Subjected || Harry Styles [AU]

De ThirteenthGemini

262K 8.3K 4K

England has become a place of a desolate and deadened humanity, due to Vampires overthrowing the originating... Mai multe

{end note}


10.6K 383 219
De ThirteenthGemini

 H a r r y

Driving away from Anastasia was most definitely not an enjoyable feeling. With the events that occurred yesterday, I was even more concerned for her welfare, and I did hurt parting from her. I had many differences with Lord Zayn, and my powers sensed an unnerving aura surrounding him. I always had this feeling and it made me cautious of him.

When I spoke to him on the phone earlier, there was a strange hindrance in his tone. I was uncertain of what it actually meant, but decided to trust my better judgement. He could do nothing incriminating to her due to the circumstances. She does not belong to him, nor is she bound to him as a Bloodlust. Anastasia is still just a human, unattached and able to reject a Vampire.

It hurt that she had to be shoved between us. I had opposed this whole arrangement as soon as King Alistair suggested it. I was not too fond of the notion of a young girl being passed around like a toy. It was distasteful and unjust. I simply went along with the idea because I had to. There was just something about her.

From the moment I saw her frail body shoved onto that darkened stage, I knew that I needed to protect her. I felt it in the pit of my stomach. There was something about her fiery yet sensitive attitude. She genuinely cared about the world around her, and had no worries for anyone overhearing her opinions.

She was like someone I had never met before. I saw goodness in her heart, and I knew from that moment that she was destined for me. I would not say that it was love, yet it was deeper than that. My powers allow me to judge someone based on a first encounter, yet when I met her; it was not just righteousness that I detected. It was beyond complete integrity.

Anastasia Rosé Frascella was not put on this earth as just another pawn in the Vampires realm. She was placed in this earth for a purpose, and I sensed that purpose involved me.

Maybe this was the final part in fulfilling my broken heart.

Regardless of how I felt about her, we were still in this predicament. We only had four more days of this back and forth task, and I am determined to have Anastasia to call my own. I have an inkling that she will choose me, possibly due to my instincts, but also the way in which she speaks of Lord Zayn. He has treated her without moral or virtue, especially considering that he fed from her when it was informally forbidden.

I should not raise my hopes on the subject, as King Alistair could always sway in favour of Lord Zayn. He does hold knowledge and understanding when concerning himself with Bloodlust, and he had got years of experience dealing with them. Yet this was the bane of my whole argument, the fact that he describes Bloodlust as something he deals with, shows that he is not noble enough to actually care and love a human. It is impossible for Vampires like him.

“My Lord, we have arrived.” Walter spoke, pausing my trance.

“Thank you, Walt. I believe that I will be here until tonight, so you may take the majority of the day off.” I informed him with a smile, before slipping out of the car. He opened the passenger window and I walked towards it, bending to face him.

“I will ring you when I am here.” Walter confirmed. “Later then.” He then nodded, before closing the window and driving off.

I turned and glanced up at the large building stood opposite me. The West Sanctum stored so many objects from over the year that the morgue inside of it seemed only a small fraction of its entirety. As one of the owners of this building, I like to view over these situations myself, due to the questionable finds that we encounter.

I walked through the entrance to the building, with the automatic doors slipping open to let me inside. I nodded at the young receptionist, who I had hired a few months ago. She was a newer Vampire who had begged for work; otherwise she would have been disposed of for her defiant behaviour. I always tried my hardest to solve other people’s lives instead of them falling into the inevitable death with King Alistair believes the majority of species’ deserve.

Entering the golden covered lift, I pressed the button for the seventeenth floor, which was especially allocated for the morgue and scientific study. I moved upwards swiftly and reached the designated floor in, what felt like, mere seconds.

Pacing out of it sharply, I passed by a few of my workers before entering one of the offices. Inside was one of my top scientists, Thomas, who was sat at his desk working on some paperwork which seemed fairly important.

“Good morning, Thomas.” I spoke lowly, sitting upon one of the spare seats in his room.

“Hello, Harry.” Thomas chuckled, looking up from his work. I always admired this man for his age. He was sixty years old when he became a Vampire, and he always seemed thankful for being able to live on, even though he had expected to die within a few years. He was always jolly and kind, resembling a father figure and reminding me much of my own. “Are you here to look over the files of Jane Doe 12?”

“Yes,” I nodded, “I am sorry that I have taken so long to come in. My mind has been preoccupied.”

“Ah,” he laughed once again. “I heard that there was a wrangle going on amongst the Lords.”

“I would not call it a wrangle. It is more of a disagreement.” I frowned at the thought of fighting with Lord Zayn. He would most definitely lose.

“Well, whatever you label it, I think that it is preposterous.” He stood up and walked towards his filing cabinets, scanning through the files alphabetically before pulling one out and handing it to me. “That is her file, it was another following the pattern.” Thomas then sighed.

“Really?” My frown deepened. “We need to figure out who keeps doing this.” I mumbled.

I scanned across the papers within the file, reading over the autopsy report and observing the photos taken of the body. I remember the day we found her frail body in the road, and it still printed the grave thoughts in my mind.

She is presumed to have been between eighteen and twenty, and had long black hair. Her eyes were closed when I saw her, yet it is written here that she had brown eyes. I recalled her body being rather pale for a human, immediately showing that her blood had been drained. Her torn and blood-stained clothes presented her mistreatment and I still find it hard to grasp how someone could do that.

“Shocking, isn’t it?” Thomas leaned over my shoulder and scanned the file himself. “She was not only drained.” He solemnly spoke, pointing to a particular part of the report.

“Jane Doe shows signs of a struggle.” I read aloud. “It appears that the victim was pinned down, due to the deep bruising on her wrists. There are also significant markings across her hips and upper thighs, leading towards th-”

“Yes, I do not wish to hear it thoroughly again, Harry.” Thomas moved from behind me and sat back in his chair behind the bulky desk.

“She was raped and then killed.” I closed my eyes. I had read similar reports to this over the past few months and it sickens me every time. This is the type of situation which made me hate my own kind. They just use humans as if they do not matter in the world, and it sickens me. “Was there any DNA indicating who had done it?” I asked, not wanting to read any more.

“Not a trace. It was as if the Vampire was invisible.” Thomas shook his head.

“This seems too skilled for a loose cannon.” I observed. “Are we sure that it was just a sole Vampire. Surely they had some help?” I suggested.

“I do not believe so, unless they used some sort of spell. It is as if the bodies were untouched before death, which is impossible.”

“You have to believe even in the impossibilities of life, Thomas.”

“I know that, Harry.” He sighed. “We are Vampires for crying out loud!” He urged. “That was something which would have never occurred to me in my past life, and yet here we are.”  

“We need to figure this out soon, before they do anymore damage. That is twelve victims now who have all been killed in the same way.” I insisted.

“And we will,” Thomas nodded with a small beam. “You can count on me to find out.”


I had been awake most of the night in deep thought. This was not only over the situation at the Sanctum, but also my current predicament with Anastasia and Lord Zayn. It was as if everything was beginning to pile on my shoulders, and it was dragging me lower into the darkness below.

Pushing the more negative thoughts aside, I got ready for the day and decided upon wearing attire which was not usual for me. This outfit is something that I would have worn in my human life, if I were relaxing at home all day, which is exactly what I intend to do today with Anastasia. I think that she deserves a break after the last few traumatic days that she has had.

I slipped into a pair of grey tracksuit bottoms and into a plain, white t-shirt. These clothes were comfortable and soft. Something that my many suits do not acquire. I also put my long hair into a bun on the top of my head so that it was out of my face. My hair did become quite annoying on most days.

I had sent Walter to pick up Anastasia a few hours ago, and I instructed him to be as fast as possible. He knew how to make great conversation and I knew that he was rather fond of her. He had told me that she reminded him of one of his daughters, beauty and all. I will always feel some sort of pride when a comment like that is made. Anastasia truly was beautiful.  

After hearing the two of them speak happily downstairs for a few moments, I headed downstairs and joined them. We spent the good part of two hours merely talking in the lounge, with Walter explaining his human life history to Anastasia. I merely observed her as he spoke, absorbing the delicate facial expression and faultless body. I had not been this engrossed in someone since Lola, and I used to think that she was the most attractive woman in the entire world.

“Harry, what did you think about the 2012 Olympics?” Her soft voice asked, causing me to look at her with a smile.

“I thought that they were impressive. I wish that the Olympics still existed.”

“Me too,” Walter replied, “I enjoyed the athletics.”

“Sport sounds like a lot of fun.” Anastasia concluded, nodding to herself.

“Yeah, but I know something else that is a lot of fun.” I then suggested with a smile, wanting to do something else rather than just sitting around.

“What?” She questioned excitedly.

“Cooking.” I stood up. “Follow me,” I then held out my hand for her to clasp onto. Without a second thought, she stood up and I entangled our fingers as we began to walk through the house. I heard Walter exit the room behind us and out the front door; he know that he was now off duty until we needed to take Anastasia back to the Castle later.

“Harry, I have to tell you something.” Anastasia urged once we were in my huge kitchen. She was stood on the opposite side of the breakfast bar to me.

“What is it?” I was confused.

“I have never cooked before, not properly anyway.” She admitted sheepishly, twiddling her thumbs as she looked up at me nervously.

“Ah,” I chuckled, “do not worry. Lola could never cook either.” I rambled, not thinking of my words before I spoke them out loud. My eyes widened and I squinted in stupidity as Anastasia titled her head to the side to glance at me.

“Who is Lola?” She was puzzled.

“My stupid mouth.” I scolded myself before sighing heavily. Anastasia would have found out about Lola one day, I was merely putting it off for as long as I could. I suppose that she deserves to know. I know so much information about her yet she knows so little about me. “I will make you a deal.” I watched as her eyes twitched at the word. Ignoring the strange surge in my stomach at that action, I continued. “If you help be bake these chocolate chip cookies, I will tell you about Lola.”

“Okay,” she smiled, “deal.” She then walked around the island and stood beside me. “What do we do first?”

“I will get all of the ingredients and switch the oven on.” I told her my steps before completing them. Turning the dial on the oven to the correct heat and collecting the necessities to make cookies, I passed the large mixing bowl to Anastasia. I had made these over the years, especially seeing as I used to bake when I was a teenager.

“What do I do?”

I simply measured out all of the ingredients so that they were ready for her to mix. I wanted to laugh at the timid nature around the kitchen. She seemed so lost yet intrigued at the same time, somewhat resembling a new born puppy.

Once I had instructed her to place the butter and sugar into the bowl to mix, I began retrieving the baking trays to place the mixture into. She eventually added the egg and continued to stir, before finally adding the flour and finishing off the mixture. I watched as she wiped her head with her back of her hand, leaving a thin line of flour on her forehead. She did not seem to care though, as she continued her job.

We soon added the chocolate chips and placed the mixture into the baking trays. I put them into the oven as I did not want her to burn herself, which would have not been a good introduction to cooking. After cleaning away the rest of the crockery, the cookies were done and I removed them from its confinements, placing them onto the cooling trays which I left on the side.

“They smell so good.” Anastasia hummed with a small smile grazing her lips.

“They do.” I grinned. “Let them cool for a few minutes, here.” I gestured for her to sit at the dining table on the other side of the room. I followed behind her and sat down on one of the available chairs, sighing as I began to figure out how to tackle the subject of my past life. Before I spoke, I licked the pad of my thumb and then leant forward, wiping the flour off of her forehead. We both then laughed lightly before I continued. “I think it is about time I told you about Lola.” I began.

“Take your time, Harry.” Anastasia urged. “I do not want to push you.”

“No, this is the right thing to do.” I shook my head. Clearing my throat, I turned to that my body was facing her fully. “Lola was my girlfriend from my human life. I loved her more than anything in the world.” I coughed to clear my voice once again. “She was killed near the beginning of the Vampires rule, and I have never gotten over losing her.”

“I am so sorry.” Anastasia gasped before instinctively covering my hands with her own on the surface of the table. She squeezed lightly, returning a limited amount of warmth into my frozen palms.

“You have nothing to apologise for.” I turned my hands and squeezed back. “You probably wonder why I have no Bloodlust or partner of any kind. That is purely because over the last two hundred years, I have been so heartbroken over the loss of Lola. It is always seen as foolish to the Lords and Ladies, yet I was completely infatuated with her and they find that difficult to understand.”

“I think that you are brave, Harry.” Anastasia replied, gulping. I saw some sadness in her eyes which I could not decipher. “You clearly love her very much, and I am sure that she would be proud of the person that you have become.” She let go of my hands, before pushing her chair backwards and standing up. I watched her movements and she walked to the counter and picked up two cookies, placing them onto the plate which I left beside the trays. “Cookie?” She offered, making me laugh. She was so adorable.

“I am glad that we met each other, Anastasia.” I admitted, taking the plate from her as she sat back down at the table.

“I am too. I thought that I would grow old and die underground.” She snorted. “There is two things that I have been appreciative over the past two weeks, besides those, I still hate Vampires with every fibre of my being.” She continued. “Sorry.”

“None taken.” I smiled. “What are the two things which you are grateful for?”

“Well, the first is that I have been able to see more of the world than I ever thought I would. I really enjoyed our day around London, regardless of how it ended.” She bit into the cookie, humming at the deliciousness. She then looked up at me once again “And I am also thankful for meeting you.”

“Me?” I was startled at her confession.

“Yes, you.” She giggled. “I never thought that I would speak to a Vampire, let alone meet one who is so kind and giving. You are more genuine that anyone I have ever met. So, thank you.” She smiled once again before finishing off her cookie.

We sat in silence as we both absorbed the whole conversation. I ate my own cookie slowly and stared straight ahead. I feel some relief in having revealed a part of my dark past. Anastasia was quiet, maybe too silent, which made me turn to face her once again. Her expression had changed, and she had a saddened look on her face as she stared down at her plate. I was bewildered by that.  

“Are you alright, Anastasia?” I had to ask.

“Yes.” She looked up and smiled momentarily before frowning once again.

“I am not too sure you are being completely honest with me.”

“Well,” she shifted uncomfortably in her seat. “Please know that I like that you have finally revealed some of your past to me. I never thought that I would figure out the mystery that is Lord Harry Styles.”

“I am glad to have obliged.” I chuckled.

“I just cannot help but feel, uh,” she paused, “I do not even know how I feel.”

“What do you mean?” I was beginning to get fairly concerned.

“Uh,” she paused once again, “I feel inadequate, Harry.”

“Why is that, my love?” That was something which I never intended to make her feel. That is a feeling which I would expect Lord Zayn to thrust upon her.

“You were, are, so in love with this Lola.” She continued, biting her bottom lip as if she had spoken dishonestly.

I did not know what to do in that moment. She looked so hurt and confused, yet innocent and beautiful all at the same time. I wanted to comfort her and hold her in my arms. It reminded me of how I protected her in a couple of days prior. It was yet another example of this connection I sense from deep within.

My powers were pulsating at that moment and my instincts were telling me to hence forth and solve this problem. There was only one thing that I could have done in that moment, and I needed to do it. Without any deliberation, I leant forward in my seat, pulling her chair around the table so that it was closer to my own. I then leant forward in the heat of the moment and listened to my inner command.

I kissed her. And I kissed her hard.

As my lips met with hers, my eyelids closed shut and I allowed the sensation to run through my body. I felt her gasp as my mouth attached to hers, but then almost instantly felt her return the kiss. The pressure built up as I felt the wetness of her mouth against mine. I moved my hands so that they held onto her face, before tangling in her blonde hair and tugging her even closer towards me. Her hands fell to my chest and the heat pulsing through them almost made me feel alive.

Her lips were soft and even smoother than the parts of her skin which I can touched before. I could feel the purity of her whole being, and it was beautiful. After a few more moments of passion, I broken apart from her yet still held her close. She still seemed startled yet looked directly into my eyes. She was breathing heavily and the familiar small smile grazed her, now, slightly swollen lips.

“Let me tell you this, Anastasia.” I began once again, both of us still panting as we held one another. “You never fall out of love with your first love, as they were the beginning of all of those mystifying types of feelings.” I moved my hands from her hair and held her cheeks instead. “Since meeting you I have been open to finding myself again. I admire you for giving me that sense of hope, and I will forever be grateful for that.” I breathed out heavily, stroking over her face before pecking her lips once more. “You will never be inadequate to me, Anastasia. Never.” 


This was a chapter which showed a bit more to Harry's mind, eh? Did you like it? I thought the ending was pretty magical ;) 

Pleeeeeeeease comment! Hardly anyone comments and it makes me sad :( It's funny that votes are like ten times more than the amount of comments haha. I love you lot regardless of the limited comments, I'm happy that you even take the time out of your days to read this! 

Only ten more chapters left :) Halfway point...

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