was feeling.

"So you had faith in me?" Khonsu asked making her smirk at him playfully.

"In you? Never" she said jokingly. The moon god laughed at her statement before nodding and walking away. It wasn't long before she heard wings behind her.

"This will all be over soon" she heard Horus say softly. Hathor melted into his arms as soon as they wrapped around her, immediately feeling safe and loved. "Then we will be happy"

Hathor frowned at his words lightly, turning in his arms. Wrapping her arms around his neck she smirked up at him, instead of getting upset like she wanted.

"Are you not happy with me?" She asked him, making the man frown down at her.

"Of course I am" he told her truthfully, making her happy. Gently she touched the sides of his face.

"And you?" He asked softly make her smile up at him.

"I am happy" she said softly, her voice low as she looked at him. Slowly she brought his lips to her own, kissing him in front of all to see.
Water splashed against Bonnie's face making her wake up suddenly. She gasped as she looked around in shock, trying to calm herself down. Bonnie sneered when she realized it was Meela who splashed her.

The black haired witch smiled at her, evil practically dripping from her very pores. The witch looked down her nose Bonnie, seemingly disgusted with her.

"As beautiful as ever I see" Meela sneered at her. Bonnie saw her look to the side, smirking happily. Following her eyes, Bonnie's own eyes widened. Dean was handcuffed to his own metal chair, with Sam beside him.

"Let them go you bitch" Bonnie yelled, trying desperately to get out of her chair. Meela laughed at her attempts, happily watching the witch struggle.

"You have been a pain in my ass from the moment I met you" Meela said charging at her, grabbing her hair. Meela forced Bonnie to look up at her. "I can't wait till I can kill you" she whispered.

Bonnie glared as the woman as she looked her in the eyes. She was so close Bonnie could see just exactly how black her eyes were. Pulling her head back she snapped it forward, head butting the other witch.

"Keep dreaming bitch" Bonnie spit out at her angrily. Meela stumbled back from the hit, blood gushing from her nose.

The black haired woman wiped the blood on her fingers, looking at it in surprise. Bonnie had only a moment of seeing her angered face before Meela's hand came up, slapping her. Hard.

"You'll regret that" Meela said before storming out of the room. Bonnie looked over at Dean and began struggling once more.

"Dean" she called out trying to get the mans attention. Her vision blurred as she looked at him, he looked so weak. The had him in golden chains, with inscriptions on them. She tried to see if hers were the same but couldn't get to them.

"Dean I need you to wake up!" She yelled, trying to shake the chair that she sat in. The ends were nailed to the floor. She wouldn't be going anywhere for hours.

"Dean!" She yelled out finally waking him. His eyes snapped open as he tried to go to her voice. Opening his eyes, and becoming more self aware he frowned, blinking a few times.

"What the hell" he groaned out, his voice gruff as he tried to move. Realizing he was chained he looked around his eyes landing on Bonnie and Sam.

"They got us" Bonnie told him as she continued to struggle. Her arms began to ache from struggling so desperately. Dean watched as she fell back onto the chair tiredly, noticing a bruise on her face.

"They hit you?" He asked his anger rising. Bonnie nodded softly before laughing.

"After I head-butted her" she said with a small smirk. Dean laughed at the image it put in his head.

"Awesome" he said smiling at her. It only lasted a moment before it was wiped off his face. "Why did they keep us alive?" He asked as he looked around.

"If we're the only ones that can stop him then wouldn't it be better to just kill us off?" Dean asked causing Bonnie to frown.

"Information" was all Bonnie could say before the door opened once more. Meela walked in with a man, a familiar man.

"Hey there" Kai said happily, his smile a touch too unhinged. His voice helped Bonnie place it.

"You were at the bitter ball" Bonnie said as she looked at him. Kai smiled at her, happy that she remembered him.

"Yes I was, you skipped out on our dance Bon" he said smiling at her widely. The small witch glared at him as he walked forward. "Gotta say though, you look much better like this"

"Stay the hell away from her!" Dean yelled as he got closer. Kai's eyes flashed red when he turned to look at Dean.

"You're a vampire?" Bonnie asked making him smirk at her.

"Hybrid actually, vampire/witch hybrid" he told her making Meela roll her eyes. "Our master likes to call us Heretics"

"That's not possible" Bonnie whispered. It went against nature. The spirits would never allow it.

"You have no idea what's possible" Meela told her, effectively cutting off Kai's rant. She didn't need him tell them anything else. He shouldn't have even told them what he was.

"What the hell do you want with us?" Dean asked them making Kai smirk. The hybrid walked to a table that held multiple tools on it, grabbing a blow torch.

"Oh me? I just want to have some fun"
Elijah looked at the place Maria sent him to. It was a large establishment, protected with a large fence and patrollers. Luckily, Rebekah and Maria were on the plane with Elijah when they got the call. He thanked every deity he could think of, old and new, that Zoe wanted to stay with Klaus

"Rebekah, you go around the back, Maria you're with me at the front" Elijah told them. Rebekah nodded at her brother solemnly before speeding away. "Are you ready?" He asked the remaining woman, getting a nod in response.

Maria stepped from the shadows and walked towards the guards that stood at the entrance. As they saw her they lifted their guns, but not before Maria could lift her hands towards them.

"Ad Somnum" she said causing both guard to fall backwards instantly. Elijah nodded his approval as he walked by her, watching as she picked up their guns and put them on her person.

"They have wooden bullets too" Maria told him in surprise. Elijah looked at her in confusion as he looked at the witch.

"They were ready for us" She said putting the other gun in her waistband. Elijah nodded at her, his eyes going to the building.

"Keep your eyes open and your guard up" he said as they walked in.
Bonnie screamed as Kai burned her back, the blowtorch searing through her skin. She could hear Dean and Sam cursing him as she yelled in pain.

Sam had woken up to Bonnie's screams about an hour ago. He couldn't believe how much pain the small witch could endure. She'd been hit with so much he was sure she'd pass out by now but she never did.

Then the psycho, Kai, had taken a turn with Sam. He burned his feet, showered him with cold water until he couldn't feel anything anymore, all while continuing to torture the brunette. Bonnie had been yelling at him the whole time. Screaming at Kai to stop hurting him. Dean had yelled the ways he'd kill Kai for touching them both.

"Just tell me what I want to know and it'll be over" Kai told them in a sing song voice as he shut off the torch. Bonnie sagged in her seat as the pain stopped.

"Why did you meet with Crowley? What did he offer?" Kai asked again. Bonnie looked up at the psychopath, spitting in his face.

"Screw you" she told him angrily. Kai laughed as he wiped the spit off his face.

"You know I'm starting to get you Bon" he said as he walked backwards for a moment. "I could torture you for hours maybe even days before you'd give anything up" he said before walking over to Dean, causing her eyes to widen.

"But you'd do anything for the people you care about" he said before turning on the blowtorch once more.

"I'll kill you!" Sam yelled at him, trying desperately to get out once more. Bonnie tried as well, the pain from her new wound causing tears to fall. Seeing the look of glee on his face she stopped, looking up at him.

"I'm going to make you suffer, Kai, in ways you couldn't possibly imagine" she growled out at him. Her voice was low and her eyes hard as she told him this. "I'm going to make sure you beg me for death, I will crush you until you're shattered to a thousand pieces and only then will I rip your heart out" she promised

Kai looked at her in surprise for a moment. He wasn't the only one, Dean and Sam were surprised by her words as well. Neither of them had any idea she could be this person. Her eyes didn't glow gold at all in that moment. That wasn't Hathor. That was all, purely, the witch.

"I think you're spending too much time with the hybrid" Kai said before burning Dean in the back, causing both Bonnie and Sam to yell out to him.

"Tell me what I want to know!"

It wasn't long before an alarm rang, red lights flashing throughout the building. Kai looked up at the ceiling in surprise. They shouldn't have gotten here so fast. He had at least 2 hours before they had to move them. Time to improvise.

"Alright princess time to go" he said shoving a tablet into Bonnie's mouth, Bonnie struggled against it, desperately trying not to swallow. Kai held her until she had no choice.

After forcing it down her throat he cut her loose from the ropes, leaving the golden handcuffs on her. Grabbing her by the arm he picked her up roughly, grabbing a gun from the waistband of his jeans and pointing it at Dean.

"No!" Bonnie yelled trying to knock the gun from his hands. Kai laughed as she struggled, her attempts comical to him.

"Sorry Bon, they're expendable in this situation, big boss wants you though" Kai said making her eyes widen. Bonnie shook her head.

"I'll tell you anything" she screamed suddenly making the Winchesters look up at her. Kai looked at her in surprise. "Anything you want if you let them live" Bonnie swore to him. The witch/vampire hybrid looked at her in suspicion for a moment before a thought occurred to him.

"A witch's oath" Kai demanded making Bonnie sigh. She nodded her head, agreeing to it. This was the only way she'd keep them alive.

"No Bonnie, stop, you can't tell him anything!" Sam yelled as Dean tried to get free once more.

"Fine, a witch's oath" Bonnie agreed ignoring the large Winchester behind her.

"Bonnie no!" Dean screamed as he struggled against the bindings. He couldn't let her do that. A witch's oath meant death. She would have to tell him everything he wanted to know and if she didn't complete her oath, she would die. Dean knew Bonnie would simply let herself die.

"By the spirits and witches before me, I, Bonnie Bennett, make this sacred oath" Bonnie started as Kai cut her palm. She felt so faint, everything hurt and the drug he'd given her was finally starting to set. Before he could fully cut into her, the door slammed open, Elijah bursting in. Kai sneered at him before quickly leaving, dropping Bonnie in the process. The last thing she saw was Elijah rushing towards her.
Bonnie opened her eyes slowly, immediately shutting them again when she saw the world around her spin.

"Here" she heard someone say softly. Bonnie opened her eyes once more to see Sammy handing her a glass of water.

"You're okay" she said sitting up, pulling him into a hug. The large man smiled as he hugged her back as gently as he could.

"I'm okay" he said softly as they pulled away. Bonnie looked around, a small frown on her face as she did so.

"Are we at the Mikaelson Mansion?" She asked lowly, finally taking the water her offered. She didn't realize until the water hit her throat just how parched she was.

"Yea, Elijah was the one that found us, you've been asleep for the past 6 hours" he told her. The witch's eyes bugged out for a moment, before she remembered everything.

"How's Dean?" Bonnie asked making Sam chuckle.

"Caroline got here a couple hours ago, she's force feeding him now" He told her with a soft chuckle. The vampire was cute, but very feisty. She looked eerily like someone they went to school with but he shrugged it off, maybe a family member.

"Of course she did, I'm surprised she's not here now" Bonnie said chuckling. Sam made a face at her, smirking.

"What am I not good enough?" He asked sarcastically making her laugh at him. He was happy he could make her laugh, he knew she'd be upset again in a few moments. Caroline had to tell her Elena was a vampire now. She was adamant she had to be the one to do it.

"Of course you are, it's just weird, she's usually the first one to find me when something happens" Bonnie said softly, feeling so grateful for her blonde friend.

"She was, since she got to Mystic Falls actually, but when she heard Deans stomach she said she wouldn't be able to focus on you with all that noise" Sam explained. Bonnie laughed lightly at the explanation, happy that Caroline was there to force Dean to eat.

She worried about Dean. She hadn't known him very long but she realized he was the type of person to hold onto guilt for a long time. It was pretty easy to see. She didn't want him to think what happened to them was his fault. Before they could say anything else the door opened, revealing Caroline.

The blonde smiled brightly when she saw Bonnie up and awake. She'd been so worried. First she got there and heard Elena was a vampire, then they told her Bonnie was kidnapped once more, this time tortured.

Elena reassured her that she was fine, it was just all confusing. She was currently sucking down blood bags with Stefan watching over her. Putting Elena in their hands Caroline focused on Bonnie. She'd been at her side for a few hours before deciding enough was enough and forcing the hunter to eat.

Bonnie stood at the sight of Caroline, rushing over to her. Throwing herself at the blonde Bonnie squeezed her tightly. She'd been so worried about her friends, but seeing as her friend wasn't currently crying she could assume Elena was alright. She hoped at least.

"I was so worried they'd gotten you too" Bonnie whispered in her ear as Sam quietly left. Caroline shook her head softly. "Is Elena alright?" Bonnie asked.

Caroline sighed as they pulled apart, knowing that Bonnie would feel so much guilt. She'd hate herself if she thought Elena turned because of her.

"Bonnie something happened" Caroline started, causing the witch's heart to drop. Fearing the worst Bonnie nodded anyways.

"What happened" Bonnie asked worry gripping her heart firmly.

"Bonnie, Elena, she's a- she's a vampire" Caroline told her softly, fearing for the girls reaction. Bonnie's heart squeezed as she heard the words. "She crashed her car, there was blood in her system, she completed the transition a few hours ago" Caroline explained.

Bonnie pressed her lips together softly, feeling the tears threatening to fall. She nodded as she looked down on the bed, guilt imbedding itself in her gut.

"This is all my fault" Bonnie said lowly. Caroline shook her head at her friend but before she could say anything the door opened, revealing the brunette of the hour. Elena walked in slowly, her eyes on Bonnie as she did so.

"Hi" she greeted awkwardly, closing the door behind her.

"I'm so sorry" Bonnie said, quickly standing to walk towards the other woman. Elena shook her head softly.

"It's not your fault Bonnie" Elena told her, squeezing the other girls hands. "They did this to me Bonnie not you, they started this war" Elena told her. Caroline nodded as she moved to stand next to her best friends.

"They started it, but we're going to end it" Caroline said smiling at them. Bonnie nodded, giving them a watery smile as they pulled her into a hug.
Bonnie smiled as Rebekah paced in front of her, telling her the reasons she had for leaving the mansion were stupid and she should just stay. She missed the blonde terribly, she couldn't be happier when the Mikaelson woman popped in her room and yelled at her for getting kidnapped again.

"They're still out there and those hunters are obviously not equipped to protect you-" Rebekah continued ranting making the brunette laugh.

"Then come with me" Bonnie told her, effectively cutting through her long winded rant. The blonde looked at her in confusion.

"What?" Rebekah asked in confusion.

"I'm staying at Grams today, me, Caroline and Elena are gonna bunk in the living room and have a girls night, come sleep over, you owe me" Bonnie said pointing at the blonde, widening her eyes. Rebekah nodded at her softly.

"Alright, since you begged me so adequately I suppose I could grace you with my presence" Rebekah told her with a smirk. Bonnie chuckled at her words, happy to be with her friend. Rebekah nodded as she walked towards the door, stopping when she got to it.

"Bonnie" she called, making the brunette look up at her in question.

"If you ever make me worry like that again, it is not Ra you will have to worry about" Rebekah told her seriously. Bonnie smiled at her, shaking her head at the blonde.

"You know when I first met you I thought you were a real bitch" Bonnie admitted making Rebekah smile.

"Oh, and what changed your mind?" She asked making Bonnie laugh.

"Oh I still think you're a bitch, I've just grown to love that about you" Bonnie told her, making the blonde laugh. "Besides you have the biggest heart I've ever seen Rebekah" the blonde smiled shyly at her, nodding quickly before walking out, nearly knocking her brother down in the process.

Elijah walked in slowly closing the door behind him as he did so. Bonnie smiled up at him as she continued to put her clothes away into her suitcase, happy that the Winchester's brought it to the mansion. Her shirt was burned and ripped beyond repair.

"Leaving so soon?" Elijah asked making Bonnie shrug.

"I really just want to be home right now, besides Elena, Caroline and Rebekah are coming to have a girls night" Bonnie explained as she walked towards him.

The minute she was within arms reach Elijah grabbed her, bringing her forward into a hug. Bonnie squeezed him tightly as he wrapped his arms around her, breathing in her scent. It took everything not to be at her side the minute she awoke yet he knew she needed her moment with her friends.

He knew it wasn't Bonnie's first choice to have Elena change but it was for the best. She would no longer be dead weight, she could protect herself and fight now. Unfortunately that still left Matt as a human but there were other things the boy could do, he also had the Gilbert ring.

"I missed you" Bonnie told him softly as he held her. The brunette male nodded softly at her words, relief filling him. They hadn't seen each other in days and while she wasn't far from his mind he wondered if he was far from hers.

"It feels like we haven't seen each other in years" Elijah said as they parted, walking towards the bed. Bonnie nodded at his words.

"I wish you would have went to New Orleans with us" she told him softly as they sat beside each other, the witch playing with his hands gently.

"Next time you see the city, it will be because I'm showing you the beauty of it" Elijah told her lowly. Bonnie smiled up at him softly.

"Is that a promise?" She asked making him nod at her.

"It is" he said resting his forehead against hers. She sighed in relief at the contact. It had been so long since she'd felt him near her, it felt good. She felt calm around him. "How are your wounds?" He asked lowly, putting his hand on her cheek lightly. Bonnie rolled her eyes as she smacked his hand away.

"I'm fine" she said making him shake his head, the worry he'd felt for her all day seeping through.

"You were taken, again, I can't keep losing you" he said making her frown. "I have never felt such fear, as I did when I heard you being taken" he told her shutting his eyes.

"I couldn't do anything about it" he said, completely angry with himself. Bonnie shook her head at him.

"But you saved me, you saved me again" Bonnie said softly, trying to reassure him. "I can always count on you to save me" she told him softly. Elijah nodded at her, still feeling uneasy but knowing better than to continue. She would knock down each one of his claims.

"You should go, I hear Caroline getting restless" he told her softly. Bonnie chuckled at his words, knowing he was probably right. "But I'd like to see you tomorrow" he said making her smile.

"I would too" Bonnie told him, kissing him gently on the lips. Happy to be together again.
Dean shook his head as he heard the girls from outside. They'd been laughing, drinking and screaming at the tv for the past 2 hours. They called it girls night, he called it interrupting his sleep. He'd only admit to himself that he liked seeing Bonnie smile like that.

Then again Bonnie was the reason he was out here. He didn't know what to about her. He cared about her and she cared about him. She almost made a witch's oath to save him and his brother, and he knew she would have let herself die before giving up any information.

"What are you doing out here?" He asked, turning to see the small witch herself. Bonnie shrugged as she moved to stand beside him. She wasn't sure what happened, one minute she was fine and the next it felt too crowded.

"Just wanted some air" she told him simply. She didn't want to explain why she felt the need to leave all her friends inside, when she should be having fun. Well, more she didn't know how.

The hunter looked at Bonnie, frowning as he thought of what she did. He couldn't help but replay it over and over again. He knew what she'd do, even if she denied it, because he would too.

"Bonnie what you did-" he started just for the witch to cut him off.

"I knew what I was doing Dean" she told him strongly. She didn't want to have this conversation with him.

"What were you doing? Cause I sure as hell don't know" he replied to the witch, making her roll her eyes at him. She was tired, too tired for this.

"I was protecting you"

"By killing yourself"

"I can't watch you die again!" She finally yelled at him, making him to stop. His eyebrows were knit together as he looked at her, his hardened face giving way to shock. "I had to watch as someone shot you!" She yelled.

"Bonnie..." he said her name softly, completely unsure of what to say to the small witch. She shook her head at him, he couldn't help but notice her eyes were red.

"I had to watch as someone shot you and you fell 50 feet from the sky" she said wrapping her arms around herself. "And I couldn't do shit.... I'm not letting that happen again" she told him strongly.

Dean frowned at her words. He had the same dream that night. Almost. He didn't get to the part where he was shot but he watched as she fought, the worry that gripped at him when he saw her face the man. He couldn't imagine what he'd do if he saw her get struck down.

"Bonnie you can't do that, you can't sacrifice yourself, not for me" he told her. Bonnie rolled her eyes at him angrily.

"Like you wouldn't do the same" she told him angrily.

"Of course I would!" He told her, raising his voice at the witch. "And where does that leave us? What the hell do we do the next time some crap like this happens?"

"What the hell are you saying?" She asks, worried the hunter might be ready to walk out on her. She wasn't the only one. Hathor was struggling, worrying that she'd have to see him walk away once more.

"Look all I'm saying is you're my weak spot" he told her, his face and voice softening as he looked at her. Bonnie looked up at him wide eyed, her throat constricting. "And I'm yours"

Bonnie turned away from him, looking into the distance. She couldn't deal with that now. She couldn't even attempt to try and think of what she felt for him. He was her weak spot. Not only for her but Hathor as well. The goddess would never stop loving him, no matter who she loved after. It was always him. He was the one that saved her.

"Dean... I..." she starts to say but stops herself, sun sure of where to go with that.

Instead of answering her the hunter sets down his beer. Bonnie watched in confusion as he began to walk towards her, purpose in every step. As he reached her, Bonnie looked down.

Dean lifted his hand to her cheek, gently bringing her face up once more. Bonnie looked at him, green eyes meeting green. Dean could help but think they were the most beautiful thing he'd seen. Bonnie took a deep breath when she realized what he was about to do.

Slowly he leaned down, finally kissing her.

Okay so I was going to wait until tomorrow but I was wayyy too excited for this update cause omg so much happened here
Also so I'm gonna be honest when I first introduced him the whole Dean/Bonnie thing wasn't even gonna be a whole real thing at all it was mostly gonna be in the visions of the past type thing maybe he'd have a little crush on her and that's it but like I said this story is getting away from me but I found a way for this to end that I think everyone will be happy about so don't even worry about that and Bonlijah and Klonnie is still my fucking shit and they will all get their happy ending in a way I hope u enjoy I already have that all planned out in my head
Speaking of Bonlijah we haven't gotten much of it so the next chapter will be dedicated to them being reacquainted wink wink we all remember what happened last time they were alone lol no but seriously I've been slacking on them in this fic but they have a special place in my heart/connection that I will explain next chapter aka Bonnie will explain
Klonnie will be very prominent in the chapter after that because they've basically had no interactions since Bonnie left a few chapters ago and I'm so sorry about that but those chapters were all leading up to this one and this was definitely an important chapter as you can see
Also other than Bonlijah next chapter it will also be very Klaus heavy since he didn't make an appearance in this chapter and when he comes back there will definitely be Klonnie+Zoe time and we'll learn more about her and why she's so important and to who
See you next time love you all please be safe take care of yourself and be kind❤️

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