Viktor Krum

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Viktor Krum

Hogwarts was nothing like what Igor had told them. They came to the legendary school expecting foolish children and a senile old man for a headmaster. It was not a secret that Hogwarts had fallen from its glory days and no one usually kept up with the school. He knew that Albus Dumbledore's reputation was slowly declining and had been since Voldemort's apparent vanquishing on Halloween night of 1981. However, when they stepped into Hogwarts that night, they were met with a different sight.

The castle was of course as grand as the rumors said but it was the magic and the way the students held themselves that truly surprised Viktor.

They were greeted by powerful teachers and polite students. Dumbledore had not said a word until spoken to and his demeanor seemed tense, on edge even. Viktor heard that Dumbledore had been having trouble with the British ministry ever since Michael Crumbley came into office and began questioning Dumbledore's position of headmaster. He had begun pointing out several excuses and suspicious activities that no one had before. Having glossed over because of their trust in the great light wizard.

Viktor found this admirable, as he had never liked Dumbledore. Something about him always seemed wrong to the handsome Bulgarian quidditch star.

As Viktor and his classmates walked through the halls of Hogwarts, they could feel the magic thrumming through the castle with an alarming magnificence. Durmstrang was a school known for teaching all magic, light, dark and grey alike. Each and every one of their students was well rehearsed in the art of sensing even the weakest bits of magic. So to feel so much powerful magic in one place, light and dark alike, was a surprise. They knew how Albus Dumbledore felt on Dark magic. A dangerous goal he had, Viktor knowing light and dark magic existed specifically for balance, to completely abolish dark magic and the creatures it harbors.

So to feel such dark magic around Hogwarts almost seemed preposterous. Igor himself seemed agitated upon glancing around the school, taking in the polished floors and walls. The smiling portraits of famous wizards and the way Remus Lupin held himself as he led them toward the Great Hall. The obvious werewolf seemed to hold a tense air around Igor and Viktor was the only one that knew why. Unknown to most, Igor had been a Death Eater. He denied it however saying he was under the Imperius and he was freed.

Igor liked Viktor a lot, he was the old man's prodigy so he told Viktor things he'd never tell the other students. Including the fact that Remus Lupin and Severus Snape were inner circle Death Eaters and that Igor himself was a traitor. So to see Igor there, Viktor knew Remus was holding back from either killing the man, or reporting immediately to the Dark Lord. If the rumors of his return were true. Which they were, because Igor's dark mark was alive once again.

Viktor was not scared of the Dark Lord, in fact, he wanted to meet the man. But he had no way to, until he came to Hogwarts.

He had not wanted to, thinking about all the fans he may have there, and he had not wanted to compete in the tournament. He already had plenty of fame, he just wanted a break. But upon feeling the magic and observing the teachers and students of Hogwarts, he knew the Dark Lord had left his mark here. And he wasn't the only one.

After the welcome they received and Hogwarts' amazing show of magic, the Durmstrang students were told to sit wherever they like and that their seats would determine which House they would stay with that year. As Igor suggested, they chose to sit with the Slytherin House, as they were known for being dark. Viktor took the lead as he knew he should and was immediately surprised when the table rose to meet them.

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