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"Ushiwaka-chan, I will not have any purple at my wedding, so help me."

"It is our national color."

"Your national color. Honestly, this is grounds for canceling the wedding. This color palette is absolutely garish."

Ushijima huffs, closing the book, "You are a very difficult person."

"And you're absolutely charming." Oikawa bites back.

"Thank you."

"Oh my God! I was kidding!"


Oikawa groans, sinking into his chair, "Can we stop doing this? When am I meeting with your father about policy stuff? I've been here for days!"

Ushijima shakes his head, "Your father already came by a few days before your arrival so your schedule would free up."

"Free up my schedule? For what? Picking colors for a ceremony taking place in four years?"

Ushijima nods, "That is what it seems."

Oikawa throws the book onto the floor. Ushijima stands up wordlessly to pick it up, carefully placing it back on the table. He hesitates sitting back down, remaining standing, "You act as if you are the only one unhappy with this arrangement."

Oikawa sighs, "Well, I'm the only one trying to stop it. If you're so unhappy tell your father to call it off, I'm sure he'll listen to you."

Ushijima shakes his head, "Father only gives me freedom when it comes to agricultural policy. As the one Prince of Shiratorizawa I have certain duties to follow, no matter what. One of them happens to be marrying you and ensuring a strong alliance with Aoba Johsai."

"Do you even have emotions, Ushiwaka-chan? Do you feel anything at all for other people?"

"You can be very cruel at times, Tooru." Ushijima comments, flicking his gaze, "Of course I have emotions, I am a person after all. I love my father. I loved my mother. I admire you. You are very talented. I envy your control of words. But I also pity your pessimism, and that worthless pride you cling too."

"Worthless pride, eh?"

"You would do well here." Ushijima continues, "We could be an incredibly powerful couple that could bring Shiratorizawa into a golden age. My domestic policies paired with your mastery over diplomacy, we would be unstoppable. Our marriage is much more palatable when you think of it as a business partnership."

"Everything you're saying right now is making me nauseous," Oikawa gags, "How would you feel if I gave you that same spiel to convince you to come be a King of Aoba Johsai? Would you be jumping at the chance?"

Ushijima stays silent as Oikawa stands up, "That's what I thought. Don't lecture me about my worthless pride when all you do is keep your head in the dirt. If you'll excuse me, I'll be retiring early."

By the time Oikawa returns to his chambers, Iwaizumi is already there, sitting crosslegged on the floor. His back is turned from the door, busy sifting through a stack of books at his side. "Welcome back," he calls without turning around.

He grunts when Oikawa drapes himself over his back, arms encircling around his neck and face burrowing into the crook between his shoulder. Iwaizumi puts the book down, reaching a hand up to touch Oikawa's hand, "You ok?"

"No." Oikawa murmurs into his neck, squeezing tighter, "Give me a moment."

Iwaizumi waits, patiently, drawing circles on the back of Oikawa's hand with his finger. He feels Oikawa's breathing evening, feels his horn press against the back of his head awkwardly, and smiles.

And All the Prince's Men (haikyu)Where stories live. Discover now