The Wrong Twin

By artxiem

1.5M 42.1K 16K

Evelyn Potter was the girl-who-lived, or so they thought. Harry was the true boy-who-lived, who beat Voldemor... More

author's note


27.7K 724 91
By artxiem

<3rd POV>

It had officially been 2 weeks ever since school started, and luckily, the Potters hadn't made a scene... well, yet. A lot of the Hufflepuffs, Ravenclaws, Slytherins, and several Gryffindors congratulated Harry on the spectacular win of the last Quidditch Game. In return, most of the Slytherins congratulated Ravenclaws on their win against Hufflepuffs during the 2nd Quidditch match of the season, where Harry, unfortunately, was absent. 

The Slytherins had been training ever since the snow had cleared off, as their next match was on the 3rd week of February. But they weren't too worried, most probably because they had Harry on their team. 

The start of the term went uneventful until one day. Harry, Draco and Blaise were just exiting the Transfiguration class. They had successfully managed to turn their respective mice into snuffboxes. Harry was the first to turn it and had earned Slytherin 5 points. Pansy and Theo were already ahead of the trio, as the 2 were the first to rush out. Walking out of the classroom, they were immediately stopped by the 'Golden' Trio. 

"Well, well, well... Who do we have here?" Evelyn tutted blocking Harry's way, with Ron and Hermione behind her.

"Move." Harry sighed, not in the mood for a fight right now. Evelyn just smirked and took out her wand. 

Draco groaned from beside Harry as he took out his own wand, pointing it at the trio. 

"Move!" Draco ordered. Blaise looked like he wanted to take out his wand too, but before any serious dueling could happen, Severus swooped in and stood in front of Draco, Blaise, and Harry. 

"What's going on here?" Severus asked in his normal deep and silky voice.

"Nothing sir." Draco smirked keeping his wand in his pocket, while Harry face-palmed. 

"5 points from Gryffindor for using your wand in the corridors." Severus scolded, trying not to let a smile from surfacing.

"But- Sir! We didn't do anything!" Hermione protested. 

Severus gave Hermione one of his cold glare and continued, "10 points for Gryffindor for talking back to a teacher." 

"It's not fair! They started it!!" Ron whined stomping his feet on the floor. 

"20 point from Gryffindor. Do you want it to be 30?" 

Evelyn opened her mouth before closing it, turning on her heel, she stalked away, followed closely by Ron and Hermione. 

"Be careful you three, I won't always be here to save you. Also, Harry, Tom is waiting for you in  the chamber." Severus said before turning away. 

"What chamber?" Draco asked Harry, who was in complete deep thought. 

"Chamber..." Harry started before grinning. He then took off running to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. 

"HARRY! What in the world of Merlin are you doing?" Blaise shouted running after him, closely followed by Draco. 

"Meeting Tom!" Harry called back, picking up speed.

"In a girls bathroom? Are you out of your mind?" Draco groaned grabbing Harry's arm, but missed. 

"Too bad Malfoy. You need more experience!" Harry teased, using his air element to quicken the 3 of them. 

"Ok, everything you see here, you don't tell anyone. You swear?" Harry asked sternly as soon as they reached the bathroom. 

Draco and Blaise glanced at each other before nodding. Harry walked over to a broken sink and hissed, 'Open'.  

Draco's and Blaise's eyes widened as the sink opened to reveal a secret entrance. 

"Coming?" Harry asked before entering the entrance. Draco and Blaise shrugged before following. 

'Lights and Stairs.' Harry hissed, and suddenly the candles flicked to life and a set of stairs appeared. 

"Harry-" Draco started.

"Where are we?" Blaise ended.

"The  Chamber of Secrets! Built by Salazar Slytherin himself." an unknown voice came from around the corner. 

"Tom! How are you doing?" Harry laughed giving Tom a hug. Tom looked tense at first before hugging Harry back.

"Sorry, I'm not used to the physical contact, well yet." 

"The Dark Lord!" Draco said in awe before kneeling down, closely followed by Blaise.

"Draco, Blaise, I told you over Christmas break that you don't have to be so polite. I'm not your 'lord' anymore. I'm just the leader of the dark, just as Albus is the leader of the light." Tom laughed before turning to Harry, "And your snake has been complaining about you ever since the break was over."

Harry's face became white before laughing. 'Jadeite?'

'Oh? Now you call me?' Harry's snake appeared from behind Tom.

'I apologize Jadeite, but don't you have fun with Dakota?' Harry asked meekly, allowing Jadeite to crawl up his shoulder. 

'Yes. But I still miss you!' 

Harry laughed before turning to Draco and Blaise. "Come you two, let me give you two a quick tour." 

Tom followed the students from behind, with Nagini wrapped around his own neck. Harry introduced them to the potions lab, the library, the living room, the 5 master bedrooms, and the office. Tom smirked as they get nearer to the office, knowing that Harry will get a shocking surprise.

"This is the office where me and Sal used to work at." Harry said dramatically before opening the door. He entered first and nearly jumped with shock. 

"Who's there harry?" Draco asked peeking in the room. 

Godric, Salazar, Rowena, and Helga were sitting in the office just like old times. 

"Harry, dear! You've grown so tall!" Helga fussed over the still shocked Harry. Tom gently and quietly pulled Draco and Blaise from the room, closed the door and continued the tour, leaving Harry and the 4 founders a little time. 

"Wh-What?" Harry stammered quickly getting out of shock shaking his head.

"Where have your eyes been Harry? How could you forget us?" Sal joked giving Harry a hug. 

"You're really here!" Harry laughed launching himself at the 4 founders. 

"Of course we're here, you think we'd leave you alone?" Ric teased, earning a slap on his hand from Row. 


Ric turned from Row sheepishly before diverting his attention at Harry.

"How have you been?" Row cooed over Harry.

"I'm fine Row, thanks. The 4 houses are fine... yet they don't unite you could say. The worse is Gryffindor and Slytherins." 

"So, you're a Slytherin? I'm so bloody proud of you." Sal praised, ducking under Row's hand which was about to hit him. 

"Language Sal." 

"Ric, I pity you, the Gryffindors are idiots. Complete idiots. Especially the 1st years. Although the Weasley twins are fine." Harry laughed. 

"Especially Evelyn, Ron and Hermione right?" Ric groaned. The 4 founders had no contact with the outside world except for Holly, who always bring the latest gossip from around the castle.

Harry nodded sadly staring at the blazing fireplace.

"Harry, look at this. It's a gift for you." Helga said pulling Harry out of his daydream. Helga went to the back of the room where a cage was covered with a cloth. She pulled out something from the cage.

"What's that?" Harry asked curiously.

"That Snakelet, is a dragon." Sal laughed at the curiosity from Harry's word. 

"Dragon? How did you get a dragon?  How is it so small?"

"This is a Antipodean Opaleye. We each have dragons of our own, this is yours. Don't worry the dragon won't go back to it's normal size unless you command it to. It is still a baby for now, it just hatched a month ago. We were in New Zealand when we saw this little beauty." Helga cooed stroking the sleeping dragon.

The dragon was so small that it was the length of Harry's arm. A normal baby dragon would be longer than that. The dragon have white pale scales, and stunning great green eyes. She gently breathe out a small flame before closing her eyes and sleeping in Harry's arm. 

"She's adorable! What's her name?" Harry gushed over the baby dragon. 

"You name it, we haven't named it yet." Ric said.

"Frost, her scales are as white as the snow... But won't it be weird if I take the dragon out with me?"

"Exactly why, she's staying here in case you don't need her. Don't worry she has friends in the cage too." Helga smiled carrying Frost from Harry's arm.

"You best go back, your friends are waiting for you." Sal gave Harry a quick hug, before Harry walked out of the office. 

Harry met with his friends at the living room and then they left the Chamber of Secrets, after Blaise and Draco begging Harry to bring them down there again. 


A/N: Hey guys, sorry for late updates. My exams are starting in 2 weeks so I'm currently studying. I'll try my best to publish another chapter before 23 Nov. Thankss

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