𝘗𝘢𝘳𝘵 23

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They spend a few days hiding out in the Shiratorizawa castle. Yahaba feels his strength return to him, fed on more than just measly rations, in a warm dry bed. Kyoutani stays on his best behavior, keeping Yahaba company with only a few complaints here and there.

Iwaizumi spends the days with Ushijima, pouring over the books in Oikawa's collection, mapping out possible areas to investigate. Ushijima lends him a map of Miyagi for these purposes, helping him carve out a route that would keep them unseen.

"Hug the river," Ushijima advises, following the blue line along the map, "Keep to the forests that border it.  We're close to the Harvest, so most people will be working their farms and preparing for the festivals. There shouldn't be many people out hunting at all."

"This path runs through two cities," Iwaizumi points out, tapping them on the map with a frown.

"They're small towns. There is no perfect path to Karasuno, this one has the least obstacles for you. I would advise continuing right through the town, avoiding them would add weeks to your journey."

Iwaizumi frowns, crossing his arms as he studies the map, "Any advice for not coming off as foreigners?"

"My people are hard workers, loyal and kind. You all should be fine," Ushijima pauses a moment, then adds with a sterner tone, "Do not dare steal from my people. I will take it as a personal affront."

Iwaizumi raises his hands up, "I'm not really the stealing type."

"And your lackey?"

"Kyoutani's a good kid once you get to know him," Iwaizumi assures.

Ushijima does not look convinced but decides to drop the issue in favor of opening up a thick book onto of the map. He flips the pages to a rough sketch of a forest. He maneuvers the book further down the map scroll, trying to match it to a location.

"This forest, the one that seems to be a concentration of demon activity, I have a few ideas where it could be," Ushijima starts, "There are two possibilities," he points with his finger at the forest bordering Karasuno and Nekoma, "It could be this one, which is also the sight of the never ending territory dispute. There is a lot of dark energy here, a lot of unnecessary death. I would not be surprised if it was teeming with demons because of it.

"However, it could also be here," Ushijima continues, finger dragging past Nekoma, near the edge of Ushijima's map into the Fukurodani Kingdom, "There is a lot less sources discussing this area, we unfortunately do not have a partnership with their library, but this forest could also be the one spoken of in the accounts. But, it will be a lot more difficult to get to and will take several more weeks."

Iwaizumi rubs the bandage on his neck, biting his lip as a name is whispered into his ear. A memory, "He's there," he murmurs, pointing at the forest in Fukurodani, "He's definitely there. Or at least heading there."

"How are you certain?" Ushijima asks.

"Akaashi Keiji," Iwaizumi responds.

Ushijima waits for further explanation, but receives none. He sighs, cracking his neck and taking up his pen to mark the spot on the map, "Alright well, I can only offer advice through Karasuno, once you enter Nekoma and beyond, I have no expertise to lend."

"That's alright," Iwaizumi murmurs.

"I still believe you should hit up the border forest, just be careful when you do. I would not be surprised if people there are wary of outsiders and easy to anger. Keep a low profile."

Iwaizumi nods, "Thanks, this is really helpful."

Ushijima hums in agreement, "How are you hoping to bring him back if you find him?"

"When I find him," Iwaizumi corrects, rolling up the map tightly in his hand and slipping it under his shirt safely, "I'm not worried about that part. I'll knock some sense in to him, don't worry."

Ushijima purses his lips in thought, "I am afraid this is the most I can do for you. I regret that I am not able to accompany you. But what with growing tensions from Aoba Johsai, I--"

"It's alright. You've done more than enough. Thank you."

Ushijima nods, closing the thick book, fingers slightly fiddly as he tries to think of the best words to express the complex emotion wishing to come out of him.

"Iwaizumi," he starts, carefully, eyes resting on Iwaizumi, "bring him back safely."

"I will." Iwaizumi says, and when he says it it feels like a promise. Ushijima straightens up his shoulders in turn giving another silent nod, and letting out the breath he had not realized he was holding.

And All the Prince's Men (haikyu)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora