Ghost hunt after story

By Jennie-Chan

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What happen once Naru got out of the hospital did he change or did he stay the same (F.Y.I gene is alive leat... More

Chapter 1 day 1-2
Chapter two (day 3-4)
Auther notes
Chapter three ( day 5)
Chapter 4
Chapter five (day 4 night)
Athur note
Athur's notes
New year's event
Athour notes
Athor notes
Chapter seven (day five moring)
Chapter eight ( the wait? Or not)
( diffrent part of the story) the two worlds colided
Athur nots
Chapter nine ( retuning home)
Athur notes
Chapter Ten Girls talk
Athur notes
Chapter 9- naru and mai part one
mai and naru part two
baby baby event
john love and mai past
athur notes
new day bad problems
athur notes
athur notes
new life old life dead mai?
Athur notes
Mai and spencer
Athur notes
Christmas chapter
Athur notes

Chapter six

81 2 1
By Jennie-Chan

(Arthur p.o.v)

Arthur :hi guys! I was a little bizzy so I couldn't do anything anyway I read a book for some stuff since I had a merger writers block( gommae) I need a little help so I ask someone something and give me a good thing anywho I ask soul from soul eater to help me take it away soul!

Soul: sup guys jennie don't own ghost hunt and hope u like the book.

Arthur: thanks soul now bak to the book!!!!

(Mai p.o.v)

'I wonder what I'm going to do I need to go and find her! But if I do I'm worry that they will
find out what they will think of me then?' I though. "Hey Mai you okay?you been soon out for a little bit?"
Monk said. "Oh I'm okay I was just thinking about Lilly and where is she now."
(Wow I must be soo weird to then now.) "
"hey Masco and Isco can I talk to you in our room alone plz?" They both nodded and the guys were confused and wonder why they weren't allow to come. I just give a little giggle and went to my rom with the girls.
"so what did you need us Mai?"
Both of them said.'Isco mind' I wonder why she seem to be so upset,sad,and worry I wonder why? I think that I'm going to ask her about it.'
'hey Mai-" Isco was cut off by Masco "hey may why are so worry and sad and scared and upset and why is that and I'm not taking no or its nothing." Quite around ' no' and ' it's nothing' with her fingers when she said it.
Man I hate that I can't tell them or I'll get them hurt from HIM and I can't get them hurt. I
will not get my family hurt again not again.
" yah I want to know too!" Isco said to with worry in her voice.
"Sorry guys but I can't tell any of you or you guys will get hurt and I'm not going to let that happen.
At lest not again."
I mumble the last part so they can't hear but Isco heard it. "What do you mean 'at least not again' Mai?"
(Oh no there going to find out!?!?! I wonder what it is???? Lol) Mai's mind 'oh no!what do I do!what do I do! They what to know what I meant but I don't know if I should tell them? Oh! I know what if I tell them I got
to tell them
not to say anything and that includes anyone outside of the case. I hope they will ask no more question after
I tell them.'
"Okay okay,il tell you but I need to tell all of you and promise you guys including the
guys that you
won't tell anyone got it?" I said with a serious voice. They nodded and we when to the head quarters. "So you guys done talking because we want to tell you what we found." Monk said sitting down in the chair by the screen. " ummmmmm well-" " we aren't finish but let's hear what you have for us guys." I gave her a 'thank you 'look and she nodded a 'no problem' way. "We found Lilly,but the room is -56 degrees below anything we face so we need make a plan." I look at Naro with a worry look. It seem like that he didn't see. 'Dang if only they fall asleep then I can call soul and rogue (hope you guys know who rouge is!) then they can get Lilly and bring her to me and can leave this house but I don't think they will go too sleep it'll they solve it,or I can say' "let's sleep
on it then tomorrow we can think of a plan if that alright with Naro and len?" I look at
Isco and Masco and say a surprise look on them. " do you think that we can sleep Mai? I don't
know if the ghost (sprints
) will get one of us,and don't you think the ghost that attack you will come
back?" Monk ask with a worry voice and a worry face. All of the guys agree with that statement
that monk said. I look at Isco and mouth 'help' and Isco said " look Mai won't be alone
she will be with us and
don't worry okay guys you
look like her fa- umm never mind. Anyways Mai didn't want to tell us something?" She said whale
like at me with a worry look on her and
so did mosico too, the boys how ever they had a 'hun' look
on them. " oh that well umm where do I start?"
I said looking around the room. " how about the bieginng Mai? If that okay right guys?" Mosico said
whale looking
at the others. Isco just nodded and the guys still look confused as ever with the 'thing ' they where saying
. " um Mai what
do they mean?" John said. (Yes he still there I just
haven't let him talk John: hey miss what
do u mean? Arthur: John you can just call me jennie ok not miss and I just didn't know what to give
u any lines because I count think
ok any ok? John: okay and what about len and Naro? Len : I'm right her you know John.
John : um jennie he scaring me Make him stop " hides behide Mai" Isco : hey len can you please stop
and jennie-chan we need to get in with the story right and find out what Mai hiding? Mai: um I really
don't know what I hiding jennie what is the thing that I'm hiding? ( whispers the plan and
what she hiding) what!!! I'm not saying that can we please skip the talking and not say that please?
Naro: wait Mai how about we vote on it okay? Then what ever is the highest vote we will do that okay?
And if it's okay can we do that Jen-chan? Arthur
:sure! And I want to do it too!! Mai: okay Naro. ( blushes)
then let's do it then! Happy:
you liiiiiike him Mai! Author: happy! What are stop doing here? And
where is natsue? Happy : I don't
know I think he went on a job and hi Mai! (Happy
when to Mai and hugs her) Mai: hi happy. Oh! Meet my coworkers from my job before
everything at the guild. This is Naro, len,
father brown also know as John, Isco
, Masco, and monk. All: hi/ hey/so your happy/ sup flying cat/ wow cool
cat soo kawiiii !!!!/ hi happy/ so how do u know Mai happy? Mai: len! Please don't
ask happy or- happy : oh I use to be on a team and in the same guild
also I offend visit her when she use her lacrma to call me. And nice to meet
you people of Mai! Mai: happy
. ( dark ara around me) can you came with me for a sec? Happy : ahhhh!!!! ( hides behind naro) help!
Mai is going to kill me! Naro : Mai calm down okay we need to know why you
what to hurt the blue flying cat.( calm happy by petting him) happy : thank
you Naro-San for helping
me. Naro: no problem. ????: happy
come on we need to go and hi Mai-San. Mai: Wendy? Is that you if it is
you can come out now. Len :
hey shouldn't we get on voting guys and come here little girl I have something for you. Wendy: um-
um hii I'm-m Wendy
marvile nice to
meet you and ok um Len-San right? Len: yah and hi here you go ( gives Wendy a lollipop) Wendy : thank u len-San! Happy come on we need to go nastue-San will be mad if we aren't back at
the guild. Happy : okay
( flys away from Naro and the others ) bye Mai friends and bye Mai ! Mai:bye happy and Wendy
see you at the house later okay? Wendy and happy: hai! ( both of them left)
Arthur: now that they left let's us start the vote! All: yah!! Author: now how want me to wright it( or Mai saying it)? ( 4/8 agree to Mai saying it out) now how wants me to skip it? ( 4/8 agree to skip it) wow um just a sec
al be right back okay( runs off to get gray shh) John:so what now? Len: let's have more
snacks untill jennie comes
back. -all: okay! Arthur and gray: hey let me go jennie I want to beat natsu up! No! Now I need your help( points to Mai) we need you to help us break a tie on what for me to wright about Mai past or skip it and
ack like she told them? ( blushes at Mai) he-hey Mai how u been? Mai: ( gasp) gray !!! Jennie why is gray here ! And hi gray meet my friends until I finish talking to jennie. Gray and me gulp gray: yes mam! ( walks over
to the group whale me and Mai are in there other room talking) everyone except gray: hi I'm
Masco/yo I'm monk/
sup I'm John/in Naro /hi gray /I'm len nice to meet you gray /hi I'm Isco nice to meet you. Gray
: hai. So how long have you know Mai? Naro: not long, we only work with her only a
year now what about you and who natsu we keep hearing? ( everyone nodded) gray: oh so Mai didn't tell you
When nastue was- Mai: gray. (Gray gulp) gray : yessss? Mai: what were you about to tell them? ( Mai hand was hold in a golden sphere in her right hand) Arthur: no fighting okay! I can't get this place destroy and
your lucky I didn't bring earza with me. Gray: yeh thank you for not bringing her. Mai I was going to say who that flame head is. Naro: um flame head? Mai: yah nastue and gray always get in fights with each other.
And nastue was my team mate till I left the team and now
I'm hear with you guys all the time except when I need money to pay rent to pay off the house comes in. Oh:all said
Arthur: now gray with one wright about it ir skip it? Gray : um I'll say skip because it will be too long
to wright about it. But wright about it a little bit the skip it is that fare? They all nod in agreement
.Arthur: okay then it's
settle! Now gray you can go back now dips you want or you can
help- gray: nope! I'm out
see you guy friend of Mai's and bye Mai! Bye!!- all said' Mai's mind' well better tell them.'
( Still Mai p.o.v)
" Whenno hiding it since you find out sooner then later then.'sigh' well it all started at fariy tail
when I join - ' CRASH' " what was that?!?!" Monk said. We all ran out and then I saw HIM
( guess how gray or rouge?)
" sting!!!"
( nope just kidding its)
( almost there)
( cliff hanger sorry lol see next chapter bye!!!!!!!!!!)

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