
561 11 11

December 2022


"It's beginning to look a lot like—-" The speakers outside belted out the familiar Christmas toon. People hustling and bustling past each other as they desperately looked for last minute gift ideas.

"Violet?" Turning to his best friend he raised an eyebrow. "That's definitely not how the song goes.."

"No you idiot! It's your Violet!" Mason shoved his tall friends face in the direction he was looking. Milo's jaw dropped, sure enough it was Violet.

....and holding her hand was the girl in all her photos.

"So she really.. is with that woman.." Mason scratched his head, awkwardly looking around the market they were at desperately trying to find something else to catch his friends attention. Nothing reopened old wounds like running into your ex.

"Milo! Milo what are you—" Milo waved at his friend to relax, he was just going to say hi.. He could do that right? They were friends..
...and he was totally over her..


"Vi?" Milo watched as she turned around, her lips parting in shock before giggling. He definitely wasn't expecting her to throw her arms around his neck. The hug didn't feel awkward. Just warm and kind. Unfortunately if was short lived, opening his eyes as she pulled away he saw the woman she was with practically examining him.

"Milo! This is so crazy I didn't expect you to be here!"

"I live here ! What about you miss east coast?"
"We're visiting my dad." His smile slowly faded, putting two and two together.

Violet brought her girlfriend to meet her dad.. to spend Christmas with her family.

"We just stopped here before heading into SD, last minute shopping.." She shrugged, Milo smiled happy she didn't seem to notice his faltering composure.

"Last minute shopping as well.. Um how is Tim doing these days? You know since the dodgers sucked this season.."
"You ass!" Violet laughed, smacking his arm. Fuck her laugh was music to his ears.

A throat cleared next to them making him smirk, Violet was so caught up with him she had forgotten all about her own little girlfriend. The blonde gave him a fake smile before holding her hand out.
"I'll just introduce myself since this one isn't too great at introductions.."
"Shit ! Sorry Milo, this is Keely my girlfriend.. Keely uh Milo.." Keely shook his hand and he felt suddenly self conscious as she continued to size him up.

"Nice to meet you Keely."

"You as well.. So how do you know each other?" Violet looked up at him, both of them sharing a startled look before speaking at the same time.

"Uh the club."
"Wild n Free."

Keely opened her mouth but Milo being the excellent actor he was .. of course was able to save face.

"That's right! I guess I did technically meet you at the club first.. I ended up running into her again a couple weeks later when she did the ink on my foot." Violet looked at Keely seeing her relax. Her stomach flipped seeing her girlfriend believe his lie. Technically it wasn't a lie.. not completely but they both knew it wasn't the whole truth.

Just like that she was reminded of what he did. How easy it was for him to lie and how easily it was for him to reduce their entire relationship down to those two sentences.
Like it had meant nothing.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27 ⏰

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