My Mr Mafia

By sunny-paige

196K 3.2K 275

His gaze immediately sets on me looking me up and down "Stop stealing the food" I say and take his hand pulli... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
part 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
Just Published New Books
Part 35
Part 36
Ill have to forgive you
Its time for a new chapter
Afflicted Hearts
Catching Feelings
Slaughter House
Sorrow Lane
memory lane
you will love it
is this how ill survive
the times i remeber
my Mr mafia sequel

chapter 33

2.5K 39 0
By sunny-paige

I wake up to luca snoring he is finally asleep and he looks peaceful but I am still mad at him but I've forgiven him for it

"Luca"I shake his shoulder slightly
"Luca wake up your snoring your throat will dry up"I say and sheke him again

"Hey princess what's wrong"Luca asks opening one eye and looking down at me

"No I just woke you up because you were snoring and I didn't want you to get sore and dry throat"I say taking the covers off and getting our of bed walking towards the door

"Where are you going"Luca asks from behind me and I hold the door handle as I stand in the door looking back at him

"Just going to get some water"I say and walk out of the room

I walk down the stairs and towards the kitchen when suddenly a small Shiney object caches my eyes

It's in the window I think I walk towards the window and the Shiney object shines even more I touch it but it's a box it is small and heavy it's little silver was shining because of the porch lights

I open the box and gasp at the ring infront of me oh no was Luca going to propose did I ruin the suprise oh no I can't believe this I'll just act supprized as I really am now oh my gosh I can't believe this is happening

But oh this can be someone else's ring and I'm probably just jumping to conclusions again

I hear a loud crash in the kitchen and Lucas coat it right at the door I'm sure he has a knife or something in there for incase

I slip my hands into the pockets and there's nothing in here shit I place the little box back on the window

I tiptoe softly on the floor over to the kitchen and I pass a table great maby this one has a gun somewhere I look under the table and nothing shit I'm going in blind and unarmed well this flower pot may work

I walk to the entrance and peak around the corner shit there is someone there standing by the counter I swing around the wall softly and approach the person

Suddenly the light goes on and the person turns around

"Diego!"I scream and punch his shoulder
"What are you doing with that flower pot princess Luca says From behimd me"and I swing around accidentally dropping the pot shit

It hits the ground and shatters into alot of pieces
"Shit"I scream as the shattered pot cuts my foot
"Don't scare me like that diegs"I say and he burst out laughing
"We're you gonna kill me with a pot"he says holding his stomach as he laughs

"It's not funny"I say as I lean down to pick up the shattered pieces of glass
"Leave it princess get something to cover your foot your not wearing shoes go wait in the bathroom for me"he says and I continue picking up the glass

"It's fine I got it"I say and pick up more of the glass Luca Bends down to my level and helps me pick up the glass

"Ah shit"I say and drop the piece of glass that just cut my hand that hurt alot

"C'mon princess Gloria can clear this up"he says and I put the glass in a box and get up

"I can't walk here I don't have shoes on Luca"I say and Luca looks at my feet then at me smirking no what are you thinking Luca

He scoops me up bridal style and walks out of the kitchen towards the room
I hold the cloth on my hand as it bleeds

Luca opens the door with his foot and carries Me to the bathroom he places me on the floor and he turns the shower on

"What are you doing Luca?"I question him raising my brows at him
"We're getting you cleaned up"he says and I fold my arms at him

"What makes you think I'm going to shower with you I'm still mad at you"I say and turn around

I hear his footsteps and I feel his warm breath sweeping my neck
"Is princess still mad at me"he says and he's hand snakes around my waist as he talks into my neck

He slowly unbuttons my shirt stroking my naked stomach that feels nice he takes my shirt completely off and traces his hand along my back giving me goosebumps

Crap I hate that he has this effect on me
I like playful Luca sweet Luca those are my favourite

He grabs my shorts at the side and spins me around "is my cupcake still mad at me"he says eew cupcake I don't like the word but coming out of his mouth anything sounds good  I nod at him putting my one hand on his shoulder

Pouting he travels to my waist with his hands sliding my shorts to the ground leaving me in my underwear Completely

He lifts his arms as I remove his shirt pulling it over his head I play with his sweatpants waistband and pull it down oh he's completely naked underneath his Pants
Wow he's so hot oh my gosh

He lifts my legs onto his waist and takes me into the shower pushing me up against the wall I lock my lips onto his and he returns the kiss opening my mouth for his tongue to dance with mine

I hear a loud noise at the door but I stop kissing Luca"Luca there's someone at the door"I tell him and he looks at me with the'couldnt you just ignore it'look
"Fine"he says and puts me down he wraps a towel around his beautiful body and walks out

"Yes what do you want"he says in a angry and irretated tone
"Luca we found him"a voice that's sounds like Diego's says
"Where?"Luca asks and I hear silence for a minute
"Down at the harbour he was planning on leaving Italy on someone else's boat"Diego says and I take one of Lucas robes and tie it around me leaving the room to go see who they are talking about

I get to the room and Luca is still talking to Diego"ok thanks Diego I will tell her for now keep him locked up and starving"Luca says and looks towards me

"Night man I'll update you tomorrow"Diego says and Luca nods and closes the door
"What was that about?"I ask and sit on the bed ready to listen to something I know can either only be good or bad news

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