Fate grand order maxus

By TheWolfsFury1420

6.7K 89 132

This is fate grand order, but with the Right of the King universe being a cannon existence to summon servants... More

Begining a new way
Alcaeus's status as a servant within fare lore ( think of Zero or strange fake)
Alcaeus Dialogue
Quotes of Alcaeus
Changes and Upgrades
The Orleans Singularity
The Orleans Singularity part 2
The Orleans Singularity part 3
The Septem Singularity part 1
The Septem Singularity part 2
The Septem Singularity part 3
Alcaeus's Interlude 1
The Okeanos Singularity
The Orleans Singularity 2
The Big 5 Support Casters part 1
The Big 5 Support Casters part 2
Alcaeus Valentines day return gift
Buying your Soul (break the 4th Wall)
London Singularity part 1
London Singularity part 2
London Singularity part 3
Camalot Singularity part 1
Camalot Singularity part 2
Camelot Singularity part 3
Confrontation with the Lion King
Interlude Artoria (Saber)
Dream 1
Artoria (Lancer) Interlude 1, round table meeting
Waifu Situation
Dinning of the Kings and Queens
Another Day in Chaldea
Weekly and Daily Rewards
Who to Grail
What do you think of him
Alcaeus's Interlude 2
Master's training (romance advice)
E Pluribus Unum part 1
E Pluribus Unum part 2
E Pluribus Unum part 3
Alcaeus's Dungeon (event run)
Alcaeus's Dungeon Part 2
Alcaeus's Dungeon part 3
Alcaeus's Dungeon part 4
Babylonian soldier's (Enemies)
How to be a Proper King
Las Vegas part 1
Las Vegas Part 2
Artoria's Redemption
Alcaeus's Dialogue 2
Alcaeus's wish for the Grail
the Lacedaemon Singularity
the Lacedaemon Singularity part 2
Alcaeus's prank
Babylonia Singularity part 1
Mystic Codes

The Orleans Singularity part 3

91 3 0
By TheWolfsFury1420

now that Artemis and Atalanta's bond is formed it's not time for them to turn to their true forms, normally, god's and goddesses can't summon the full length of their power without a medium of sorts, similar to the holy grail to the root and servant summoning, however, in this case, it's using a servant that is similar tot he god or goddess as a base to unlock the god's near full potential and increase the base servant's power even further, as such, it would normally be a near-impossible task doomed to fail, however, Atalanta and Artemis are the rare exceptions as Atalanta is mostly credited to be a less important form of Artemis, so if Atalanta is the medium for Artemis, then this would bring out so much of their potential as there is no better suiter, and after they changed, Artemis was at her full power unrestrained, Artemis turned to the form that was in Alcaeus's world with a hunting sword, hunting spears, and her gold and silver bow Khryselakatos and her special arrow's Iokheira which were arrow's surrounded by moonlight to travel as fast as light and hit like an earthquake

and Atalanta now has golden armor with hints of strong divinity in it, a more powerful bow, a spear, twin hunting swords, and a new set of skills as she is now Atalanta (Divine)

Cost: 16 (14 due to Alcaeus's tampering and 12 if Grailed)

ATK: 1,438/12,083 Grail ATK: 15,953

HP: 1,996/14,796 Grail HP: 17,773

Attribute: Sky

Growth Curve: Linear

Star Absorption: 188

Star Generation: 15%

NP Charge ATK: 1.90% NP

Charge DEF: 5%

Death Rate: 65%

Alignments: True Neutral

Gender: Female

Traits: Argo-Related, Beast, Divine, Female, Humanoid, King, Servant

Command Card Deck: QQQAB Hit Count: Quick- 6, Arts-4, Buster- 5, Extra- 7


First Skill (cooldown 7-5)

Fastest Argo B- - A - EX

Removes own debuffs
Grants self Evasion for 3 attacks
Grants self Debuff Immunity for 3 turns
Gains critical stars (15-35 stars based on level) (after interlude 1)
Charges own NP gauge (15% -45% based on level) (after interlude 2)

Second Skill (cooldown 8-6)

Virgin Huntress B - A - A+

Increases own damage against Male and Beast type enemies for 3 turns (50% - 100% based on level)
Recovers own HP (50% - 100% based on level)
Increases own NP generation rate for 3 turns ( 30% - 50% based on level)
Generate critical stars every turn for 5 tunrs (5 - 10 based on level) (after interlude 3)
Increases own critical star absorption for 1 turn (500% - 1000% based on level) (after interlude 4)

Third Skill ( cooldown 7-5)

Daughter of Artemis B- - B - A- - EX

apply Ignore Evasion to party for 3 turn
Grants Guts status to party for 3 times (50% - 90% based on level)
increase party's critical stars generation rate for 3 turns (50% - 100% based on level) (after interlude 5)
Increases party's critical damage for 3 turns (60% - 120% based on level) (after interlude 6)
Increases party's Quick performance for 3 turns ( 45% - 75% based on level) (after Interlude 7)

Passive Skills

Magic Resistance A
Increases own debuff resistance by 20%

Independent Action EX
Increases own critical damage by 12%

Beast Form (Cursed Boar Pelt) EX
Increases own Quick performance by 10%
Increases own critical star generation rate by 10%

Goddess' Essence A
Increases own damage by 250
Increases own debuff resistance by 25%

Curse of Tiger Transformation EX
Increase Critical Star Generation by 15%
Increase own damage by 1000

Riding A
Increases own Quick performance by 8%

Noble Phantasm

type: Quick

Khryselakatos Atalanta
Mt Mother's Bow of Divine Punishment

Rank EX
Noble Phantasm Type: Anti-Continent 
Hits: 15 
percentage: 1%, 2%, 1%, 3%, 4%, 4%, 5%, 6%, 7%, 8%, 9%, 9%, 10%, 11%, 20%

Effect: apply Ignore invisibility for 3 turns, apply sure hit for 3 turns, Increase own critical stars generation by 75% for 1 turn, increase own NP Dmg by 30% for 1 turn (Activates first) (after interlude 8) Increases party's Quick performance for 3 turns (Activates first), deals damage to all enemies, Gains critical stars (50 Critical stars) (after interlude 9) remove all enemy buffs (after interlude 10), charge own NP, charge parties NP by 20%, drain enemy NP gauge by 2, (after interlude 11) lower parties Skill cooldown by 2

NP Level 1 2 3 4 5
Damage + 1800% 1850% 1900% 1950% 2000%
Overcharge Effect Charges own NP gauge.
Charge 100% 200% 300% 400% 500%
NP + 20% 27.5% 35% 42.5% 50%
Quick Damage + 20% 27.5% 35% 42.5% 50%

Strength: A++ 
Endurance: A+
Agility: EX
Mana: EX
Luck: B+

Bond Craft Essence

Mercy of Artemis

When equipped on Atalanta (Divine), it increases her base Dmg by 2500, Self immunity to charm, and decreases DMG from non-divine enemies to self

Bond 1

Atalanta (Divine)

Height/Weight: 166cm 45kg

Three sizes: B90/59W/88H

Source: Greek Mythology

Region: Greece

Artemis:"... so you're saying I'm different in your world, and this is what I look like, nice"

Atalanta:" HOLD ON, this is a little... embarrassing to say the least, yes I consider myself to be..."

Alcaeus:" Say it, say it for the camera, come on now"

Atalanta:" fine, I do consider myself to be Artemis's daughter to some degree, but this is basically saying it plain as day, isn't it a bit much"

Alcaeus:" I fail to see the issue, okay everyone, let's pay blackboard a visit, and once we're done whooping his butt, let's go to the more dangerous threat"

getting to Blackbeard with 2 ship's, the magical cannon's wiped the floor with Blackbeard's ship as Achilles took on Hector and Chiron and Artemis were snipping the other crew and Blackbeard was getting attacked by Atalanta, it was an easy victory to get the grail and then Jason came into the picture.

Jason:" I thank you for taking out that fool of a pirate, so hand over the grail now and nobody get's hurt, as you can see, my crew is far stronger"

he had Hercules show up to intimidate them, but then Alcaeus had his trump card appear.

Jason:" TEACHER"

Chiron:" hello again Hercules and Jason, Alcaeus, is this why you had me come"

Alcaeus:" a teacher need's to discipline his student's, doesn't he, also, those Breacer's I gave you should let you match Hercules in strength, so go at it as you please"

Hercules:" I'm screwed"

Alcaeus:" he is so scared, he's lost his madness, awsome"

Jason:"... well, this isn't the end, we still have Hector-"

Achilles:" if you mean Hector of Troy, he's gone, honestly, if he was involved in this to begin with, why didn't you say anything before"

Alcaeus:" cause you would have rushed him and jeopardized my carefully laid out plan, so, as Chiron whoop's Hercule's butt, let's knock Jason down a few peg's, shall we"

Jason then scared was faced with Atalanta (Divine), David, Artemis, Euryale, Super Orion, and Ritsuka's servants.

Jason:"... wait, please, this is completely and utterly unfair, I'm weak and you have WAY stronger people their"

Alcaeus:" we need to punish the bastard who leeches off of other's, so what do you say, death, or torture, your choice"

Jason:"... neither"

Alcaeus:" death it is"

he then got his head ripped off as he then died and Hercules soon died after, they then fixed the singularity as Alcaeus made sure they got back, back in Chaldea, they review what happened there.

Ritsuka:" that was so easy"

Alcaeus:" with a literal goddess and someone comparable to her, as well as the people we brought along, it was expected"

Medea:" that bastard wanted to be king again, has he learned nothing in his life"

Alcaeus:" oh don't worry, I made sure to give Jason a curse that makes him unable to persuade or convince other's into following him so that will never happen, he's gutless unless he has someone backing him up, so even Hercules won't follow him, heck, I made it to where the Argonaut's can't see Jason and Jason can't see the Argonaut's, similar to Rama and Sita, as long as Jason needs their help to do something, he will never be able to meet them, and only when he doesn't have need of anyone will they appear to him, as good to say never"

Atalanta:" I know he's a bastard, but does he have to be punished that cruelly"

Alcaeus:" in the Argonaut's, he stabbed you in the back to be overtaken by marauders to nearly rape and kill you after for his own sake alone as you had to beat and claw your way out to both survive and keep your chastity while getting heavily injured and healed by Medea all because he wanted a guaranteed way to survive on his own even if it meant sacrificing you"

Atalanta:"... on second thought, to hell with that bastard"

Alcaeus:" and Hercules, do you think you can condone Jason for such action's to a "Comrade" of his to save himself above all else, he's done many of the Argonaut's wrong in my history and much worse, and don't grunt, I adjusted your spirit Origin to let you have control of yourself more when both fighting and when not, so you can answer just fine now"

Hercules:"... come on, that's unfair, even I have limit's of being able to defend Jason, but yeah, Jason isn't much, in both worlds, but I think he can be saved if we give him a chance"

Alcaeus:" that's only if Jason himself agrees to it, he's a sorry excuse as a king, leader, and honestly, a sorry excuse as a person in general, I'm willing to help him improve, but that's only if Jason lets me, I can't help those who don't wish to be helped themselves first, and furthermore, I can't help those that won't learn from their past"

Ritsuka:" don't you help many people out though"

Alcaeus:" let see... awe yes, "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, but, if you teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime", I may have been a generous man and king who helps people, but I refuse to take care of spoiled brat's that want someone to do all the work for them and expect to still get credit let alone dinner later, if you're going to live in my kingdom and be happy, you better work to earn your keep since freeloaders are not allowed in"

Olga:" so that's how you ran your kingdom, you let anyone in, but those who don't work to earn their keep are kicked out"

Alcaeus:" we're not going to keep lazy freeloader's in unless they are desperate, and even then, they have to find work, and it's not like we were short on work either, in fact, I made sure to keep a worker shortage by making new job's, companies, and work area's to ensure that there would be work"

Artoria:" so that's how you solve a shortage of job's, just make more work than the people can handle and be forced to hire more people"

Iskandar:" it's so ingenious, it's almost criminal"

Edison:" so much work where the people are either forced to hire more, wouldn't that mean the work placed then take shortcuts"

Alcaeus:" that's where my shadow's come in and "set an example" of people who wish to save a few bucks to not hire worker's and instead let my people suffer... they were on display as well"

Edison:" I see, nevermind"

Nitocris:" between that and the display of such, I see why you're called evil by many... then again, you only ever did what you must as king, right"

Alcaeus:" yes and no, I could have been lazy about it like Artoria and let thing's fall where they may and expect things to magically work as she did, which ended so badly it was almost comical, but no, I was far smarter, realistic, ethical, mature, and better than that by many milestones of milestones, oh, Artoria, did you hear what I said"

Artoria:" you were looking right at me, and you're on the speaker so everyone in Chaldea heard it as well... you made it impossible for me to not hear you... why do you despise me so much to ridicule me at every turn"

Alcaeus:"... good, though, in all seriousness, I could have don't thing's differently"


Alcaeus:" I could have ruled in a less flashy, bloody, and grueling manner, however, my kingdom was on the last of its leg's, people were hurt and suffering, and most of all, nobody smiled, people were discriminated against for their race, and if you think human's discriminating against human's of different skin color was bad, wait till you see a different humanoid race, it was a terrible place of greed, bloodshed to gain power, and weak being killed, raped, or both, as the king, I wanted to be a king who would change that, make a kingdom where all are welcome, no matter their race, and greedy bastard got what was coming to them, and a place where nobody would have to be hurt without someone there to help them, and I did just that"

Artoria (Lancer):" while I was coming here to tell you off about your word's to me, I heard what you just said on the speaker"

Alcaeus:" IT'S STILL ON, my bad, nobody wants to hear the words of a rambling king who's lived his life filled with both regret and fulfillment"

Anderson:" I can name a few dozen servants who would pay money for your kind of story, in fact, can I write down your life for a book, I won't change a thing, I'm going to be even more famous than before"

Artoria (Lancer):" a place where anyone can walk in and find happiness if they work for it, where no one is secluded no matter who they are, and a place where the rich don't overpower the commoners, I only wish I could do something like that"

Alcaeus:" there was very little stopping you, I was able to do it, why couldn't you... then again, I think you know the answer... wait, you're an idiot, nevermind, you couldn't do it"

after beating each Artoria who was angry with him, Alcaeus went to his room, where when they came by later, they caught him crying, and then left without a word.

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