
By Nialls37Potato

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"Diana" was just another Directioner until she was knocked unconscious in the crowd, and saved by Niall Horan... More

One - Broken Barriers
Two - Unknown Number
Three - Fans
Four - New Beginnings
Six - Meet The Band

Five - The Other Side

128 11 3
By Nialls37Potato


Diana's P.O.V (Recap of 2-3)

I woke in a soft bed. I groaned. My head hurt. There was someone breathing near me. I turned my head towards the sound of it and opened my eyes. Everything was blurry. There was a person sitting in a chair just next to my bed. He was wearing a plain white t-shirt. His hair was a mix of blond and brown.

That's weird, I thought, it looks like he had blond hair then it started to grow in brown. "What's with your hair?" I was about to ask, but he started talking.

"It's Okay. You got knocked out and are at the hospital," he stood up while he talked.

That doesn't explain why your hair is like that, I thought.

But he was moving to the door already.

He continued what he'd been saying, "Just a sec while I get the nurse to tell her you're awake." He smiled at me and was about to leave the room.

"Wait!" I called.

"Yeah?" He sounded surprised.

I was about to ask about his hair. But now that seemed like a silly question, it was obviously dyed. But now I wondered who this boy in my room was. Why was he here? I didn't remember him from anywhere. Actually, once I thought about it, I didn't remember much of anything. A million questions filled my mind.

I decided to start simple, "Who are you?" A nice simple question. I wanted his name. But then before he could answer, another, more urgent question came to me, "Who am I?"

I couldn't remember my name. It was a strange feeling, not knowing who I was. I expected him to have a quick answer and tell me my name and everything else would come back to me. But he didn't.

"Aren't you a fan?" he asked. I glanced at my bedside table where there was a fan, in case I got hot, I guess. A fan? This boy needed to be in this bed. Instead of me, I mean! Not with me! Never mind... A fan? How could I be a fan? I was clearly a girl. Right? I glanced down at myself. Yes, I was a human girl. Then how could I be a fan? Fan... there was another kind of fan. A fan as in someone who likes something. That must be what he was asking me. Why didn't I think of that first? I felt like my brain was a snail. Everything was still waking up and getting going.

"A fan of what?" I asked.

He looked taken aback.

"I'll just go get the nurse."

He avoided my question. He poked his head out the door and called, "She's awake!" Someone said something back but I couldn't hear it.

A woman came into view. She and the boy had a short exchange before she entered to room alone. She was very prompt and asked a million questions which she expected me to answer just as fast. It was making my head spin! I hadn't realized the boy had come back into the room until he started laughing. It was a cute laugh and even better, it interrupted the nurse's questions.

"I don't-!" he started but almost immediately stopped. "What's wrong?" He asked, sounding concerned. He and the nurse went to the hall. Oh no! What did I do?

About a minute later a doctor came in and asked more questions, explained why I couldn't remember anything, and assured me I'd be fine. She left and a few minutes later the blond came back. He looked really put out now. I chatted with him for a bit and found out his name was Niall. He was in some band called 'One Direction'. I felt like the name should mean something to me but I couldn't put my finger on it. He told me what had happened in more detail. Then his phone dinged with a text. He sighed.

"What's wrong? I asked.

"They know where I am." He responded. Then the phone rang. "Aw! DA- ...ang it! I have to get this." He excused himself to talk.

I wondered who it could be as I waited for him. He came back in five minutes and 37 seconds later. I timed him on the clock. I had nothing else to do.

He sat down without a word.

"Sooo..." I prompted. No response. "Who was that?"

"Security." He finally answered, sounding glum.

Security?! What had he done? Then I remembered he'd said he was in a band.

"What did they say?" I prompted again.

He sighed before he spoke, "I have to come back to the hotel so we can get to our next concert... My bandmates caved and told them where to find me... They'll be here in 15 minutes."

Was he actually upset about having to leave a hospital to go play a concert? Honestly?

We talked for a bit more. Mostly just small talk. Then is phone dinged.

"They're here."

He scribbled something on a notepad on my bedside table.

"This is my phone number."

He tucked it under a glass of water.

"If you need anything, ask for a phone and call me."

I nodded. He was kinda cute when he was serious... He got leaned over and kissed my forehead then got up. He got to the doorway before pausing and turning around. He looked like he wanted to say something then thought better of it. He smiled awkwardly then left.

The next few days were boring. The only time I talked to anyone was when nurses or doctors came in every hour to check on me. The worst part was the food. Overcooked, bland, eww was on my plate. I wanted ice cream but they said it would be bad for my brain after such a bad concussion. I mostly people watched from my doorway and thought about Niall. I wanted to call him. But he was probably busy with concerts and whatever else he was doing.

I'd lost the slip of paper with his number when my bedside table got cleaned. But it didn't matter. I had it memorized.

Every day the doctor came in and asked me a bunch of questions. One day I really thought I was going to be released! But I just missed the mark to be allowed. I had to wait another 24 hours for the next test. Finally, I passed and got to leave. They called Niall and apparently he was sending a ride. I had to wait two hours after being cleared before someone came to pick me up.

He introduced himself as Prescott and informed me we'd be going back to Niall the next morning.

"Absolutely not," I told him.

Prescott asked, "Would you rather sleep in the car?"

"Yes. Can we please go to where Niall is?" I begged.

He mumbled something like, "Not another beggar..."

I gave him a confused look.

He sighed and said, "Niall begged me to come get you and now you're begging me to go back."

I smiled, "So, you give in to begging?"

He blinked "What? No! I-"

"Please?" I cut him off.

I gave him my best innocent, I-just-got-out-of-the-hospital, puppy face look.

"Oh alright! Get in!" He said laughing. It was silent for a while then he turned on some music.

"Who's this?" I asked.

"One Direction."

That rang a bell. "Isn't that the band Niall's in?"

He glanced over at me, "Um... yeah. Niall said you were a fan..."

I laughed "Amnesia," I explained.

He looked like everything made sense now but then said, "Oh! So you like five sauce."

Did he say we were going to McDonald's or something?

"What? Five sauce? Is that a mix of sauces...?" Now I was confused.

Prescott rolled his eyes, "No, Five Seconds of Summer."

"I prefer three months of summer..." I responded. I was now convinced this guy was a crazy kidnapper or something. This was not the man Niall sent. I couldn't get out of the car though because we were going too fast.

He rolled his eyes again, "No, the band. They have a song called Amnesia."

I still wasn't fully convinced this guy wasn't crazy until he played the song. It was pretty good... except for the lyrics! "I wish that I could wake up with amnesia..." Trust me; you don't want to wake up with amnesia.

"Let's go back to One Direction." I wanted to know at least some of their songs before I met the boys. I didn't feel safe anywhere, other than with Niall. I didn't know anyone else. I was alone in the world. I wished I could teleport so I could be with Niall now. I drifted off to sleep in the car while listening to Little Things. I dreamed of a man with a blue phone booth that could travel through time and space. It seemed familiar. I wanted a blue telephone booth right now...

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