Sun and Moon- Tsukishima Kei

By NoMo17

9.8K 382 84

Luv luv luv luv story with our Tsukki In short: Two teens meet in their first year of high school, and creat... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23-
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Bonus Chapter

Bonus Chapter 2: Blessings

234 10 6
By NoMo17

One Year Later

"Kei, I'm really nervous." I bite my lip as we pull up into his childhood home's driveway. He parks, turning the car off and shifts to face me.

"It is going to be okay." He takes my hands, giving me a reassuring smile.

"I hope so..." I chuckle nervously. He leans over and kisses my lips.

"Akiteru, his wife, and baby are already here, my mother is here as well- obviously. Everyone is here, so we can just rip the bandage off and get right to it after lunch. If it doesn't go well, we just run out the house. Deal?" He grins, making me burst out laughing.

"Okay, deal." I nod.

We get out of the car and walk to the porch. Tsukishima pulls out his keys and unlocks the door. I see his hand is shaky so I put my hand on his and look up at him. I give him a reassuring smile and lean up to kiss him.

"I love you."

"I love you too." He smiles. Pushing the door open, we walk in and are immediately greeted by Tsukishima's mother.

"Hello you two!" She smiles brightly, giving her son, then me, a hug. "I'm so excited to have lunch today. We don't get to sit down all together as a family very often." She pouts.

"Yeah, I'm sorry. My schedule has been really hectic...and Katsumi's as well.." Tsukishima scratches the back of his head.

"Oh, I understand! You don't need to explain. I'm very proud of you guys." She smiles. "Let's eat! Your bother and sister are already at the table." She says before running off.

Tsukishima puts his hand on the small of my back and leads me to the dining table. Sure enough, Akiteru and his wife, Mai, were sitting at the table, Akiteru cooing at the baby.

"Oh, hey guys." Mai smiles when she sees us.

"Hi!" I return the smile and she gets up to hug both me as well as Tsukishima. I walk to Akiteru and bend down, looking at the baby.

"I can't believe he's already 1." I gush.

"I know, right?" He laughs and leans into me for a hug.

"He's so adorable, I'm so happy for you guys!" I smile, leaning away so Tsukishima can give him a hug too.

We talk for a bit before all sitting down to eat.

"Thank you for the meal!"

While eating, we talked about how Tsukishima's team was doing, and how my team was doing. We talked about Akiteru and Mai's job, how it was being parents, and what challenges they had. Akiteru and Mai are some of the best parents ever. They absolutely are in love with each other, and pour that same love into their baby.

It's honestly crazy to me how much has happened in the 4 years I didn't see Tsukishima. His brother got engaged our senior year, though I was there for that, but I didn't go to the wedding. I received an invitation but I was so busy that I wouldn't have been able to make it no matter how much I wanted to. I did send a present though.

"Wow, I'm so stuffed." Mai huffs out a breath, laughing.

"I am too, the food was so good I couldn't stop eating." I chuckle.

"That's the goal!" Tsukishima's mom grins. "Make delicious food, so nobody stops eating and then they get fat! And as a result...I will be the best looking at the table." She teases and we all burst out in laughter.

"Kei, remember when Katsumi would come over all the time and you just thought that she was genuinely only coming to eat?" Akiteru grins.

"I really thought she was." Tsukishima looks away from me, taking a sip of his water.

"I wanted to see you." I hit his leg lightly, laughing. "The food was just a very nice plus."

"I know, I know." He looks at me and places a kiss on my forehead, chuckling.

"Okay, you guys should move to the living room now. I'll start on the dishes." Tsukishima's mom stands up.

"Oh, actually," Tsukishima speaks up quickly. "Um, I have something to say. Can we all go to the living room together right now?" He asks and I put a hand on his leg for comfort.

"Oh, what is it?" Akiteru tilts his head.

"Just...something I wanted to get from you all." He says, and everybody frowns.

"Hm, very well. Let's go." His mom nods and we all make our way to the living room and sit down.

Tsukishima and I sit on the edge of our seats and I reach over and grab his hand. He smiles at me before putting his other hand on top of our intertwined ones. We look at his family and they're staring at us expectantly.

"Okay, so," He starts. "A few days ago, I proposed to Katsumi." At this, gasps are heard all around.

"Wait, what-"

"Please let me finish." Tsukishima cuts his brother off. His hands are shaking a bit so I put my free hand on top of ours and give a light squeeze. "It was on a day we both had off, which we rarely get these days. I bought the ring with Akiteru around a month ago, but I couldn't find the right time to ask her to be my wife." He looks over at me and a soft smile comes over his face. He raises my hand to show them the ring.

"Anyways, I told her that we should go on a date. So all day, we went out and did whatever we wanted. We went to a movie in the morning, fed ducks at the park, went wine tasting, and then somehow found our way to a dinosaur museum." He laughs. "We spent so much time in there, and she listened to me just rambling and rambling about all these facts, and the whole time she had a smile on her face. She really listened to me." He gives my hand a light squeeze once again. He's going to make me cry.

I'm not going to cry dammit!

"I thought that it was the perfect day to do it. I brought the ring with me in the morning, and we were having so much fun that I just thought it was now or never. So once we got out the museum, I took her to the park where we hung out for the very first time outside of school."

I smile, thinking back on that day. It rained, and we ran to his house. I remember saying that I was just going to stay there until the rain stopped, but he didn't let me.

"We stargazed for a bit, talking about our future and things like that. And then I got onto one knee, and I just...did it. I poured my heart out to her and she soaked every bit up. She let me talk, or rather ramble, the entire time. We were both crying and I'm sure half of what I said was inaudible, but she listened like she always does. And then she said yes." He grins, looking over at me and kissing my cheek. "So, what I wanted to ask you guys was if I can have your blessings to marry her."

I look over at his family nervously. Akiteru has a few tears slipping down his cheeks, Mai is beaming at us while holding her baby in one arm, and rubbing her husbands back with the other. But his mother...I can't tell what she's thinking. Her face is blank.

"I'm so happy for you guys." Akiteru sniffles, smiling at us. "I'm sorry for crying, I just-" he wipes his face.

"I feel like I watched you guys grow older. Katsumi felt like my little sister and now she's actually going to be that. I'm really proud of how far you've came together. Katsumi, if it weren't for you, Kei would probably be the same person he was in high school. She really made him a better person, and she gave me my brother back. So thank you, for that. I think you guys are perfect for each other. You have my blessings." He smiles and I can feel the tears well in my eyes.

"Thank you." I say, wiping the few that fall down my face.

"Don't you think it's too soon?" I hear, then turn to look at his mother.

"I'm sorry?" I frown, not sure if I heard her correctly.

"It's a little sudden, don't you think? You two started dating only a year ago. You moved in together in less time than that. I feel like you're going a bit fast." She says.

"We started dating again a year ago, yes. But I've known her for 8 years now, so in my opinion it's rather late." Tsukishima frowns.

"Let's do the math." His mother sits up straight. "You guys met as 1st years, correct? So you knew each other for 3 years in high school. And then you guys didn't talk for, what was it, 4 years after graduation? And suddenly met each other by fate. And now, a year after that, you want to get married?" She sucks her teeth.

"Out of the 8 years you two have known each other, you only spent half of that together. And only 1 of those years did you guys seriously date. How do you know that this isn't just some high you're feeling from being reconnected with an old friend? What if you regret it later?"

"That won't happen." Tsukishima shakes his head. "Even when we were first years, I would have been able to confidently say I want her to stand by me for the rest of my life. Finding her again is way more than just 'reconnecting with an old friend'. She's the love of my life. She taught me how to open up to people, and how to love. She fills my life with so much light, I don't even know what I'd do without her. She makes sure that I feel loved and we take good care of each other. Mother, your blessing means a lot to me. But, regardless if you give it to me or not, I'm going to marry her." He sighs and I squeeze his hand for encouragement.

"Ma'am, I would also like to say something." I bite my lip. I've been quiet the whole time so I feel like it's time for me to speak up. "Your son...he means everything to me. I absolutely love him with every fiber in my body. I would quite literally do anything for him. So if you're worried about me not taking care of him, please don't. I would go to the moon and back for him, and further if he asked me to. I promise I'll make sure that he's well and healthy, and if he's not I'll stay right by his side until he is." I hope she does give her blessing, I'm not sure how Tsukishima would handle it if she didn't.

"Very well then." She sighs. "I give you two my blessing. It seems that you both love each other, so who am I to get in the way of that?" All around, you can hear the breath that was being held by everyone, slowly release.

"Thank you." Tsukishima and I say at the same time.

"We have to go now. We have somewhere to be." Tsukishima, my fiancé, stands up and pulls me up with him.

"Bye, congratulations." Each one of his family members say as we hug them.

We walk out, and get into Tsukishima's car. He quickly pulls out of the driveway and starts on the road. I reach into the backseat and grab the bouquet of daffodils we bought before going to his moms house.

"You don't have to do this." I say quietly. He reaches a hand over to place on my thigh as he gives a small smile.

"I want to. They mean as much to me as they do to you." He says and I have to keep myself from crying.

"Okay." I'm barely able to get out.

The rest of the drive is silent, both of us lost in thought. We pull up to our destination, and Tsukishima brings out the blanket from his trunk. I hold the flowers in one hand, and lace our fingers together with the other. We maneuver our way through the grass, and find way to the place we come to once at least once a month. It used to be once a week, but both of our schedules have gotten too busy.

Tsukishima lays down the blanket, and we sit down in front of my parent's graves. I gently lay the flowers down, closing my eyes because I already feel the tears coming.

I lost my father in my third year of high school, and my mother only a year after graduating. The last day I had with her is ingrained into my memory forever.

I look as my mother lay in the hospital bed, sleeping. She looks so peaceful, and the only way I could tell she's alive is by the heart monitor next to the bed. It's been like this for a few days, and I haven't left her side since she was admitted.

I hold her hand in mine, noticing how frail she feels. Her skin is paler than usual, and she lost so much weight. She looks almost unrecognizable.

Ever since my father died, her health went downhill. She tried busying herself with more work but ended up causing more stress and health problems for herself. Her body was shutting down, and on the nights she came home I could hear her sobbing until early morning. She really missed him. She wasn't eating anymore, and if she did, it would just come right back up. I was watching her slowly deteriorate and there was nothing I could do about it. I hated it, every single second of it.

I take a deep breath and bring her hand up to my lips, kissing the back of her palm.

I love her so much. It's been really hard on me too, since my father left us. It's taken everything I have to get up every morning.

"K-Kat...sumi" I hear and immediately look up at my mother. Her eyes are barely open, and she's giving me a small smile.

"Hi mom, I'm here." I return the smile and she gives my hand a soft squeeze.

"My baby..." She whispers, and tears start to roll down her cheeks. "I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry for doing this to you." She takes a shaky breath.

"No, mom don't apologize." I shake my head, seeing her cry automatically activated my own tears. "You don't have anything to be sorry about."

"Your father...h-he visited my dreams last night." I could tell it's hard for her to breathe, nonetheless talk.

"Mom, if it hurts then don't say anything okay? It's okay." I hold her hand to me, encasing it between my own.

"It's okay b-baby...listen to me." She smiles, still crying. "H-He said he's....he's waiting. A-And that...he'll w-wait for a-as long as...he has to." She gulps.

"H-He tell you...that he's so proud of you. You've become such amazing young woman. He said he loves you very much. H-He told me..." She groans in pain. I frantically stand up, hovering over her but she waves me off and signals for me to sit down. "He said to tell you...that he's always watching....over you. And that you'll always be daddy's little girl." A sob escapes from my lips at these words.

"Mommy." I let out, tears rapidly covering my face. "I can't do this without the both of you. What am I supposed to do?"

"I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry for...having to leave you. It was never my intention." She takes a deep breath.  "I love you so much my sweet girl. The best gift god has given your father and I, was you. I hope you understand...that everything we ever did, was for you. Working late nights, starting up the company, every single....thing was to make sure that you, your future children, and your children's children were able to live comfortably." It looks like she suddenly got a burst of energy. She's speaking better, but her words are still coming out slow.

Maybe everything will be okay after all.

"I know, and I'm so grateful for it. You and dad were the best parents I could have ever imagined to have. Thank you." I say, trying to wipe my tears away.

"I'm sorry you...have to go through this. You're so strong, okay? Don't be...too upset. I'm sorry for...leaving you this way. I-I...can feel...that I have to go now." She whispers and my heart drops. "I'm so sorry baby. I love you so much. Your....your father loves you...too." She squeezes my hand lightly. Fear runs through my heart. I'm so terrified of being alone, but the last thing I want is for my mother to feel bad about what's happening.

"It's okay mom. Thank you for being the best parents ever. Please take good care of dad. I love you both so much." I say.

She musters everything she has in her, and gives me one last smile. I stand up, still holding her hand in one hand, and placing my other on her cheek. I bend down to kiss her forehead. When I lean back, her eyes are closed, and the heart monitor has a flat line.

Nothing could have prepared me for the pain I felt when I lost my father. But now, having lost both my's a different kind of pain.

My heart hurts, everything inside me just hurts. I won't be getting random face time calls during the day anymore. I won't be able to hear their voices. This is the worst pain I've ever experienced in my life.

I collapse onto the chair and let everything I was holding in, out.

A loud sob wrenches from my lips, and I feel like I can't breathe. I bury my head in the bed, right beside her lifeless body, and clutch her hand to me.

I remember screaming that it wasn't fair, calling out to any god and begging them to bring my parents back, but nobody listened. I sobbed and refused to let go of her, even after the doctors came in.

The day my father, and the day my mother, passed away were absolutely the worst days of my entire life.

I'm pulled from my memories when I feel Tsukishima's hands wipe my tears. I didn't even realize I was crying. I open my eyes and look up at him to see he's giving me a sad smile. I grab his arm, leaning into his chest.

"It hurts." I say, crying.

"I know baby. I know." He wraps his arms around me, holding me tightly. "I'm here for you, it's going to get better. I'll be right by your side while it does, okay?" He asks and I nod.

I cry for a few minutes more before pulling away, wiping my eyes. I look up at him and seen that he'd been crying to.

"Why are you crying?" I frown, reaching up to wipe his eyes.

"Because I know they mean a lot to you, so they mean a lot to me too. That's why I wanted to come and do this." He smiles sadly at me and I have to keep myself from crying again. He leans down, cupping my cheeks and resting his forehead against mine. "You're so strong, you know that? Though you've gone through horrible things, you still wake up with a smile on your face, and even manage to put one one everybody you meet. You really are the sun, Katsumi. Your parents would be so incredibly proud of how far you've come in life. I'm proud of you as well. I know they're watching over you, protecting you. So don't worry, okay? They're still with you." He smiles at me, wiping away the tears that had spilled during his little speech.

"Thank you." I sniffle, taking a shaky breath. "For everything. Thank you." He sits up, taking his forehead from mine, and smiles at me.

"You're welcome. I love you." He pecks my lips.

"I love you too." I respond and he takes his hands from me.

"I'm going to start now, is that okay?" He asks, and I nod, smiling. He turns and faces the two graves that are side by side, taking a deep breath.

"Mr. and Mrs. Amaterasu, I first want to thank you for bringing such a bright light into the world. She has been my rock and my other half since I met her. She understands me, is patient with me, and gives everything she has just to love me. Your daughter is very special to me and I will forever be in your debt for allowing me to have such a beautiful and caring woman as my fiancé. I promise I will always take good care of her, and will do everything I can to keep her out of harm's way. I hope up there that you approve of our relationship, and would give us your blessings to get married." I look at him as he talks. He speaks as if they're actually here.

As he ends, I swear to god I feel two hands on me, one on either of my shoulders. Warmth instantly fills my body and slight gasp escapes my mouth as I quickly look behind me, but I don't see a thing.

It's them. It's my parents.

A quiet sob escapes my lips and I put my head in my hands. They really are watching over me. They've been my by side this entire time. I bawl into the palm of my hands and Tsukishima holds me to him, cooing sweet nothings into my ear.

We stay like this for a while, even after I've calmed down and stopped crying. We hold each other and the warmth never leaves.

I'm the first one to pull away, looking up at him with nothing but love in my eyes. I'm truly grateful to have someone like him in my life.

"I appreciate you doing this. It really means a lot to me. Thank you for being so supportive." I smile, cupping his cheek with one of my hands. He leans into my touch, smiling. "I love you so much Kei."

"Of course. I'm always here for you, alright? I love you too Katsumi. I can't wait to live the rest of our lives together." He grins, leaning down to press his soft lips to mine.

Tsukishima Kei, I will love you forever. In this life, and every one after that.

(I love Kei literally so much lmao.

Also, fun fact! I wrote this before I finished the book. I think I only had like 8 actual chapters written, and these two bonus chapters. I feel like I've been doing this a lot with my books bc I always think of the end before anything else and just try to build up to that.


I'm just currently reading through these last two chapters and I realized it's been a year since I wrote this and I'm barely publishing it 💀 anyways, thank you so much for reading!


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