Bangtan Boys EXceed In Dreami...

By user59766283

721 33 3

With Jin already in the military and B.E awaiting Suga's enlistment, B.E tries their best to fulfil their sch... More

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6th March , Friday

11 1 0
By user59766283

Dorms , 10.00...
LE taps iPad : Like this
Jungkook : Ohh
LE : Here
RM : Noona's up early
LE yawns : Yes , I woke up and couldn't fall back asleep
RM : Did you sleep well ?
Solji : With Yoongi , of course she did
Jungkook laughs : Haha
Solji hands mug : Here
RM : Oh , thank you
LE : What about me ?
Solji : Make one yourself
Jungkook : I'll make one for you
LE : No , it's okay
Junghwa walks down starts : Did Unnie cook ?
Solji : Yes , I did
Junghwa : Wow~ smells delicious
LE : Eat up
Junghwa : Mm !
Jungkook smiles : I like this
LE : What ?
Jungkook : A peaceful morning , everyone doing their own thing
Solji : Too bad , we have a B.E meeting in awhile
Junghwa : Don't you usually play games at this time ?
Jungkook : Yes , I needed Noona's help
Junghwa : Ah...
Solji : You're good at games , what help ?
Jungkook chuckles : It's personal
Solji : I understand
RM : Oh , the coffee is just right
Junghwa : Oh ?
RM : Thank you , Noona
Jimin walks down stairs : Noona~
Solji : Morning
Jimin : Good morning , everyone !
LE : Morning
Junghwa : Good morning
Jimin : Something smells good
Junghwa : Unnie cooked !
Jimin : Which ?
Junghwa : Solji Unnie cooked
Jimin smiles : Ah , really ?
Jungkook : He's so happy
Solji whisper : Annoying
Hani : What time is the meeting ?
Junghwa : Oh ?
LE : Is that the first thing you ask in the morning ?
Hani chuckles : Good morning~
RM : In a few minutes
Jimin : I'm hungry *kiss Solji's head* Thank you
Solji : Go eat
Hani : Hold on
RM : Not hungry ?
Hani : Not really
LE : Let's start
RM nods : Let's
Solji : Impatient
LE : Shh
Solji : Members~ let's
JHope knocks door : Noona
Hyerin : Coming
V : So sudden ?
JHope walks down stairs : What ? I was on my way down , might as well
Junghwa : Or there will be yelling
B.E chuckles : Hehe
V : I feel like eating fruits
Jimin : Noona cooked , eat her food
V : Alright , alright
Solji : It's okay
Suga : He still needs to eat
Hani : Oh ? We don't have to call you
Suga : Not today
RM : Let's start
Jungkook : Noona's still eating
Junghwa : No , it's okay , let's discuss *holds plate*
Jungkook holds cup : I got it
Junghwa : Thank you
JHope : We need a calendar
Hani : I have a planner here
Jimin : Noona , can you snap a photo of it later
Hani : Sure
JHope : Please share it in the group
Hani : Yes~
RM : Okay
Solji : Settle down
Junghwa : What's wrong ?
RM : Nothing is wrong , we have a lot of schedules coming up . We just want to arrange and discuss the schedules so we don't work ourself tired
Junghwa : Ah...
Suga : I am... planning to enlist in May
Solji : Not June ?
Suga : No , May
Junghwa : So we have to try to finish everything before May
RM : We can try to
Suga : I haven't picked a date , so we still have maybe about 5 to 7 days
Junghwa : Ah...
RM : The judging show starts in April right ?
Solji : Yes
RM : Let's start as soon as possible
Hyerin : We might have to just focus on one schedule
JHope : Right now , we can't take in anymore schedules
Junghwa : Right , right
Solji : Because you wanted something ?
Suga : It would be cool if we can have a concert before I enlist
V : What are you talking about , Hyung ?
Jimin : That is a must
Jungkook : Didn't we promise there will be a concert before our enlistment ?
Suga chuckles : Yes , yes *nods*
Solji : What do you want for '2' ?
Suga : I think we pretty much got everything
LE : It's okay , just tell us
Solji : We know you want something
Suga : Well... a fansign and concert
Hyerin : Concert will be settled
Suga : I actually... would prefer this concert to be separated from that
RM : So two concerts ?
Suga nods : One for '2' and another one just for us , B.E
Solji : Let's have the concert for '2' around April , to end off our promotions . For the B.E concert , maybe around May
Hyerin : As long as it's before Oppa leaves
Solji : Yes
Junghwa : Aren't we getting a little sidetracked ?
Jungkook : ... !
RM : Yes , let's discuss everything for this month first , most importantly our promotions
Solji : So we have to prioritise '2'
LE : For the concerts and show schedules , let's fill in the blanks first . We write down an estimated date of when it's going to happen
Jimin nods : ...
Jungkook thinking : Junghwa Noona seems angry
Hyerin : Can we have tomorrow off ?
RM nods : Sure , I think everyone's tired right ? We did work hard for the MV
Suga : Shouldn't we work hard until promotions' over ?
Solji thinking : At this point of time , one of us will collapse again , like Kookie 2 years back
RM : Well...
Suga : It's okay , I just remembered I have something to do
Solji : So tomorrow's break day
Hani : Okay
Jungkook : Our 'Dream Team' final is on the 8th
V : Oh , we should go see
JHope : Right
Junghwa : We want to invite you
V : Let's go then
Jimin : You'll be amazed by how much they have prepared
Junghwa nods : ...
Solji : Are you going to practice tomorrow ?
Junghwa : We should
RM : I think you should rest
Jungkook : Maybe a short practice
Junghwa : Right
Jimin : I don't blame them if they want to practice , they do have some hard dance
LE : And dance sport is not their major
RM : Practice if you need to , not too much
Junghwa nods : Mm
Jungkook : Yes
JHope : The 9th is Hyung's birthday , it's break day
Solji : Are you going back to Daegu ?
Suga : I'm still thinking , maybe I will go back on the night of 9th
Hani : Let us know when you make up your mind
Suga nods : ...
Jimin : It better be quick
LE : It's in 3 days
Suga nods : I'll let you guys know as soon as possible
Hyerin : Can we change our comeback date ? 14 is...
Junghwa : Well Unnie , we will have our showcase in the morning only . We're free in the afternoon and evening
JHope : Right
Jimin : Evening plans are the best
B.E : Hul~
Maknaes laughs : Haha
Hyerin : Won't you guys be tired ? Going for a date after schedules
Hani : It will be okay
LE : Rest assure
Hyerin nods : ...
JHope : Ah ! Sejeong is debuting on the 17th , can I... ?
Suga laughs : Go ahead
JHope : Yes !
Hani : So 17th is free ?
RM nods : I might have schedules so it's a free day for B.E . On the 20th , I might host a B.E game
V : Oh ?
RM : A special one
Jimin : Who's the lucky person this time ?
RM : It involves all of us
B.E : Pardon ?
RM nods : It's special , you guys will know the day before
Suga : Why not now ?
RM : Then you could discuss the answer
Hani : It's like a quiz
Junghwa : Ah... I don't know whether to be afraid or not
RM : You , Jungkook and Noona will be the host
Jungkook : We don't know what is it about
RM : Only you 3 will , I'll let you know later
Hyerin : ... ?
LE : Should we worry ?
Suga : Maybe
B.E laughs : Haha
Hani : 21st is a Saturday
Suga : Let's have our fansign on weekends
Solji : Do you want 21st ?
Suga : Is everyone free ?
V : Yes
Junghwa : We don't have anything
Suga : That will be fansign one
Solji : How many do you want ?
Suga : One or two
LE : I'm not free on the 25th
Hani : Right , appointment ?
LE : Yes
JHope : I have schedules too
Junghwa : So B.E is free
Solji : Actually we have a lot of breaks
Jimin : It's more like individual schedules that are more
Hyerin nods : ...
Suga : When's the next weekend after 21st ?
Hani : 27th , 28th and 29th
Suga : Will Friday be okay ?
Junghwa : For a fansign ?
Solji : Afternoon , after lunch
RM : Schools should be out early
Suga : Fansign two
Hani nods : ...
V : I'm hungry
Solji : Go eat first , we'll plan the concerts and others after you eat
V : Yes
Suga : What are we having ?
Jimin : Solji's homecook
B.E : ... ?
LE : Did you just-... ?
Solji : Jimin sometimes calls me by my name now
B.E : Ohh
Jimin smiles : I should not be proud because I'm being rude but I like it
Suga : Who doesn't ?
Hyerin : Do you have something to add on ?
Suga : No , no
B.E laughs : Haha
Hani : You do
Suga : No , I didn't say anything
LE : Just eat and keep quiet
B.E laughs : Haha
Solji : I asked you to eat , not dance !
JHope : Okay , okay , sorry !
B.E laughs : Haha
Hyerin takes picture : ... *taps phone*
Message : [Lini ❤️ sent a photo]
[Lini ❤️ : Oppa , a fresh morning of B.E for you]
JHope : Kk~
Solji : Why ?
Suga : What's wrong with you ?
JHope shows phone : Yeah~

Hani : Wah~ pretty
JHope : Right ?
RM : It seems like Sejeong can be cute or pretty
Junghwa : Yes !
Solji : Jiwoo... ?
RM : Cute or cool... ?
B.E laughs : Haha

Junghwa walks down stairs : Unnie...
LE : Why ?
Junghwa : Nothing *lies down on LE's leg* Reading ?
LE : Mm
Junghwa : Where's Oppa ?
LE : Yoongi has some work to finish up , he's in his room
Junghwa : Ah... I thought he would be here
LE : We can't always be together
Junghwa : Did you know , that he was enlisting in May ?
LE nods : Yes...
Junghwa thinking : You didn't , he only hinted at it
LE : Why did you come down ?
Junghwa : Just
LE : What is up ?
Junghwa : Mm... I was thinking
LE : About ? What's wrong ?
Junghwa : Our schedules *chuckles* Doesn't it seems too much ?
LE : A little
Junghwa : But we have to finish everything before Oppa leaves , we know Oppa doesn't like things to be left undone
LE nods : That's right
Junghwa chuckles : We finally got our wish , looks like it...
LE : We wanted better schedules , but like this ?
Junghwa : Beggars can't be choosers
LE : True
Junghwa : Unnie...
LE : Why ?
Junghwa : I'm tired...
LE pats Junghwa : How about we go to Jeju after our schedules ?
Junghwa : I would like that
LE : Even if it's not Jeju , we can go eat meat
Junghwa : Unnie's treat ?
LE : No , no
Junghwa : Why not ?~
LE : Unnie will treat
Junghwa : You will~
LE laughs : We'll see
Junghwa nods : Mm
LE : Right now , let's hang on tight
Junghwa : Mm ! *giggles*
LE : Rest , you need to
Junghwa nods : ...
LE smiles : ...
Junghwa : New book ?
LE : Yes , I just bought it recently
Junghwa : Can I lend it after you're done ?
LE chuckles : Of course
Solji : Aha
Junghwa : Hello , Unnie
LE : Your mom is here
Junghwa laughs : Ahaha
Solji : What's going on here ?
LE : We're relaxing
Solji : Ooh
Junghwa : Join us
Solji : Dont mind if I do
LE : I was planning to go to sleep after Junghwa sleeps
Solji : Too late
LE : Geez...
Junghwa laughs : Haha

Jin's discharge [D-340]

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