And All the Prince's Men (hai...


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It takes months to get everything in order. Oikawa has the castle servants' support, but he has an entire nation to convince. He promotes Yahaba to be his lead advisor, keeping the rest of his father's council after careful consideration. He orders the replanting of the orchards and agrees to plans to renovate the servant's quarters. He orders his father to be isolated to his study and monitored heavily for the rest of his days.

He spends the first few weeks of his reign with open doors, allowing servants and nearby villagers to walk in and speak with him about whatever concerns they may have.

Iwaizumi spends these days with Prince Tobio and his tutors, practicing his reading and writing skills. He toils in the afternoon writing the same letters over and over again, stays up late fighting through thick books on Aoba Johsai's history and in bed he keeps Oikawa up with his multitude of questions. He visits the medicine woman periodically to check on his healing wound. It's an ugly scar, but he does not mind it, especially as Oikawa takes to tracing his fingers along it's jagged lines.

Once the castle has calmed down, Oikawa begins his crowned tour of the kingdom. He leaves the castle in Prince Tobio and Yahaba's trusted hands. He sends word to Lord Takahiro and Matsukawa to visit the castle and aid in anything as part of his circle of Trusted noble advisors. And with that, he is gone, Iwaizumi by his side, to spread news of his ascension and speak with the people himself.

In most villages, especially as they get further from the capital, he hides his demonic heritage. People are more superstitious here, more wary, and he is cognizant of that. But when people ask it of him he does not lie. He simply does not show them. It is up to them whether or not to believe him. Rumors spread throughout the lands and abroad, of the new Demon King of Aoba Johsai. But many citizens treat it as a badge of pride, as a way to incite fear against any potential enemies, as a title meant to show the cunning strength of their new leader.

The people adore their new King. With his charming smile, dazzling good looks and the fact he felt the need to reach out to them in the first place. Iwaizumi, after learning his story, they uphold as a hero, the man who made it, and who did not forget from whence he came.

On the international scale it goes just as smoothly. Prince Shouyou clamors his support for the new Grand King, his fathers following in his stead. King Daichi gives Iwaizumi a knowing look, a shared sense of experience between the two. And Iwaizumi feels the alliance between the two Kingdoms strengthening even further, thanks to him.

Datekou is a bit more difficult to convince, the stalwart nation not a fan of sudden change and upheaval. But Prince Wakatoshi's unflinching support is enough to assuage any of their doubts. They accept the new Kings with stiff nods and little words.

Of course, Shiratorizawa's support comes with a price. The price being answers. Answers for months of worry and years of confusion. And Oikawa sighs, because again, it is a reasonable request from the foreign Prince. So Oikawa shows him, shows him everything, and Ushijima, to his credit, takes it all with stride. He merely laments, slightly, of how powerful Shiratorizawa would become if they had seen their partnership through to the end.

Oikawa is unamused by the comment, flicking a hand at him. Ushijima lets out a sigh, but there is the hint of a smile on his lips. Oikawa thanks him for everything after receiving a jab from Iwaizumi. He leans forward, pecking Ushijima on both cheeks as is custom. Then Ushijima turns to Iwaizumi expectantly. Iwaizumi blinks at him.

"I hear you are a King to be, Iwaizumi?" Ushijma prompts, raising a brow.

Oikawa cackles.

Iwaizumi flames up as he leans up, forced to get on his tip toes to press chaste kisses on both of Ushijima's cheeks. When they pull away and leave the foreign Prince's company Oikawa kisses Iwaizumi, giggling as he says, "Palette cleanser!"

Iwaizumi swats him away, wiping at his face as he tries to regain his composure. But with the sudden new formality foisted on him, he realizes all the other doors his new status opens up. That he will never again be barred from rooms Oikawa is able to enter, that he will never again be looked down on with disdain, that his opinion will now matter. And the realization makes him carry himself higher, makes his shoulders straighter, makes his smile more confident.

After months spent on the road they are able to return to the castle. Yet, there is still no time to rest, as the wedding preparations leap into full swing. The castle is lit up, the rich tapestries of blue and white hung in every room. The flowers grown for the occasion are plucked and set. The music is written. The speeches prepared. The minister readied. The guests invited.

As date comes to ahead, and it is time for the ceremony to begin everyone is in attendance of this wedding. Foreign dignitaries, local nobles, the servants of the castle and any villagers who could spare a day off work and wished to attend were invited.

The only ones missing now were the grooms themselves.

Inside Oikawa's locked chamber room, Iwaizumi grumbles to himself as he plays with Oikawa's pristine collar. Oikawa laughs, trying to push Iwaizumi away unsuccessfully, "Iwa-chan, it's bad luck for you to see me!"

"Yeah well, maybe you should have learned to dress yourself, then?" Iwaizumi snaps back, dusting off the other's shoulders unnecessarily. It was mostly to have his hands do something. Oikawa looks impeccable in his white suit, too beautiful to look at directly for long.

Oikawa giggles, lifting his hands to take Iwaizumi's own and kiss him on the lips, "You're so fidgety when you're nervous," he muses, massaging Iwaizumi's wrists with his grip.

Iwaizumi glowers, "I'm not nervous. Come on we're going to be late."

"You worried they'll start without us?" Oikawa grins, a laugh teasing his lips.

Iwaizumi smacks his shoulder, "Can I ask for a divorce before we're legally married?"

"Unfair," Oikawa bemoans, "Then we'd have to split the kingdom in half after all the trouble we just took to keep it together."

Iwaizumi snorts, frown falling from his face to be replaced with a small smile, "Don't be cute."

"Impossible," Oikawa replies, eyes dazzling, "Have you seen me?"

Iwaizumi rolls his eyes, smile breaking out into a grin, "Are you sure your new crown is going to fit over your giant head?"

Oikawa laughs, "I would be more worried about you, Iwa-chan. Don't let it fall from your untrained head!" He takes the moment to play with Iwaizumi's hair, that he's slicked back for the occasion. He kisses the man's forehead, "Now that I think about it, I suppose we're going to have to get you your own persona attendant soon."

Iwaizumi's face is a deadpan of emotion, "Fuck. No."

Oikawa laughs, hand coming up to cover his mouth as it overtakes him. Iwaizumi jabs his side, only making the other man giggle harder. He takes his wrist instead, pulling him at him, "Oikawa come on, let's go."

"Yes, yes," Oikawa sighs, allowing himself to be lead out of his chambers. His eyes are filled with mirth and amusement, and love, so much of it, that it burst out of him as he speaks, tone still tinged with laughter,

"Whatever you wish, Your Highness."

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