Hadrian Sirius Black

By DexilsNotMe

1.6M 58.6K 12.9K

What happens when Harry Potter finds out he was never Harry Potter? More

Something.. off, she said.
You..are not.. a filthy Potter.
A Wizard.
The Incident of 1981
The Boy Who Lived is Missing
The Mudblood and Ronald Weasley
The Sorting
Better be...
Slytherin House
A Conversation
A Flying Lesson
Brooms and Defense
The New Boy Who Lived
Lestrangest thing Happened in The Library...
A Quidditch Match and the Mirror of Desire
Tom's Surprise
12 Grimmauld Place
Parvati and Padma Patil
A Conversation with Dumbledore
An Unfulfilling End?
A Story from Walburga Black
Never Alone (Ron)
A Visit (Ron)
A Marriage Contract (Draco)
Azkaban and A Reunion
Panic! In The Order of The Phoenix
To the Young Lord
Dobby the House Elf
"Do you think, I am an idiot?"
An Interesting Start to Second Year
Classes Without the Lions (Mostly)
Life On The Other Side (Ginny)
The Royals and The Court
A Faint Heart
The Injured King and the End of Dean Thomas
The L is For Loyalty (Lisa and Lee)
The Change in Hogwarts
No More Lockhart and A Little Bit of Fun
Christmas Break
Christmas Break (Part 2)
Christmas Break (Part 3)
Christmas Break (Part 4)
Christmas Break (Final)
The Chamber of Secrets
Peter Pettigrew
Dementors, Dementors
Welcome Back Hadrian
There Was No Doubt
A Dark Lord's Smile (Tadeus Nott)
Luna Lovegood
The First Attempt
Nightmares (Draco)
The Second Attempt
Rage (Tom)
In "Custody"
Awake at Last
What Mask?
Another Year, Gone (Plus, an Apology)
Dark Elves, Vampires and Surprises (For Dumbledore Mind You)
The Quidditich World Cup
The Quidditch World Cup (Final)
Madeye Moody
Barty Crouch Jr.
A Father's Worry
The Tri-Wizard Tournament
A Deadly Duel
The Three Schools
Viktor Krum
The Inner Circle
Care For Magical Creatures (Charlie)
Fleur Delacour
The Four Champions
Weighing of The Wands
A Dragon For a Companion
Never Change
Moving On
A Dark Lord
To Find That Which is Most Important
The Tides Turn
Dark Times Ahead
The Yule Ball
The Final Task
Lord Krymmenos
Lucius Malfoy

The Past (Sirius)

9.7K 438 29
By DexilsNotMe

The Past (Sirius)

Dark eyes stared into the fearful beady and black that belonged to the figure of an unloved man, cowering at the very back of his cell.

Those dark eyes belonged to a man who had once considered the coward his friend. Apart of the group known as, the Marauders. It was history now. The past. But those memories and more surfaced as Sirius Black opened the cell door, stepping inside slowly.

"Pads..please.." whimpered Peter Pettigrew pathetically, shaking uncontrollably as Sirius stared him down, eyes blank and face expressionless. "Pads? Interesting to hear you call me that. When Moony says it..I don't feel enraged." said the dog star and Peter swallowed as the man stared off for a moment.

"Oh right. I remember now. I suppose you were a friend then, weren't you? Little sweet, pathetic, Peter Pettigrew. Wormtail. We were all so naive then. That isn't the case now, I hope?" chuckled Sirius, the sound hollow as it echoed across the stone walls.

"Pads, I swear, it was Dumbledore-"

The traitorous man was cut off by a growl that sounded more devil than man. The dog star was glowering at him, eyes a deep violet.

"Don't you dare. Don't you place the blame on Dumbledore. He is of course responsible. He always is. But you, you have a brain. Free will. You didn't have to betray us. You didn't have to attempt to kill my son. You didn't have to kill my Lily. But you did. You did..I hope you've noticed that I didn't bring my wand with me. I'm sure you remember what my family used to call me when I was truly enraged. When I couldn't control it. And right now, I won't even try." murmured Sirius and Peter looked sick to his stomach as the dog star tossed off his cloak, lifting the sleeves of his shirt.

Peter could just barely make out that mark glowing a deep red in the darkness and he knew he would not survive the end of this night.

"I only wish Hadrian could witness this. He would be very interested in this ability. Before we begin, Wormtail, I believe you owe me an explanation. Why? Why did you go to Dumbledore? Why did you kill Lily and betray us? What did you gain?" commented the dog star and Peter stumbled over his words, tears in his eyes and Sirius rolled his own eyes as he waited patiently.

Why not be patient? Eleven years of his life wasted in Azkaban, what was ten more minutes?

"I don't know..I don't..I wanted power. To be a great wizard. But no matter what I did, I always ended up being a servant to someone else. At least, that's what I thought I wanted. When I witnessed the powers others had I grew afraid..I was a coward. I still am.." said Peter, a bitter note creeping into his voice.

Sirius let out a bark of laughter, scoffing as he stared at the man he had once considered one of his best friends.

"A great wizard? Look at you Peter. You are nothing. You will never amount to anything and you will forever be nothing. All the trouble you've caused, the pain and humiliation I'm sure you've been through, has gotten you nowhere. You betrayed us, only to be used and abused by Dumbledore. Then, you ran from our Lord and now..you are back where you started. Here, with me, at my mercy, just as you were the day you killed Lily. Surely, you saw this coming."

By now Sirius' skin had become black in color, his violet eyes taking on a hue so light it could only be described as pure white. The room blackened and Peter didn't dare breathe as an other worldly voice passed through the dog star's lips.

"You should be honored. No one, not even Lilian, has ever seen me like this. Goodbye Peter." said the voice and all that could be heard were screams and the breaking of bones.

No one dared venture down to the dungeons. Not until a blood soaked Sirius appeared, a content expression on his face.

He smiled toward Remus, then decided to take a long walk.

Then, he would go see his pup and possibly take a nap.

That form never ceased to wear him out.

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