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Milo panted, his eyes glaring into the darkness as he realized what had happened yet again.

Another nightmare.. but it was real.

It had been a few weeks since he'd seen Violet. A few weeks since they had talked. Since he told her everything and begged for her back...

Begged for just one more chance.

It had been weeks of hell, every night all he could see was the hurt on her face. The tears falling down her cheeks as she closed the door telling him she was sorry... Even after everything he had done, she was the one apologizing to him..

"Milo—I can't. I'm so sorry."

He had broken her trust, once that was gone it was gone. Especially for a woman like Violet.

His phone read 3:45am. Biting his lip he sat up in his bed. The first couple days felt like he was drowning. He didn't think he had ever hurt this bad over a girl. He didn't even know it was possible to hurt this bad over a girl..

Then again no one had ever taken his breath away, pushed him out of his comfort zone, kissed every inch of his skin.. like permanently tattooing her place in his heart.

It sounded ridiculous. They had only been together for a short time but she owned him, heart and soul and now..

.. he was ruined.

And he knew he ruined her too....


Violet clutched her knees to her chest. Her eyes flickering to her phone yet again.

He'd be here soon and she was dreading it.. and hating herself all over again. Why? Because like the idiot she was, she missed him.

She missed his goofy laugh. The way he'd go to whatever length to make her smile. His easy going personality. The infinite charm..

The way he smelled, his dark eyes absolutely glued to her as she undressed..

The way he still whispered he loved her even after all the times she never said it back.

A knock on the door made her jump, quickly she straightened her hair and hurried to open it.

Seeing him wasn't any easier. His sad smile hitting her like a ton of bricks.

"Hey." His voice gently caressed her ears, slightly scratchy as if he hasn't been drinking enough water. Which by the look of him. He didn't look like he was exactly taking care of himself.

He had stubble, his hair without product and was overly causal in a pair of grey sweats and white t.

It had been a month, she figured after a month she'd be able to handle this but taking one look at him told her all she needed to know.

She'd never get over it.

"Hey, glad you came.."

After letting him in she played with her fingers, this whole thing had fucked with her head. Even though part of her believed him that he never meant or wanted to hurt her..
It still made her small and insecure. Leaving yet another scar on her heart.

"Um—I..I think I got everything.." Violet awkwardly gestured to the cardboard box on the couch. Milo swallowing hard as his eyes fell on the various items filling the large box. His things.

Liar, Liar [Milo Manheim]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora