Coffee With Stranger

By zaverivishal

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A girl shifted to the new city with high hopes. Made friends for life. She falls in love, but she didn't know... More

Take Off
First Day
Anonymous Note
The Walk
Review Meeting
The Affair
The Escalator
The Party
Hyderabad Tour
Anonymous Date
Between Us
The Murder
The Investigation
The Interrogation
The Cliff
The Hope
The Chowpatty
Coffee with Stranger
The Clue

The Confession

138 10 6
By zaverivishal

"Hello Siddharth, where are you? I want to discuss something important with you."

"I am at the office, tell me what you want to discuss."

"I got a call from Mr. Gayakwad before some time; he has asked me to be present at the police station tomorrow morning. He was saying that he has some important news to share with me."

"Important? What is that?" Siddharth stood up from his seat as he got curious.

"I don't know what is that he asked me to come to the police station tomorrow morning."

"I am afraid of what it could be. Siddharth, can you please come with me tomorrow? I am afraid of going alone. I need your help right now. Please" I requested him to join me.

"Umm ok, I will come with you tomorrow." After a long pause, he replied.

I had finished my dinner and was shuffling the TV channels. I was not in the mood to watch anything so I just kept shuffling the channels. My mind was occupied with thoughts about what is that Mr. Gayakwad will be going to tell me tomorrow.

I close the TV and smashed the remote on the table and went to the balcony for some fresh air.

I went into my flashback where Vivan had shared his concern that his life is in danger. The boss has threatened him that he would do anything if Vivan will disclose the affair.

"Isha, the boss is behind me. He wants me to leave this job or he will fire me." Vivan to me.

"Why would he do that?"

"Because I know a secret about him."

"Secret? What secret?" I asked.

"Secret about his extramarital affair with a lady. I saw them at the restaurant and in the movie. He also has threatened me to kill me if I disclose the affair." He replied.

"Don't worry anything that sort of will happen. Don't be afraid, I am with you." I said to Vivan.

Suddenly, my phone kept on the table rang. That brought me to the present.

I quickly ran and grabbed the phone. It was Siddharth.

"Hi, Isha, I forgot to ask you where we will have to go tomorrow."

"We will go to the Andheri police station. I will reach there by 11 am. You also come at the same time." I replied.

"Bye, see you tomorrow."

I went to my bedroom and lay down on the bed. I was trying to sleep but couldn't sleep.

The surrounding was very quiet and calm but I couldn't even close my eyes. The anxiety about what would happen tomorrow at the police station didn't let me sleep. I tried to listen to the slow songs, dreaming about where I would be after five years, and when I was at the peak of boredom, I even started counting the WhatsApp chats I had on my phone.

The next day, I woke up before my alarm. My eyes were fresh like an apple even though I didn't sleep enough last night. I messaged my boss that I couldn't come to the office that day as I was not feeling well.

I got ready and went down to my apartment to catch the taxi to the Andheri police station.

I messaged Siddharth to check where he is.

Me: "Good morning Siddharth."

Siddharth: "Good morning Isha"

Me: "I am ready and on my way to the police station, how about you?"

Siddharth: "I am getting ready, will be there in some time."

"Me: "Ok, come fast. I will be waiting for you."

Siddharth: "Ok."

After around ten minutes, I got a taxi that was ready to drop me at the Andheri police station. Being the peak office time, the traffic was heavy.

"How much time it will take to reach the police station?" I asked the taxi driver.

"Madam, at the best possible speed, it would take no less than thirty minutes to reach there. Why are you so worried mam? You are not going to catch a train. Are you?" He throws a bad joke. But I have to bear him.

I reached the police station at around 11:15 am. I saw the boss's car outside the police station. My doubt was now becoming more and more real as his car here confirms that he was caught by the police for Vivan's murder.

I entered the police station and asked for the Gayakwad. The constable asked me to sit and wait for some time until he checks and confirms with the Gayakwad.

After five minutes, the constable asked me to go inside Gayakwad's cabin. It was no surprise to see the boss in the cabin, but what was Payal and Mohit were doing there? Were they also called by the cop? I turned my head left to right and scan the entire cabin.

So many familiar faces. I talked to myself.

"Good morning Mr. Gayakwad. I am here; tell me what you want to talk to me."

"Good morning Miss Isha. Nice to see you here."

"Good morning boss, Mohit and Payal" I greet them as well.

"You were not feeling good today Isha?" the boss asked me.

"Yes sir, Mr. Gayakwad had called me yesterday and asked me to come and meet him today morning. I didn't want to disclose that I am going to the police station, so." I replied.

"Why are you here sir?" I asked sarcastically.

"Well, I was also called by the cop." pointing his hand towards Gayakwad he replied.

"And you also have been called up by Gayakwad, right?" I asked Payal and Mohit.

"Ya, I also got a call from Gayakwad last night," Payal said.

"Me too, Mohit added.

"So Mr. Gayakwad, now tell me why I and these people are called up today? I hope you have a valid reason behind this." I asked.

"Miss Isha, there is a reason why you all are here. I don't have free time to chit-chat with you over a cup of tea. So here I go."

"Like you, all know that the Vivan was brutally killed some days before. And I have found the person who did it."

"I knew it. It's you." I pointed my finger towards the boss and started crying.

"I didn't kill him, I told you earlier also." the boss replied.

"You are laying, you are the one who killed him as he knew about your affair and you were afraid that he might expose you. How could you kill a person like this?"

"Sir during the review, me and Vivan fought. That day in the evening I was passing through Mr. Saxena's cabin and overheard that he was talking over the phone about how he can get rid of someone. He also discussed the payment terms like paying a half payment upfront and rest is after the work is done. Then I also heard Vivan's name in the conversation. It looked like he was talking to some contract killer. I called up Vivan that evening from the telephone booth and asked him to beware of the boss." Mohit said.

"Why did you call him from the telephone booth instead of your mobile?" Gayakwad asked.

"Sir, we fought that afternoon, and we didn't talk to each other since then. But I also want to inform him that his life is in danger. So I called up from the telephone booth anonymously." Mohit replied.

"Oh! So it was you Mohit." I raised my eyebrows.

"Sir, this guy deserves the highest retribution for his deed," I said to Gayakwad.

"Calm down Isha, don't get excited, please be sited. I am assuring you that the culprit will get the punishment as per the law." Gayakwad was trying to pacifying me.

"I know you are still in shock Miss Isha. But today you need to be strong enough to take this."

"We have found the person who had killed Vivan." He stood up from his seat and said.

I started crying again looking at the boss. Payal put her hands on my shoulders and tried to pacify me. I leaned my head on her hand while crying.

Payal gave me a glass of water and there was complete silence in the room.

"Why did you do that sir?" I asked the boss.

"Stop this nonsense, I told you I have not killed him. Mr. Gayakwad, show me the proof that says I killed him" the boss angrily said.

"Well, Mr. Saxena, I don't have any proof that you killed him."

"Then on what basis you are blaming me?" the boss cut the cop and said.

"I didn't say that you have killed Vivan," Gayakwad replied.

"What? What are you saying Mr. Gayakwad?" I quickly sit tight and asked him.

"Yes, Miss Isha. I never told you that Mr. Saxena had killed Vivan though he was a prime suspect." Gayakwad replied.

"Then who do you think killed Vivan?" I asked.

Suddenly, the person entered the room. Everyone was looking at him with a surprise except me.

"Hi Siddharth, come here, sit beside me." I waved at him.

"He is Siddharth, my friend, I asked him to accompany me. And don't worry he knows about the murder and all." Gayakwad took a deep breath.

"Let's come to the point I was making. So the culprit is amongst us." Gayakwad started from where he left.

"I think the culprit is Isha." the boss said to Gayakwad.

"She is the one because she loved him and he betrayed her. How a girl can see her love flirting with someone else? That's the reason she killed him. Not me, but the other people also thought that Isha had killed him as he betrayed her."

"Yes, he was a fraud. He betrayed me, but I didn't kill him. On the contrary, I was the one who was helping the cops to catch the culprit. If I have killed him, why would I help the police searching for the culprit? Why would I want to jump off and kill myself?"

"Jump off?" Gayakwad asked me.

"Yes, inspector, I was about to jump off and commit the suicide, but Siddharth saved me. I would have been dead by now if he didn't stop me committing suicide." I replied.

"Suicide? You never told me about that." Payal looked at me with a surprise.

"Thank god, Miss Isha, you didn't tell anyone about your suicide. Especially, your friend Payal." The policeman said to me.

"Sorry officer, I didn't get you. What you mean by that?" I asked him.

"Sometimes the people we feel our friends, but they are the ones who often jealous of us. But they never tell that on our face. Am I right Miss Payal?"

"What? Why are you asking this to me, officer?" I don't know anything about this case except for the fact that Vivan and Isha were in a relationship." Payal replied.

"Oh! Really? You don't know anything about how Vivan was killed? You don't know anything about the gun which was used in the murder? You don't know anything about the anonymous notes that were sent to the Isha?" Gayakwad was now aggressive.

"Officer, I really don't know all these you are saying. I am a good friend to Isha and always tried to help her. Even for the anonymous notes, I was with her at the cafe to support her." She replied.

"Are you sure Payal you don't know anything about Vivan's murder?" Gayakwad asked again.

Everyone including me was looking at the Payal and waiting for her reply.

"Seriously sir, I don't know anything about his murder." She replied.

"I think you are suffering from Alzheimer; you forget things very quickly. Right?"

"No sir, nothing that sort of. I am completely fit and fine." She replied.

"Well, in that case, let me introduce someone who you might know," Gayakwad said.

I raised my eyebrows and was eagerly waiting for what Gayakwad has to show us.

"Shinde, bring him inside" Gayakwad shouted.

Shinde brought Imran Ahmed whom they caught last night from Mumbra. He snatched him from the cuffs and brought him in the centre where we were sitting.

"Can anyone in this room recognize him?" Gayakwad said.

There was complete silence in the room. Gayakwad was waiting that someone from us would say anything. But all in vain.

"Ok, then let me introduce him to you. His name is Imran Ahmed; he is from Mumbra where you can find the finest sharpshooters in India. He was out of jail before three months. Now anyone could recognize him or shall I go further?"

Still, there was no voice in the room. Gayakwad sighs and continued.

"He had recently sold a gun to someone which was used in the Vivan's murder."

"Now you remember anything, Miss Payal?" Gayakwad looked at Payal and said.

"No sir, I don't know this person. I have never seen or met him before." Payal replied.

"Imran do you know anyone amongst these people?"

"Yes sir, I know her." He pointed his finger towards Payal.

Everyone including me was shocked as to how could it be possible.

"Is that you Payal?" I slide my shoulder which was beneath her hand.

Payal's head was down and she was not lifting her head to have eye contact with anyone.

I stood up and shook her completely, seeking an answer from her.

She didn't say anything for about five minutes.

"Imran, are you sure that you know her? I asked him.

"Yes, I did it my darling." Suddenly the voice came from Payal as she raised her head.

"Yes, it was me who killed Vivan. Yes, it was me who sent those notes to you darling." Payal broke the silence.

"Now that we have a rapport Mr. Gayakwad, I would really love to tell you everything. I am fearless now."

"With all due respect Mr. Gayakwad, you were too slow and I found you helpless and clueless. It was my darling Isha who came and told you about the notes; otherwise, it would be impossible for you to catch me."

"Your darling? I am not your darling Payal. Mind your language." I interrupted.

"Believe it or not, you are my darling. I love you so much. And whatever I did was for you only my love." Payal said to me.

"You son of a bitch, what are you talking about?" I got furious on her.

"I didn't intend to kill Vivan, but he came too close to you which I could not bear. In fact, I can't bear anyone come too close to you except me."

"Why did you kill Vivan?" Gayakwad asked.

"He dared to propose my love, which I couldn't see. Moreover, they had an intimate love relationship which made me angry. How could that idiot dared to touch my girl?" Payal replied.

"Isha, listen and listen well. I LOVE YOU AND ONLY YOU. I have felt like alone. My whole life. I was raised out by my aunty. To her, I was useless. Only good for standing there like an idiot. I never got a love that I deserve." Payal looked into my eyes, went on her knees and said with tears in her eyes.

"Look Payal, that's a very touching story, but does that have to do with the Vivan's murder?" Gayakwad interrupted her.

"I wasn't useless; I can be loved. I can also love someone. I started loving Isha more than anyone else in this world. But our love was not the normal one. I knew that, so I never expressed it to Isha. On Isha's birthday, Vivan proposed her in front of me, which was unbearable for me. That night I didn't sleep at all."

"I never knew that I was sleeping with a bitch," I interrupted Payal.

"I know it sounds so fucking corny but I fell in love with you. For me, you are my love at first sight. I loved you from the day you joined the company. I still remember the first look of yours on joining day. But then I realize that you were in love with someone else, not a girl of course. I didn't like that you were inclining towards Vivan." Payal replied.

"I bought a gun from this man and killed him in the early morning. I knew that he daily going for jogging so I made a plan. I have made a duplicate key to Vivan's car. I was hiding in the car dicky that night so I could easily enter his society without any checking or eyes on me."

I remain in the car until midnight and then I sneak out of the dicky and cut the CCTV camera wire. I again went inside the car and waited for him to go jogging. At around six o'clock, I came out of the car again and hide behind the car waiting for him to come down."

"He came down in his jogging suit. I pat on his back and he turned to check who was behind him. I pressed the handkerchief loaded with chloroform on his nose until he became unconscious.

I then fire a gun into his chest one by one. The gun had a silencer on it, so it won't make noise. He was still in his sense and tried to come closer to my neck. I fired a third-round on his leg and he collapsed there."

"I stayed in the society for another half an hour and was waiting for a chance to escape all eyes. I found that opportunity when everyone got gathered at Vivan's dead body.

I then ran away as the security guard was not there on his seat. I threw the gun wrapped in that handkerchief in the sea that day to destroy the evidence."

"Why did you send those anonymous notes to me?" I asked.

"Oh! Those notes were my love letters you dumbo." Payal said.

"I wanted to spend time with you, date with you, but if I tell you directly that I love you and let's go for a coffee, would you come with me? That's the reason I have to send those notes so that we could spend some time together. Those are the date invites."

"I dated you over a coffee three times without you even noticed it. First was the day when we went after that fire broke out at the Churchgate."

"That was on my joining day." I interrupted.

"The other one when I asked you to come to Andheri Starbucks. We were sitting together on the table waiting for the stranger to come. Haha! That stranger was none other than me. Then Vivan came lately and kissed you on your forehead. That time I want to give him a big punch on his nose for kissing my girl. But I swallow that also."

And the last one was two days back when I asked you to go half an hour earlier. So that we can spend some time together, and we did."

"You are a psycho; you know that?" I screamed at her.

"Haha, no I was a lover, a true lover who can do anything for her love."

I was crying so hard that there was no room for any other voice on the entire cabin. Siddharth holds my hands in his and then hugged me tightly. His tight hug made me feel better.

"You are a soulless piece of shit I have ever seen," I said to her with great agony.

"So you are admitting to the murder of Vivan, Right? "Gayakwad asked Payal.

"Anything for my love." She looked at me while saying that.

"I have seen many murder cases in my career, but not like this. This is the first of its kind where a girl loves a girl and can go up to killing a man who was between them." Gayakwad said.

The End

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