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Milo woke up in a layer of sweat, panting as he clutched his chest. His heart was beating wildly and he felt like he could run a mile or puke with all this sudden adrenaline rushing through his body.

Looking over at the clock as he continued to try to calm himself down, he groaned as he read the numbers, 3:27 am

He had been having night terrors every night since Violet flew back to New York. The guilt he had was eating him alive.

She loved him but the truth was she didn't know anything about him.

"Why am I so stupid.." Milo whined as he pulled his hair. He had never felt so on edge and racked with anxiety in his life.

"...So what's the plan when all the Zombie 2 Press comes out?" Milo looked over at Meg, confusion clearly written all over his face as he sucked down his quad shot latte. He was exhausted.
"She won't even see it.. plus I'm not even in town for the press tour.." Meg stopped playing with her straw and shot him a incredulous look. "Milo please tell me you've been reading your emails." Her voice caused another wave of panic to spread through his chest, he knew he wasn't about to like whatever she said next.
"The press tour kicks off in New York.. Pearce, Chandler, Ariel and I are all flying in. They wanted us all together and knew you'd be heading back for school..."

"It's going to be all over Times Square..." Milo cursed as the realization hit him in the face.

"You have to figured out a way to tell her.. before she finds out."

"Working on it..."



Milo clutched his phone in his hand, his heart beating incredibly fast as he continued to fumble around with the device. A single text had been staring at since he got it this morning.
From Violet.

Are you okay?

No of course he wasn't...

He instead he had replied,
Yeah! Sorry just visiting family. I'll call you later?
Love you.

That was hours ago and he hated himself for it. Biting the inside of his cheek and impatiently tapping his foot. He continued counting down and watching the clock.

"You look like you are about to have a aneurysm.." Meg bit her lip in concern as her best friend looked like he was about to either puke or combust.

"The last few days have been nothing but lies, lies and more lies.. She doesn't even have a fucking clue I flew in last night.. or that were about to go on live in fifteen minutes.."

The rest of the cast continued chatting amongst themselves as they realized their co-star was not in the mood for much. Meg as usual was the only one who could approach Milo so easily especially when he was falling apart.

"Maybe after this you should go find her." Running a hand through his perfectly styled hair he let out a noise of frustration. His knee shaking from nerves. The stylist would definitely bitch about him ruining his hair right before they went on.

"Do you honestly think.. there's.. there's any of version of this where she is still my girlfriend after I tell her?"

Meg opened her mouth but quickly closed it. Her eyes said it all.

Liar, Liar [Milo Manheim]Where stories live. Discover now