The Villainess is Too Cute!

By shark_exorcism

114K 4.6K 1.8K

Being reincarnated into the heroine from an otome game isn't as great as it sounds. Especially if you hate th... More

Prologue {0}
Chapter {1}
Chapter {2}
Chapter {3}
Chapter {5}
chapter {12}


2.9K 151 60
By shark_exorcism

I bolted upright out of my comfortable position, staring at a room that I felt I hadn't seen in a long time. That's right... it was a long time wasn't it, that was such a long dream. I had a dream that I was reincarnated in to a fantasy world, to be specific the world of an otome game I played in my free time. I was elated when I realised...although I loathed the game seeing her proud face as she beat me down filled me with so much happiness I couldn't contain it. I wanted to reach through the screen and smother her with all the love in the world. And I now had my chance!

But reality is often quite different to what we expect...

My greatest fantasy became some kind of sick joke. I was the heroine here, of course she wouldn't just forgive me for taking away the things she's worked so hard for. Even if I didn't want them all the power, attention and love she deserved fell into my lap.

When I tried to return what was rightfully hers she was painted as the villain and accused of bullying and tormenting.

When I tried to stand up for her no one listened, they all thought I was just some kind of virgin-Mary character.

In the end...trying to fall in love, befriend or even trying to protect her was only killing her spirit faster.

I stopped trying then, maybe when the game end and she's exiled or attacked...maybe I'll have another chance to protect her. Haha what a joke. Who knew that my own shitty decisions would lead to her death. She died just as she had lived ever since I entered her life, tragic and torturous.

No one regretted. 

No one mourned her. 

No. One. Cared.

This isn't right. It wasn't supposed to be like this. Where is the punchline?

This cant be real... she's supposed to be here living with a halo. She's supposed to be loved, she's supposed to be adored, why isn't she here by my side? She should be here, why did she leave me? She wouldn't leave me, right? Why did they take her from me? If I can't have my happiness they cant have theirs either! Make them regret, make them mourn, make them CARE-

I lay back down on the bed, covering my face with my palms. I sighed a little then laughed quietly to myself without even realising it.

Of course it was a dream. Something like that couldn't be real, things like that don't happen in reality. I may have lost my cool there for a second... What am I doing getting myself all worked up over a fictional character? I should read a fix-it fic to calm myself down.

I wiped the liquid that was either sweat or tears off my face, before peeling myself off of the soaked bed sheets, reaching for my phone. That's not quite right...

I bolted upright for the second time that night, this time properly taking in my surroundings. As my eyes adjusted to the darkness I began to see the damp, dark room of my shared dorm room. The white moonlight assaulted the room, showing the clear silhouette of Charlotte, sleeping peacefully.

I never left.

Relief passed over my tired bones, my tensed body instantly relaxed. I watched Charlotte's breathing for a while, syncing up my own breaths to calm my nerves.

I climbed across the bed to the trunk, sifting through the unfolded clothes and withered flower chains before finding what I was looking for. Lillian's letter.

I must have read her letter over a hundred times that night because when I finally accepted that I was still here the silvery moonlight had been replaced by the golden sunrise, warming my stiff heart.

The shower I took that morning was cold and unforgiving, but I wasn't paying attention. In my head I continued to recite them now memorised letter in my head.

Now, more than ever, I'm afraid to lose the little I have. I must be stronger.

For once in my life I'm not going to half ass something. this means too much. I wont accept anything other than the best this time, so that even if she askes me to destroy the world for her I'll be able to do it with no opposition....


Right, time to stop daydreaming about destroying the world and get to it!

I slapped my face hard, shocking Charlotte who was sitting opposite me, quietly reading her text book. A book on war strategies...wait, if I'm going to be the strongest does that mean I have to be the smartest too....?

Nah, ill just become strong enough to brute strength all my problems! Gah, my guildmates would be so proud...

Other than my little dramatic monologue, the morning was peaceful. Teaches still hated me, floppy hair kid still hated me, the lunch lady with the evil eye-... now that I think about it a lot of people hate me.

What happened to the protagonist halo huh??

Oh well, this is the was it should be anyway. Lillian might want to be an evil power couple in the future must get used to it!

The next class of the day was arguably the best class of the day, but its also the only time of the day I have to see the main character from Kronk's New Groove 4: The Revenge of Kronk, ahem.... sir Walko. So, I guess me and this class have a sort of love hate relationship.

Today we were all lined up in front of block 5V. Over the tall walls I could faintly see the tops of luscious trees. The whole block sounded relatively lion free but you can never be too sure...dastardly lions.

Sir Walko paced up and down in a worryingly good mood,

"Now that I have your attention id like to ask, has anyone here ever encountered,"

Pause for dramatic effect...

"A dragon?"

Half the class was immediately buzzing, the other half was collectively shitting themselves.

Sir Walko looked down on us all, which to be fair he's doing all the time, damned tree.

"Well you should know that if you don't do well here you can crush every dream you have of ever seeing one!"

Wow what an ass, how refreshing.

I glowered at him, spitefully.

How dare he bait me with gallant fantasies of me slaying dragons and saving the damsel!

He continued, "Today you'll be glad to know that you only have one task."

He smiled, but not a nice smile with big himbo energy... an accursed smile. Not the smile we want but probably the smile we deserve...

"Survive." He drawled out, simultaneously shoving us through the gate and locking it behind us.

This dick is so lucky that my phone doesn't exist in this world or id be phoning some kind of child protection services.

Most of the student didn't move, deciding to stay in one big group. Others fanned out, quickly looking for weapons and resources to use. I took Charlotte's hand, marching into the woods.

"We cant let those brats get ahead of us!  Adventure!"

Charlotte quickly snatched her hand back, her stoic face looking quite flustered.

"Right, uh...adventure?"

I gave her an encouraging look, its the attempt that counts anyway right?

After an hour or so of wandering and collecting, (me doing the wandering, charlotte doing the collecting), we had made it to the centre of the wood. since we were in a small clearing we thought it would be a good spot for a rest.

We were surrounded by dark looming trees on all sides, but it didn't feel intimidating. The sun was still high in the sky, so as it shone through the gaps in the leaves it created a joyous atmosphere.

I chewed on the surprisingly delicious root vegetable that Charlotte assured me was edible and closed my eyes. I was still exhausted from this mornings situation and my limbs had felt more heavy than usual. 

I should come back here sometime with Lillian. This seems like the perfect spot for a romantic picnic. Rather than bringing her during the day and basking in the sweet sunrays, I should bring her in the dead of night so we can watch the shy stars peeking through the leaves, hand in hand...

I must have fallen asleep because I had a very pleasant dream.

As my dream reached its peak, Lillian was about to place a dainty kiss on my forehead when-

"Well, well, well I was wondering where all the barbaric beasts were in this forest, I thought for a second that this was going to be too easy. Luckily we found two at once!"

I feel like I always get interrupted at the most crucial point....

Just ignore them May, they'll go away. Maybe if I don't move they wont see me.

Unfortunately Charlotte has a strong thing against injustice and had different ideas. She shook my shoulder attempting to jolt me awake.

Just ignore her May, she'll go away. Maybe if I don't move she wont see me.

"May I know you're awake."


I sat up to face our opponents, and surprise surprise its the kid with the floppy hair and the lackeys.

I don't recognise his face from the game, which isn't surprising considering that most of the main characters attended the magic academy alongside the MC of the game. this the cliché bullying scene of every otome game ever? The characters here are unknown but I'm getting the vibe...Ill deal with this like I've always wanted to!

By not dealing with it at all and going back to sleep, right now i feel like a millennial with one of those "don't talk to me until I've had my coffee" shirts.

The kid with eh snooty laugh, laughed snootily, seeing that we (just Charlotte really) were riled up by his words.

"You know if you wanted two girls such as yourselves could do with the protection of someone as strong as I." He smirked as if he had accomplished something with his words.

"May2_D2 is allergic to sexism, shutting down until further notice." I droned out before laying back down on the grass.

I know I said I wouldn't half-ass things anymore but sometimes you just have to ignore your problems to make them go away.

Charlotte gave me a stupefied look before sighing with irritation.

"Charlotte also thinks that the things you are saying aren't very realistic and is being bored to sleep uh...beep boop."

She followed after me laying down in exasperation, hitting her head on the way.

Goldilocks went red from rage and embarrassment, his fists clenched by his side. The lackeys either side of him gave him worried glances.

"Don't-Don't you know who I am??" He barked out, though his shout compared to Sir Walko was more like the whining of a kicked puppy.

I peeked an eye open, carefully scanning his face just to make sure.

"Nope, cant say I do."

The spoilt teen began shaking so hard I though he was going to blast off.

He stuck his nose up in the air, trying to act unfazed, "Humph, as if id even entertain the thought of telling swine like you. You'd probably be too shocked to continue living if you found out who my father is."

"Cool story bro, tell it again. Maybe it'll be even funnier the second time." I drawled, calling upon my inner Stanley to embrace the essence of being a dick.

Inside everyone there are two Stanleys, one is an asshole, the other is an asshole. in conclusion, Stanley is an asshole that I don't miss at all.

"Why you-" He picked up a rock from the ground and hurled it at Charlotte, she ducked at the last second, "I'll have you know that my father is the Quimbley Melk! I, his son, Quinton Melk will one day inherit his legacy, what will you do then swine?"

He beat his chest with pride.

Just great, more names to remember. Not like I had enough of those or anything.

He looked at me expectantly, waiting for an astounded, or perhaps reverent expression.

All he got though was a slow clap.

Oops he's angry again....this kid doesn't know when to give up.

Melk quickly lost his cool,

"I..I-I'll show you to laugh at me!"

He took a large stick from the lackey on his left, preparing for a fight. Charlotte also jumped up like she was on fire, determination burning in her eyes.

Wow, I guess that's what a proper knight should look like... too bad I only really came about Lillian and maybe like...2..3 other people? Damn I'd make a pretty good air bender, I don't have all that many earthly attachments.

I reclined on the ground, picking the grass and waiting for Charlotte to rumble this kid when I heard a faint stomping in the distance.

A little more interested, I sat up to try figure out what the noise was.

Through the bushes I spotted the first enemy of the class. It was large and covered all over in scales. Behind it swung a long serpent-like tail, powerful enough to devastate foliage in its path. Two beady black eyes stared at the group with malice, four powerful legs unhesitantly stomping forward.

I was immediately on my feet.

"Dragon", I cheered excitedly, readying my stance.

Charlotte turned around in alarm after hearing my cry.

She took a quick glance at the dragon before sighing in relief.

"No, that's only a large lizard." She brought her hand under her chin, "Its much too small and notice how it doesn't possess any wings."

She nodded to herself, I guess all that studying payed off in the end...

"Besides, I don't feel any mana coming from it. Dragons are known to have strong magic, if it really was a dragon...I fear we'd all already be dead."

"Aw boo, talk about a disappointment..." I sighed, "Oh well, I guess its practice for a real dragon encounter then!"

I charged at the drag-....sorry "large lizard", with my bare fists and a battle cry that struck fear into Lizards far and wide.


I jumped at the scaly bastard, putting it in a choke hold. But I forgot that I was a child, and this was a grown ass lizard thing.

It thrashed around attempting to throw me off, its tail climbing up and striking my back repeatedly. 

I felt bad that it was trying so hard so I let it throw me into a tree like a rag doll. It was totally intentional I promise... Luckily I was able to summon my protagonist privileges and I was completely fine....


I swear when I'm strong enough I'm going to make this species of lizard suffer defeat and go extinct.

After I was thrown off Charlotte came rushing up to the lizard after me. Rock in hand, she smashed the lizard over the head in a strangely elegant way...

I lifted a branch from the ground, thrusting it in front of Charlotte to protect her from the fast approaching tail of the lizard. The branch was strong enough to tank a single hit, only splintering slightly. I easily snapped the splitting branch and leaped behind the lizard, Charlotte effectively distracting at the front, the peanut gallery just staring either too scared to move or just didn't care enough to help.

I forcefully inserted the sharp, splintered end of the branch into the rear of the lizard.

The lizard let out a pained squeal, felling to the ground after one last firm hit from Charlotte.

A few members of the peanut gallery gave a few polite claps.

"Don't applaud them!" Quinton grumbled.

He let out a, "Humph..." before turning and sulking back into he forest.

I'll be honest that wasn't nearly as satisfying as I thought it would be...Its almost as if...bullying kids wont make me happy....


Next time I see him I'll give him a swift right hook to quench my Quinton craving!

Now more importantly, "Lets eat this scaly prick, I've always wanted to try lizard..."

Charlotte glanced at me, not even surprised anymore, "So you were being serious...."

I nodded enthusiastically, waiting for her to showcase sometime of impressive cooking mastery. I'll accept nothing less than Food Wars levels of goodness. If this is my standard then I'll forever only be able to eat anything Lillian makes , since anything she makes will be godly to me!

I made a fire while Charlotte prepared the meat in the most meticulous way possible. We then spent the afternoon laughing and joking. Every so often I'd see Melk stride by our camp, coveting our food with his eyes.

Some may be nice enough to share in this instance, befriend the bully and take him under my wing, attempt to make him open up about his deep brooding feelings...but I'm a dick and Charlotte still has a thing for justice, so we made the chewy and not all that tasty lizard meat look as delicious as possible just to spite him.

The rest of the class was uneventful...

So were the classes after that.....

And then lunch too...

I'm starting to think that I only fully enjoy myself when I'm with Lillian or when I'm close to death...

So I wrote my daily letter to Lillian telling her about my day, ensuring not to miss a single detail about my terrifying near death encounter with a dragon! I fought nail and tooth to protect my fellow comrades and suffered a terrible battle scar (massive fucking bruise)!

I hope she's impressed by me. Do you think she'll swoon? I think she'll swoon!

I tucked myself into my freshly changed bedsheets and stared at the silvery moonlight. This colour has always been a comfort to me.

As I stared at the pure white sheets of light dancing between my finger tips I drifted gently off to sleep, ensuring to wish Lillian a good nights sleep in my head hoping she was doing the same right now.

I had a peaceful sleep that night, because as long as we care for each other,

That's all we need.

She cares...

I care...

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