Fate grand order maxus

By TheWolfsFury1420

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This is fate grand order, but with the Right of the King universe being a cannon existence to summon servants... More

Begining a new way
Alcaeus's status as a servant within fare lore ( think of Zero or strange fake)
Alcaeus Dialogue
Quotes of Alcaeus
Changes and Upgrades
The Orleans Singularity
The Orleans Singularity part 2
The Orleans Singularity part 3
The Septem Singularity part 1
The Septem Singularity part 2
The Septem Singularity part 3
Alcaeus's Interlude 1
The Okeanos Singularity
The Orleans Singularity part 3
The Big 5 Support Casters part 1
The Big 5 Support Casters part 2
Alcaeus Valentines day return gift
Buying your Soul (break the 4th Wall)
London Singularity part 1
London Singularity part 2
London Singularity part 3
Camalot Singularity part 1
Camalot Singularity part 2
Camelot Singularity part 3
Confrontation with the Lion King
Interlude Artoria (Saber)
Dream 1
Artoria (Lancer) Interlude 1, round table meeting
Waifu Situation
Dinning of the Kings and Queens
Another Day in Chaldea
Weekly and Daily Rewards
Who to Grail
What do you think of him
Alcaeus's Interlude 2
Master's training (romance advice)
E Pluribus Unum part 1
E Pluribus Unum part 2
E Pluribus Unum part 3
Alcaeus's Dungeon (event run)
Alcaeus's Dungeon Part 2
Alcaeus's Dungeon part 3
Alcaeus's Dungeon part 4
Babylonian soldier's (Enemies)
How to be a Proper King
Las Vegas part 1
Las Vegas Part 2
Artoria's Redemption
Alcaeus's Dialogue 2
Alcaeus's wish for the Grail
the Lacedaemon Singularity
the Lacedaemon Singularity part 2
Alcaeus's prank
Babylonia Singularity part 1
Mystic Codes

The Orleans Singularity 2

117 1 0
By TheWolfsFury1420

Alcaeus being a Caster now, he set off to meet with the other's as they got Artemis and Orion to meet up with the other's, they got Eyuiale and Asterios as they meet up on an island that Alcaeus said to meet up at to make this go smoothly, though, they were surprised on who Alcaeus's group got.

Solomon:" Artemis, you mean THE Artemis, the virgin goddess of the moon and hunt in Greek Mythology, how, Gods and Goddesses cannot be summoned as servants, the Norse gods would make sense, but-"

Alcaeus:" and I'm 8/10ths god, technically I shouldn't be summoned either, and actually, I think it's my fault, since I am as close to a god as most other servants will ever be, the root must have recorded the likes of Artemis as well as the other gods and goddesses as well, so now it's if they choose to be summoned, so I can only imagine what hell await's us further down the line"

Orion:" let's just say this is a thing and get it over with"

Alcaeus:" good, because we're picking up 2 more people once we leave, and it's important we have you here Artemis"

Artemis:" why me"

Alcaeus:" you'll find out soon, come on, before we face Blackbeard again in a fight"

Olga:" did you just say Blackbeard, one of the most famous Pirates of all time, we're facing HIM in a fight"

Alcaeus:" and his Crew, so let's not waste time"

heading to the island, they are treated by 2 people, and they are instantly recognized by 2 people"

Solomon:" David"

Artemis:" Atalanta"

Alcaeus:" David, Atalanta, you're here, and I assume your changes are fine as well"

David only got his BC essence to give a medium change to apply Death when attacking and increase his overall damage by 50 % against giant enemies, but Atalanta was a different story.

Cost: 12 (10 due to Alcaeus's tampering and 8 if Grailed)

ATK: 1,438/11,483 Grail ATK: 13,753

HP: 1,996/12,796 Grail HP: 15,207

Attribute: Earth

Growth Curve: Linear

Star Absorption: 148

Star Generation: 15%

NP Charge ATK: 1.15%   

NP Charge DEF: 4.5%

Death Rate: 45%

Alignments: True Neutral

Gender: Female

Traits: Argo-Related, Beast, Divine, Female, Humanoid, King, Servant, Weak to Enuma Elish

Command Card Deck: QQQAB Hit Count: Quick- 4, Arts-3, Buster- 4, Extra- 5


First Skill (cooldown 7-5)

Pankration B- - A- - A

Increases party's Quick performance for 3 turns (45% - 75% based on level)
Increases party's defense for 3 turns (20% - 30% based on level)
increases party's critical stars generation rate for 3 turns (50% - 150% based on level)
Increases own critical damage for 3 turns ( 60% - 120% based on level) 
(after interlude 1)
Ignores Evasion for 3 turn (after Interlude 2)

Second Skill (cooldown 8-6)

Arcadian Huntress B - A - A+

Increases own critical star absorption for 1 turn (500% - 1000% based on level)
Increases own damage against Beast type enemies for 3 turns (50% - 100% based on level)
Increases own defense against Beast type enemies for 3 turns (25% - 50% based on level)
Increases own NP generation rate for 3 turns ( 30% - 50% based on level) (after interlude 3)
Recovers own HP (30% - 80% based on level) (after interlude 4)

Third Skill ( cooldown 7-5)

Princess of Arcadia B- - A- - A

Removes own debuffs
Grants self Evasion for 3 attacks
Grants party Guts status for 3 times (25% - 50% based on level)

Grants party Debuff Immunity for 3 turns (after interlude 5)
Charges own NP gauge (10% -45% based on level) (after interlude 6)

Passive Skills

Magic Resistance A
Increases own debuff resistance by 20%

Independent Action A+
Increases own critical damage by 11%

Beast Form B
Increases own Buster performance by 8%.
Increases own critical star generation rate by 8%

Divinity B
Increases own damage by 175

Riding B
Increases own Quick performance by 8%

Noble Phantasm

type: Quick

Phoebus Catastrophe
Complaint Message on the Arrow

Rank EX
Noble Phantasm Type: Anti-Fortress
Hits: 10
percentage: 3%, 5%, 3%, 7%, 8%, 10%, 12%, 14%, 16%, 22%
Effect: Ignore invisibility, increase own NP Dmg by 30% for 1 turn, charge party NP (Activates first) (after interlude 8) Increases party's Quick performance for 3 turns (Activates first), deals damage to all enemies (after interlude 9) remove all enemy buffs

NP Level 1 2 3 4 5
Damage + 1200% 1300% 1450% 1675% 1800%
Overcharge Effect Charges own NP gauge.
Charge 100% 200% 300% 400% 500%
NP charge + 20% 27.5% 35% 42.5% 50%
Quick Damage + 20% 27.5% 35% 42.5% 50%

Strength: A
Endurance: B+
Agility: EX
Mana: B
Luck: B+
NP: A+

Bond Craft Essence

Mercy of Artemis

When equipped on Atalanta (Archer), it applies Self Heal +500 HP per turn, Self immunity to charm, and decreases DMG from Beast/Male enemies to party

Bond 1

Height/Weight: 166cm 45kg

Three sizes: B90/59W/88H

Source: Greek Mythology

Region: Greece

Alcaeus:" I assume I did you justice Atalanta with your reputation as in my opinion, the second strongest argonaut just falling short of Hercules himself which in itself is a compliment given you are comparable to one of Greece's greatest heroes, and FYI, your Berserker form is built similarly with the intention of better combat ability in mind focusing more on offense over offense ( an Art's Berserker single target nuker with a much more appropriate deck for such with an Art's NP to spam the NP over and over again with higher DMG now, more on it later) it was hell but I got it, tricky thing with you is how much potential was wasted (aka, more thought could have been put into your skill's and interludes)

David:" I don't notice mine as my skill's hardly changed much, though Atalanta notices her changes, and FYI, I agree with them completely, and in more ways than one"

Atalanta:" also while on the subject of "changes", I know I don't remember how I was in my previous incarnation but I think one things different, why are my boob's as large as they are now, did you do this you sick perverted freak"

Alcaeus:" ... oh yeah, I suppose a few physical changes are added as well when I was moving thing's around, such as a larger bust size for you, is it uncomfortable"

Atalanta:" well... my back hurt's, but other than that, not really"

Alcaeus:" I guess making you more similar to Artemis made this happen... okay vote, do we get rid of Atalanta's large chest, say I"

about nobody said anything and when he asked if it stays, everyone shouted so Atalanta had to deal with it, she didn't care much, but then she asked another question.

Atalanta:" also, I realized I can be summoned as a Saber, Lancer, Rider, Assassin, Shielder, Ruler, and even a Caster and Avenger now, and I have divinity as well, high Divinity at that, it wasn't present before, but now... how did that happen"

Alcaeus:"... I see, so it is true"

Ritsuka:" what is"

Alcaeus:" let me explain, you see, my theory from the first singularity was correct, my world and this worlds mythology and history fusing together somehow, this could all be my fault, but give me a break, I didn't ask for this in the first place, anyway, in my world, or more specifically, my Artemis make Atalanta a divine hunter and was even given the privilege of some of Artemis's divine power to become a less important form of Artemis in the fact she was more or less just the mortal form of the goddess instead as Artemis inhabited Atalanta's body to explore the mortal world from time to time, thus, why Atalanta has high Divinity in this world and now has more classes of servant since she can be from my world's Atalata being recognized to have had such weapon's and abilities for the classes as my world's Artmeis trained her much harder than she did Chrion, she even told me one time that in a head one on one fight between the two, Atalanta would win 9 time's out of 10, and something similar is going to happen to others as well, here, let's take a look at one of my favorite memories through this memory crystal from Artemis herself"

Then the crystal has a screen displayed through magic with Artemis and a 7-year-old Atalanta in a field as Atalanta asked to sleep with Artemis as she was scared.

Artemis:" Is this a flashback from me in this world"

Alcaeus:" yep, one shared with you and Atalanta in my world, granted you will both look a bit different in my world, but this is one of the sweetest memories I've seen so far between you two"

After the child Atalanta in the flashback was next to Artemis, Atalanta seemed bothered, something Artemis noticed immediately.

Artemis:" what is it little Atty, you seem worried, is anything wrong"

Atalanta:"... goddess... do you love me"

Artemis:" of course I do  Atty, why would you ask such a question, has anyone been bullying you because of it"

Atalanta:" both my parents left me, so-"

Artemis then hugged Atalanta tightly as she said she will not abandon Atalanta for her life and Atalanta smiled while hugging Artemis back and calling her mommy, it was sweet, but the Atalanta watching this was embarrassed beyond words as she covered her face.

Atalanta:" TURN IT OFF NOW"

Artemis:" no, keep playing these memories of mine from this world, I want more of our time together to be shown"

As per request, Alcaeus showed all the memories of this pair as they were seeing many memories of sweet mother-daughter moments, training, and lesions with the 2, even how close the 2 were, Artemis was very pleased by this as eventually, Atalanta enjoyed seeing these as well, however, he stopped it after Artemis helped Atalanta run away since she would be forced to marry when she was cheated in her race as well as Aphrodite tampering with her body as well.

Alcaeus:"... this next one isn't as good though, brace yourself"

Showing a new area, Artemis recognized it as one of her temples, but their Atalanta was in pain as Artemis arrived soon, then she saw as Atalanta was transforming into a lion, due to it being another god's power, Artemis couldn't stop it, but Atalanta then clinging to the last bit of sanity she had left, she begged her goddess to do one thing.

Atalanta:" (groaning in pain)... Goddess... please... kill me... kill me now"

Artemis:" Atalanta"

Atalanta:" (groaning in pain) I don't... want to be... a mindless beast... please"

Artemis clenched her fist as Atalanta turned into a lion completely and then attacked Artemis as Artemis then stabbed her heart with her spear, she would lean over the body of someone she raised as her own daughter as she then cried her eyes out.

Ritsuka:" it turned so dark"

Atalanta:" I see, so this was my other's fate... all that, and to die by Artemis's hand"

Artemis:" STOP THIS, STOP THIS NOW, why the hell would you show this, what possible reason did you have for this"

Alcaeus:" to show how much you loved her, you see, Artemis told me she killed Atalanta not because she wanted to, it was because Atalanta didn't want to be a mindless beast and would have rather die than live a life like that, Artemis saw it in her eyes as well, and it wretched her life, she turned to emptying many wine bottles to drown her sorrows, she has lost a lot of people she cared for in a less than desirable way, but Atalanta was the hardest hit, this one, was from her hands directly knowing full well it was her, not like how she was tricked by Apollo to shoot Orion in the head"

Orion:" I could see why, with me, she didn't mean to kill me, but she meant to kill someone she raised as her daughter, damn it was hard to see"

Alcaeus:" actually, in my world, you tried to rape Artemis and she killed you on the spot, so she wasn't at all torn apart from your death"

Orion:" awe, so I died how I thought I would, chasing tail... no regrets, but still, he was the lucky one then, hey, mind adjusting my legend and Artemis to be more like that so I can chase the tail of other women without the risk of getting beaten by her from it, I prefer she not care a bit about that"

Alcaeus:"... good luck being a low tier servant now (making him a 1 star Berserker and saying goodbye to his 5 star archer form where even if it was active, he loses his grand archer status completely and be a 3 star archer at best)

Orion:" WHY"

Alcaeus:" I don't like your type, playboy scumbag"

Orion:" ... okay fair"

Drake:" even I'm crying just from that one scene alone, everything else though was so lovely"

Alcaeus:" that was namely the good moment's, there were time's that were funny, like the time Atalanta accidentally rolled around poison Ivey and got both her and Artemis itchy, but yeah, that was how close the 2 of you were"

Atalanta:"... you did so much and I asked you to do something you would be hurt by, but I understand my other's reasoning's, I didn't want to live as someone who wasn't in control, even my berserk form would know restraint at times, I am thankful my goddess cared enough to grant that wish in the end"

Artemis:"... Atty, come here"

Artemis then hugged Atalanta as the 2 bonded with tears in their eyes as all the people watching were crying as well for them, but then all of a sudden, they glowed as their saint graph's changed.

Drake:" what's going on"

Alcaeus:" well, with them both contracted to Ritsuka as a master and now their bond in this world is as strong as the one in that world now, a fusion of Spirit Origins is happening"

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