Liar, Liar [Milo Manheim]

By AuthorError

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Milo gets caught using his fake ID at a local bar in New York More



1.8K 32 21
By AuthorError

The teen mentally sighed as they got to Violet's apartment building.
"I'll walk you up.." He lamely suggested, glaring at his friends in an almost threatening way to make sure they waited for him. Violet waved bye to the boys before heading to the elevator in her building, Milo following suit.
"I'm sorry if—"
"—You gotta stop apologizing kid." Her giggle made him relax, a light blush dusting his cheeks.
"Sor— Yeah your right." Nervously he ran a hand through his hair with a laugh. You've had sex with her, you shouldn't still be this nervous? Right?
"Thank you though, for everything. This was fun.." He smiled, seeing her nod in agreement before they both stopped in front of her apartment door.
"Thanks for walking me up." Violet pulled out her keys, unlocking her door.
"Of course, had to make sure you didn't get mugged.." Milo's words slowed as his eyes locked with hers. "Or killed."  Her lips pulled into a grin before her eyes flickered to his mouth. The next thing he knew his hands were flat against her door, bracing himself as he was suddenly yanked down to her lips. A groan bubbled up in his throat before he began kissing her back with equal intensity.

"Wanna come inside?" His lips felt cold as she pulled back. He surprised her, picking her up and walking over the threshold. Appreciating the way her legs wrapped around him tightly.
A gasp left her lips this time as her back was pressed against the door. Milo had gotten them inside her place just to propt her against it, his fingers blindly fumbling with the lock to make sure it was secure.  His lips moved from hers to her neck, desperately needing air but not daring to pull away from her completely. He didn't know what it was about her, she had him loosing himself.
Violet moaned before jolting in surprise, a choked cry leaving her lips. Her hands tugged on his hair, encouraging him to continue the harsh bites he was imprinting along her neck. Milo's hips instinctively rolled forward at the sound of her moans. Fuck, He wanted to be inside her.
As if she was reading his mind, her legs squeezed around him even tighter. Pulling his mouth off her neck forcing his eyes to meet with hers.
"Is there enough time to take this to the bedroom?"Milo nodded in confirmation before turning his head over his shoulder.

"Hey Siri? Text Mason.. I'll catch up with you guys tomorrow." Violet giggled biting down on her lip as she waited for his phone to confirm the text was sent. Milo pulled her off the door making his way across the small apartment to the slightly familiar bedroom. His foot throbbed reminding him of the work he just got done. Not wanting to try missionary with his foot feeling as sore as it was. A idea popped into his head.

Violet moaned, her insides clenching as she felt his erection through their clothing. Their crotches continued to grind together while their kisses became more and more desperate. Milo set her on her feet before yanking his shirt off, his eyes refusing to leave the brunette as she pushed her panties down her legs. He sucked in a breath, feeling her lips trail down his neck while her fingers fumbled with the zipper and button on his jeans.
"Um condoms?" He stifled a moan, his head dropping to her shoulder as she took his thick length in her small hand.
"There's some in the nightstand if you want to use them."
"Want to?" Milo was surprised at the suggestion but she only pulled her lips away from his neck shrugging up at him.
"I'm guessing your clean and I'm clean.. and on birth control." He bit his lip before hurriedly grabbing her around her waist. His lips meeting with her swollen ones even more feverishly than before.
"Y-your sure?" Violet tightened her legs around his waist as he hoisted her up and held her up against her bedroom door. His erection pressed against her naked sex making them both gasp for air.
"Yes now please hurry up." Her whining was music to his ears and he didn't make her wait another second. Watching her as he forced her to take him all without warning. She stiffened in his arms, whimpering as he impaled her. The sensation was more than she bargained for. The door didn't have any give like a bed would and she was completely forced to take every inch of him as he trapped her against the wood. He rolled his hips forward hard again after pulling out painfully slow. A cry was forced from Violets lips, her eyes threatening to roll back.
"Oh f-fuck." Another slow retraction, just for him to thrust into her balls deep yet again.
"Is this okay?" She nodded finally looking into his hooded eyes. His height allowed him to keep her eye level with him. Their harsh breaths mingling as he continued his deep strokes. Not able to take the intense stare off any longer she pulled his lips back to hers, tightening her arms around his neck.
His thrusts gained some speed, Violet moaning into his mouth as she felt her peak rapidly approaching already. She didn't know how Milo could be this hot and good in bed with being as awkward as he was.

"Fuck how do you feel so good?" Milo grunted, slamming his hips faster feeling her muscles tighten around his manhood. "Fuck baby your going to make me cum.." Quickly he reached down between them to play with her clit as he felt a tingle crept up his back.
"That's it Violet let go for me baby." The husk in his voice did her in, crying out while he groaned loudly, sloppily slamming his hips into her as she pulsated around his cock.

Milo went to grab his jeans but Violet insisted he could stay and shower. However not much cleaning got done. He ended up back on his ass like this morning, her riding him as the hot water poured over there bodies.

After finally getting cleaned up, Milo pulled on his boxers. His eyes tiredly read the clock on her sound machine, it was close to two in the morning.
"It's late, if you wanna stay.." Milo smirked his lips meeting Violets in another hot, searing kiss.
"Are you just using me for my body?" The older girl giggled as the much taller teen crawled on top of her.
"You are surprisingly good in bed and very charming for a nineteen year old."
"And your surprisingly generous and caring for a New York bartender and tattoo artist.." He couldn't help it as he kissed her gently, their kisses becoming softer and slower as they complimented each other. Milo groaned as she lifted her hips. Her panty covered crotch rubbing against his.
"Fuck Violet, your going to give me a friction burn." He laughed before peaking her lips once more. She pretended to pout as he rolled onto his back.
"Sorry your pretty enticing.." Violet drew circles on his chest before allowing herself to snuggle closer to him. Surprising herself when her body relaxed in almost relief as his arms held her against his chest.

"W-would you wanna grab some coffee or breakfast tomorrow?"
"Is this about the tattoo still? It's really not a big deal."
"N-no it's not that.. I was just um wanting to get to know you more?" Violet stiffened for a minute, she understood why is heart was beating so fast now. Tilting her head back she looked up at him even though they could barely see each other now that the lights were off.
"Like a date ?" She cooed making Milo's cheeks heat up. Fuck come on sack up.
"Yeah a breakfast date." It felt like time stopped, waiting for her to answer. He sucked in a breath, surprised when her lips molded against his softly.
"Sounds good to me."


Milo was finding himself majorly out of his element. Sure he had always had a thing for older girls but he had never actually made it happen. His ex was only a grade older than him but here Violet was.. on a date with him.
Maybe she was just entertaining his fantasy?
There's no way she wants anything to do a nineteen year old..
She was only 23 but that was still a four year age gap. She had a established career and he was still writing essays. Granted technically he had a career but he just hadn't had the nerve to tell her..
He kind of wanted to see where being a normal teenager got him.

"So NYU is pretty tough to get in, what made you wanna go there?" Violet took a second to give him yet another once over. She had no idea what a kid like him could be doing there. Milo took a minute go think of his answer.
"I'm there for law, I didn't get into Columbia." The lie came out faster than he could stop it. It was so smooth and believable..
Plus he was an actor.
It literally was his job to pretend to be someone else..

"How did you find yourself here?"
"Well I'm originally from San Diego actually.. but my parents got divorced when I was 13. My mom wanted to get as far away from my dad as possible."
"Ouch I'm sorry." Violet shrugged, sipping her latte as she looked out the window.
"Eh it's okay, I got to spend my summers and holidays with my dad. Spent the school year with my mom. Got two of everything.. it was pretty hard at first but I'm kind of an adult now so not much to
dwell on anymore. What about you?"
"My parents? Um they spilt before I was born, turns out my dad was gay." Milo shrugged it technically wasn't that big of a lie but he noticed Violet gape in shock. "No way was your mom crushed?"
"No, she kind of always had a feeling. There really good friends though."

"What made you want to be a lawyer?"
"I like helping people, why do you have two jobs?"
"It's kind of fun, you know if you ignore the assholes and creepy guys but honestly the tips are pretty nice." Milo laughed, watching as Violet played with her empty coffee cup. "I like being able to keep busy and meeting new people." She didn't like letting a lot of people in .. but she wouldn't say it.

Milo held the door open for Violet as they excited the coffee shop. He grinned as she laughed at something he said. He was just happy he could make her smile let alone laugh as much as he did today. Looking down he saw her hand gently swaying at her side as they walked. After a minute he finally took a deep breath reaching down to grab ahold of it. Violet bit her lip, a small smile fighting to appear on her face.
She hadn't had a guy act so cute and sweet towards her in a while.

The kid was definitely peaking her interest..


2 weeks later..

Milo waited on the steps leading to Violets apartment, she said she would be down in a minute. He couldn't help but feel nervous. They'd had one other date since their breakfast outing followed by some pretty intense sex. He swore his dick twitched in his pants at the thought. He was starting to see he couldn't hold back with her..

"Hey." Milo breathed out, he momentarily thought he forgot how to as he took in the tight dress that graced her perfect body. Stepping forward he gave her a hug. Violet couldn't help but inhale his cologne as his long arms pulled her firmly against his chest. She was starting to take notice of his cologne collection already. He looked down at her as she tilted her head up, the way she peaked at him through her eyelashes shouldn't be legal. Milo pressed his lips to hers not being able to help himself any longer. After a minute he finally willed himself to pull away from the feverish kisses.
"Okay we gotta go or I won't be able to stop myself.." Violet giggled tugging on his hand, the two making their way down the busy New York street towards the night life scene.
They were going clubbing with their friends.

The idea made Milo nervous at first, things had been going so good. He was just afraid of something slipping up and ruining his chances of continuing to get to know the beautiful woman.
Something like the truth. The thought popped up in his head but he tried to shake the uneasy feeling it gave him.
She thought he was just some over privileged, surprisingly humble nineteen year old who's parents had deep pockets.

He had told her his name was Milo Turner and that Mason was actually his cousin. Even making a second private Instagram with photos of him and his high school friends just to make it real.
Okay that part was probably going a little too far..

But he had to know, that she liked him for him. That she wasn't interested in the stupid clout or the perks. That she wasn't trying to use him.
He was usually so gullible and he couldn't tell anymore what people were trying to accomplish by getting close to him.

"You okay?" Her soft voice brought him out of his wary thoughts. Giving her hand a squeeze and her mouth a gentle peck, he smiled down at her.
"Yeah I'm good, there was just this stupid paper that was stressing me out this week. I'm kind of worried it made less sense than I thought.." Not a total lie, but also wasn't the truth she was asking for...
"Oh I'm sure you did great on it smarty pants." Cooed Violet, she ran her hands over his broad shoulders before taking his jaw in her hand. "But if it's still bothering you later, I happen to know some really amazing ways to relieve stress.." She tried to sound as seductive as possible as she whispered the last part against his ear. His grip on her hips tightened making her smile with satisfaction.
"You sure you can wait that long?" He teased back, nipping at her earlobe making his slow decent down her neck.
"Damn Cuz get it!" The two broke apart just to see an amused Mason. He didn't like the idea of Milo telling all these lies but he was getting a kick out of being Milo's cousin.
"Are you guys wearing the same sneakers?" Mused Violet taking in the pair wearing a identical set of custom Air Force 1's.
"There more like twins than cousins, sometimes it's annoying." Wil confirmed before Violet's friend Destiny greeted him with a flirty hug. Violet rolled her eyes, poor boys didn't know what they were getting into with her friends.

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